Rachel and Jonathan

Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will

Friday, December 28, 2012

How Much I Really Love Rachel and Jonathan : Why I started this blog and the direction it has taken.


Dear Readers,
The other day I wrote a blog about my favorite Disney Movies and that Gisselle is my 3rd favorite Disney Princess next to Ariel "The Little Mermaid" and Merida in "Brave". I started this blog in January of 2011 to let Rachel Myatt know that I Love her more than she will ever know.  I have sent letters around the World to the New Church passed out fliers.  I have even put up ads on Craigslist and countless other things.  They were not to embarrass Rachel they were to show her that no matter how the other men in her life had hurt her and let her down I truly loved her and though she wanted me to hate her and she wanted me to be mean to her I could not.  I truly am in love with you Rachel Myatt and I couldn't imagine loving or being anywhere else but in your arms and raising a family with you and Jonathan in my life.  You have broken my heart into so many pieces because you played my dream not knowing how deeply my dream was rooted in being with you.  I still can't imagine being with anyone else and though I have dated and tried in the 2yrs since,  God keeps leading me back to you and says do not give up on you.  I don't hate you.  I hate what you did to me and what you represented when you did it.  I hate the actions, the doctrine, and the lies you told.    Maybe if you or anyone in your family watch this little video then you will know how much I still love and care for you.  I would still walk the ends of the earth for you and you are the one I will never stop loving.  I would be dead by now if their wasn't one more reason I had to live.  I am going to tell you all how much Rachel means to me and why living without her is killing me because she is my one true love.  In the video and ending message for today below I will end this blog today by telling you about how dead I am inside and the only reason that I exist as a body but mainly it is because of love.

If you haven't read my blog or realized I lost my mother at the age of 59 in 2010.  My father was diagnosed with heart problems and a rare blood disease shortly after my mom died.  I only have a little brother who is 33 and that is it.  I have couple of cousins, aunts, and uncles left.  My grandmother is 90 and every since my mom died she has not been the same she lost two other children but she really favored my mom.  When I knew my mom was going to die the thought of not being without Rachel and Jonathan hurt me and when she just abandoned me and said all those cruel things about my character not knowing how much personal struggle I had been through my heart was broken even more.  I thought she was my true friend and understood the bond we had and why I choose her.  In February this year my dad will turn 62 and will find out whether he is going to live or not.  One of the things he will need is a Bone Marrow transplant.  Physically I am healthy enough to be the donor but every since Rachel left me.  I havent had a day of peace or a true smile or happiness since she bailed on me.  So inside I am dead.  I am just holding on to do this favor for my dad and then I can let go.  Rachel if you cant look at the "Enchanted" video,  look back at this blog, all the letters. and everything to see how much I love you then I might as well go.  I am not leaning or placing my life as a burden on you.  I am just telling you that I love you so much that without you and Jonathan in my life,  life isnt worth living and that is how I knew you were the one and I will never love again.  So anyone that reads this blog and thinks how selfish I am,  Why cant I just get over Rachel,  Why dont I let it go.  You have truly never loved anyone with all your heart and been deeply in love.

I effectively end this blog today with a plea for Rachel to come forward if not I want her to know I loved her so much it killed me eventually.

The End

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Church of the New Jerusalem Hate Manual - 2013

I am going to publish and distribute all the reasons people should stay clear of the Church of the New Jerusalem.  I will mention Rachel and Pastor Glenn and the Dawson Creek New Church incident. If it makes you mad and you want to sue I dont care because it is the truth.  You have the right to lie to people and treat others like dirt and use your doctrine for evil.   I have the right to inform others of why you constantly show hate and animosity towards other forms of Christianity.  How your members and your Pastors are bias against people of color.  Also how you twist everything in the Bible to fit your selfish need of what you want God to be instead of what he truly is and the way that you in the General Church use Swedenborg as figurehead is dangerous.  I will place blame where blame is due,  this is happening because of Rachel Myatt and Pastor Glenn.  They had a chance to absolve this as did the Church as a whole so now I no longer care.  I dedicate 2013 to letting others know of the hate, disrespect of others, and the total misconception of Christianity the New Church tries to push on others through their Ministry.  I aint hiding.  My name is Byron and now I have a clear path put before me and that is to stop bigotry, false prophets, hate, and disrespect.  Thank you Rachel and Pastor Glenn for being so selfish hateful, and loving ones doctrine so much that it meant stepping and kicking someone when they were down.  As I recall that is not one of God's commandments.  Anyway!  It has been spoken and written and it will become so!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Gentleman - Nobody In Rachel's Family Will Stand Up To Me Because they Know Im Right!!!

As Rachel Myatt continues to pretend I do not exist and her and her family ignore me I know that none of them has the guts to get in my face because they know what a cowardly person she is.  She can talk big but someone took her to task for her lies and indiscretion.  Plus she talk about someones family and the Myatts and Friesens are so shamed now they dare not deny it cause they know I can prove it.  When will I let it go? When Rachel is brave enough to come forward but she wont because she doesnt have the fortitude nor the humility of Christ to admit she was wrong about anything and that is what seperates Swedenborgism from other Christians.  We put God first not our selfish nature and wreckless evils.  If we hurt someone we apologize, if we are sinned against we forgive, so you know what Rachel I am just going to keep being a Gentleman telling of how you lied, you slept with me, you used your religion and God's name in vain and how you are the biggest paradox of contradiction everywhere.  You make people of your Church look like Nazis at a Concentration camp. Im sorry that I am having to be so harsh to make my point but now I am at the boiling point and my cup runneth over.

Straight Ahead - Church of The New Jerusalem

Rachel, her family, and all your psuedo intellectual minds would probably not even guess why I put this video up today and you wont.  All I know is it is straight ahead today.  The Church of the New Jerusalem constantly attacks other Christians and is not the bastion or beacon of love they pretend to be but a phony New Age Cult camp for people who dont fit in to following Christ Rules but want to make up their own.  Yeah I said that and I will defend my saying that.  After the last post I made I do not need profanity or harsh words to prove my point.  In fact I am too well versed in the human language to be using those silly words anyway I just think they are good indicators to let people know you mean business.  Rachel I feel sorry for you.  You have to hide, you cant do all the things you want in fear of me, you think you are avoiding me but I know way more than you think I ever will and I expose you and your phony religion on a daily basis.  All because you are a liar, backstabber, and dont respect other peoples families or the grief process.  What a loser and a bad example of Christianity you are.  I am watching you and when you least expect it you are going to shame yourself, Jonathan, and your family so bad that there will be no recovering.  I dont owe you shit anymore and you lost all my love and I would never give you the time of day again not even if you were dying on the road would I be the good samaritan because that is how much I hate you.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Fuck The Church of the New Jerusalem, Pastor Dickhead Coleman Glenn and Rachel Bitch Myatt

Rachel Myatt you never deserved a guy like me to love you.
You don't deserve any man to love you because you play with their emotions
You are a back stabbing, lying, and treacherous person
You and your family use your bigoted religion as a front to be evil selfish people
I am going to expose that.
You never showed any remorse or regret for what you did and after all this time
I will find peace in calling you out, calling your Pastor out while he dreams of getting his dick wet this coming week.  I will open the flood gates of religious bigotry, hatred, and lies that the Church of the New Jerusalem especially Dawson Creek British Columbia.
The more you try to pretend I dont exist the bigger my star will shine.
So remember Rachel Myatt I was kind, I was loving, I was long suffering, and my hand was out for peace.
You ignored me!!!  Remember while you are fucking your little bitch Pastor Glenn you didnt want me to have any happiness because you are a hypocrite.  I didnt deserve love remember, I didnt deserve a family, and I deserved to be treated like crap.  Remember how your words and your treatment of me lead me to the person I am becoming when all I did was have nothing but love and respect for you hateful people.  I have more than just a few harsh words planned now.  So Rachel keep fucking guys, treating them like dirt and then playing with their hearts, and Pastor Coleman Glenn have fun getting your peter wet while shunning your responsibilties all the while as a Pastor.  Hope your kids come out deformed you fucking hypocrite.  You deserve all that I have to say because when I was full of  love and kindness you made fun of me. Both you and Rachel so fuck you all. Myatts, Friesens, Bakers, and most of all Swedenborg and the Church of the New Jerusalem for being such bigots.  You are not the New Church you are same as the Old Church and you want to keep things in the past hateful, divided, and brainwashed. 

