Rachel and Jonathan

Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will

Monday, April 30, 2012

Love Rachel: God's Inspirations: Protest Peacefully, Christian, and Accordingly

Dear Readers,

In the wake of things that have happened in the past couple of weeks I want to say this.  First of all I want to offer my peace and love to Rachel and her family during their time of mourning.

I want the world to know I love Rachel Myatt and that will never change and because of the inspiration God gave me two Fridays ago in California I will continue my campaign at full speed.

I was in my early 20's when the video above came out , (a protest song about putting a new voice to the tired cliches of protest and advocacy) "New Noise" by Refused no one really cared about them till they had broken up and almost 14 yrs later when they reunited in California it was one of the most awe inspiring things I had ever seen. Refused are left wing and  influenced by writings like these http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/debord/society.htm   and even though I am more Libertarian I can appreciate their views much like I tried to learn about the New Church and was met with hate and criticism instead of love and understanding. I love Swedish people because they are strong willed and dont take any from anybody and lead singer Dennis Lyxzen has always inspired me with his lyrics, drive, and stamina.  He never gave up on what he believed in as he told us being in his 20s and now being almost 40yrs old he believed what he is doing is right.  It has been only a year and a half but I believe in what I am doing with Rachel.  I have faced all sorts of obstacles, questioned my beliefs, my love, and most of all God but through it all I have kept what is dear to me and that is to love and believe in people even if they let us down.  So Rachel, Myatts, Friesens, Pastor Glenn,  Dawson Creek New Church, New Church Worldwide.  I am here, I am not going anywhere,  I am full of love.  My hope is that Rachel sees that someone truly loves her and that having a death of someone so precioius makes her realize how much she hurt me and how I only wanted the same love and family that person enjoyed and I wanted to share that dream with her and no one else.  Rachel Myatt I love you and Jonathan and I would have given my life for both of you.  Maybe you will realize that soon but maybe one day it will be too late and you will realize all the damage and hurt you do to people instead of just loving them. 

2 Corinthians 8:7-9

7 But since you excel in everything — in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you — see that you also excel in this grace of giving.
8 I am not commanding you, but I want to test the sincerity of your love by comparing it with the earnestness of others. 9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich

Rachel Myatt I love you and Jonathan with all my heart and maybe you don't want to hear me now but I know in your heart you hear me, your family hears me, and your Church hears me. Most of all God hears me and He has never let me falter.  I put my faith in Him and my love for you is forever no matter what you want to make me out to be, ridicule me, put me down, and try to make me out as crazy.  God has a love that heals all and it is through Him I live and love.

God Bless ALL

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Product of Your Enviroment/ Become What You Are! (It is ok to be different)

Dear Readers,
Even the people who seem the most unlikely to look to Christ for guidance turn to Him for answers.  I wanted to start off this blog with the song "So Many Tears" by Tupac Shakur.  He was a very intelligent man and I wanted to use him as an example of people being different and becoming something more than people give them credit for. 

Rachel Myatt mean the world to me and though our backgrounds were different religiously, ethnically, and in a lot of other ways I loved her and her son Jonathan with all my heart and I still do.  God didnt put us on this earth to seperate ourselves, find divide, and fight with people.  He put us on this earth to love and gave of Himself through His sacrifice so that we may walk in His example.   So Byron why are you using 2Pac as an example after all the bad things he did in life.  I wanted to use him as an example because he is one of the closest examples I can give to show you how I feel and how Rachel and the Myatt family made me feel acting like they cared about me and then abandoning me when I needed love and compassion the most. 

Tupac believed in God and even though he led a less than honorable life he always asked God for help.  Help from the sins he committed, help from his transgressions, help to see the good in other people.  I know from being a poor black kid it is not always easy to see the good.  I know what its like to be chased home by drug dealers, shot at,  put in situations of gang violence and I was severely hassled and beat up all this by age 13.  I never succumbed to it though.  I kept my head in my books, I was alone alot at school because I was a misfit.  Other black kids hated me because I was different and white kids hated me because I was different.  I had to be different just to stay alive or not get beat up as much half the time.  I was what you call a nerd.  I had thick glasses the kind you could burn ants with.  I barely had any clothes,  sometimes I had to starve because we had no money to eat.  I spent many days holed up in corners or the library wishing that I had friends and wishing people could just love me for me.  Sometimes I thought if I gave in and sold drugs or became part of the in crowd maybe things would be better for me.  I endured all that for years.  I was given a nickname that was horrible and I wont even repeat it on this blog from the time I was in 7th grade till 12th grade.  No one ever called me by my real name. Someone made up a fake story about me on the first day of 7th grade I was 12yrs old and by the first week it spread and I was the laughing stock.  No girls wanted to be around me.  People starred and laughed.  I never had a date to the dances or any school functions.  I even went to prom alone.   I had every chance to get revenge on the people that hurt me but instead I showed love.  I would do nice things for others even if they ridiculed me.  If someone else was hungry and I had the money I would give them my lunch money and starve since I was so used to it. My mom was a Jehovah's Witness so I had to go door to door with her and pass out magazines people made more fun of me and told me how much more they hated me for that.  I learned at an early age about Religious Bigotry and Intolerance.  I came to Rachel with an open heart and open mind about her religion and that is what hurt the most she and Pastor Glenn turned me away. Not knowing what I had been through and being so self righteous and cruel to me at a time when I needed encouragement and love. Needless to say through all of this I have continued to love people and put up the good fight. We all have good and evil to contend with.  I believe Tupac was a good person. If you watch how much he loved books, poetry, and music you would see how intelligent and well thought out he was.  He was a fan of the arts, loved Shakespeare, and dancing.  He wrote books of poetry in addition to his music that were inspiring and captivating.  Alas sometimes the enviroment you grow up in and how people treat you make you nihilistic and numb to the point where you dont care.  I am becoming that way about my love for Rachel.  I could have done something so evil, so hateful, and so uncaring months ago that would have made Rachel want to keep her tail between her legs for years but no I am spreading my message of love, reconcilation,  and forgiveness.   Pastor Glenn could learn alot as a Pastor from just taking people at face value instead of trying to impose his belief system on everyone and just listen to what others have to say.  I have noticed that some people in the New Church are one sided and only want their voice to be heard.  It was never like that with myself in speaking to Rachel. I told her how I was brought up with two Protestant parents one who converted to another religion that I dealt with also.  I told her that I had studied  Swedenborg's Heaven and Hell in Philosophy in College along with Thomas Locke and that I understood some of the context and points he was trying to get across.  I never said anything hateful about her faith but she did about mine.  You keep trying to prove your points and make yourself right Rachel and Pastor Glenn and that is not what life is about.  Life is about living, learning, and loving and when you come at people with such a biased worldview especially to someone who is open to learning then it is you who are close minded, biased, and showing Christ example of love.   This whole blog started as a way to show Rachel that I loved her and Jonathan to no end but it evolved into something so much more.  I have readers from all around the world and its because people see the good in what I have to say.  Other people have used my blog on their websites to show Christian love so Rachel, Myatt Family, Pastor Glenn, and Church of New Jerusalem you are only making a bad example for yourself when you dont reach out to me.  I am thankful for all the New Church people who did reach out to me but they are not the transgressors.  The true transgressors are Rachel Myatt and Pastor Glenn and I got tired of the emails with Pastor Glenn because they were so biased and uncaring and until it looked like I was going to die which was not the case I dont think he really understood where I was coming from it was always New Church this, New Church that, how about Pastor we are all God's children we can agree to disagree but not lie to each others, step on each others toes, and put others down especially grieving people like Rachel and her Family did to me.  It was so ridiculous and hurtful but I am still here.  I still believe somewhere there is good in people.  I believe that maybe soon Rachel will pick up the phone and realize that someone loves her so much that she will make amends with me and we reconcile but until then I will continue to fight this battle, campaign, and show that God is the only person I have to answer to.  I fear only God,  but I respect and love Him. I dont put my humanity over His Word like some of the people in the New Church seem to do and use free will as an open invitation to sin and hurt others.   I dont fear death I welcome it with open arms.  I no longer care what barbs, insults, and ridicule I get because after what Rachel did and said I am like Kryptonite.  Nothing hurts anymore its all numb.  I have so much love for you Rachel and her family but they cant lay down their arms and just see the beauty of what God put before them.  They want to pretend like I dont exist but everyday my presence grows stronger and your resistance grows weaker.

