Rachel and Jonathan

Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Pastor Coleman Glenn will you Please Stand Up ( A Message to A Swedenborgian Pastor in Dawson Creek)

Dear Pastor Coleman Glenn,
I want to welcome you to my blog tonight it is directed toward you and is solely about you and your Church, The Church of The New Jerusalem, Dawson Creek, British Columbia. For anyone who is interested here it is. http://newchurch.ca/content/?page=DawsonCreek  I want to say one thing to begin with when a person of a Church is a Pastor they are a representative of the Church as a whole and it seems you don't care how your Church is represented  and how people disrespect your Church by their actions.  Rachel Myatt doesn't care about how your Church is portrayed because if she did she would have put an end to this along time ago.  You condone evil though it seems and since I have proof of you preaching it then there is no arguement that you condone people doing evil and not just a little evil the worst of evils and slander as was in Rachel's case. 
Here it is for all that believe in committing little white lies and doing little atrocities and sinning freely instead of seeking to find what is truly good and not seeking to do evil at all. Here is Pastor Glenn's sermon on "The Lesser Evil" http://www.patheos.com/blogs/goodandtruth/2011/10/the-lesser-evil/ Not the Lesser Good Ladies and Gentleman but the Lesser Evil. That sounds pretty self serving and hedonistic to me.  A Christian would never try to do any kind of evil over any amount of good but that is what is it is to be part of the New Church of Dawson Creek.

Oh and its ok to treat other people with disrespect Pastor Glenn is it not? Its ok to sleep with people anytime you want them then to lie and abandon them the next day. That is what you teach people in the New Church Pastor Glenn? It is ok to talk ill of the dead and to slander those who love you and not only that who love you unconditionally? Is that what it is ok to do Pastor Glenn? Have your parents died Pastor Glenn? If so then you know what I feel! Have Rachel Myatts parents died? No they are still alive and she had no right in hell to speak the way to me she did and she ran like a coward and is still running like a coward form the mess she made.  I have no tolerance for religious bigotry, I have no tolerance for self righteous people who call themselves Christian and then act high and mighty and enlightened then call you an idiot behind your back because you actually believe in a Virgin Birth and that Our Lord and Savior came to earth to die for us. Is it also ignorant that I believe in Creationism and that God created Adam and Eve and to me its not some fairy tale like it is to you? I am still an idiot right?  This is Christian Fundamentalism at its best? Swedenborg had an influence on Mormonism right? Do you hate black people and think we are lesser people too Pastor Glenn? Until the 1970s we werent even considered equal people in that Church? Do you hold these values too? I sure felt that way after Rachel said she loved me and then said and did things that clued me into even more bigotry than just religious.  I have had nothing but love for you and your Church but you think it is just a game and you don't take me serious so now I am just going to take you to task and make a big media event out of this.  I have the truth on my side. I have friends and family. I have Rachel's lies out in the open and one last thing I would like to say to you and Rachel Myatt. Pastor Glenn! Everyday that Rachel lets others be part of this she proves me right about being selfish. If I did something that was affecting others I loved I would correct it and move on. If Rachel didn't want what I had to offer she should have never taken the offer. That didn't mean she had the right to treat me the way she did and it means that if she can be selfish and hateful why shouldnt I. Yeah but I haven't Pastor Glenn but now maybe its time to because all you care about yourself is hurting people. If you really cared about your Church you would stand up for it and also prove me wrong. You cant prove me wrong because you know a great deal of what I have to say is right.  I am a Christian I adhere to a certain doctrine but God doesnt box me in a circle so that I treat other Christians like dirt. Anyone who is evolved and enlightened as you think you are would see both sides of the story but you only see Rachel's selfish side because it pertains to the New Church.  Rachel only ever saw herself when she was with me it was New Church this, New Church That, as long as I step on other peoples toes its ok because my love for God is all that matters and your sucks basically.  I want all the other Christians and atheiest and agnostics I can tell of how you Church treats people. How you turned me away and how Rachel turned me away. How you didnt care about me losing my mother.    I had nothing but love for you man and was even touched by your cancer blog.  I thought what a great man he will understand where I am coming from with this love but you don't. You are hypocritic on the highest level. It was ok for Swedenborg to write down things and say things but its wrong for us to have any callings or be lead to a certain place in life unless they are part of the New Church then it is ok. If you are a woman you are not good enough to be a minister of God either?  A man who is a Pastor was called to be a Pastor by God its not some feeling like you wake up one day and go oooooooooo! I think ill go lead a Church. God planted that seed in you and made it grow year after year so how dare you tell me that my love was wrong or that what was in my heart for Rachel was wrong. How dare Rachel say to me that my love for her was a mistake. She is a coward and the fact that someone actually loved her and was willing to truly love her is what she ran from. She has ran off every guy that did want her and what is really sad is that she spend half her time talking about sex with Jonathan's dad when you are with her? Talk about moving on! She can't move on to allow herself to be loved and she is so insecure so she slanders and puts down things she doesn't understand with no knowledge or reason at all. I never had anything but love for you and Rachel, Pastor Glenn but it seems you would rather be right than to love and my life is not about that so I am sorry that you would rather this be an ongoing thing and ignore me.  You are right you believe in a forgiveness that is different than I do. You believe in hurting people and never trying to make things right? Would Jesus do that? You know the answer and its No!  He would encourage love and reconciliation. I believe in making peace and amends with people even after the horrible hateful crap Rachel did to me I know my forgiveness is better than the petty forgiveness you believe in because its not about holding a grudge its about saying to that person I am sorry, I love you, lets put this dark stuff in our heart to the side and be there for each other.  Pastor Coleman Glenn would rather have war, hate, hurt, and evil than to have peace and love. That is how you have made me feel so go ahead you and Rachel just keep ignoring me and being selfish.   Your loss and my gain because I continue to love you even if you hate me.

