Rachel and Jonathan

Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Chasing Byron, The One Rachel Let Get Away

Dear Readers and Rachel,

I will always be the one who Rachel let get away because I loved her unconditionally,  I never cared about her past, I only saw her for all the beautiful things she was and will become. You let petty things, superficiality, and other peoples words get in the way of someone who truly loved you.  One day she will realize how cruel she was to me and how what she did causes a lot of pain and changed someone's life for the worst. You spent so much time talking about Jonathan's father and not noticing there was a guy who thought the world of you and was willing to travel and do anything foryou.  You were truly loved.  Instead of Chasing Amy.  You will be Chasing Byron.  I loved you Rachel Myatt you were just too blind to see it.

Pride That Prevents A Heart From Healing(Happy Birthday Blog 2yrs and Counting)

Happy Birthday Blog(Today this blog is 2yrs old and I am still going to go strong) Rachel is going to know the true meaning of lying, slandering, and breaking someones heart by the middle of this year.

When I Reached Out To Rachel for love and for comfort after my Mother's death I was abandoned, ridiculed, and made fun of.  Her family was in on it no doubt also.  I wont ever forget that and now that I am waging Jihad against the Church of the New Jerusalem I want them to know that there used to be love in my heart for all of you but now all I feel is pity because you claim to be of love and of charity but you are just a cheap excuse for selfishness, self love, and evil.  You are the mirror you try not to look into.  I hope one day Rachel and the Myatts realize why all this happened.  It didnt happen overnight. It happened when I realized that no one took Rachel, her parents, her Church, or anyone to task on the lies that they brainwash people with about God and then get mad when others dont want to follow them.  I would have accepted any crazy doctrine because I have my own relationship with God and that is the most important thing.  I loved Rachel Myatt for who she was and is. It doesnt matter what affiliation or church you are in, in fact Churches are more like gangs or high school clicks now.  Instead of trying to reach people with the message of Jesus Christ the New Church tries to ostracize a certain kind of people, all the while proclaiming to accept all into God's Kingdom.  Hypocrisy at its best.  Just remember all you Bishops, Pastors, and Reverends how you scoffed at my unconditional love and made excuses for Rachel's evil.  Well now whatever happens its on you.....................

Proverbs 16:17-19

17 The highway of the upright avoids evil;
those who guard their ways preserve their lives.

18 Pride goes before destruction,
a haughty spirit before a fall.

19 Better to be lowly in spirit along with the oppressed
than to share plunder with the proud.


Monday, January 28, 2013

Shallow Rachel - How New Church Values Contributed to Her Attitude

Inner Beauty - It is something we all have and we are capable of showing.  I have had to show my inner beauty my whole life and I look in the mirror and know that my looks are less than desireable to many women so I have gotten by with style, intelligence, charisma, charm, and inner beauty with women. Rachel is a beautiful woman on the outside but she is very ugly, vile, selfish, and a self centered on the inside.  She is very insecure, unsure of herself, and not very good in making decisions. The reason why this blog and everything else is happening to her is because she ran her mouth about how I wouldnt do anything and get the Church involved.  The same person who had slept with me and told me she loved me days earlier was calling me loser, crazy, mentally ill, and put me down, talked bad toward me and my deceased mother. It was detestable.  The more I think about it I think about how strong I am and how weak people like she are.

I have this to say on the matter.  The Swedenborgians of the General New Church Assembly teach free will and the emphasis on letting evil happen and accepting it.  I was told by Pastor Coleman Glenn that its ok to be evil if it benefits oneself but it doesnt matter how the person who is not in the New Church scheme of things gets hurt.  It is almost moronic at the level of self love and ungodly direction that some of the Doctrine of the New Church express.  I put God first in all things.  I have a selfish will and I could have followed it in this situation but I didnt. All I wanted was to let God into my heart fully and to go where God was.