"Rather Be Forgotten Than Remembered For Giving In"
Refused from the song SummerholidaysvsPunkroutine 

2 Corinthians 5:10-12

10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.

The Ministry of Reconciliation

11 Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to persuade others. What we are is plain to God, and I hope it is also plain to your conscience. 12 We are not trying to commend ourselves to you again, but are giving you an opportunity to take pride in us, so that you can answer those who take pride in what is seen rather than in what is in the heart.

God Bless ALL

Saturday, April 28, 2012

A Life Full of Love: For the Myatt Family, Friesen Family, and The Dawson Creek New Church

Dear Rachel, Myatt Family, Friesen Family, and the Dawson Creek New Church,

This Blog today is dedicated to remembering and rejoicing to those who have fallen asleep in death.  It is also a clear message to all of you of what is in my heart and how Rachel has changed my life, changed and damaged my outlook on love, and about disrespect to those who have passed away.

As you remember the family member you lost today I want all those who read this blog to think about what I am about to say. First of all I will not be petty and mention your family members name.  What I will do is say this in contrast of what happened with me and Rachel and Rachel I want you to think about this if you are reading this but I also want others who have judged me for my actions to think about what I am going to say.

Think of the beautiful life that your beloved lived.  Children, Grandchildren, a large family and a life full of love.  Think of what a great life life they were able to live and when it ended here on earth they were surrounded by so many people who loved them.

Now I want you to think about me for a minute.  I was surrounded by hurt, pain, hate, abuse and I came to Rachel full of love because all I have wanted my life was the same.  If I wanted to stray from that I could have turned to a life of evil, hatred, and revenge for all that was done to me but instead I put my faith in God.  I believed in Rachel and I only wanted to live a life of love, children, grandchildren, and have a famly of great proportions it didnt matter the color of their skin, their religion, nationality, or creed and that is the love I had for Rachel, Jonathan, her family the dear Myatt and Friesens.  Instead I was met with lies, hostility, ridicule, and rejection at a time when I needed love the most.  Losing my mother was one of the hardest things to do but I remember Jane Myatt asking me about my mother and I told her I was at peace with her death.  I was because since I was a very young child I watched my mother suffer and now I know she is not suffering anymore and is very blessed.   The promise of having Rachel and Jonathan's love was the greatest gift I could have had at that time but not only did she play with all the love I had for her she broke her promises to me and she talked ill of my mother.

Ask yourself's dear Myatt's ,  Friesens, and Bakers what if I were to disrespect your beloved today.  I refuse to name them or make this blog a vessel of disrespect to them but to use it as a contrast to how I was treated by Rachel.  I also wanted you to see all I ever wanted was to be loved and when you impose on another persons life and love and make accusations about them that are hurtful and untrue then what you might get is a strong determined person like me.   I kept my promise to Rachel.  To this day I still love her and Jonathan with all my heart no matter how much I want to hate her.  I would welcome her back into my life with open arms.  I loved Rachel like no other woman I have ever loved and for the rest of my life because she couldnt make peace with my soul will be broken.  Here is an opportune time for not only Rachel but the New Church to show that they are different by reaching out to me to make peace with me but instead they would rather I continue my campaign, pretend that my efforts are minute, and that my passing out literature and a story about Rachel, Pastor Glenn, and The New Church doesnt matter, is a bluff, or they just don't care.  It is that attitude of selfishness and free will that does make you different from other Churches.  Christ truly taught of forgiveness, reconciliation, and to not forget the past but to love in the future.  You all have done none of that.  If Rachel truly ever loved me then making amends and setting me free of the pain she cause could all be ended in a phone call.  I love her so much I am willing to go away forever all she has to do is pick up the phone. I keep my promises to people because I believe in my word and my word to Rachel to always love her was not only a promise to her but it was a promise to and through our Lord Jesus Christ and I cannot go back on it.
I dedicate this song to you today Rachel Myatt and ask that you look into your heart to contact me through this blog or through email and end this.  I am reaching out to you but I want to dedicate Release Me by the Like to you today. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gA1D8Kds9EI

I loved you and Jonathan with all my heart and you were the two I would have given my life for you. My mother loved you Rachel and all of you Myatts and Friesens and the reason I have never given up on Rachel is because she always taught me to make amends and make peace with the people we truly love.  I am my mother's son and she blessed you all on her deathbed because she saw that I was truly in love with Rachel and if Rachel had of truly taken the time to see what was in my heart she would have treated me the way she did.  It was unkind, wreckless, and uncaring, most of all it was disrespectful.  I wont disrespect your dead relative what I will do is bless you all and them.

Dear Myatts, Friesens, and Church of the New Jerusalem Dawson Creek,  Today I ask God to bless you in the loss and resurrection of the beloved who fell asleep in death.  I pray that you find peace, comfort, love, and understanding in knowing that they are with Christ now.  I wish you all love, happiness, and that the Lord shine on you today with His mercy and His Grace. 


Luke 14:13-15

13 But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, 14 and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”  15 When one of those at the table with him heard this, he said to Jesus, “Blessed is the one who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God.”

I also want to note that this has become my most popular and most read blog it is a testament to how much I love Rachel and Jonathan.

God Bless ALL

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Church Of The New Jerusalem: I Am Coming For You(Let the Revolution Begin)

(Disclaimer, the above video does have some explicit language. While I as a Christian do not condone this language I do agree with the sentiments and the message being expressed.  I was also at this performance and it is the reason I am using this video in my blog today.  I want to display to the New Church and my readers how much I love life, I love God, and how I constantly question, never give up on my hopes and dreams, and always fight for what I believe in and what is right.  If anyone in the New Church is brave enough to come on here and tell me why I should suspend my campaign against them I dare them.  They know I have every right to and the people around Rachel know what kind of person she is and how deeply she hurt me. I just wanted to make things clear and not to offend anyone's ears before watching the above video but also let people know where my heart is)

Dear Readers,
As I stood in this crowd last Friday night watching a band I had waited 20 years almost to see it was these final couple of seconds that really got me full of hope, determination, and let me know that God is with me.   See having the opportunity to expose the New Church to 1000s of people and how they twist God's words and ridicule others through Emmanuel Swedenborg's hedonistic ramblings is what I was meant to do.  Rachel thought that she could just lie, twist things around, not offer forgiveness, and be forgiven and things would just go back to normal in her life.  When we do evil that evil comes at a price and so for Rachel and Pastor Glenn your story is the price.  The story of how I came to you with love, questions, and as one of God's Children and you threw that back in my face with free will and selfish desire.  So there is good in what I am doing and I am not doing it for revenge or for evil. I am doing it to show you that God is in all of us and when you put down and act elitist and hateful to other people of faith then you will be exposed.  I am not sorry if this affects anyone in the New Church because I know this needs to be done.  My next target will be getting people in my home state to know about this story so it will affect the congregation in Austin, TX.   See Rachel and Pastor Glenn how just talking to me picking up the phone and making peace would have been the best option but instead your own selfish desire and free will to put down another Christian who was hurting and came to you out of love has left you with this.  Pastor Glenn posted this up on his blog

