Rachel and Jonathan

Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Songs For Rachel 3: Beautiful, True Love, Friendship

Dear Readers,
 My name is Byron.  I was, am, and always will be in love with Rachel Myatt.  Since Rachel is Canadian I wanted to use one of my favorite songs by Canadian band - Joydrop.  The album this song originally came from "Metasexual" out roughly about 1999 in the States and they tried playing some some of the songs here but it never caught on.  This song has never left my heart.  It is about how we are superficial, how we only see outside beauty instead of see what is in someone's heart and how beautiful they are inside.  Rachel had many flaws, insecurities, and lacked in many different departments but I loved her and felt she was a suitable mate and best friend because I could accept those lesser parts about her.  I never wanted to settle I chose her because I thought she was the best.  I love her and her son with all my heart and the only thing I want for Christmas is peace with her.  I would take her back and love her in a minute, sure I have said some harsh things and I have lost a lot trust and respect for her but everyone deserves a second chance.  Today instead of blast her and talk down I want to share with you happy moments of music that make and made me think about being with Rachel and Jonathan and how much I love them.  If Rachel and her family are reading then I hope they read this and contact me.

Songs for Rachel : Chapter 3

1. Alex Chilton - The Replacements.  - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8gFbr5rcVk 
I used to dance around to this song and dream of being with Rachel and Jonathan and have a family. I was so happy and in love with her.  Its one of the few happy memories I have left.  The song is about Alex Chilton of seminal 70s rock band Big Star who influenced many musicians.  It influenced me to love and believe in Rachel and Jonathan with all my heart.

2. New Mistake - Jellyfish - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHvgQDRpA-s If you love the Beatles or any classic rock band this was my generation's underated band.  Gen X's lost gem.  Rachel was the only woman with child that I ever wanted to marry and she is the only woman I have fully, completely, been in love with.    I love Rachel and Jonathan so much and this song is dedicated to them because I wanted to have both of them in my life as my loves, my strength, and happiness.

3. Looking For A Place To Happen(live)- Tragically Hip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jm98RbKtrVc  I had almost given up on love and I had spent 5 years alone and when Rachel came to me God let me know she was the one and that I was going to have to fight for her.  I love you Rachel Myatt you were and are my place to happen and I would go to the four corners of the earth to let you know how much you and Jonathan mean to me and I cant make you see that it is up for you to open your eyes to that.

4. All Yours - Metric - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZFSpYfyk2s for a brief moment I thought Rachel loved me and the lifetime of being hated, ridiculed, bullied, and played with came to and end. I thought I was truly loved and I had a true friend in Rachel.  Now there are days when I feel like I should just lay down and give up because she betrayed that.  I love you so much Rachel and if we had of gotten married I wanted that song played to let you know you were and are the one.  I will never love again I belonged to you Rachel Myatt.

5. Sadness Pt 1 - Enigma - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4F9DxYhqmKw Just because not having you in my life is sad I miss you and love you and Jonathan.

6. Late in the Night - Heartless Bastards https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaCKdHDYBJQ
I stay up somedays and day dream about Rachel and Jonathan like I did before all this happened and I wonder if she realizes that someone is truly in love with her and that this is not an infatuation, addiction, or obssesion. You were the first woman I had ever truly trusted.

End Part 1

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