For those who do not know the story go back and read my blog "The Woman I Unconditionally Continue to Love"  What a lot of people miss is that I had another young lady who wanted to be with me and I turned her down because of Rachel.  You know why I turned her away, it was because I thought Rachel truly was a servant of the Lord and this other girl did not see nor did she want the Lord to be part of her life.  I explained this to her and we parted ways amicably.  I told her about Rachel and how much I loved Rachel.  The other woman was the perfect idea match of what I wanted she was Strawberry Blonde, She was here in Texas, She was beautiful.  She was everything I ever wanted except someone who wanted to be one with me in the Lord.  Rachel should be ashamed of herself or whoever in her family told her or persueded her that I did not love God.  God was the whole reason I came to her and believed in her.  She is very cruel towards others in her speech and mannerisms.  She is kind to children but crass and petty toward other adults.  She was my sister in Christ, my best friend, and the love of my life.  I traveled far and believed in her for so long.  It seems that Swedenborg wants you to love yourself so much that you do not believe in reconcilation, that you allude to love and charity but act selfishly towards those who love you back.  What kind of Christian Doctrine is that? You talk about having a God who doesnt punish.  God has to have the upper hand on his Creation.  He is a loving God not a vengeful God.   He did however create all of us and all that around us so for you Science and New Age Christians it doesnt matter how you put it or how many joints you smoke, or how much ether or alcohol you had when you wrote your books! You know what? Jesus, God, The Saviour of the Universe trumps any vision any mortal man might have had and you can say Swedenborg's Word is Divine all day but you truly know its not.  He was not a prophet, not divine, not sanctioned by God.  He was just a man who couldnt follow the rules of the True Church and wanted to make things in his own image.  He wanted to be able to sin and justify the sin.  To make things seem heavenly and divine while basically just Ghost Writing behind the Bible the true whole Word of God.  In February my Valentine to Rachel and the New Church will be a pamphet I will hand out called "Ghost Writing, Self Love, And Evil Spirits - Emanuel Swedenborg , The Great Deciever and Spirit Medium"  I want others to know not only was hypocritical in talking to spirits and demons proclaiming he walked through heaven and hell but he made things up to fit his own selfish desires rooted in sexuality and carnal desires.  Anyone with a clear understanding of the HOLY BIBLE the True Word of God can see that Swedenborgians are truly a cult they think they have some kind of special understanding of God and are better than other people but people who truly have an understanding of God are humble, not defensive, evil, and close minded.  With the New Church its all or nothing if you dont believe like them you are wrong and they try to make you look as such.  Rachel's one act of unkindness has brought me to my destiny and I embrace it with open arms. It is to get Christians to love each other and accept their differences without putting down others but in that to put an end to harmful cults brainwashing people with evil lies that only beget more evil.  I am sorry that no one in the New Church is Brave Enough to Challenge Me.  It is because you know I am telling the truth.  I am already writing a pamplet called "Why Black People Are Not Welcome in the New Church" to tell of my experience with Rachel Myatt, the Myatt Family, and Pastor Coleman Glenn in the Dawson Creek New Church congregation.  I will not hestitate to say what needs to be said and some of you will be able to read it very soon.  I will not back down.  Rachel you caused all this damage and a couple words on the phone with me and reconciliation could end this but you are too stubborn, too hateful, and to selfish to ever know God's love like I know it because you were taught self love, evil is twisting of good which it is not, Evil is a manifestation of what is wrong and Good is a manifestation of what right there is no middle ground.  I ask God Bless You All Today there is much work to be done in my ministry and I want others to know the truth.  The truth will set you free.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Unconditional Love : On The Verge of A Media Battle - One Man's Struggle With New Church Superiority Complex

Love Will Always Prevail Over Hate and Evil.  I dedicate Yes 1987 hit "Love Will Find A Way" to Rachel Myatt and a prayer of love that will be the game changer in this battle.

I hereby declare that I will in the month of February release videos and testimonies about my dealings with Rachel Myatt and the New Church.  I will not change the names and if you want to file litigation against me then so be it.  This is about honor, love, and respect.  Rachel showed me none of that and neither did Pastor Cooper or Pastor Glenn. At the end of the day I know what I am doing is right and exposing false doctrine especially one that puts Doctrine over Love which even Swedenborg realized is wrong.   Rachel if you were truly caring and loving you would realize that in what I have to say it will affect your family, your church, and you more than anything ever has before.  I am fully aware of you trying to get my pictures taken down by Yahoo, Google, and Facebook but they are my pictures and you gave me permission to take them and I will use them as such.  You should have been more mature about being in a relationship and your tongue should have been more tactful in the things that came forth from your mouth.  You were my best friend, my heroine then you treated me as an enemy and leper.  I love you with all my heart and now it has come to this. I will not back down as I havent with my campaign.  Do you know that everytime I write this blog or pass out materials it is a reflection on your Church.  I am going down soon to the area where the New Church is in my state and pass out materials.  I will not apologize,  I will not lie,  I will tell the truth using your words,  words of your pastors and clergy, and I will use the emails sent back and forth between us.  No one took me seriously.