“It is an eternal truth that the Lord rules heaven and earth, and also that no one besides the Lord lives of himself, consequently that everything of life flows into [a person]. The good of life flows in from the Lord, and the evil of life from hell. This is the faith of the heavens. When a person is in this faith (and he can be in it when he is in good), then evil cannot be fastened and appropriated to him, because he knows that it is not from himself, but from hell. When a person is in this state, he can then be gifted with peace, for then he will trust solely in the Lord. Neither can peace be given to any others than those who are in this faith from charity; for others continually cast themselves into anxieties and evil desires, whence come intranquilities. Spirits who desire to direct themselves, suppose that this would be to lose their own will, thus their freedom, consequently all delight, thus all life and its sweetness. They say and suppose this because they do not know how the case really is; for the person who is led by the Lord is in freedom itself, and thus in delight and bliss itself; goods and truths are appropriated to him; he is given an affection and desire for doing what is good, and then nothing is more delightful to him than to perform uses. He is given a perception of good, and also a sensation of it; and he is given intelligence and wisdom; and all these as if his own; for he is then a recipient of the Lord’s life.” (
Arcana Coelestia 6325)

It saddens me that he would use such an example from the so called "Writings" but be so contradictory in his delivery as a Pastor.  I will not attack him but I will continue to point out hypocrisy and I will continue my campaign.  I like the guys in Refused am a fighter, I am punk, I am a Child of God, and I love people and these people : Rachel, her family, her Church they have all intruded on my love and my well being so this is my kiss off and my declaration to them.

I want to say this to end this blog today.  I told a story of personal struggle, abuse, neglect, and heartbreak and when I came to Rachel she knew all of this.  She never had to face the crap I had in my life in her Northern Canada lily white utopia.  If she had to live the way I did she wouldnt last a day.  I never judged her for any of the decisions she made, for being an unwed mother, for not going to college or anything superficial that she thought would hinder me loving her.  Most of all I loved her for all that she was.  She couldnt give me the same and instead was  cruel, heartless, selfish, and evil so everything that is being said, printed, and distributed are what she and Pastor Glenn did and said. Taken straight from what they did and said to me.  I don't slander or hurt people like they do me.  I only put the mirror of  how they act back in their face. While I know the Myatt and Friesen family are going through grief I am sorry but when I needed you all and came to you for love during my time of grieving you judged me and let Rachel put me down and say I was mentally ill and I will never forget how cruel and evil that was. I just needed love and support and I was broken at my mother's death.  So if this causes you any pain or discomfort at this time. I am truly sorry but you didnt respect me at all.  People in the New Church constantly talk about forgiveness and making amends but I see none of that coming my way so I am justified in what I say in this blog about hypocrisy.
Prime example....  http://www.newchurch.org/about/news/david-roth-making-amends-sermon.html

End Transmission 4/26/12.................

(This is also a peaceful means of protest I do not condone violence, threats of evil, or slander. I do condone telling the truth, believing in yourself, and letting others know what is on your mind.  So anyone taking this as more that is mistaken!)

Monday, April 23, 2012

How Would You Like It If I Talked Ill of Your Dead Relative.

Dear Rachel and New Church Members,
I wont be cruel or unkind but in the wake of losing a family member think of the hurt and pain and if someone were to disrespect them.  Now stop and think of how Rachel treated me and think of how I must have felt.  I only wish blessing and love on your family during your time of grieving.  I would never disrespect your family Rachel Myatt.

I have been out in California on the first part of my Letters to Rachel / New Church Campaign and it was sucessful.  I reached 1000s of people.  It was funny last night as I was going back to my hotel.  I met two nice British Columbia girls and the entire time I was out there I met lots of Canadians.  I am reaching the youth and that is something I dont know if the New Church even understands the dynamics of what is happening.

So Rachel as you mourn the loss of someone special just think of what a hypocrite you are being not making peace with me and by causing me constant pain.  I loved you, My mother loved you and I bet your Grandfather loved you too.  I would never disrespect him like you did my Mom.

Maybe you should read this Rachel and New Church http://briangosur.hubpages.com/hub/Forgiveness-The-Most-Godlike-Act-a-Person-Can-Do

God Bless

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

An Example of A True Caring New Church Clergy Member: A Message to Pastor Coleman Glenn and Chuck Blair

Dear Readers,
I wanted to take a moment to commend someone who I think is an excellent example of what the Clergy and those in the New Church should strive to be.  I want to wish God's Blessings on Chuck Blair of New Church Live. When you read his blogs and listen to him speak you are comforted and even if you dont agree with him, you dont feel like someone is trying to belittle you or act like just because they got a New Church Theology degree they are better than you.  If you are interested in the New Church after reading my blog then I recommend the New Church Live site.  What I want to share with you is something that was in one of Mr. Blair's blogs entitled. "Why The Church Has Hurt You" http://blog.newchurchlive.tv/2012/02/when-church-has-hurt-you/  God has given Mr. Blair great wisdom, insight, and knowledge into His Word but I want to contrast this one point that he made in lieu of how I was treated by Rachel Myatt and Pastor Coleman Glenn of the Church of the New Jerusalem of Dawson Creek.

Mr. Blair uses this as one of his points in his Blog.

from David Miller's "Blue Like Jazz"
2) God is not responsible for man’s decision.
The most tragic thing that happens when church people behave poorly is that it can alter the way someone sees God. In researching my book, hole, the Barna Omnipoll discovered that over 30 million people say that religion has caused them to question God. It is important, then, to encourage people to separate the perfection of God from the shortcomings of people, not holding God responsible for the decisions man make without Him.I want you to take one thing from that statement dear readers.  Rachel hurt me, someone who loved her and believed in her by constantly using her New Church teachings to put me down and then complaining that no guy would love her or want to be with her because of her beliefs.  The New Church and Rachel hurt me in two ways. The first one being and(I have email written proof of it) that I had nothing but respect for the New  Church,  I wanted to worship with Rachel, and I told her that it wasnt about the Church I went to it was about the relationship with God that mattered to me. I wanted to be one with her through the Lord.  The second way I was hurt and devastated is that a  Pastor of a Church when I confronted him with Rachel's behavior and ask why did she act like this would constantly turn to free will and make excuses not so much through the Bible but with Words from Swedenborg.  I am sorry but if you look at the above statement about seperating the perfection of God and the shortcomings of people then that was the point I have been making all along.  God is perfect anything He said in the Bible even though we may question it is His Word. Swedenborg was an imperfect human and is not included anywhere in the Bible Cannon or any sacred writings.  Like all people who founded different faiths he is a man. So what makes him any different than any other men that founded Churches? Nothing he is still an imperfect man.  God's  love is perfect and complete and what saddens me even more is that Pastor Glenn nor Rachel saw that I was grieving, I was hurting, and I needed love and friendship.  They had a chance to draw someone closer to God and they pushed me away when I needed it most.  I am sorry to this day that you didnt see the love in my heart either one of you.