Fuck you Rachel Myatt, Fuck you Pastor Coleman Glenn and Screw Christmas this fake ass holiday where people lie about being loving when they really exploit Jesus forget its supposed to be about His Birth and make up whatever story they want to about Him, and treat people like dirt all year long. 

When all is said and done I want you to know why I have been so hurt and why I think both Rachel and Pastor Glenn are such horrible people.  First there are men who are bad fathers, dead beat dads, and just do not take care of their children.  Not only did I want to raise a family with Rachel but I loved and wanted her child in my life and she took advantage of that.  So for that fuck her.  She told me my me love was a mistake, I didnt love God, and that I was mentally ill every evil thing she could to make me hate her and I never gave up on her and so know she gets the hate she wanted.  Pastor Glenn didnt even care that my mom was dead and all he tried to freaking do is put stupid doctrine and Rachel's word and free will over mine so screw him too. I deserve to be happy just as much as the next person and Rachel played with my one dream and that was to have a family and bear children in the Lord and I wanted it with her not with anyone else so when she treated me like I was disposable and like I could just walk away and love another fuck you Rachel Myatt.  I will never forget how evil you were to me and how you laughed at my pain.  You are all a bunch of sick people.

P.S I don't do this for shock value this is how I really feel. Rachel is a horrible person and so are her family if they thought I would sit back and let her talk about my mom or me like that.  Pastor Glenn should be removed from the Clergy and I am here still surviving after all your lies, bigotry, and shit and you doubted me Rachel so what you get is all your asses put in in the frying pan and I only have the truth to tell so if anyone wants letters, phone records, or emails I have them its not like Rachel didnt go cry to someone to snoop around in mine already I have found proof so fuck all of you fake ass wannabee Christians who aposticize and use God's name in vain.  At least I am being real in my anger and I did the right thing trying to make peace with a bunch of bigoted haters.  Screw you all Merry Mutherfucking Christmas you Cowards...

Monday, December 24, 2012

Sad Christmas Eve : No Peace - The Final Plea : Vow To Rachel Myatt and The Church of The New Jerusalem Worldwide(The Campaign and Retribution)

This is my vow and Declaration on Christmas Eve that I have lost all love for Rachel Myatt, Her Family, and any respect for the Church of the New Jerusalem and I vow my life to let others know about the lies, the mistruths, and the evils of following a man instead of God - and remaking God into a Human God that suits your desires implemented by one Emanuel Swedenborg.

Disclaimer of Peaceful Protest Due to the Recent Mass Killings, Slayings, and Evil that has been done in the world in my making such a statement I will have to make a clear and postive stand in regards to my form of Peaceful Retribution to Rachel and the New Church.  In the past couple of months in the U.S. and other parts of the world terrible events have taken place and in most cases the acts were performed by Middle Class White Males.  I am a middle class African American who has grew up poor and I also have never been diagnosed with any mental illness.  Rachel took it upon herself to say such things that during my grief process I was mentally ill. She has no idea of what someone who is mentally ill is and to make such assumptions was just wrong especially to someone who loved her so much.  The people that kill children, take others lives, and are so messed up in the head that they would go harm to others those people are mentally ill.  I have never once threatened any physical violence against you or your family but what I have done is used the Bible, your own words, and your religious rhetoric against you. Those are weapons of intelligence, of kindness, and ones that do not hurt or maim and they certaintly arent one of a mental patient or someone who has lost their way.  I dont have to resort to evil because I am full of love but you have lost that love through your wrecklessness, big mouth, and your insensitivity. Rachel Myatt and her family the Myatts and Friesens of Dawson Creek, British Columbia took it upon herself to say such evil and slanderous things against me because she couldn't be responsible for the relationship or situation she put herself in.  I had just lost my mother so instead of show courtesy and kindness and talk to me she deemed me damaged, messed up in the head, and mentally ill because I was grieving.  On top of that she used The Church of the New Jerusalem teachings to put me down, try to make her self seem justified, and to make the evil she was doing seem viable.  Hence my reason for saying and proving through so many things COTNJ members say that Swedenborg's Human God is not the God others believe in because he promotes the evil and the Perfect God of most of Christianity while allowing free will shuns God as being anything but the Perfect and Good Savior of our Sins.  Rachel opening her mouth and Pastor Coleman Glenn and others replying to my letters about Rachel and her behavior by one not even acknowledging that I had lost a family member.  It seemed all they were worried about is Rachel's free will and to shove their doctrine down everyone's throat as truth and not loving their fellow man.  The saddest thing is that in 6 days Pastor Coleman Glenn is to be married he was being a hypocrite by carrying on a long distance relationship much to the type Rachel and I were carrying on but trying to tell me that my love is and was wrong and try to find Swedenborgian ways to do it.  It seems a little bigoted, biased, and in the self interest of only Rachel to me.  You should not have Pastors like that at all. He should be removed.  I am writing this part of the blog to let you all know that in my vow and declaration I do not carry guns, endorse violence. I have never been to jail, partaken of drugs, I am not on any kind of medication for mental illness nor do I need to be and Rachel Myatt opening her big mouth and her family also saying that is grounds for this campaign.   You will see me sending out newsletters, speaking my mind to other Churches, to Non Believers,  Christians, and Non Christians about the evils and the uncaring and the judgmental ways of the Church of the New Jerusalem so if you dont want to be quoted do not put up your name or say things against other Christians such as New Church Perspective talking about how Catholics have changed recently and have taken on attributes of "The New Church" the fact is the New Church takes from other Religions and then tries to pat itself on the back and make itself seem holier than thou.  Nothing you have done hasnt been done before Science and Protestantism mixed with New Age Sensibility at its most laughable.  That is what I see in the Church of the New Jerusalem.  A bunch of people who talk about change and commend each other from the inside circle but not reaching outside of that comfort zone to truly show the Love of God.  If Jesus was right here right now he would be in the places where the non believers were talking to them and trying to get them to see His message of love not in the same tired group of people who claim to have gotten His message already. 

Racism and Religous Bigotry.  I am sorry that I have to speak on this but I will be contacting many African American and Black Organizations in Canada in the Next Couple of Weeks telling my story. So if you get feedback New Church you have been warned and I am not playing. Rachel's own sister Jessica adopted 2 black children and Rachel and her family couldn't even accept me. Why because I am not some child? If Rachel wasn't truly ready to be in a relationship with a person of another ethnicity and deal with people talking espeically in a place (Dawson Creek, British Columbia) where there are less than %1 minorities then she shouldnt have jumped in the fire.  If you want to teach people selective bigotry that is fine but do not be surprized when people call you on it.   I want to say this to Jessica and the rest of the Myatt, Baker, and Friesen families.  One day someone is gonna call one of those little girls a Nigger and start the cycle of hate against them and you will understand what I have been through.  For Rachel a grown woman to act like that towards another adult who had even discussed and asked would she be ok with it is totally unacceptable.  What makes my love any less special. I by all means should hate white people after all the evil they have done to me just for the color of my skin but I denounce that stupidity and misconceptions.   That kind of thinking and using Religious doctrine to treat people different is one reason why I am making Bigotry and Racism part of my campaign against the Church of the New Jerusalem.