For Bishop Keith and Asst Bishop Buss you may deeply want to look into the heart and mindset of Pastor Coleman Glenn.  He is one that puts Doctrine before Love and part of the reason that this is happening is because of him.  I cant put the whole burden on him because your Pastor Cooper frequently tried to pass it off on him because he was too high on his throne to come down and confront my questions and the fact I was showing a love bigger than the selfish love Ms. Myatt was displaying.  So for all you that think this is a joke and value your New Church teachings I am about to bring them to the forefront involving Race Dealings, Sexism, and Bigotry from the New Church to Christians all over the world and I will stop at nothing...........

Thursday, January 24, 2013

You Are Still Loved and Can Change Things Rachel

Dear Rachel,

As you take the time to check in and read this tonight I want you to know you are still loved. When you look on your Iphone to see if I have trashed you, I am actually praying God gives me the strength to still love you.  If you think I am not passing out my story and my newsletter I am.  If you think that I don't know how you try to keep my blog and pictures of you and I from being seen I do.  I know more you ever think I know.  Had you not abandoned me and blew me off you would have known how special I am and how much I love you and Jonathan.  I will just leave you with that tonight.   I love you Rachel and Jonathan Myatt.

You mean the world to me and I wish you would come back best friend.  I believe in you. No man will ever love you as much as I do but I want to leave you tonight with a song : "I Believe in You" by Christian band Stryper.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Christian Campaign Progress at its Best


One of the greatest Christian Bands ever today plays a farewell show in my home area.  Oh and Pastor Derrick Lumsden this aint no sappy uninspired weak crap either.

Also along for the ride one of the best folk rock Christian band.....  Period  - Mewithoutyou

Church of the New Jerusalem and NewChurchliveTV are you ready for the intensity that bands like that bring?  Are you ready for me to spread the word? Rachel did you even know who you were messing with?

Campaign rolls on Today!!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

If It Aint White, It Aint Right......... Can the New Church Stop Hiding from Its Prejudices and Bigotry(Calling Chuck Blair and Frank Meeink)


Dear Readers and Church of the New Jerusalem,
I am using this video above as both serious and sarcasm.  Most black people especially black men do not hate White People. It is White people's worldview that usually makes black people loathe and start hating them in later life.  I loved and still love Rachel and though I never looked at her and her family as white people I thought this was a funny way for people to see how a lot of us black men view white women per se.  I agree almost 100% because in my experience with women of my own ethnicity I get treated pretty bad to the point where I dated everyone but them because of their attitude and the black women who are like me they date men of other ethnicities too.  A lot of my female relatives at this point have white or hispanic husbands or boyfriends.  We are humans and we are meant to love one another.  It is not so much about staying with the same kind it is about loving and freeing your heart to love people of all sorts.  If the Swedenborgians truly believed this I wouldn't be putting together this bombardment of a campaign against them.  Rachel and I would have made peace and life would go on. 

I want to call out Chuck Blair and Frank Meeink for a moment in his involvement in being part of the New Church guest speakership.   Mr. Meeink if you ever get to read this I have a never hated white people.  I was a victim of a skinhead crime in my teens and hung out in punk circles where I had to watch my back just because of the color of my skin.  I am glad you are reformed and realized how beautiful but the Church of the New Jerusalem has not.  They dont want you to see their closeted bigotry and racism and Chuck Blair if you really wanted to have a guest speaker then instead of try to make something positive out of something negative take a negative and make someone positive.  Let me tell my story to your people.  Let me show how New Church Bigotry affected me.  If not then I will just film it myself and then you wont have a voice and I will out everybody.  I challenge you to do that.  That way if anyone wants to be involved like Rachel and the Myatt family and Pastor Coleman Glenn who sit by and watch wondering what I am going to do next then they can be involved. If it is just on my terms thought they wont have a say and I will not hold back the hurt, the anger, and the betrayal that I was showed by them.  I want everyone to take a minute to watch this moment from American History X and think about people like Frank Meeink and White Racist Reforming, Black people are racist too but they can change much as a militant Malcolm X changed to be something great before his assasination. You may find the first video a little vulgar but it is making a point about how we can make friends and see the beauty in other human beings because of the special gift God gives each of it in this case is humor. As many know this movie was partly inspired by Mr Meeink.  What about the black guy in this scene? How he sees through the hate in the other guy to just love and continues to believe in the other guy no matter how much the other guy wants to hate him.  See Chuck Blair, New Church Clergy, and Bigots everywhere no one wants to tell that story.  That is the story I have, the one I have for Rachel, the one I have for all those who have hated me and wished me ill just for the color of my skin.  Good Samaritan,  Full of Love,  Maybe thinking revenge and retaliation but all the while only wanting to love because God's love overcame that in my heart.  Who in the New Chuch is brave enough to hear and print that story before I do it myself?