I also enjoyed another blog by Mr. Blair in which I want to attempt to explain why some people like me exist in the world.  The ones who become sucessful and make things happen because they put their faith in God. Not Man!!!!! 
In the following blog.
What is the killer question for churches and how Emily answered it  http://blog.newchurchlive.tv/2012/02/what-is-the-killer-question-for-churches/ I want you to scroll down and look at the picture and then read the blog.  The part about turning your Cant's into Cans and dreams into plans. That is brilliant.  Rachel was a doubter.  She doubted my love, she told me I would never be with her, never come to her, and I didnt believe that. So no matter what she tries to tell anyone.  I have proof I never gave up on her, I came to be with her, I have emails, pictures of her and her family,  text, and messenger conversations.  I made things happen because I put God first.  It may seem like I am suffering and in pain by reading this blog but fact is God is the reason for my actions and while I cant say that everything on this blog I write I am proud of, I am proud that I love Rachel and I have never given up on her.

In Closing there are many good and loving Pastors and Reverends in the New Church and while I hold no animosity toward the New Church as a whole in the coming weeks you may see material from me out in the world that would suggest otherwise.  My intention to show Rachel Myatt and Pastor Glenn that I am for real, I am serious about the way they use the New Church doctrine to hurt people and that I will not back down because God is on my site.  If you were truly loving, charitable, and caring Rachel you would have picked up the phone and made peace with me even if it were just once it would lift a weight off of both of our shoulders. You are so scared that you might actually miss me and want me in your life again and you were so afraid of what others thought of me instead of looking in your own heart for the love you knew that was there that you will never give yourself that credit. Pride eats you up inside Rachel.  I am not angry at you,  I forgive you over and over again each day . I wish that my best friend in Christ would come back to me but she was too busy judging me instead of being there when I was reaching out for love and needed a true friend.  It is your Divinity in Humanity flaw Rachel that keeps you from evolving and having people stick around that love you.  I end the blog today with this I do not hate the New Church or its teachings.  I dislike how some people twist their teachings to be selfish instead of charitable and selfless.   I leave you with this from the NewChurch.org website about forgiveness.  It is also by Rev. Chuck Blair
The Practice of Forgiveness - http://www.newchurch.org/connection/issues/forgiveness/practice-of-forgiveness.html

God Bless All

Monday, April 16, 2012

Patience, Perserverance, and the Hypocritical Charity of The Church of the New Jerusalem

Dear Readers,
I love Rachel and Jonathan Myatt with all my heart and thought it has been a long road I finally feel that soon it will come to an end.  I believe Rachel is finally seeing how much I love her it is silent but I know and feel God's love and beauty inside me.  He has given me the strength the courage and the wisdom to keep on loving her. This week my Letters to Rachel : A Year Later campaign begins and if the New Church doesnt believe me. Check your mailboxes some of you General Outreach and Canadian Clergy.  I dont play.  I just wanted to let you all know that I know that all the hurt and all the pain Rachel inflicted on me is God's gift to let me know how strong I am. Rachel can either lay down her arms and show love and forgiveness or she can go on hurting and destroying the good between her and others.  Either way I am going to continue my love, my campaign, and seeking and telling the truth.  Below is a quote that best describes how much I love Rachel and Jonathan and what most of you might stop to think about is how true it really is.  I fear nothing anymore because I was kicked down so low, abandoned by the one who said she loved me, and persecuted and ridiculed by New Church people who tried to be intellectual and act like they were the smartest people on the earth. They claim to be evolved and enlightened but cant even follow their own rules of engagement of love, charity, and forgiveness.  I brought my grievences against Rachel not only to her but to the Church.  I made a public apology, told her how much I loved her, and forgive her 77 times everyday.  Still she hides so its her loss and whatever I say she cant defend herself because she knows its true.  She knows that I was one of the most beautiful, honest, loving people she ever met but she let her pride, her family talking in her ear, her religious bigotry, and other things get in the way of love.  I fight for those I care about, sad thing is my father who was never supportive of me in anything actually was happy for Rachel and I and that meant alot to me then she stabbed me in the back and ruined that.  Its for you to decide Rachel.  If you want our picture posted up everywhere I can do that and you cant hide and I will continue telling my story of love worldwide.  Goodnight

"Passion has little to do with euphoria and everything to do with patience. It is not about feeling good. It is about endurance. Like patience, passion comes from the same Latin root: pati. It does not mean to flow with exuberance. It means to suffer"

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Peace, Love, Forgiveness: The Only Answer

Dear Rachel, Myatt Family, Pastor Glenn, Church of the New Jerusalem and readers worldwide.

God gave me love and an epiphany last night and today.  Someone came on my youtube page to youtube and mocked my love for God and it made me realize that truly being a Christian means you will always have to fight a battle.  I am sorry that Rachel and her family and Church dont realize how much love I have in their heart for them.  As I start traveling the country this week to tell my story I want them to know I love them.  I dont want anymore enemies  I love you Rachel Myatt and today this song is dedicated to you. You are one of my best friends and to give up on you is to give up on God's love.  This is my White Flag.  If you have any love in your heart at all I am ready for this to end.  I ask God to help me with this but only through the good in your heart can you make the free will choice to end this.  I only want Peace and Love with you and if I have to continue to tell my story and go to the ends of the earth letting people know I will.  That is how much I love you.  I even love you enough to let you go forever all you have to do is pick up the phone and say goodbye.  I promised you that months ago but you cant make peace with me and give me any closure to the hurt or things you said because maybe in all this you realize there is a guy the loves you and believe in you and maybe you messed that chance up. Regardless of what your family thought of me Rachel I love you and I forgive you whole soul I would accept you back into my life with no regrets.  That is all I have to say today. You are loved. I am going to see one of my favorite bands Cursive tonight with one of my good girlfriends and I can only think of all the hurt we both caused each other so I leave you with this song just for you Rachel from Cursive's album "The Ugly Organ" called "the Recluse" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EeQNmGknak&feature=related  If you think I am angry and bitter at you and Im just sitting at home woe is me Rachel I am not. I am still loving, living life, meeting people, traveling, and caring for my fellow man.  When I go out tonight it is my group of friends that I started that love music.  I have 72 members as of today of people who go out and encourage each other to love music and make new friends. That is the gift God gave me. Rachel I love you more than anyone in the world and I mean that and I wish you knew what it was like to know true peace with those who hurt because I still believe in you.

I love you with all my heart and I will continue with my weary heart and soul to show you that.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Brushing Things Under The Rug: Church of The New Jerusalem , Rachel has started a Fire

Dear Readers,

I went to the Church of  the New  Jerusalem's Dawson Creek Facebook and for awhile there was a comment I made there that simply said "God Bless".  Rachel wants to hide the fact that she was ever with me because our picture together is the one on my facebook and I have never taken it down. Rachel doesnt want anyone to know I exist so next week to show her and her family I exist I have printed out a packet with that picture largely on front to be sent to different places around the world and describing the way I was punished by Rachel and Pastor Glenn for being a grieving person.  The unkindness, uncaring, and the hypocrisy. Rachel I do exist and I am a live person.  You slept with me, you lied to me, and you thought that you could just brush me under the rug.  When you said I was mentally ill and said ill things about my mother you crossed a line that will only ever be unbroken with an apology so I am sending out a clear message to you, Pastor Glenn, and your family that if you dont want the information I am sending out some that is very personal between Rachel and I and it is about the way Pastor Glenn reacted and treated me then all you have to do is email me Rachel.  Think about your family, think about Jonathan, think about how you treated me.  Be a woman, be an adult, be humble.  I am losing any hope that you have a heart or any love in yourself but I am doing what I must.  This is not a bluff or a joke.  Most of all it will be distributed in many different places.  Do you really want people to know about how your Church treats outsiders?  Do you want people to know how you use people Rachel?  You seem to think that I will just go away and that I am not living and that I am out of sight and out of mind.  I am here,  I am alive, and I am saddened that you cant be a woman and just admit that you were wrong.  It is your free will to keep hurting people though so it is my free will to show you how very serious and how very real I am.  I am not sorry for any pain it will cause you and your family any more because you dont care about the pain you caused me or my family.