Neither you or Rachel care who you hurt Pastor Glenn. Rachel used the old God loves you even if I dont crap with me. I know God loves me but that never gave you the right to use me, play with my heart and livelihood, and destroy what I thought was a moment of happiness because you weren't sure of what you want. I get so sick of Christians using that as an excuse to do evil and that is what Rachel Myatt did. So Pastor and Rachel you started  something that is going to spread like wildfire and I am not backing down. All I asked Rachel for was love and respect and she pissed on that and used God as a scapegoat when He would never endorse lying or putting down someone who loves Him as much as I do  or as much as I loved you Rachel Myatt.

P.S. to the person snooping on me with Proxify I know who you are.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Christmas Wish

Dear Readers,
I have waited a long time to write this particular blog and tonight is the night to bare my soul.  Last year all I wanted for Christmas was peace with Rachel Myatt.  Anyone that asked me what I wanted for Christmas last year I told them simply this.  If they wanted to do something nice for me then say a prayer that I find peace with the person I love most and that is Rachel Myatt. Its almost a year later and I ask the same of my friends and family again.  I want peace with Rachel Myatt. I never thought I would spend my year writing a blog telling her how she hurt me but also how much I loved her. I always thought she would come around.  I never thought I would go through with the "Letters To Rachel Project", write a whole cd worth of songs, or a book about our relationship. Last year those were just dreams and I finished and accomplished most of that this year.  I want Rachel to know I have never loved anyone as much as I love her and Jonathan and I am asking for her to pick up the phone and end this all. Rachel Myatt you are my best friend and I would do anything to let you know that.  I have said  some things about you that I am not so proud of but I have also this whole time only been trying to make peace with you and show you a love that is from God. God is love and you continue to avoid me and hurt me.  When you said the things you did about me, infringe on my faith, my love of God, say things about my mother they way you did they were very hurtful.  At the time I reacted the way I knew how and that was angry because you know how you treated me was very wrong.  After about 3 months I wasn't so angry or hurt but full of love.  I am full of love now and that is why I have to continue spreading this message.  I have to let the world know how much I love you. I have to let the world know that even when things seem at their worst and that there is no hope God's love is what will pull us through. If I didn't truly believe that one day you will make peace with you and we will be in each others lives again then I would have given up 6 months ago.  Rachel Myatt can't you see through all the hurt and pain the love I have for you and Jonathan is unconditional and will not die.  No matter what cruel words we said to each other with God's love there is always a way to make things right. This whole time I could have hated you, I could have let that get into my heart but I havent hated you. I have been sad that I am missing the two people that mean the most to me.  I put the pictures up of you and Jonathan because they were my favorite.  The picture of Jonathan was one of the last ones I showed to my mother before she died.  She wanted to meet you and Jonathan so much and when you abandoned me and were cruel after my mother died do you know how bad you affected me Rachel Myatt.  I truly wanted to die. My whole family believed in you. I believed in you and everyday I was living for the love I had for you and him and for your family.  Rachel that is what my life is about loving people. Not turning your back on others when things get tough. Not judging people for the differences in religion, ethnicity, beliefs, or thought process. It is about loving people for who they are and if you or anybody who reads this blog can't see the true love in my heart for you then I am truly sorry.  I never wanted a family with any other woman I was with.  You were the first and you were the only one Rachel Myatt.  