This is from the Movie Malcom X when he realized that being racist and one sided was wrong and that he had to work with others to achieve his goal of uniting people together under God, under Allah.

Dear Sister Rachel Myatt on this day I call out to you to end the war between us. End your silence and come forward and make peace.  My hand is open to you,  My heart is open to you like a cistern from a pristene waterfall.  God is with me and He wants me to put an end to all this hurt and hate in my life.  He loves me and you and in my heart he put one of the greatest loves for you dear Rachel and Jonathan that has ever been known on this earth.  I love you as my sister, my best friend, and I will continue to love you despite sometimes being cruel.  I ask you to help me end all this by showing love and realizing how deeply you are loved Rachel.  Come out of hiding, step into the light, show me the Rachel that i know exist.

Brothers Chuck Blair and Frank Meeink,  I know God can change ones life even in the deepest hate.  I should by all means hate White people all the skinheads who chased me home from school, the ones at the club who wanted to fight only because of the color of my skin.  The rednecks here in Texas who called me Nigger just because it felt good to them.  All those who assumed because of my skin color I would talk or act a certain way but were shocked when my dialect, vernacular, nor mannerisms were nothing like they imagined or stereotyped me too.  I want you to know my name is Byron Boone and I hide from no one and I am not scared of anyone.  I fear only God and in that since it is only the fear of not using His love for good and His Word for righteousness.  If you want a real story Brother Blair and for the New Church to see how its teachings promote arrogance and bigotry then be as so brave to  let others hear my story.  If not then I will in the next couple of months let people hear of my story on my own accord.  The story of a black man who loved white, black, indian, asian, and people of all nationalities and have friends to prove my point.  Brother Meeink I applaud all the people's lives you have changed but it is also time for people to see the others side of the story.  They need to see the side where those who are hated continually are challenged by God to love so people like you can make the change and reform.  I will stand back and let God take action and as this unfolds I will continue to love Rachel and let her know that she means the world to me even if she betrayed me, put me down, showed me bigotry and hate.  In the end Love will Prevail.  I am not afraid and I will not stand back on the sidelines and wait for anyone.  You can beat me, sue, say all the ill things you want because you already did that and it made me stronger and I will not back down. 

Ephesians 4:1-3Unity and Maturity in the Body of Christ4. As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. 2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. 3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

My Calling is to Love Brothers and Sisters.  Rachel can continue to ignore me.  The New Church can laugh and pretend I don't exist and soon because of that attitude they wont exist because no one will listen to those who falsely call upon the Lord but do not act according to His Word.

I wish Unity, Peace, and Love and I dedicate this song to Rachel Myatt,  The Church of the New Jerusalem, and Frank Meeink.  I used it for another blog but I realized that here it has true meaning  "Alleyways and Avenues" by Rancid