3 Christmases and countless attempts at Peace. 
Do not say I didnt try.  I put my heart and soul into this blog.  I told my story on here, worldwide, I gave out personal information.  I sent donations to both the Church of Dawson Creek and the Ladies Society at Rachel's Church.  I sent letters to Pastor Glenn.  Friends and family sent letters to the Dawson Creek congregation.  I set up a phone just for Rachel and her family to make peace with me and not one person ever replied.  My email on here has been Futureperfect1@gmail.com im not hiding nor will I.  Rachel said I was stupid and that I would never do what I am doing here I am almost 2 yrs into the blog and 2yrs + since Rachel destroyed my world.  So I am going to end on the note on telling both Rachel Myatt and the New Church why in 2013 and for the rest of my life until someone steps up and is brave enough to confront me I will continue my campaing worldwide.

1. First and Foremost I was truly, honestly, and deeply in love with you Rachel Myatt and you took it for granted that a man wanted you as a best friend, a partner in Christ, and that someone wanted love and raise your child with you.  You were courted and loved with all my heart and you disrespected not only me but my family with your comments and your religious bigotry.

2. You constantly cried how no man could love you because of your religion but you continually dated men out of your religious background and got mad when they didn't see eye to eye with you.  I said I wanted to worship with you and you constantly told me how stupid I was, that I didn't love God, and that you used that to put me down and justify your evil in breaking up the relationship.

3. A man loved you enough to date you from 2000 miles away and all you could do is text him to break up with you after a couple hours earlier telling him you loved him. You couldnt even pick up the phone to talk to me.  You also made all sorts of evil sick judgments on my character about me being mentally ill to make what you were doing seem like it was justified. I am going to say it right now.  You and your family couldn't deal with the fact that I was black and you are hypocrites, bigots, and liars.  I had nothing but love for you and I wanted nothing more but to love you all and you turned your back on me and instead of asking me what was really going on both mentally, religiously, and just about my life you piously made assumptions and used faith to try to make it seem viable and right.  Jesus would never approve of it and even in your Writings from Swedenborg you had no right to say such things.  If you information is getting spread all over the New Church and the world and it has caused you embarrassment good you need to be embarrassed and offended because I never thought anything but the world of all of you. Myatts and Friesens.
4. You played with a man who truly wanted a family in the Lord. He came to you because he thought you wanted a family too Rachel.  I loved you and Jonathan with all my heart and took a chance because I believed in you.  When you said you would be their for me then turned your back on me, cursed me, and shunned me and called me all sorts of horrible things.  You slept with me knowing that I had been celibate and wanted to save myself for the person who I was in love with and it was you.  You then tried to deny that I ever existed in your life and that my love for you was a mistake.  How evil! First of all my mother had only been dead 3 weeks and I still loved you and Jonathan enough to put that grief behind me because my mother wanted me too.  She blessed all of you and then I never saw or heard her conscience again.  She wanted me to be good to you Rachel and that is one reason I have tried to make peace with you but you are too stubborn, selfish, and arrogant to realize all the damage and trauama you have caused.  You may be ashamed and feel like I trashed and embarrassed you but what you did is way worst that me getting on a blog telling the truth and having the letters, emails, and words to back it up.  I never released "The Lies Rachel Told Me" book I wrote nor did I put out the "The Rachel Myatt E.P." of music I have written about you because I loved you enough not to want that part of us out on the internet but I am beginning to feel I should put it out there.

Ending of This Christmas Eve Blog and Sad Christmas

For the Past 3 years I wanted peace between Rachel.  I never got a card in the mail.  An email, any kind of apology, or anything because Rachel wants to hide and not acknowledge ever being with me that is cool.  She is free to her will to do that but here is the kicker it is my free will to do what I am doing.  I dont care if Rachel or the Myatt family want to sue me because I keep documents and I have phone records, letters, and pictures of our relationship.  I had a Pastor Lumsden in South Africa tell me my campaign was wrong and that I shouldnt seek to humiliate Rachel.  Heck Rachel never did care about hurting me or embarrassing me so I outted her and her lies.  He talked about having room for Reconcilation to grow.  If Rachel had of wanted that she would have been a woman and come to me because if you read the first year of my blog that was all I ever wanted.  Am I being selfish.  I  dont think so I was played with, wronged, lied to , treated like crap because I wanted to be in a monogamous relationship in which I Worshiped God, Had her and her son as my family, I accepted and loved her for all that she was.  I never saw a color, a religion, cared how beautiful or wanted her for sex.  I was truly in love with Rachel Myatt for all she was and is.

The one thing I wanted for Christmas in 2010, 2011, and 2012 was peace between Rachel Myatt and that never came so when the campaign against her and Pastor Glenn resulted from all of this you as members of the Church of The New Jerusalem whether Clergy, Laity, or onlookers of the situation you know why it started because of ones selfishness and adherence to doctrine instead of love of their fellow man or woman. When I needed what I thought was my best friend to be there for me she cursed ,judged, and betrayed me.  That is one of the worst sins of all.

Unhappy Christmas Once Again

So to Bishop Keith, Pastor Lindrooth, Glenn, Cooper and all you so called men of God in 2013 its on and I am not holding back nor am I scared to go against you like David did Goliath.  I just know I will have the real God of the Heavens on my side and not the one that is hypocritical and deals in evil and sin.

Good Will to all men... Not tonight Rachel and her family wished none of that on me and tried to ignore the evil that was done so I wont ignore it ill embrace the fact that they never loved me or wanted to love me and that Rachel just took my love, my courtship, and my friendship as a big joke and I wont hold back anymore.  Goodbye

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Message To Rachel Myatt: I Never Needed You. I Actually Loved You and Wanted You.

Dear Rachel,

I never needed you to complete me or felt I needed some significant other to make me whole.
I loved you and Jonathan with all my heart and that is why I wanted to be with you.
I had spent the better part of my adult life alone and happy. If you were ashamed of me because what I looked like or because of what others thought then you should have been honest. No matter your feelings I was and still am a human being and you fed me a lot of lies including you didnt care about superficial things like that. You led me on Rachel Myatt and changed my life forever.  If you werent ready for a relationship and to be loved then you should have never played with my heart because the love I had for you was special and it was wasted on someone who didnt know how important it was.  You thought that I was just some game and you could throw me back like a wet fish caught on a line.  I dedicate the song "The Murderess" by Kim Fox to you this Christmas because of the way you not only slandered me but my mother.  I want your family to know I will forgive but I will never forget and I am far from done with what I have to share with others about the Church of the New Jerusalem.  Just remember though at the end of the day it was you who couldnt make peace with me.  You couldnt follow Christ example when I reached out to you. You were the one who wronged me.  So 3 Christmases and you blew me off, dont expect me to care what happens or is said anymore.  I dont care if I hurt you, your sisters, your parents, or your Pastor or Church with the truth.  You obviously dont care who gets hurt in your mess or the crossfire. I wanted nothing but goodwill and peace with you but I will carry on my peaceful battle on paper, on social networks, and around the world.  I am going to do something very humble and start showing my face to tell all the lies you told me and to let people know of the bigotry, selfishness, and self love of the COTNJ.   All I ever did was love you people and you took that forgranted.  God help you and God Bless you.

Merry Christmas to those who didnt hear my prayer and my plea for peace.............