I will never want a wife or child again because of how you treated me. I loved you more than anyone I know and you treated my pure heart like it was a game and all my faithfulness, true love, and caring for you and Jonathan was just a joke.  You truly did change my life. It nearly destroyed me and you may be thinking what you did was right and just for you and that their were no consequences but there were and are and you are experiencing them now.  No one has ever called me on this blog or said it was cruel, distasteful , or mean because most people who are enlightened or who know me see the true love I have for you.  You deserve my hate, my anger, and my revenge if I loved people by that standard but the only way I live is to love by God's standard. If you truly believe in that like your New Church Doctrine teaches then you would think about how you treated me and how for the better part of a year I have reached out to you, your family, the New Church, and others worldwide to tell you how much I love you. What guy who didn't truly think the world of you would do that Rachel. Not one. I love you.  I love you sister, I love you friend, I love you as the person I shared all my secrets with. I love you with all my heart.  You continue to hurt me each day and all the love I shared with you, all the hope, and all the promises you made to me and broke and all the ones I made to you and kept mean nothing to you. I kept every picture, every letter, and every email and messenger conversation we shared. You meant so much to me.  What saddens me the most is that you didn't see how much loving you and your family meant to me and how you disrespected my family and my mothers loving memory. I looked around and you had so much love around you. I never had that. I had hurt, pain, rejection, abuse, and hate. You could never know what I went through or how hard it was to lose my mom at the time.  I never had a big loving family like you and that is what I wanted to have a spiritual love, a physical love, and a true love that was a bond between God and you Rachel Myatt.  You had sisters, brothers, aunts, both sets of grandparents, children, and all sorts of family. All I wanted was that love that I never had I wanted to love your family as my own also. What little family I have left I love but I never had a grandfather really one died before I was born and the other died when I was five.  I had two grandmothers one I was close to but after my mom died she is a recluse.  My other one died in 2002. I have never been close to my father but even he was hurt when you did what you did to me. He really was happy that someone loved me and that I loved someone so much as I loved you and Jonathan.  I really dont have too much more to say that hasn't been said. If you want to continue to ignore me. Deny the peace you and I could have and miss out on one of your best friends ever then its your choice. If your family was the reason you abandon me that would make me sad because all I wanted to do is love your family especially get to know your Mother and Amanda I thought the world of them.  I will just wish your family a happy holiday and many blessings.  My Christmas this year will again be sad.  I will spend it helping the homeless or less fortunate like I usually do. Then come back to my lonely house and be alone.  I wanted to end that cycle last year with you and Jonathan but you were in such a hurry to put me down and get rid of me instead of love me and understand me like you said you would you never got a chance. I will continue telling the world how much I love you and I have more letters to write, more music and videos to make, and more love than you would ever care to know.  I love you and Jonathan with all my heart Rachel Myatt and I just wish you would come back into my life.  My Christmas Wish this year is the same as last year. Peace with Rachel Myatt. No material gift or superficial thing would ever give me any joy but that would fill my heart with peace and happiness. I love you both so much. I never knew how much I could love someone till I met you and Jonathan and when you abandoned me I never knew that I could love you two even more than I already did.No matter how bad you broke me I truly love you Rachel Myatt. Unwavering and Unconditoinal that is Gods true triumph in me!