opening few seconds has profanity sorry

God Bless ALL

Rachel Can't Forgive So I wont Forget : The Public Hum(anliation) Campaign 2013

Dear Readers,
Above is a clip by one of the greatest Comedians ever.  Bill Hicks.  He died before his time in 1993 of pancreatic cancer.  Because of Fans and friends like David Letterman and the rock band Tool he lived on post humously and millions were exposed to his work.  This is a direct shot at Rachel Myatt and holier than thou Swedenborgians who think they in the New Church are special and have some super divine revelation from God.  All I have encountered is Bigotry, Arrogance, and skirting around the obvious truths.  They want to make their organization look Godly, Friendly, and Welcoming but I learned otherwise.  If they truly were special and had something to offer they, first wouldn't try to change God's Word to fit the way they want to live instead live according to what God and the Word ask of us.  Secondly, they would not make God in their image but imagine how glorious God is and accept Him as someone more than someone Human but that is everywhere. I want Rachel Myatt and her family to know I had nothing but love for them but the time has come for me to let that love go and just come clean with the hurt and pain that came from the way she, her family, and clergy of the New Church treated me.  If it hurts any of them publically, or professionally , who really gives a flip at this point? I Remember how Lord Pastor Cooper Couldn't get off his Throne enough over in Toronto to write me a proper reply. These people are so full of themselves and they wonder why they are considered a cult and people dont take them seriously. Give it up. God created Science so without Science there would be no Swedenborg.  Just cause someone had hallucinagenic drugs and walked around high talking to what they saw when they were high and wrote volumes about it doesnt make it Divine, nor does it make it Prophetic.  It sounds like a selfish attempt to do whatever you want, lie, cheat, steal, forsake the Lord's sacrifice, and use charity as an excuse to truly atone for ones sins.   I reached out to make peace with you and you are not the Christians you try to make people think you are.  You are fakes, phonies, and hypocrites and so 2013 will be spent exposing you for what you really are. An Apostate organization of PsuedoChristians who twist the Good in the True Word, to fit your evil and hedonistic lifesstyle.  You judged me Rachel well its time for this to be thrown back in your face full circle you hateful bitch.  At least I am honest about my feelings and I can organize things and say things with a Premise, Body, and Conclusion and give evidence to back my claim's instead of running my mouth making false claims as Rachel decided to do.  So to all you enlightened people please look through Bill's catalogue and take a stand against Political, Racial, and Religious oppression and bigotry.  To Rachel and The New Church get ready to be put on Display.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Church of the New Jerusalem can tell About the Anglo Saxon learning to Love Others but Cant Tell about the African American who Already Loved Others and How He was turned Away: Hypocrisy at its Best!!!

For the Bigotry, Lies, and Hatred I spoke out against from Rachel Myatt, the Myatt and Friesen Families, and The Church of the New  Jerusalem how come no one wants to put my story out in the open.  Well I guess I will have to do it myself because they only want White People To Tell their story of how They Accepted People Of Other Races but they Dont  Want to Tell of How the BLACK MAN who already loved people of other Races and Creeds loved the White Girl From Canada and of the New Church and was TURNED AWAY, RIDICULED, and BLASPHEMED against by her, her family, the New Church and her Pastor.  I know what my mission is now and it is to get this story of reverse hypocrisy out there.  Here is the story of the White Man speaking out but its time for me the BLACK MAN to spread what the New Church Doesnt Want You To hear unless they want to have me as a guest and do it right then I will spread my story worldwide in February.  This time with a video and words and pictures and I wont hesitate to speak out against the Myatts, Rachel, or the New Church. http://www.newchurch.org/activities/newchurchlive/archives/connect/part2.html

I'm Hungry: God Puts Determination in the Hearts of those who Never Give Up On HIM

Dear Readers  please watch this clip from the movie Notorious about deceased hip hop icon Notorious B.I.G. watch from 0:19-0:36 where actor Derek Luke portraying Puff Daddy now P. Diddy whose real name is Sean Combs.  He talks about being hungry.  This is the kind of hungry I have been and I am.  When I met Rachel I was finally hungry and ready to be loved and I went after it.  I still love her and Jonathan with all my heart and if she cant see that almost 3yrs have went by and I am still hungry and I am ready to put out all that I have in the form of a story to let her know how deeply she, her family, and the Church of the New Jerusalem hurt me then it is her loss.  I am ready to put it all on the line. I am hungry. Im not going to sit back and feel sorry for myself or feel guilty towards hurting Rachel or others with the truth.  It needs to be known. God's spirit is all in my soul and I am full of love.  Evil wanted me to hate Rachel and become that evil person who just trashes but instead I am going to tell my story and how she betrayed my love, how she lied to me and how this whole time I have just not given up.  I will take on anyone,  I will go anywhere, and I will do anything Rachel Myatt. You can keep what has been pretty small scale between us Rachel by contacting me or I can just let it go.  I am about to let it all out.  So remember you were given every chance to respond. You left me behind, you put me down, you abandoned my love, and I never wanted any but to spend my life with you Rachel, and Jonathan.  So you can take this blog however you want. I am going to press on with some big moves and if you look around and ask some of the Pastors in your Church if my Newsletter has got to them it has I have never been playing.  I am out everyday passing out my story on you and the Church of the New Jerusalem and this is a promise and it is my hunger and desire.  God's love will prevail and as long as I truly love Him what you did wont hurt as much  and it will inspire me to keep going.


Genesis 23:10-11

10 Ephron the Hittite was sitting among his people and he replied to Abraham in the hearing of all the Hittites who had come to the gate of his city. 11 “No, my lord,” he said. “Listen to me; I give you the field, and I give you the cave that is in it. I give  it to you in the presence of my people. Bury your dead.”