Friday, December 21, 2012

When Other Children of God See God's Favor in You

Dear Readers,
A Couple of weekends ago I was finishing serving a table at one of my jobs and I told them all "To Have A Blessed Evening"  A gentleman asked me what did I just tell him?  I told him again and he smiled and asked me back over to the table.  He handed me 3 playing cards one of them was a 2 of Diamonds, the one I cant remember but the middle card was the King of Hearts.  The Gentleman asked me as a Christian "Who is the king of my heart?" Without Hesitation I said Jesus Christ.  I had already grabbed the middle card as he had told me to and to my surprize the magic trick is that the King of Hearts Card magically turned into the card with Jesus on it above and he told me to keep it and I said I would cherish it.  Two days ago on top of my tip a single man left the Penny with the Cross cut into it(top left in picture above) and I thought that it was very cool that he noticed I was a Christian and how much I loved God without me doing anything but being who I am.  A lady last week asked me if I was a Christian man because I had a glow to me!  Lastly if you look up in right hand corner a guest handed me a Cross with the American Flag inside it celebrating some of my favorite things Christ and America.   What is my point? My point is that Christians and even non believers will see the good in someone who is genuine.  I don't walk around doing false deeds or proclaiming myself to know more about God than the next man like members of the Church of the New Jerusalem do.  I accepted Rachel's faith and wanted to worship with her as a Christian, her best friend, her boyfriend, and someone who loved her in the Lord.  In the end not only did her family not accept her loving me but She told me that I didnt love God. Im sorry everything I did to be with her I did in God's love and guidance and for her to treat me the way she did was very self righteous, hypocritical, and irrelevant.

I want to say this to Bishop Kline, Pastor Cooper, Pastor Glenn, Rachel Myatt and the Entire Myatt family.  One thing I have done for the past 14yrs no matter what other jobs I have done is wait tables.  It keeps me honest, it keeps me humble, and it keeps me centered.  If you can't love your fellow man or woman enough to serve them then you are not following Christ example.  I am humble,  I am rational, and I will sit down and talk with anybody who will listen or wants to be listened to.  If you are selfish and can only see how things can benefit you like the people who follow Swedenborg seem to gravitate toward then I want nothing to do with you.  Evil, greed, selfishnesss, and self love I try to steer clear of.  Anyone like Rachel Myatt who would say to the person who loves them with all their heart that he did not love God after he traveled 2,000 miles to be with her, lost his mom, gave her his body, soul, heart, and made a promise in the Lord to love her unconditonally is not a real Christian.  On top of that I actually courted her and showed her true friendship.  I don't know if that means anything to people in the New Church but to me a promise to God, and to love your sister in Christ as your own flesh and befriend her for marriage means everything.   By ignoring me not only does Rachel make the name of Myatt and Friesen look bad and besmirch its majesty but she hurts the credibility of the Church of the New Jerusalem both in Dawson Creek and Worldwide because even if you try to block this blog I have a worldwide Newsletter now about the Church of the New Jerusalem, you cant stop the printed word Rachel and the Myatts so the more you let this go the more it grows.  Also think of how it looks to people Rachel when they read this and see for 3 Christmases now all I wanted was peace and love with you and how I love you and Jonathan, how you ignored my donations, my call for peace, my willingness to fly anywhere in Canada or the U.S. sit in a room with you and Pastor Glenn and make peace with you at my own expense.  It seems pretty stubborn and selfish to me.  You can continue to do things your way and I will continue spreading my message worldwide.  You only hurt yourself.  You hurt me deeply.  I want to end this blog telling people what I plan to participate in on New Years Eve and maybe the Myatts will see how much I loved them and they damaged my soul when I needed friends, family, and encouragment but most of all love. All I wanted was to love Rachel and Jonathan forever for her to be my wife, my best friend and for Jonathan to be my stepson treat him as my own and be fruitful and bless God with some brothers and sisters for Jonathan. I was ready to give my life whole souled to Rachel and leave everything behind.  I guess you dont use that part of the Bible so you dont know what that means.

Luke 4:42-44

42 At daybreak, Jesus went out to a solitary place. The people were looking for him and when they came to where he was, they tried to keep him from leaving them. 43 But he said, “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.” 44 And he kept on preaching in the synagogues of Judea.

will keep spreading the True Word of Christ.  The Holy Bible and I will keep denouncing false prophets like Swedenborg and people who proclaim that talking to Demons and Spirits is part of the Divine word of God it is not it is trickery, demonology, and evil.  That is why New Church members are so quick to judge and try to correct others to believe in their "Human god"and not the One True God of the Heavens,  Not the Eternal God of Love Jesus Christ.   Christ does have a place in each one of our hearts and He is here in heaven and on Earth but he does not walk among us now as the New Church would decieve you into believe in and in 2013 because of Rachel Myatt and Pastor Coleman I am going to emphasize the evil of Swedenborg and his lack of true Bible knowledge.  I will show how he wanted to turn man's selfish desires into his own god" Listen to how people from the New Church talk and retort to you it is always I, or Swedenborg says.  Its never Jesus, or God, or the Bible says.  Its always Heaven and Hell or Divine Providence, or True Christian Religion ...  If they spent more time paying attention to the words of a Perfect God and Perfect Man instead of the idea of a Human God by a philosopher and scientist who was considered a heretic by many,  i.e. Emanuel Swedenborg.  The truth will set you free and because of Rachel and Pastor Glenn's arrogance and inability to love fellow man lots of people will know the true selfish nature of Swedenborg.


Thursday, December 20, 2012

My Christmas Wish for 2012 : Courtesy of Emanuel Swedenborg(About as Reliable as the Mayan Calender)

My Christmas Wish is no Good Will for Rachel Myatt or anyone in her family.  Nothing Good for Pastor Glenn.  That all the people in the Church of the New Jerusalem go to Hell.  That Jesus doesnt exist but the New Church Self Love God does and that he wants me to worship evil and wish evil upon other people.  Since there is no Father and Son because that would be bloodthirsty according to Pastor Amos Glenn then the Human New Church Form of god totally negates the need for Jesus sacrifice and His existence.  According to Pastor Coleman Glenn the Lesser Evil is always better than doing good so we can treat anyone who is not part of the Church of the New Jerusalem like dirt and be evil to them and The New Church god aka Mammon will still forgive us and give us great blessing in our life.  Don't forget that not believing in Satan or other Demons makes us superior to other Christians even though Swedenborg talked to demons or spirits there was nothing wrong with that.  Talking to spirits is good even though they were probably all evil manifestations. Lets make god in our own image and worship the way we want to so we can sin as much as we want, fornicate, lie, cheat, and just absorb all the evil in the world.  My wish for Christmas is to partake in the 7 deadly sins all you want because according to the Church of the New Jerusalem,  God still loves you and you have a chance just as long as you follow the Divine prophet Swedenborg.  If you have a beer and do drugs and ramble a little bit you can be a Divine Agent of Mammon god too.............  Merry Christmas

Oh and most of all dont forgive, have sex with any and everyone, and dont have any remorse or regret about anything but when someone calls you on your B.S and wants to make things right hide like the coward you know you are.  Do not forget that it is most important you know. 

Oh and all those Dirty Catholics, Protestants, Episcopalians, or any other religions we borrowed from we are better than you and it doesnt matter what you believe. Black people we will accept a couple of you as tokens but we really dont want you in our Church.   We dont see eye to eye and nothing but our New Church that is rising worldwide matters.  God is walking this earth according to us so your thousands of years of following what is in the Bible and adhering to the Bible means nothing.  The New Church Bishops and Swedenborg are the end all be all of Christianity and no one else matters.  Please also ignore key books of the Bible and replace them with our readings and anything that the Apostle Paul says is a flat out lie.  That dirty liar Paul...

Being a world reknowned scientist and scholar is one thing!
Being a sex crazed spirit medium who is along the lines of Jim Jones and David Koresh... Priceless

Heil Swedenborg....  Up With Free Will , Down With Jesus

Monday, December 17, 2012

Bravery and Courage : The Strength to Love Through Adversity/ A Letter to Howard Myatt(Rachel's Dad)


Dear Rachel, Readers, and Concerned Parties,

This blog is going to be split into 2 parts.  The first part is about being brave even when others put down or try to tell you what you are doing is wrong this blog has been a long time coming and I couldnt express the words or get the inspiration until I saw the movie Brave yesterday for the first time.  Brave follows the adventures of Princess Merida who from an early age goes against the grain of what others think she should be. I am going to get off on a side note real quick because I have a love hate relationship with Disney movies.