Hateful things you did which are the reason and my justification for this.
1. You said you loved me and wanted to be with me and lied to me
2. You said I used my mother 's death as a crutch to try to keep you around
3. You said I was mentally ill, damaged, and unhappy, Screw you hateful person I was grieving!!
4. You sent back a Christmas card that was unaddressed, addressed it and sent it back
5. You made promises to me that you didnt keep
6. You were a douche and text me from 2000 miles to breakup instead of just call me to discuss it
7. You slept with me said you loved me when you knew I saved myself for you and only you
8. You let me come around your family and your son and then treat me like a leper
9. You gave me false hope period.  I loved you Rachel and wanted a family with you and you played with that.  If you didnt want to be loved, If you didnt want a boyfriend I wasnt a game, I wasnt an experiment and after all I went through to be with you treated me like a dishrag and a doormat so you know what you dont get my love anymore.
10. You are a just a cruel person Rachel Myatt.  You dont know how to forgive,  You judge other people's love of God, their way of life, anything that is different from the screwed up self righteous way you live you judge and scrutinize.  You are very hateful and you deserve all that is going to be said about you.

Oh and this is for Pastor Coleman Glenn.  You can have a person talking about burning Crosses on your facebook page but you cant have my simple God bless. Screw Rachel for not being able to face up to the wrong she did and screw you Pastor Glenn for being a hypocritical Christian. You are very unloving, uncaring, and very biased. If you truly loved people you would take them at face value. All you ever did was try to prove yourself right and never cared if my mother had died or anything. All you wanted was to prove Rachel's free will right and Swedenborg right.  I live by God's word not some hedonistic self view of Man being God.  You dont want anyone to be blessed but people in the NEW CHURCH and I want people around the world to read the emails you sent to me and I want your other clergy and people of other faiths to see how you treated me so that is included in the packet.   I am sick of caring about uncaring people. You say you want people to be drawn to your Church and listen then start treating them with kindness and listen to what they have to say instead of trying to prove your own self righteous point.

To Pastor Lindrooth and Pastor Odhner whoever is over the General Outreach for the New Church Worldwide I am sorry to inform you that this is real and you have deeply hurt me with they way your Pastors use their position.  Pastor Cooper insulted me and Pastor Glenn after all the love and they way I tried to explain things was just uncaring and I can forgive but I wont forget so it is my free will to spread the truth about the New Church and it is in full force.  I offered to make peace with Rachel and I have given it my all.  I would have come to Pennsylvania, Dawson Creek, or even Toronto and sat in a room and made peace with all these people but you are too freaking self righteous and so full of yourselves that I am now going to just go off.  Rachel Myatt is the reason for this and I dont apologize nor do I care what happens now.  I loved, I cared, and I was mistreated, stepped on, and abused and I tried to do the Christian thing with Rachel and Pastor Glenn and make things right.  I am sorry they would rather have evil win over love. Not only did I give Rachel a true friendship and love I reached out to share God with her and she spit in my face as did Pastor Glenn.  You could have had another brother who was willing to worship with you but instead all you did was insult and mock me.  I have lost all love for people in the New Church and you have shaken my faith that I believed that God would make things right with all you.................................

I am a beautiful person who doesnt judge but I am constantly judged. I love people of all colors, creeds, and faiths but I am constantnly discriminated. I take people at face value.  I am an open minded Conservative Christian. I am a vegetarian because I not only value human life but all God's creation.  I voted for Ron Paul last election  (because I felt that man should be president not on skin color but on merrit and ability to do the job) not Barack Obama but because I am black I was told how stupid I was by other people of my ethnicity.  I dont date people because of the color of their skin but the love in their heart. I loved Rachel Myatt for all that she was but all she did was judge me and put me down and worst of all my love of God when I accepted her for all she was religion and all so  I am justified to do what I am about to do so Church of the New Jerusalem, Rachel Myatt, Myatt Family, and Pastor Glenn just remember you had your chance to deal with me with love but you took it as a joke. So be it.

I Dont Walk Around With All These Preconcieved Notions about People I just accept them and love them for who they are. Church of the New Jerusalem can you truly say that you do that?

By not forgiving and making peace with me Rachel has empowered and made me stronger. Though I may hurt at least I am truthful, honest, and believe in myself and I can share with the world this story with no shame. Rachel hurts people and hides from the damage she does and that is a miserable way to live. I would rather be able to express my feelings in honesty than to cower and hide anyday.

With each pamphlet I send out I will include a copy of this Blog
http://iloverachelmyatt.blogspot.com/2011/11/what-if-your-parents-died-rachel.html  Because I want Rachel and her family to know how much they truly hurt me and how Rachel's actions were not something to push aside.  You hurt my family while I only reached out to love yours so that will be made known too.

"The essence of Love is to love others outside of oneself, to desire to be one with them, and to render them blessed from oneself."
The True Christian Religion 36

You can preach that but are you following it?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Standing Your Ground, Not Backing Down. Rachel Only Knows How To Hurt People

Dear Church of the New Jerusalem, Dear Readers, and Dear Rachel and the Myatt Family,

Today I write this blog with great joy. Yesterday I had an influx of readers from all over the world and it let me know people believe in people who put love, family, friendship, and honesty first.   I believe in standing up for what is right, for honoring my family and friends, and for looking evil in the face and standing against it. While I am human and I make mistakes too the one mistake I never make is loving people.  It is always easier and kinder to love and be honest with people than to lie, hurt, and decieve them.  Rachel not only did all those things but she did the worst thing of all.  She disrespected my family and my love for her.  Pastor Glenn I am standing against you and your Church because of Rachel and all it would take is a phone call from Rachel to me to end this all.  I would even rescind this blog and go away forever and never say anything again about her or worry about her but she doesn't have the courage nor the hindsight to think about what she did and what she is doing.  She doesnt care how it hurts her family because she didnt care about saying those things and hurting mine.   I had nothing but love for her family and still do.  Being brave would being able to admit to the wrong she did and making peace with me but instead she would rather all her business be told on the internet.  Her story and things about the Church be printed up and told to complete strangers and to know she hurt one of the best friends she ever had.  I was so loyal, loving, and true to Rachel Myatt and she spit on it and that I will never forget.  My birthday is two Sundays from now and you know what I would love for a present.  Not material things but I asked all my friends and family just to say a prayer for me that Rachel and I make peace and that she realizes that I am  a strong man that will stand my ground and I will not back down to anyone. I was the person who was bullied, discriminated against, lied to, cheated on, and treated badly a lot and so I dont put up with crap.  That is all there is to it.  If the Church of the New Jerusalem thinks that I am just some armchair blog writer and that my blog and my papers about how they treat people and use their doctrine for evil is not doing anything then they are mistaken.  It takes one person to start a flame and I am spreading like wildfire.  So Rachel it is up to you. I cant make anyone do anything and the most messed up thing you ever said is that I manipulated you in anyway. You were a grown adult who made a decision to be with me and if you didnt want love, a family, or to be in a relationship then you shouldnt have played with my heart, my dream, and my love.  If you want to treat people like they are disposible and like they are expendible fine but dont get mad when they call you on your actions.  I am far from done and everyday that you ignore me and think that I will just suddenly disappear I get stronger and my will becomes more powerful.  Everytime you put someone down and make them less they become more and that is what you did to me.  Your lies, your put downs, your evil toward me forced me to look inward and God let me see how beautiful I am and how great my inner strength is.  Now Rachel Myatt I come at you not with revenge and retaliation but just love and to let others know how I loved you and how you abandoned me, played with my good heart, and disrespected my family.  Pastor Glenn you are also being implicated in this and I am sorry but I cant forget after all your sermons and your pokes at me in some of them how you treated me.  You didn't care that my mother had died or even at first think Rachel could be capable of such evil or lying but I had all the proof and that is what no one wants to look at. 
All Rachel does is hurt people and she does it consistantly only thnking of herself and it was taught to her by her religous views. The way she talks and treats people is a direct reflection of how she thinks that she is some kind of Divinity in Humanity that springs from The New Church teachings.  The proof is there and when you have cold hard facts, pictures, and words there is nothing to dispute and no matter what was in Rachel's heart she didnt use any discernment except to be selfish and think about herself and that is what I am going to preach about the evils of the Church of the New Jerusalem that while the message is and could be good you seem to focus on Swedenborg's love of self instead of Christ love of each other. 