Dear Rachel,
My best revenge on you is to keep loving you.  It is to keep telling my story and let you and your family know how deeply you hurt me and let others know when I tried to make peace and reconcile with you, it was you who turned a blind eye.  It is I who should hate you and should seek an eye for an eye against you but I don't I pity the cowardice and the way you treat people Rachel Myatt.  If you were truly intelligent enough and spent more time reading the Bible than Swedenborg you would understand why I put up the video by Deadsy(Key to Granmercy Park) Elijah the singer is Cher's son and the son of Greg Allman also.  It has biblical meaning if you listen to the words and read your Bible it will give you a clue to what I am going to do next toward you in my campaign.  

God BLess ALL

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Nothing Wrong With Me, The Problem Was Always You and Your Insecurities

Dear Readers,
The video clip above is from the HBO show "Girls" if you want to know how I feel about how Rachel treated me and how spoiled and stuck up I think she is just watch this clip from 1:38-3:45.  The show is basically about priveliged white girls who live in New York who don't really want to take responsibility for their lives.  All I ever wanted Rachel to do was look in the mirror and see the beautiful person I did inside and out. She wasted almost a year of my life and I was committed so I know how Adam,  Hannah's boyfriend feels.  It has destroyed my life, my view of women and my heart is broken in places I never knew it could break.  Some people never heal and I never will not because I don't want to but because Rachel never gave me closure.  When I tried to make peace with her she blew it off and so now I will walk this earth wounded and alone and maybe to Rachel or the Myatt family or to even you dear reader that sounds dramatic but I really loved Rachel and Jonathan Myatt and I was committed to both of them.  So when you read this blog from now on realize the damage that Rachel truly did and why I have reacted and will continue to carry on my campaign against her, her family, and the New Church because they dont truly know struggle or what I been through but yet tried to judge me.  They had all the blessings in family and love around them and when I had little to nothing and my world was falling down around me instead of love and accept me I was belittled, betrayed, a put down so much especially by Rachel saying I didn't love God. No I will never love God as as selfish Human entity like Swedenborgians do.  I love God as my eternal Father and Jesus as my Savior and Best Friend.   Rachel was my earthly best friend and I loved her and Jonathan tenfold but she never stopped to see how beautiful and how wonderful I thought she was...............

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday Morning : When Evil and Judgments Blow Back At You

Dear Readers,

When we judge others, when we lie, when we are evil to others it does come back to us.  Rachel thought that she could just walk all over my heart and go back to living a normal life.  On top of that she thought she could slander and try to smear my character to make me look like some kind of crazy person so it would justify her evils.  She messed with the wrong person!!  One thing I have learned from Swedenborg is the nature of being selfish.  Rachel and Pastor Glenn taught me that.   Instead of being an example of good and realizing the evil that Rachel did.  Pastor Glenn automatically took the New Church side because he knew Rachel and didnt know me.  So it made it ok through Swedenborg to treat me in such a manner because I wasn't part of their little circle or club.   I want to point that maybe some of of the Pastors in the New Church are realizing they are pushing potential worshippers away by their arrogance and their actions.  It is like they don't want to let anyone into their exclusive club.
 http://www.newchurch.org/activities/newchurchlive/archives/connect/index.html It is like they are so caught up in their traditions, and their circle of family, and the few people they already know. They act like they have this higher calling than anyone else in the world and that they are so much smarter and enlightened.  They contradict both what Swedenborg and the Bible say about who are truly enlightened know very little.  Rachel and her family don't know what it is to be humble and Pastor Glenn sure doesn't all he was worried about the whole time is how me trying to make peace with Rachel through him would cost him his job.   A true body of clergy wouldnt reprimand him for trying to be a conduit of peace but instead he rather make an enemy and have someone start a whole campaign against the New Church and that was worth more than a couple kind words, understanding, and compassion.  If a the New Church hiearchy would fire someone over something as small as love then they should be exposed. You chose your path Pastor Coleman Glenn.

I want everyone to know why I am including Pastor Glenn in this battle.  I come to a Pastor of a Church and he constantly downplayed my love for Rachel and tried to basically tell me I was wrong and Rachel was right and it was all about her free will.  Meanwhile he was carrying on secretly the same kind of Relationship (long distance) it eventually resulted in marriage on December 30th of 2012.  Not once did he think of all the hurt and lies that Rachel brought on me.  If he loved his bride Ann couldn't he think of how much I loved Rachel and how her actions, lies, and her attitude affected me when I only wanted the same? No it was well Swedenborg this and Swedenborg that and Rachel's free will this and Rachel's free will that.  So when I retaliate with the blog out of love I still get excuses to the point where my free will nor my grieving for my mother was never considered.  How could a Pastor not even care that a person lost their mother.  Pastor Glenn never did.  He cared only that he prove his doctrine right and make Rachel look as viable as possible so that was why he is part of this.