This movie was so good and the message was so great for young women and little girls that it is now my 4th favorite Disney movie of all time. 

I will tell you why.  I believe in love. I believe in truth and I believe that through those and God we can achieve .  I will tell you my favorite Disney movies and how they have applied to my life then I will go back to Brave and tell you why it won a place in my heart and how it applies to the love I still have for Rachel.

My Number One Disney Movie of all time is :
#1 The Fox and The Hound - This movie taught me at an early age about loving people who are different than we are and as we grow not to hold the differences against them but to learn why they are different instead of turn them away.  In terms of Rachel and I it hurts so much that she said she loved me and I told her all the ways I was different and she threw them back in my face and used them to hurt me.  This is an allegory of racism, bigotry, and elitism and will always be my favorite Disney movie

#2 Pinnochio
All I ever wanted was to be loved, have a family, and be a real boy.  When Rachel came into my life and I thought I would have her and Jonathan as my family then I finally felt like I was going to get my chance to be a real person.  All the stereotypes, hate, abuse, rape, cruel behavior, and abandonment went to the wayside because I was finally going to be a real human being.  Finally someone loved me and meant it or so I thought.  Now I dont feel that way and my heart has been broken and forever changed.

#3 The Little Mermaid
Ariel is and always will be my favorite of the Disney Princesses, with Merida from "Brave" being number 2 and Gisselle from "Enchanted" being #3 thus "Brave"  knocking "Enchanted" to my number 5 Disney movie.  Ariel was full of life, she loved to sing, and she believed in love and she was what I saw in Rachel when she came into my life. I wanted to love Rachel and Jonathan with all my heart, sit around with her family, play my acoustic guitars, sing folk songs and praise but they would never know that because they judged me so quickly. I only wanted to be part of Rachel's world and I believed in her so I dedicate "Part of Your World" from the Little Mermaid to her today.

Ok know that you know where my heart is and how much love I have here is why Brave touched my heart.  Though God gives us free will He also can steer us on a path best suited for our lives.  If I didnt think my love for Rachel matters and that fighting this fight meant anything I would have just given up, cursed her, and slandered and hated her for the rest of my life. The thing is I love her and her son more than anything in the world and I cannot and will not let hate, hurt, or sorrow drown out the good in my heart.  In Brave, Merida didnt want to listen to her mother and she didnt want to be the princess like she was groomed to be.  Her mother didnt listen to her about her not wanting to be like the other princesses and not wanting to be forced to marry but carry on a traditon of a suitor competing for her heart.   Merida ended up going to a witch for help to change her mother and changed her into a bear and she had to deal with the consequences but in the end through experience of being mother and daughter as a bear and a human, having to communicate what the others felt.   Merida's mother finally understood the need for her to fall in love freely or not if she chose too but Merida also understood how important it was that she respect the other parts of being a princess so that she could be a good queen when the time came. It was in going to the witch to try to change her mother that she found out that her mother was fine the way she was.  She needed to take the time to learn about her mother and see where they could meet common ground.  Rachel never truly gave me that time.  She made assumptions,  she was arrogant, self centered never seeing how I accepted her flaws, her insecurities, and believed in her even enough to give her all of me when my mother had just died.  Rachel Myatt I love you with all my heart and if there is one thing that Merida did is never give up one what she believed in and fought to be heard.  That is what I am doing.  I want peace with Rachel,  I want Rachel to know how deeply she is loved by me and how I have never meant to hurt her.  I want to end this part of the blog with this.

Rachel Myatt I believe in you and I love you and my one wish for Christmas is that we put all this behind us and love each other at least as friends again. I love you more than you could ever know.

A Letter to Howard Myatt(Rachel's Father)

Dear Mr Myatt,
I want you to know that I have never loved anyone else as much as I love your Rachel.  I want you to know that I am deeply sorry if I have said anything to hurt you as a family and disrespect your little girl as I do love her.  You on the other hand have to understand the level of disrespect that she showed to me and my family by ever speaking ill of my grieving condition and my deceased mother.  When I met you I looked at you and you had kind and loving eyes and I knew I wanted to be with Rachel because I saw the goodness in your heart.  Please know I am only speaking from truth and not out of disrespect for you because I do not know how you feel about me or what is going through you or your families mind.  If Rachel had of been my daughter right or wrong I would have stood up for her and not let someone such as I talk about her in the manner as I did.  I commend you for having such restraint and maybe you tried to see that your daughter did truly hurt someone.   I want you to know Mr Myatt that your daughter destroyed me.  I loved her and your grandson with all my being and heart and when I got to play with Jonathan and saw how he needed someone to be there for him, my heart grew even more fond.  Rachel was my best friend and the reason why I still hurt is that it seems not only did my mother die but half of my own body and flesh died that day.  You see I wanted to court and marry your daughter because I was truly in love with her.  It was not about wanting her for her looks, for sex,  for anything like that.  My love transcends all those physical barriers and is spiritual.  My love for her last the test of time.  I wanted you to know today how deeply I still hurt because I love your daughter and grandson so much.  Each day that goes by I think about you all as a family and how much love I have for you all.  I want to leave you with this last bit Mr Myatt and Myatt family.  My father has been sick with a rare blood disease for the better part of a year.  In a couple of months he will have to have a Bone Marrow Transplant,  I most likely will have to be the donor.   My father and I never got along, he abused me, and was never there for me, and cursed me to my face constantly,  still I work out everyday,  keep my body clean, and ask God for strength so if that may keep him alive I would die so that he may live.  Christ example of love is just that.  I love Rachel enough that I would die for her because I love her and Jonathan that much. I hope this message find you well Mr. Myatt.

God Bless

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Telling The People Who Inspire Us How Much They Mean To Us, My Last Christmas Wish :Campaign Still Going Strong


Last Night To A Sold Out Crowd of About 6,000 my favorite Canadian band Metric closed with this song.  Emily Haines talk of encouragement, hope, and inspiration is what we all should aspire to be.  Before the show after being a fan for 10yrs I got to meet them if only briefly and in that time I was able to give them a thank you letter.  I gave them a letter of how their music has always been there for me.  How it helped me when my mom died and when Rachel abandoned me the letter brought me to tears and it was hard writing it to total strangers who you admire and love but I realized in that moment.  I have nothing to ever be ashamed about because I love without abusing other peoples love and I have had everything thrown at me from abuse, hate, lies, deception, and death and still here I stand.  I dedicate this video from my camera to Rachel.  Below are pictures to show I was there and that my campaign for Rachel Myatt, The Myatt Family, and the Church of the New Jerusalem is still going strong.  I will never back down what I believe in so if Rachel wants this to end she will have to be brave enough to step forward.  I wont budge.

Concert T-shirt                                    Signatures of the entire band Metric

Proof Once Again I am out spreading the word           Emily's Solo Album signed by her

I am going to end this blog with a message to Rachel and Jane Myatt, To Pastor Coleman Glenn,  and the entire Church of the New Jerusalem.  When you treat people as such according to religious doctrine instead of just trying to love and understand people it puts you in the category with bigots, elitist, and people who think they are better than others.  I never have and never will think just because I am a Christian I am better than a Non Christian, nor a Christian of a different faith or even a non believer.  I want you to look at how you make fun and downplay others love of God in your own words on your own site.  You say you believe in Gods love but you refer to others love of God and the belief of a merciful sacrifice as Bloodthirsty? Lots of Judgment Church Laity dont you think? Proof is here for those who dont believe me.

New Perspective: Why was the Lord Born on Earth?

Was it so that He might die to appease His angry Father? The idea of a bloodthirsty Father and a sacrificial Son just doesn't fit with the New Church perspective of a single loving God, that God is love itself. 