“We do not believe in heaven or hell...; we do not believe in eternal damnation. We believe only in the unavoidable horror of hurting others and of likewise being hurt.”
Alice Walker, By the Light of My Father's Smile

You were my best friend and nothing I did deserved the treatment you bestowed on me. I forgive you and ask for your forgiveness and for you to come back into my life.  I ask this in Our Heavenly Father's name and I pray each night about you and Jonathan and all that is good and was good about both of you. I love you Rachel Myatt that will never change. I hope that my wish for Christmas will be answered because I put my trust in God and my heart and love is with Him. All my wisdom and love pertaining to you has come from Him and He has not forsaken me. 


God Bless All

Sunday, November 27, 2011

True Christian Love : Loving Those Who Hurt, Betray, and Do Evil To Us.

Dear Readers,

I want you to know I write this blog because I love Rachel Myatt.  I write this blog because I love God. I write this blog because I love people.  To me Rachel Myatt was one in a million but she never saw that in my heart.  I loved all of her and even her flaws were perfections in my mind.  When God gives you true love in your life you never turn your back on it. It is the kind of love that a mother has for a child, a husband for a wife, a faithful family pet has for its owner. It was and is unconditional.  I have had very few detractors of my blog just people telling me how proud they are at me standing my ground.  Many people are asking where is the "Letter to Rachel" book Byron? Its coming. Where is the "Letters to Rachel" album its being finished. I have to pray on these things and make sure that spiritually and morally when I release them that they are put out to show Rachel the True Christian Love I have for her.  If you have read this from the perspective of me being a scorned ex lover or boyfriend you have read wrong.  I am a Christian who loves God who loves Rachel Myatt. I believe in the power of His Love.  I believe in the beauty of  forgiveness, of reconcilation, and of making peace.  If people want to call me crazy and put me down for loving someone who did greivous harm to me that is fine. Rachel tried to make people think there was something wrong with me and hurt me with her words but you know what it just made me stronger. Until  she loses a parent then she could never know what I was going through  and to judge me and say things as she did knowing how much I loved her and how I was willing to do anything for her was  almost unforgivable.  Except that is just it God wants us to forgive move on and love that friend or person we had a falling out with. Each time I write this blog it is my hand reaching out to Rachel to end this cycle of hurt.  I love her that much that I am willing to put myself out her on the internet. I have had people invade my privacy, break into my email, try to alter my blog, youtube account, and do other stuff and still I continue on. My kingdom is in Heaven and my heart is with God.  I will not apologize for my faith and and for doing what is good and right. I could have turned to evil and got quick and easy revenge on Rachel. I could post things that are not true but instead I try to hold a mirror up to her and tell her what happened and how she made me feel. I also have bettered myself through the situation.  I have learned that in your darkest hour God can lift you up to be sucessful and something great.  Adversity leads to Accomplishment, Tragedy into Truimph, Hate into Love.  One thing I have never done is hate Rachel Myatt and I love her and Jonathan so much and each day I look at this picture and my pictures and letters she wrote me and our emails and just wish that I could hold them again.  Rachel hurt me so much because all I ever wanted was to continue to have Jonathan and her in my life. What is really hurtful is that I am a man who wants a family and I only wanted it with her.  There are millions of women in this world but God led me to her and He still has that in my heart even after all that has happened He put it in my heart to never give up on her regardless of the detractors and naysayers.  A True Christian Love is one that endures no matter what is thrown at us.  I am no longer a victim but a solder for love, a soldier for justice,  a soldier for Christ and that is greater than any other honor that one could have in life.  So I want to say this before I end this blog in Scripture and Song today.

Rachel Myatt I forgive you. In turn I want your forgiveness. I ask the Lord for your return to my life everyday.
Rachel Myatt I love you more than any friend I have ever had. I call you sister, best friend, and true love and maybe you cant understand that because other people abandoned you but I have been right here whole souled and whole heartedly devoted to you. I would never do all the things I do if I didn't love you and Jonathan so much and I am calling out to you to make peace with me. I can't live my life denying the love for you and I wont hate you. I wont give up on you and if you or others want to make fun of me, call me a stalker, obsessed or any of that its fine. God sees the true peace and love in my heart and so do others each day.  Your words of rejection and hurt no longer hurt me they inspire me to love you more.  I pray every night for you and Jonathan and just let God know I love you.  I wish you truly loved me. I can only leave it all in God's hands and that I continue to do.