When I sent donations to the Church? Donations to Rachel's Ladies Society,  Christmas presents to the Myatt's and Pastor Glenn did I get a thank you or even an awknowledgement of Good or Love or Peace no.  They ignored me.  So another Pastor,  Derrick Lumsden wanted to call me out saying I was being unloving and he never even stopped to look at how much love I have for people.  I am sorry no matter how much you want to in life if you open your mouth and talk bad about other people then their will be consequences.  I am 2yrs into this going to let the New Church, The Myatt Family, and Pastor Glenn know how this truly affected my life. I have never been around so much selfishness and evil in my life. You are the worst Church ever and I plan to expose that.  This little story I am telling is a reflection on your Church as a whole especially the Dawson Creek New Church and the Myatt family.  Rachel can hide pictures of her and Jonathan all she wants and she thinks that time will just wipe it under the rug  YOU CANNOT HIDE FROM THE TRUTH.   As long as their is the printed word, the internet, and a means for me to spread this I will. I will supplement the things I say from your own sermons and books I will not just blindly make assumptions about things like Rachel, The Myatts, Pastor Glenn, and the New Church did about me.  I dont care if you sue me, I dont care if you run background checks, I do not care if you think I  am crazy because I know what I am.  I am a Beautiful Human Being who loved Rachel Myatt and she took advantage not only of my love but my good nature and then tried to turn things against me and make me look like the villian. Self Love is one of the worst of sins and Rachel only cared about what she wanted in the in, not how she hurt me or how she affected others.  She doesnt care about her name nor her story being used as an example of how the New Church turns people away because of her ego.  She is so arrogant.  She doesnt care if I talk about her family, her Pastor, or noone else because it is all about her.

I love Rachel Myatt with all my heart but I am not going to let this go anytime soon.
God Bless ALL

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sit Back and Believe that Nothing Is Happening , Life Goes On and People You Hurt Can Become Great : I Will Campaign and Prevail Against the Church of the New Jerusalem


Dear Readers,

Let me tell you one thing.  I am not afraid of the Myatt family nor their reputation.  I could careless about Rachel because she had her chance to reconcile, make peace, and she was truly loved. I don't give a flip about Pastor Glenn and I dont care what I say about him or his racist ministry.  When I came to you all with love you spit on me and turned me away.  Rachel I dont care about saying anything anymore and how it affects you.  You need to be put out in the open like I have done. All those two face Pastors in the New Church it was ok for you do do evil to me and put me down but they made excuses for me loving you back instead of getting revenge.  I think you people love putting evil and selfishness first.  I just want you all tonight to know that while you are fracking out Geocaching Rachel and Jane, or having sex and believing in true love  and being happy that non New Church people like me I am not supposed to have Pastor Coleman Glenn I am about to make you rue the day you ever crossed my path.  You know what I think of the Mockery that the Church of the New Jerusalem make of Jesus Christ and of God in General well if not here it is.  Screw all of you Religious bigots, sycophants, hedonist, and worshippers of the flesh.  I am not afraid of any of you and I am about make Rachel wish she ever said anything hateful toward me or my mother.  No its been 2 years and I wont let it go till someone from the Myatt or Friesen family preferebly Rachel has the fortitude to stand up to me until then I will spread it further and you may never know what is going on.  But you are cowards and you arent even on my level. You can talk and put others down and talk of a God who doesnt punish and act like you are saints but you are the most bigotted two face sinners on the earth and you need to get fucked. Here is what I think of your Human god. aka Mammon Le Swedenborg.

Screw first of all Rachel Myatt.  I you messed with my one dream and I loved you and Jonathan with all my heart and the scars and wounds are still fresh so I want everyone to know what a cunt and loser you are.  Fuck the Myatt and Friesen families for being hypocrites and for putting up any kind of front. You didnt get to take the time to know me you just judged me and to any of you who said anything to Rachel about me being mentally ill while I was grieving may that person sit at the bottom step of heaven just in hell for eternity you fucking hateful vile piece of shit.  Do I hate you.  No I hate the lies you try to sell people and the hypocrites you are as people and I am going to expose that across the land.