 This is the precursor to the piece written by Rev Amos Glenn who is probably a close relative of the infamous Pastor Coleman Glenn who I write about so much.  What kind of Christian writes evil stuff like that.   It can be found as the opening story at this link(I hope they are brave enough to keep it up after they see me alluding to it) . http://www.newchurch.org/

I leave you with the live video I recorded of the song Synthetica the name sake of Metric's 2012 album.  I dedicated it to Rachel and Jane Myatt and anybody in the Myatt or Friesen Families who put me down, said I was damaged, or wasnt fit to love Rachel or that there was something wrong with me.  Im perfectly fine.  Maybe you need to look at how you have been brainwashed and become such bigots and hateful people to those who would love you and accept you for how you are.  I cant believe that anyone would treat another human being the way you treated me but it is cool.  My campaign and all the fun I am having, people I am meeting, and exposing your Church for the fakes and phonies you are that is well enough for me.  I had nothing but love for you brothers and sisters but you stepped on that and you will suffer not me.  I love life, I love people, and even though she doesnt deserve it I still love Rachel so in 2013 its still on ............ My Christmas Wish is peace with you all but you are too blind to see that..

Thank you Metric for all your great music, being stand up people, and believing in your fans and other people.  God bless and may your career continue to thrive and blossom.....

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

No One Is Stalking Rachel Myatt

End of Story IPhone User in Canada on Google.CA

Do not ever get this story twisted. Rachel Myatt was never stalked. She claimed to love a man 2000 miles away from her.  Slept with that man, told him that she loved him, then abandoned him when she said she was there for him.  On top of that she tried to go online and erase any trace of herself and pretend to people like their relationship never happened.  No this young man is not a stalker but a truth teller and anyone going around making up lies about stalking is a straight up liar and slanderer.  I have all sorts of proof including pictures that things between us was real so don't even be starting up any rumours of stalking. Stalking is where you are actually able to follow that person around and do things to harm them.  I love her from a far and tell a story that is all.  She was responsible for all that she did and she believed there were no consequences. I brought things out in the open and called her on her BS so that is what this is.  Its her choice not to put up pictures, its her choice not to have an internet presence, it was her choice to lie and put me and my family down. So get your story straight before you start making searches and allegations like that. Oh and if its you Rachel on your precious IPhone be a woman and contact me.  The longer you wait the more I do and the more people you are exposed to and hurt.  Its your choice like you used to tell me!!!  All I am doing is telling a truth and a story that is real and she cannot hide from that.  Thank you..

Because I Loved You : Nothing Can Stand Between Real Love

Dear Rachel and Readers,

Above is a cover of Texas band Sparta's song "San Cosm" the gentlemen did an excellent job turning this rock song into an acoustic song.  I want to explain why I used the song and what this blog is about this morning.

The song originates from an album called "Wiretap Scars"  Sparta was and is part of the band At The Drive In who after 11yrs finally renewed their friendship and buried the hatched to play shows again this year.  The other band that occured when the split happened was The Mars Volta.  

(The Wiretap Scars album cover is a phone being bugged or debugged, you decide but to me in this situation between Rachel it represents any attempt that has been made to tap into my email, govenment phone calls, or anyone trying to harrass or make me a criminal because Rachel and her family cant deal with the consequences of her actions and the result being my blog and peaceful campaign.  I have never been arrested for any crime, misdemeanor, I love my country of the U.S. I love and respect my friends in Canada.  I love serving my country through civil duty such as serving on a jury.  If my lungs would have allowed it I would have been in the military but I still my go join the Peace Corps or anything as such.  Truth is I love Rachel and her family with all my heart and the things that people in her family and church have said against me we very hurtful, grievous, and untrue and are the reason I retaliated because of the hurt Rachel brought my family.)

1. Friends let things get in the way of doing beautiful things together like making music and that is what happened in this case.  At the Drive In had sold 1 million units on Grand Royal Records which was the label run by the Beastie Boys.  They were on the brink of greatness then it all imploded.  Friend against friend, brother against brother life is too short for that.  I am reaching out to Rachel Myatt and her family to end this.  I have and always will love them and I would have never wanted to be with Rachel if I didnt want to love her family too.  Each day that goes by it makes me sad.  I struggle with what I should do next.  Should I release this story? Should I put this newsletter out there? I keep waiting for a sign.  A letter in the mail from Rachel, and email, a facebook request anything to be the white dove to end this.  Alas I think Rachel and her family knows the damage Rachel did and are reluctant to have me in their lives because it was so grievous.

2. Why I named this blog : Because I Loved You
a. Because I loved you I never gave up on you
b. Because I loved you I never put my story on the internet where it would just be everywhere people had to come find it and people from the New Church commented on it because they wanted to understand my pain. 
c. I have not put it up on Facebook or Myspace but I have left the picture of you and I Rachel up because it tramatized me so much that you would ask to take a couple picture then throw away me and my love a couple days later.  You were my best friend and to me it was an honor being with you.  l always saw you as a blessing.  I dont know what I deserved to be seen as anything but equal to that in your eyes.

d. Rachel you were the one woman I loved and trusted in beside my mother.  I waited a lifetime to love you and would wait a lifetime for you to come back.  I cant make you love me, you have to look into your heart and see if you ever did. All I know is I love you and Jonathan with all my heart.

I dont want to hurt you or your family but you hurt me everyday.  I wish we could talk, laugh, and that you knew that my arms, my heart, and my body belonged to you.  You were and always will be my sister in Christ,  Rachel Myatt.   Do not let another minute, day, or year go by that we dont reconcilate. 

I want to say this to you really quick, all the time that has gone by has taken a toll on me.  I have a beard,  grey hair, and even though I am in perfect health I have been so saddened by how you abandoned me sometimes I just want to let go.  My father will need a Bone Marrow Transplant maybe first of next year.  I will most likely be the one to give it.  Rachel if I can put my pride aside and feel pain and give of myself to someone who told me how worthless I was, did not support me as a child, and was rarely there for me, then cant you open your heart and return to the arms and heart of someone who believes in you and Jonathan and loves you dearly.

All the time we wasted hurting each other ,  I leave it in God's Hands and I leave you with this song called "Here's The Meantime" by Grace Potter and the Nocturnals.  Maybe it will help you think about all the good things that we could be doing instead of one writing about the other and the other ignoring the other.

I love you Rachel and Jonathan Myatt that will never change

Monday, December 10, 2012

How Deeply Rachel Myatt Destroyed My Love

Dear Readers,

I hear about how people are their love and what they love in the Church of the New Jerusalem but I dont see people like Rachel Myatt realizing the damage they do and treating peoples love like it doesnt matter.   Above is the song "Piano" from Glassjaw's album "Everything You Wanted To Know About Silence" this is one of the definitve heartbreak albums for young men.  If you are a young man and someone has trampled on your heart and your love I suggest you listen to it and it will change your life.

All I can say is I was faithful,  loyal, and I truly loved Rachel Myatt and her son Jonathan.  She destroyed my worldview of women, of the Church of the New Jerusalem, of marriage, courtship, and most of all of love.   All you self righteous people in the Church of the New Jerusalem who wonder why in 2013 I am all over the place blasting your church and your teachings you only have to look to Rachel Myatt, Her family, and Her Pastor Coleman Glenn not only did I confront them and try to come to terms to peace with them privately but I did it for almost 2 years this is the 3rd Christmas where all I wanted was peace with Rachel no material things and nothing more.  Im tired of being silent so thursday I sent out my reply worldwide about Rachel, her family, her church, and how my love was destroyed.  It is my Christmas gift to all the people who are destroyed by the selfish idea of religious doctrine over loving your fellow man or woman.  The New Church claims to accept people of all faiths but I never even got a chance.  Jane Myatt I blame you for that because you didnt like my answer about the Trinity or because of my belief in God actually carrying out a judgment day , you automatically judged I couldnt be with your daughter.  So you sabatoged the good and love I had for her.  A good Christian man who had just lost his mother, who loved your daughter fully, completely, and whole souled, who wanted to court her and marry her because of love not because he knocked her up, wanted to take on  her son as his own, and most of all wanted to love you and your whole family.  When you are sitting around the tableux or around the Christmas table Jane and Rachel remember how you destroyed someones love and remember how I came to you to resolve and make peace and you ignored.  Remember in my sadness how my letter touched 1000s this Christmas because it was about you and how you turned me away.  I still hurt, I still love, and I still feel..  I still Love Rachel and Jonathan Myatt........