Rachel needs to understand this.  You dont get to choose your own personal happiness at someone elses expense.  You hurt people, you treat people bad, there are consequences. She seems to think that somewhere you just get to do whatever you want, stick around for joy, and treat people however you want and God will just make things fine for the people you hurt in the end.  It doesnt work that way and if that is the message that you are sending across in your teachings Church of the New  Jerusalem than it is a morally bankrupt one.

I end this blog today by saying I want to bless and wish God's love on everyone who reads this blog and even those in the New Church who treat me as an enemy when I came to you as a brother in Christ.   The video I left above today is by Aaron Tippin called "You've Got To Stand For Something" it is a fitting battle cry and expression of how I feel toward Rachel, her family, Pastor Coleman Glenn, and the Church of the New Jerusalem in general.  I am sorry that you dont value people who want love, who strive to seek the truth in it, and who believe in monogamous relationship, family, and good moral values.  Rachel Myatt treated me like a One Night Stand, She treated me like I was less than a person, and most of all she used your teachings to selfishly justify all that she did.  So I am only reacting to how I was treated and I have that right. We all have free will right like Pastor Glenn so virulently always defends so I have my right to seek truth and right and Rachel made her bed so she will lie in it.  If you really want to know what people think about the Morality in the New Church then you should read this article that was done about Swedenborg.  The Writer messed up and called Emmanuel, Eugene but you know who he is talking about. Is this how you want the world to percieve you Church of the New Jerusalem?

Ask Yourself for one minute all you Bishops, Pastors, and Reverends do you really know what people think of you and if you want people to be drawn to your Church how do you do so if you turn people away by being arrogant, self righteous, and treating other Christians  and Non Christians with disrespect and being hypocritical to what is in the Bible? That is what I am sharing with people and it is the Truth.  Rachel, Pastor Glenn, Pastor Cooper all arrogant and disrespectful toward others.  When all I did was show love and come to them with respect but its ok you say you want others to be drawn to you but you cant respect others views opinions or even denoucne evil over love so it is that I will share with others and I wont tell anything but the truth.

God Bless ALL

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I Want The Church of The New Jerusalem To Know How Much I Love Rachel Myatt

Dear Rachel Myatt, Dear Myatt, Friesen, and Baker Families, Dear Pastor Glenn, Cooper, Heindrich, and Church of the New Jerusalem Worldwide,

It is almost 1:30 am where I am at and I have spent a lot of time tonight thinking about Rachel.  I want to say this first because Rachel and everyone in the New Church needs to hear this and take it to heart.  The reason I started this blog and have never stopped writing is because of the deep love I was given by Christ for Rachel.  Many other people in my lifetime have seen that love and you know what I call them,  friend.   Even my worst ex girlfriend the one who lied to me, cheated on me, and abandoned me when I stayed right by her side through her Cancer and her hair falling out and everything eventually she realized that I loved her and that how she treated me was wrong.  It took and abusive ex husband, a child, and lots of debt for her to realize what a beautiful man I was.   We made peace and I told her that no matter what I would always be there for her.  It took 7 years for her to see that.  When Rachel abandoned me, slandered me as a person, said ill things toward me and my deceased mother, and then tried to play me off as mentally ill when I was grieving it broke not just my heart, but my spirit, and soul.   I want you to take a listen to the above video by Chicago called "I Believe" I was 11 years old the first time I heard it and I knew that one day I would meet a woman who would inspire me to revisit this song and all the love it represented to me.  Rachel Myatt is the most important woman I have ever met besides my mother.   I love her as my friend, my confidant, and my Sister in Christ.  Through all this turmoil and pain that was injected and inflicted in my life, Christ has given me the strength to just love her and I have even in the harshest of words I want no ill will to come to Rachel I just want her and her family to know that I was and am the real deal.  I love your daughter, sister, mother, aunt, friend or whatever Rachel may be to you with all my heart and the little boy that is her son Jonathan well I couldnt have had more love for a child in my heart for any child that wasnt my own.  I love both of them and I dont know why Rachel abandoned me or why she was so cruel and hateful to me when I really needed a friend and someone to love and love me.  I believed in her and Jonathan and I still do.  Those who know me know that I had such a hard childhood that when I needed help it was rarely there so as I grew into an adult I would suffer and just do everything myself whether it be physically or financially I didnt want help because I felt it better to just give and not be selfish and think of me but think of what I could do for others.   Back in November my car's transmission went out and I had to save up to just get a new one it took me exactly a month.  I didnt ask others for rides I spent 40 to 60 dollars a day to get across town to get to work and so you do the math for about 25 days.  Some people laughed at me and they said I was stupid but I was simply showing them that I am used to people abandoning me, not helping me, and not being there for me.   When I met Rachel I finally felt like I could trust someone.  I finally felt I had a true friend that I could be there for and she would be there for me and that she wasnt afraid to know me for who I was.  I guess I dont deserve to be loved though or have a family because all the New Church people seem to think it was ok to play with my feelings and be treated disrespectful and lied too.  Rachel you are so selfish did you ever stop and think how much a family meant to me and I would not want to make that commitment or try to love someone if I didnt truly believe in them.  Think about all I went to be with you including my mom dying out of nowhere in the process still everyone including me knew that my love for you and Jonathan was pure, it was strong, and most of all it made me a better man.  So I ask you all you Church of The New Jerusalem people who have a wife or kids or any family? Put yourself in my shoes and think about all I have told you in this blog in the past year and a half and then think of what Rachel did and maybe you will see why I am warranted in my feelings.  God gave us free will but we have a choice of how we use it.  We can use it wisely to help others, love, and be charitable or we can be wicked, hedonistic, and selfish and use it for our own ruse, pleasure, and self desire.   So if you are holding your wife, or kissing your kids goodnight, or whatever think of how much that would mean to a single guy who is in his mid 30s who truly loved Rachel and all he has ever wanted was a wife and family.  I have had a messed up life but that has been my biggest dream and Rachel and Jonathan were my dream.  I have never been a criminal,  I am a Straight Edge Christian meaning I dont do drugs, drink(Remember Howard Myatt at Boston's when I met you and Clayton and you asked if I wanted a beer I declined and it was because of my beliefs) , or have promiscious sex.  I want to be in a loving monogamous relationship and love that person in spirit like I did with Rachel Myatt.  I just want you all to realize how much I love this person and before I start my next Campaign and Flyer distribution entitled "How the Church Of The New Jerusalem Turned Me Away" dedicated to Pastor Coleman Glenn and Rachel Myatt , I want you to realize why I am doing it.  It is not because I hate either one of them it is because they looked over the fact that I was grieving and tried to make me into some crazy person and like I was not normal.  I reached out for love but all I got was excuses, how its ok to treat people evil or wrong in some instances, and how Rachel's free will somehow trumped mine.  If anyone wants my correspondence with any of the New Church Pastors I will be glad to send it to them I do not lie about things when it comes to God and other peoples religious beliefs.  That is what saddens me the most about all this if we are supposed to be all Christians then why did I get treated the way I did especially when I brought this to the Church out of Love.  It may not have been something a conventional person would have been done but I am not some cookie cutter sheep I am Byron and even Rachel knows I am strong, I am different, and I have more love than most people could dream of.  She didnt want to acknowledge that though after all the hateful and cruel things she said to me and her deciet and lies to me.  I am not sorry for Loving and being steadfast in my love for Rachel and Jonathan.  I am sorry to any of her family if they think that I am out to get either Rachel, ruin her reputation, or hurt anyone in her family.  I love you all as my brothers and sisters and I truly wanted us to be family that was my dream.  I love Rachel Myatt, Church of the New Jerusalem and if you want to see a change then be the change you want to see. I am going to go on tour again and people will start getting letters in the mail to know that I am serious about this campaign.  God's work is one of love and I will continue to love those who treat me as enemies, Rachel you went from my best friend to treating me like an enemy all in the span of 14 hours and that is why a lot of this is happening to you.  You are not loyal, truthful, or kind to people and maybe this is God's way of telling you, that you need to change.  You turned away a man who love you and your child and truly wanted you. You squandered a true love and a true friend for what? To be selfish, cruel, and most of all blaspheme against my dead mother.  If Anyone, Anyone in the New Church or Rachel's family can write me and give me a reason I deserved to be treated like that I  will immediately take this blog down and all things pertaining to my love to Rachel.  If you can give me a Premise, a Body, and Conclusion of why I deserved to be lied to, decieved, and treated like dirt when all I did was love her with all my heart then I will promise to end all this now.  No one can or will, will they? So I end this blog early in the morning with hope that Rachel knows how much I love her and that no matter how cruel she is or if she keeps hiding I will love her.  I will follow Christ example and just tell my story and love and it is her loss, Pastor Coleman Glenn's loss and the New Church for passing me by, putting me down, and not being there for someone when they reached out to you for love, kindness, and wanted to worship with you. That is the truth and that is what will be distibuted in North America next week.