Screw Pastor Coleman Glenn and his family new wife included.  You are not a real Pastor. Anyone that would chose doctrine over loving your fellow man in time of need is a fucking cake boy for the the clergy.  They probably touch each other in class.  I still have all you emails and I will never forget your uncaring and your selfish attitude.   You should be ashamed of yourself.  When I reached out for love instead of hurt against Rachel all you fake ass people did was make excuses so I am making this publicly available to as many people in the world as I can.
Pastor Derrick Lumsden you are another fake person how could you judge me and say that Rachel shouldnt be on display when you didn't even see what she did or said.  Sometimes people need to be taught a lesson and it is God showing that person a lesson through another.

This is for all the men that Rachel has hurt.
This is for all the lies that the Church of the New Jerusalem has told
This is for all the people who doubted me and my campaign
2013 is Down with the Hateful, Bigoted, Scientific Leaning, Non Christian themes of the New Church.

Ill leave you bigots with one thing to think about this night

Without God, Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Saviour there would be no Science and so your shoddy attempts to explain things are still a bunch of balderdash because without Him we all are nothing free will or not.  There would be no Swedenborg, No Apostles, No Bible, None of this had their been No God to create and to let any of this happen so think on the most simplest terms people before you spew your false rhetoric and logic at people.  Helen Keller could and Stevie Wonder can see beauty in God why can't you.

I dont apologize for nothing I am doing and I am no longer afraid to let loose fuck you Rachel Myatt, you played with my love now take you medicine you hateful bigoted evil woman.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy Birthday Rachel Myatt

The Smiths - Unhappy Birthday

I've come to wish you an unhappy birthday
I've come to wish you an unhappy birthday
'Cause you're evil
And you lie
And if you should die
I may feel slightly sad
(But I won't cry)

Loved and lost
And some may say
When usually it's Nothing
Surely you're happy
It should be this way ?
I say "No, I'm gonna kill my dog"
And : "May the lines sag, may the lines sag heavy and deep tonight"

I've come to wish you an unhappy birthday
I've come to wish you an unhappy birthday
'Cause you're evil
And you lie
And if you should die
I may feel slightly sad
(But I won't cry)

Loved and lost
And some may say
When usually it's Nothing
Surely you're happy
It should be this way ?
I said "No"
And then I shot myself
So, drink, drink, drink
And be I'll tonight

From the one you left behind
From the one you left behind
From the one you left behind
From the one you left behind
Oh, unhappy birthday

All I wanted for the past 3 years on Christmas was peace with you, on my Birthday and Easter I wanted the same.  You are a sick and hateful person Rachel Myatt.  You lie to someone, mess with their dream, and someone still loves you and reaches out to you and you hide and try to make them the villain.  You blasphemed against me and my family and I tried to show you how much I loved you and your family and you coward and hide.  This song fits you perfectly.

I want to point out the hypocrisy of the New Church especially in me reaching out to people like Rachel and Pastor Coleman Glenn.  You never wanted to see the good in me when all I did was look through your flaws and your hate to love you Rachel Myatt.  I loved you not blindly, not too well, but unconditionally and carefully and I would have never given you my heart had I not believe in you.  I took the time to listen to one of the sermons from the New Church and what this Pastor was saying was dead on.  God is using what I am doing for GOOD.  He is using this blog to not only let Rachel, the Myatts, and the New Church see the error in their ways but He has made me a stronger person in not giving up on the love and the beauty I see in people.  Rachel Myatt I thought you were the most beautiful person in the world imperfections and all and what did you do? You put me down, kicked me when you said you would be there for me, lied, and were just a horrible person. In 2013 the only way to make me forget is to step forward and be a woman or its just going to get bigger and you will shame yourself even more.   I leave you with the sermon from the Pastor and maybe after listening to the whole thing and thinking about this song not only Rachel but others will think about why this blog is here and my campaign came about and why it is going to continue to grow.

In the end Rachel Myatt you will have to see that each decision you make causes things to happen or not happen.  You knew what kind of person I was someone who believed in others and didnt sit back and let my dreams fade.  I loved you, believed in God, and believed in that love.  You spit on my love, my friendship, my Christianity, and my passion for life and what is Good so that is why all this is happening to you, Rachel Myatt.
Joseph: Looking for the Lord in Other People
Rev. Solomon Keal

Happy Birthday Rachel Myatt.