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Never Let Them Tear You Down: Other Peoples' Insecurities Affecting Your Life

Dear Readers,
I am just going to put this out there.  First of all never let anyone else step on your dreams.  Rachel Myatt couldn't deal with the fact that there was finally a guy that was truly in love with her and wanted her and Jonathan for all she was. It will sink in one day when its too late.  Never let anyone who is insecure judge you and put you down.  I am sorry Rachel that you were so fickle and insecure you didnt see how much I loved you, you didnt see the struggle I had with my mom's death, and that you had to be cruel and shout out things like I was sick, damaged, and unstable.  Actually you were the one who was all those things because you would actually claim those about someone who went through so much to be with you. 
I want you to know above is the song "Synthetica" from the album of the same name by Metric.  Why am I using it today one because I was never mentally ill and Rachel and her family should be ashamed of themselves for ever saying shit like that.  I hope that when Dorthy Friesen passes that you realize how cruel and evil that was and you pray and repent to God.  I loved you Rachel, Jane, Amanda and the fact that anyone would ever turn their back like you did on me.  The song is about not turning to drugs to deal with your problems and being natural and clear of mind without being doped up.  That is what I have always been.  Screw anyone who thinks different.  Hell yeah I have a lot of pent up anger because I loved Rachel so much.  I still do but she will never see it she is too busy hiding but I am not.  In fact let me tell you this Metric is my favorite Canadian band besides Rush and much like I was passing out things at Rush.  Surprize!! Metric will be in my hometown in the next couple days and I will be spreading the word about my dealings with Rachel and the New Church.  Rachel I am sorry that you would rather hide and cower than be brave and pick up the phone and face the man who truly loves you.  The man who would forgive you take you back and love you and Jonathan forever.  The man you looked down on.  The man you played with heart and soul.  While you are sitting up in the Church today you need to think about what the meaning of Love, Christmas, and being a Christian is.  

I want to end this blog today with a little story. I am a server for one of my jobs and I have always been really humble and kind.  3 times this week I had people come up to me and ask me if I was a Christian man.  One lady said I was glowing.  People see the good in me Rachel, Myatts, Pastor Glenn, Church of the New Jerusalem.  That is why this campaign is going on against Rachel and what she said and did because it is contrary to the New Church beliefs it is not just a mistake she acted like that it is because you indoctrinate people with selfishness instead of selflessness.   I love you Rachel Myatt but until you have the fortitude to write, email, or call me im only going to keep this blog and my campaign up against the New Church full speed.

God Bless All (To My Jewish Friends Happy Hanukkah)

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Arrogance & Short Sightedness : The Lord Will See the Righteous Through

Dear Rachel, Myatts and Friesens, and Readers,

For all of Rachel's self righteousness,  Pastor Glenn's self love and thinking of doctrine over love of his fellow man instead of trying to back Rachel up with rhetoric and double speak, the end result....  A Man full of love.

See The Arrogance and Pride of Rachel was to think that she could sleep with me, lie to me behind my back, and then just erase me like a chalkboard.  Funny thing is,  you never disclose all the information she did about herself and her family and then talk trash about someone who loves you or about their loved ones and not expect some kind of retribution or consequence out of it.  Rachel gave me names, info, and just little things I could have used to ripped the Myatts and Friesens apart on the internet that were true but you know what?  It was never about that.  It was about the fact that I loved Rachel and Jonathan more than she could ever know.  Truth is she is too selfish to deserve true love from anyone after the things she said and now I will find satifaction in watching the things burn around her because of what she said and did.  I wish no evil but now its time to tell the truth.  The Lord is on my side and Has given me a peaceful solution to show the Myatts, the Dawson Creek New Church, and Rachel Myatt how using Swedenborg and Christ to be selfish is not in the Bible and that they are hypocrites to half of the New Church teachings.  Dont get mad or upset when you story is all out there this Christmas.  Don't get a lawyer and try to sue me cause I will get one too. I have all of Rachel's letters and phone records and I will retaliate.  Just accept the truth that could have been healed in Rachel picking up the phone and making peace with me.  She will never do that though so I vow to continue to stand against the New Church for the Rest of My Life and that is a promise I will keep.   I blame my position on the actions of Rachel Myatt, her family, and Pastors James Cooper, and anyone in the New Church I wrote and made excuses for.  For those who thought my newsletters were games and that I am bluffing about sending my newsletters out.  Some of you have seen the truth and it is not a joke.  So remember Rachel.  When someone wanted peace with you,  you turned your back and so did the New Church.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

There is No Need To Forgive.........I No Longer Believe In Christmas

"There is no need to forgive................."  The refrain from the first single from Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds single "We No Who U R"

It seems though that this is the "Church of the New Jerusalem" theology.  In a couple of days I have a newsletter that will affect Rachel and her family and Pastor Glenn.  I wanted to make peace with all of them but havent heard one single word out of any of them.  So maybe telling the truth and hurting people is the way to go.  Maybe using the New Church theology of follwing evil like Pastor Glenn and Rachel is the way to go.

Maybe telling the truth about Pastor Glenn's Relationship will let Rachel know how her one lie led into another persons life.

Or telling the story of how her sister Jessica adopted 2 black children but yet her family treated me like crap and tried to pretend I didn't exist.

Maybe this whole time Rachel has cared not how my blog has affected her and Jonathan and the reputation of not only her, her family, the Pastor, and Me.  Most of all its a witness for the New Church.

What the members of the New Church dont realize.  I am the radical love that God speaks about.  The kind of love that presses on even after all seems doubtful and hopeless and when I never gave up on Rachel and wanted peace, reconcilation, and making peace you all scoffed at that while claiming to be loving, caring, and of Good and Truth.

Im convinced now that holding my newsletter back is dumb and caring whether anything hurtful happens to Rachel or the Myatt family is pointless.  They didnt care about hurting me.  They didnt want me to be blessed and have love, a family, and people around me.  They wanted to play with that and judge me for grieving,  say ill things about me and my family, most of all support the religious bigotry and xenophobia that I endured at their hands.  All I ever wanted in my life was to be loved, have children, be able to smile, and to have some semblence of a normal life. After Rachel did what she did and the Church of the New Jerusalem reaction to that evil I know that my cause shines in the light now.  Today I have decided to tell my story and never again care what happens to them.  I wanted one thing for Christmas and it was the love and peace of Rachel to forgive me and for me to forgive her and for us to put whatever the Devil and evil set between us and rebuild our friendship.  Now I see evil has one so there is no Christmas for me............... Its all about selfishness and selfish desire not the gift that Jesus Christ gave us to share and since no one in the New Church had the bravery to stand up or in Rachel's family to stand up then for the next 12 months in 2013 I will expose it with no reservation and no holding back.  I am not sorry because I was shown evil is the way by Rachel Myatt, The Myatt, Friesen, and Baker Family, and Pastor Glenn. 

I had nothing but love for you all but when my mom died and I needed you all you turned your back on me and cursed me.  I still loved you and you ignored me.  You claimed to live a certain way but lived hypocritcally behind my back.  Most of all Rachel you tried to get rid of every trace of me and I am right here I am living,  You hurt me for real, and now you have to deal with the consequences of your cruelty and disrespect..................................