I just wanted to end this blog today with a scripture or two and song to let all those who read this know how much I truly do love Rachel Myatt.

For Peace I share with you this scripture. This is the peace I dream of with you Rachel
Micah 4:3
He will judge between many peoples and will settle disputes for strong nations far and wide. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.

This is for the love I have for you as my sister in Christ. You have always been a queen and best friend in my eyes and why I became an enemy in your eyes I do not know nor did I deserve but I still see you as my dear friend and I love you unconditionally.
Luke 6:35
But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.

I leave you with this song as a reminder of how great it is to put your faith in the Lord and love Him and not let others stop you from being full of love, kindness, forgiveness, and grace.
Sidewalk Prophets: Words I Would Say hv=k8Upaifttp://www.youtube.com/watch?PbqI

I will continue to believe in you Rachel Myatt. I will continue to love you. People have been touched by my love for you.  They will continue to hear my story and how I forgive and love you.  If you cant forgive and forget then that is fine. I hold or harbor no resentment in my heart for you. I love you with all my heart.  If you picked up the phone I would tell you I love you and that I miss you and never mention anything that happened.  I would ask you how your and your family was doing and I would hope that we could rebuild our friendship.  I love you more than you could ever know and everyday you aren't in my life a piece of me is missing.  I would never abandon you.  I pray that if you don't hear the message in any of these blogs you read this one today and see how much I love you.  My one wish for Christmas this year is that we put an end to this being apart and not talking and make peace.  I love you Rachel Myatt always.
One Last Note to Rachel, The New Church, and Pastor Glenn. If you think ignoring me will make me give up in defeat it just makes me believe more. Thank You

God Bless All

Saturday, November 26, 2011

What If Your Parents Died Rachel? A Message To The New Church Worldwide

Dear New Church Worldwide,

I am writing this blog today so that you know why I am taking the course of action I am.  I had nothing but love for you as people and I was open and willing to worship with you but because of the hate, disrespect, and uncaring attitude I was shown by both Rachel Myatt of the Dawson Creek New Church in Dawson Creek British Columbia,  Pastor Coleman Glenn of The Dawson Creek New Church and Pastor James Cooper of the Mount Olivet Church in Toronto Ontario.  Basically The New Church of Canada is the reason why I am speaking out in such a fashion.  The picture is of Rachels Parents Howard and Shelly Jane Myatt Friesen

Rachel Myatt was my best friend I loved her with all my heart and last year she was my girlfriend. My mother died on August 8th 2010 and 3 weeks later I went to see my then girlfriend on Sept 2nd in Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada.  On September 9th I was back home and Rachel abandoned me. Not only did she abandoned me but she ridiculed me, put my mental state down, and my spirituality down as she had done most of the relationship as I was raised in a Baptist household and a mother who later converted to another religion. All I wanted to do was worship and be one with her but for her to judge me mentally and spiritually at that time of my life after she said she would be there for me was very hurtful.  She used her New Church theology not only to put me down but she used it for evil and said horrible things against my recently passed mother. It has left emotional scars and bad taste in my mouth about the New Church every since.  What was more dishearting is that I confronted Pastor(then Rev Glenn) about Rachel's use of her beliefs to hurt other and he was very uncaring and basically showed an I dont care attitude and that Rachel's free will allowed her to do that evil.  It in fact does but it was more than that it was religious bigotry. I never said anything against Swedenborg, I never put down her beliefs, I was eager to learn and worship with her but instead she ridiculed me, said I was sad, damaged, metnally unstable and all sorts of cruel things you shouldnt say one to someone who loves you and was willing to do anything for her as I was even willing to move to Canada  from Texas to be with her, Two you don't treat a person in grief with such disrespect or disrespect their loved ones.  I have tried to make peace with her and she denies that.  I have forgiven her for her hateful action and also asked for forgiveness from her for the way I wanted revenge on her at first but after I calmed down I realized that the pen is mighter than the sword and love is greater than hate, evil, or revenge. So it is with a humble heart I will tell my story around the world. I am using video, book, and spoken word and it will focus on the way I was treated by the New Church in Canada. Rachel Myatt would rather other people in the Church have to suffer for her cruelty and hateful attitude than to pick up the phone and say I am sorry for hurting you and your family.  I had nothing but love for her family and I loved her and and her son more than you could ever know.  So what I am going to do is spread the message of hate, bigotry, and hurt that was shown to me.  I love my fellow Christians and it didn't matter what religion she was I loved Rachel for who she was and I had started reading the writings and I never made fun of her faith and put her down like she did me.  The saddest thing is that on her deathbed My Mother's last words to me before she slipped into death was a blessing to Rachel and her family and that she hoped that I would love her and be good to her. I haven't stopped loving her to this day but she continues to be unresponsive.  I will not be evil I will tell the true story of what happened and its ups and downs and I will make it clear that I am not putting down the New Church but that I was put down and turned away.  Pastor Coleman Glenn wrote in his blog about people not accepting the New Church teachings as seen here(http://www.patheos.com/blogs/goodandtruth/2011/11/how-helen-keller-and-i-would-help-the-world/) and I called him out on it and his hypocrisy because I did want to learn and his arrogance and his wanting to be right instead of being a loving and caring Pastor and condoning Rachel's treatment of me especially the cruelty of saying things about my deceased parent.  If one or both of Rachel's parents had of died I would have quit my job dropped everything and came to support her. That is how much love I had for her as both a brother in Christ, my girlfriend, and my best friend.  I would never have judged her mental state or made fun of her spirituality.  I thought that Swedenborg spoke out against that so she immediately ignored that part of the doctrine.