God Bless  ALL

Rachel Myatt, I Truly Love You

Dear Rachel,

No matter where you are or what you are doing I love you and I will always be in love with you.  My heart is broken in ways you cant imagine. I do love you and Jonathan and I have never stopped.  God Bless you today. I hope one day you realize how much you meant to me and how much I truly loved you.

Monday, April 9, 2012

I Am Sorry You Hate Me So Much Rachel(My Biggest Dream Was To Love You and Jonathan Forever)

Dear Rachel,
Before I read a book and go to sleep tonight I just want to say I love you and Jonathan with all my heart.   My biggest dream in life was to be with you two and love you forever.  I never gave up on you you gave up on me.  I don't know what I did to deserve such hate, cruelty, and hurt but I love both of you with all my heart.  You want to know why I never gave up on you is because I believe in you. You have crushed my soul, broken my faith in women, and in humanity but I still care deeply for you.  So I just ask God to bless you tonight and I dedicate these two songs to you one by the Eli Young Band "Even If It Breaks Your Heart" about not giving up on your dreams because I still tell God how much I love you and Jonathan everday.  The other song is "We Can Last Forever" because I bet if you took a second look at how much I loved you and how loyal, honest, and caring I was toward you you would really see how much I mean to you and you mean to me.  Rachel you are my best friend and if others made you turn away from me I am sorry because I never loved anyone like I loved you and I will never love again, you were the one for me.

God Bless All

The Day After Easter, My Heart Is Still Full Of Love even if you Ignore Me and Take Me For Granted(No Forgiveness No Closure)

Dear Readers,

This song is my love letter today to Rachel Myatt, Her Family,  Pastor Coleman Glenn, and The Church of the New Jerusalem Worldwide.  Jesus Love is greater than anything that we as humans can feel and when He compels us to love and to continue to give of ourselves there is no greater joy.  I will continue sharing my story and continue loving Rachel Myatt and maybe she will truly get it.  That a man loves her so much he would go through any length to show her.  You are loved and if the only way I can get you to understand is from a distance and through spoken word, music, the internet, and print then so be it but I rather you and I say these things to each other in private but you didnt give me much choice so everyday Rachel I will tell you how much I love you and show as many people as I can how much you mean to me until you are able to reach out to me.  God Bless

P.S. all the sermons and essays that the New Church is circulating on forgiveness and you cant find it in your heart to make peace with me Rachel.  It is sad and without your talking to me I will be left with this pain forever.  So in a couple of days I will release a video detailing our relationship and how you cant forgive me even though I have forgiven you and forgiven myself even though you were the original transgressor.  Below is proof of the New Church speaking on forgiveness but I recieve none from Rachel because it seems instead of a heart she has a sick stone where one could be after all the love and caring I had and have for her she thinks that her lies, her problems, and her actions will just suddenely fade away.  Well they wont she left me in the aftermath and it has not ended for me

New Church examples this month of forgiveness.



Sunday, April 8, 2012

I Love You Rachel Myatt, God Bless You, Happy Easter Goodnight

Dear Rachel,

I love you with all my heart. I dont want to hurt you or write anymore that will affect you or your family. You are hurting me everyday you cant accept me back into your heart.  You have never left mine. When I was 16  "Nobody Wins In This War" was one of my favorite songs because I realized it said so many words that people leave left unsaid.  I dont want war, a battle with you, I just want to love you and I ask God for His help, love, and guidance.  I love you and Jonathan with all my heart, soul, and body.  I am weary but I never give up on those I love. I cant turn my back on you. I love you and I need you Rachel Myatt you are my best friend.  I dedicate the second song "You Cant Fool God" to you one because He believes in all that you are.  I follow in my Lord's footsteps as imperfect as I am I love you and all your imperfections Rachel. I truly love you and I love your family and if they want to continue ignore that it is fine. I know what God has put in my heart. I will not let that falter.

Goodnight Rachel I love you, You and Jonathan still mean the world to me. 

God Bless

Easter Sunday:A Call to Peace With Rachel Myatt, The Myatt Family, Pastor Coleman Glenn, and The Church of the New Jerusalem(Showing Thanks For Christ Love and Sacrifice)

Dear Readers,

Before I start this blog today I want you to remember one thing.  Everything I have done is because I truly love Rachel Myatt but it has been done because God loves us both.  He brought us together and He can put us back together and if my faith were not in HIM then I would have walked away from this along time ago.  So today I want to reflect on how much God loves us and why I haven't given up on Rachel Myatt.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Hebrews 9:28
so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.