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Roll On: My Christmas Love Letter To the Myatts

Dear Rachel, Myatts, and New Church,

In a couple of days I will release my Christmas Love Letter to Rachel Myatt and the Myatts.  It will be an example of how a Christian I dont give up on the ones I love. It will be a reflection of their actions and it will reflect on the New Church whether they respond or not.  What it will do is send a message to not only the Myatts, to Rachel herself, and those of the New Church if you preach a message of love and acceptance then you need to live by that.    I put two videos up one by Australian band "The Living End" called "Roll On" about how I will never back down to this cause and if Rachel wants another year of hiding, another year of blogging, and another year of me rallying against the New Church then she is going to get it.   The second is for the whole Myatt family especially Rachel.  Rachel was the love of my life and she screwed it up because of self pride, letting others influence her, and just plain being cruel.   I'll never forget how you abandoned me but you know how I get back at you?  I don't I continue to love you and do it out in the open so both others know and you know you were loved so much and you were the one who chose to be hateful, unkind, and uncaring.   Pastor Coleman Glenn I haven't forgetten your hypocrisy in this story too.  I really hope you and Anne are happy but I also wanted to be happy with Rachel and they way you talked to me was as if I deserved to have a crappy unloving unfulfilling life and that Rachel was right in lying and doing evil to me and then you act in a manner with a long distance relationship such as Rachel and I then brag about it on the internet.  That is unbecoming and distasteful behavior for Clergy and you should be reprimanded.  This is to let all of you know that for putting me down, for looking down on me, and for kicking me down when I reached out to you for love you are being outed in the worst way.  A true story of love.

God Bless ALL

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Christmas Mourning: My Message of Love To Rachel, The Myatts, Friesens, and the New Church Worldwide

Dear Friends,
This is the blog I have waited to write for a long time but I couldnt get it to come together in my head correctly.  This morning God has given me the inspiration and the appropriate way to do this.  The blog is called Christmas Mourning.   Why? Because I am mouning the love I have for Rachel and Jonathan when I should have been rejoicing it because of Christ birth and the greatest gift of all that He ever gave us.  Love.   You know what I miss my mother more than anything in the world but when she died I dealt with the fact that I would never see her on this earthly realm again.  What I mourned and have hurt for is that my best friend Rachel Myatt and her son Jonathan would just walk out of my life and that killed me inside.  That truly made me grieve, that made me mourn.  That was a part of me that was dead and is still dying.   In an attempt to make people understand this morning I am going to use one of the New Church Examples of love. 



Now the reason I am using this is because Rachel changed my life.  She brought joy in my life, happiness at a time when there was sadness and change because of my mothers death and then ruined it all by using religion to be cruel, to put me down, to justify her cruelty, and to put me down to others so she didnt have to deal with the reality of what she was truly doing and I have tried to point this out to many New Church clergy and people and general.  I mean who wants to be part of a Church who acts in that manner? Not me!

Not only did Rachel saying and doing all the things she did affect me but also her Pastor Coleman Glenn.  He basically judged me and tried to find reasons why my love for Rachel wasn't pure and good and truthful and then has the same kind of long distance relationship with a young lady and is to be wed to her.  He should now know how lies, psychological damage, and the religious bigotry had an effect on my life especially at the time of losing my parent.  Rachel was and is loved beyond compare by me and regardless of our religious differences I had already decided.  Do you follow this people I had already decided I wanted to be study and be at one with Rachel religiously so not only did she turn me away but the Pastor and other people's examples turned me away.

I want you to think about the most painful thing that every happened to you and how if you had the chance you erase that.   Most of us would say no because it is that experience that makes us who we are.  Rachel's treatment of me made me who I am.  I could have been her loving, best friend, boyfriend, maybe even husband at this point but she still not only chooses to make me an enemy but to ignore the white flag and the opportunity for Reconciliation, Peace, and Goodwill to change both of our lives.  She would rather it bring reproach on her family, her church and continue hurting me and herself.

I want to use a video from the movie "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" as an example of what removing bad things or trying to leave them behind can actually hinder our spiritual growth.

I would never want to have Rachel erased from my mind and the fact is I love her with all my heart.  I see her and Jonathan in my mind everyday and the picture is a reminder when I write my blog how much I love them. The reason I write the blog and do the worldwide campaign is because I love her more than anyone I have ever loved and I long to see her and Jonathan again.  As long as I know they are alive they will be in my heart and I will miss them.  Rachel if you are reading this.  If your family is reading this then that is why I do the things I do because I love them,  I love you all.  I am in love with what God gave us and that is the gift of love and that is what I have to give. 

I want to end on a couple of points today.  God knows where all of us are going even if He gives us free will.  I know it is my journey and destiny to love Rachel Myatt and no matter how extreme, silly, and crazy it may seem to some I love her.  She needs to know and trust in God enough that He would not send someone in her life as strong, as purposed, and as stubborn as I am just to hurt her her.  It is because He loves her,  He thinks the world of her,  She is one of His Special children and maybe a man has never loved her like this before but I do.  I wont back down and I will take the insults and arrows thrown at me and even in the face of suffering.

1 Corinthians 13:1-4

13 If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.
4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
No Truer words could be spoken and I will continue to be patient and believe in Rachel. It is all about Love and always will be.

Love consists in desiring to give what is our own to another and feeling his delight as our ownEmanuel Swedenborg

I want to conclude this blog two ways one by saying to Rachel Myatt, The Myatt, Friesen, and Baker families I love Rachel and Jonathan and through Rachel and Jonathan I love you.  If you cannot see what love, true love is capable of then look at how I have never given up on Rachel and Jonathan but I am a man so full of love for them that it wont subside.  I want you to stop making negatives out of it and see the positives that Rachel has a good man that loves her as a best friend and would go through hell and even tell his deepest darkest stories on the internet to prove that he loved her and still loves her.

Before I release my last newletter before the Christmas holiday I challenge Rachel, any of her family members,  or even a concerned New Church member to write me and want to see that peace and love between Rachel and I.  If you know Rachel then encourage and pray for the same though and of her.  My arms are wide open and I love her and Jonathan just as much as time I told them so. You can contact me via email here on this blog.
The only Christmas present I want this year as the last two years is peace between Rachel and I and prayers for that peace.  I have asked that no one give me any physical gifts but just to pray that Rachel and I make peace.  That is how much I love you Rachel, my Rae Rae, Ray of Sunshine, Daughter of Christ,  My sister of Christ.  I want nothing but peace with you.  You are my best friend and I would give up all my material possesions like I was going to anyway for you and Jonathan because my love for you is all that matters.

God and Religion are love and here is a song about how much I love Rachel making her one of the beloved things in my life called "You're My Religion Now" by Canadian Artist ,  Jane Child.  http://www.myspace.com/music/player?song=you-re-my-religion-30979657

Finally a prayer. 

The Prayer for Christmas Morning.

Dear Heavenly Father,

We thank You Father for the love you put into our hearts each day.  I want to thank you for bringing Rachel and Jonathan in my life.  I know that at times I havent said or done the right thing but I know you have given me the direction to show Rachel and Jonathan that love that you have instillled with me.  As I am here all alone today please let them know I love them both and need both Rachel, Jonathan, and the perspective families in my life.  Rachel needs to know that from my campaign to my blog they are acts done out of love and I ask that any elements of evil be banished buy Your love and guidance Lord to help me show her how loved and important she is.  I want to make peace, I want reconciliation, I want to see Rachel and Jonathan again and hold them in the near future and I put my faith in you Lord.  I would lay down all I have for Rachel to know how much I love her and I will give up everything to do Your Will my God.  I no longer live a life for myself I put it all in your hands Lord.  I love Rachel and Jonathan please deliver me back to them. I wish nothing but Blessings on Rachel, the Myatt, Friesen, and Baker families. All good comes through your name Lord.