1 Corinthians 15:3
For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance : that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures,

Philippians 3:10
I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death,

Dear Brothers and Sisters, 
Today is a day to remember what Christ did for us all.  He died and gave all so that we may live.  However we choose to live gave of Himself so that we had the free will to choose but in the end we will have to answer for the life we lived.   I have lived a life of many hardships, one of death, hatred, rejection, hurt and despair.  The one thing I never did was forget to always love.  It saddens me that not only do Rachel and her family not see the beauty in what I am doing but neither do the New Church or the Pastors.  It seems they would rather I just hate and get revenge on Rachel.  Maybe she deserves that but it is not in my heart to be like that.  What I am doing is showing her even though she hurt me I have a power greater than all the evil and cruelty she laid on me.  I have love. 

For a moment I want you to take a look at the video above.  It was the first one I put on Youtube. I was actually going to get on screen and go off on both Rachel and Pastor Glenn and the Dawson Creek of New Jerusalem but instead I decided to let Rachel know how deeply she hurt me and how much she and Jonathan meant to me and how much I want peace with her.  Maybe it made her mad and upset that I would do something like that but it was a step in reaching out to her.  It was done completely out of love.  I dedicated my whole channel to her.   Does that sound like a person who hates Rachel? Do I sound like a person who wishes evil upon someone and just wants to do ill toward them? No!  Another point I want to make clear is that Pastor Glenn wont tell you about all the people who wrote him because they were disgusted with Rachel's behavior.  In fact people wrote Pastor Glenn, Pastor Cooper, and Pastor Heindrichs the three main Pastors of the Canadian Church.   Was I out to ruin Rachel's reputation or make her ashamed.  No here is what was in my heart. I will honestly tell you.  My intentions were to show her that she hurt me deeply with her course of actions.  I was traumatized by her lies and her cruelty to me as someone who would have done anything for her and Jonathan.  She didnt care how far I had come our how much I went through to be with her and I was respectful of her feelings because I gave her a chance to walk away from me when I left the airport and if she loved me she would have did it then.  I was and still am in love with her so to give me any false hope especially to a person who had just lost their mother 3 weeks earlier was very mean, it was selfish, and it was inconsiderate.  I love her and Jonathan with all my being and if The Myatts and Rachel cannot see that true love then how can they be following Christ example.  I have endured people hacking my computer, people of the New Church trying to read my blog incognito and because of my knowledge of computers since age 3 I know how to find out about a lot of intel that they have no idea.  If you truly want to read my blog read it and comment on it.  If you think I am not being fair to Rachel then write about it dont sneak and read my blog? I am not hiding. You can sue me, you can lie about me, you can say I am crazy, put me down, call me a stalker, or whatever you want to do.  You wont break my spirit or my love because this love I have for Rachel has always been through Christ and that is what today is about love.  I am going to share with you my prayer for today and then a quick story about the song in the video above.

Our Heavenly Father,
Thank you for laying down your life so that we may truly live a life of love through Your Sacrifice.  Thank you for the daily bread you give to us everyday through Your scripture, Your Word, and Your Love.   This Easter Sunday we celebrate You rising up and making us all free from sin.  I ask of You Oh Lord to keep love in my heart toward Rachel Myatt, The Myatt Family, and The Church of the New Jerusalem and I ask all of these people to look in my heart and see the true love I have and forgive me and forgive them for the tresspasses we have made against each other.  I ask that Rachel sees the true purpose of my blog and that is to love her and show her I am a man that believes in her with all my heart and that I would go to the ends of the earth for her and Jonthan.  She is my neighbor, my best friend, my Sister and Christ and though I have said some things I am not proud of against her I love her as my own body and I ask that you return to her that love and show her that our friendship was not in vain but this was only a test of how strong a true love from you Lord can be.  I know you brought me into Rachel and Jonathan's life with purpose and design and if it was your will for me to walk away from them I would have but I know you want me to continue to love her and be patient with her.  Please let Howard and Jane know I love their daughter and grandson with all my being and that I still believe in her and would always be there for her and Jonathan.  I ask that you let know Pastor Glenn know it is not my intention to attack him or the Congregation but to let him know in him I see the great potential and love he has for God so that is why my blog and my comments are challenges for him to live the life and help others to live the life that he preaches in his sermons.  I look to you Lord for all these things on this Holy Day of your ascendance.  I believe if I ask of you Oh Lord that you will deliver onto me these things.  I ask with a humble heart and as your servant.  I am Your servant, Rachel and Jonathans servant, the Myatts servant, Pastor Glenn's servant all the Christians and Non Christians I serve because I am just a man who wants to wash the feet of others and love others in Your footsteps Lord.  I ask all be considered and that you hear my prayer today Lord Jesus Christ


I am an unashamed Christian and those who know me here know that I bless people everyday.  I pray with others.  I give of my time to others when I could be selfish.  Rachel didnt understand that is what kind of love I had for her and Jonathan and the love I have for her transcended any romantic relationship it was a love of friendship, mind, body, soul, and spirit.  I only wanted to be one with her in the Lord and I chose her over other potential partners because they did not want the Lord in their life and I could not force it upon them and they didnt want to hear of Him.  God has to come to you in His own time and at the worst time in my life God came to me and said just keep loving Rachel.  Maybe what I am doing is radical and extreme but people believe in me and most of all Rachel is being showed that my promise of unconditional love is true and that I do love her enough to make a big fuss about it.

Before I end this blog today I want to share with you the story of the song above and why I chose it to let Rachel and Jonathan know how much I love them.  At the very end of the 90s I picked up a cd called Moonhut by a young lady named Kim Fox.  I was blown away by her vocals and the honesty in her songs.   One song brought me to tears but it wasn't her song it was a cover of "Atlantic City" from Bruce Springsteen's 1982 stripped down classic Nebraska.  It changed my life. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kUs4fL13lg  So when Rachel abandoned me and was so cruel to me I remember the chorus Everything Dies Baby thats a Fact but Baby Everything That Dies Someday Comes Back"  I thought of Christ resurrection and of His love and His promise and how much I truly love Rachel.  I know that only through Christ will she come back so I put my faith in Him.  In 2004 I was saddened by the break up of my other Canadian girlfriend Amber who became one of my best friends after the break up. She later told me how sorry she was and what a good guy I was so I know what I am doing with Rachel is not wasted.  I believe Rachel loves me more that she can let anyone know.  Anyways I wrote Ms. Fox and told her how her music had helped me through the troubled time in my life and how she had been an inspiration of mine.  Weeks went by and I came home to a very heartfelt and loving response.  I will never forget her kindness and I promised one day to meet her and I hope that one day we still can.  That is the beauty of life and love and Rachel cant see the beauty of us knowing and lovng each other touched my life. Even from so far away.  I believed in her and have never stopped loving her.  I dont write on here to hurt her or her family.  Yes at time I have been angry and frustrated but deep in my heart I love her.  I love her with all my heart.  So I just want to end this blog today with Happy Easter Rachel Myatt and Jonathan Myatt.  Happy Easter Myatt Family, Friesen Family, and Baker Family.  I want to to wish Pastor Glenn and his Family Happy Easter, the Entire Dawson Creek New Church Happy Easter, The New Church World Wide Happy Easter and Happy Easter to You my dear Readers whether you be Christian or Not may the Lord's love find you like it has found and touched me.
God Bless All