Arcana Coelestia 2284:4
One is never allowed to judge the nature of another person’s spiritual life, for the Lord alone knows this. But one is allowed to judge the nature of another person’s life, private and public, since this is of importance to society.

It is ok though I just want the General New Church to know why I am doing what I am doing and it is because of Rachel Myatt's hateful attitide. It is because I went to a Pastor out of love and wrote letters to the Church worldwide because I cared for this person who hurt me and disrespected my family and it was a joke to the Church in Canada.  I have respect for many Pastors in the U.S. namely Chuck Blair and Micheal Gladish but the Canadian Church showed disrespect and disregard so that is my grounds for my future campaign.  I will end on this. Bless the New  Church and all the Christians and followers of Christ around the world.  I bless the Myatt family and Rachel Myatt because I love them even if Rachel blasphemed  and used her faith for evil.  One day Rachel your parents will die and you will understand how you treated me and how evil it was. I am going to put up for public reading the email you sent me right before my mother passed away to show how hypocritical and hurtful you were to me cause I loved you so much and to let other New Church members see where I have not lied or stretch the truth in showing you turned your back on me.  The email is as follows from my hotmail account. Out of Respect I have removed her email and personal information but I will send a copy of the email to anyone who wants to see its the truth. Untampered and Untouched.

Wish I Could Be There For You‏
To byron

 Hi Byron,

Just wanted to reinforce that I am thinking of you and praying for you and your mom and your brother and dad throughout the day.  I wish right now I could be there with you to help you and comfort you in anyway that I could.  I can hardly think of how hard this must be for everyone and I don't even know what to say other than I love you and I am praying for you.  Also my mom is as well, I know and she told me to say hi to you and to let you know that she is thinking and praying for your family as well.  Amanda, after the one text, sent one saying that it wasn't 'much, but that letting people know that others care for them is very important.  So we all here care about you Byron.  What a sad thing to happen.  I'm sure I am not going to be near as strong as you when my mom is passing.  I think you are very brave and courageous and positive in this hard time.  I admire you for it and look up to your strength.  I guess I really just wanted to tell you that I love you and that I am in continous thought of you, and that others here are thinking of you as well.  I wish you the best rest possible Byron.  I'm here for you for anything you need.  Never hesitate to ask.  I love you, am praying for you, am thinking about you, and am glad that you find small comfort in my love for you.  Goodnight for tonight sweetheart.


I loved you with all my heart and I am sorry you thought so little of me and my unconditonal love for you.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Letters To Rachel 2:The Story Told To People of other Faiths(Dealing with Bigotry on a Grand Scale)

Dear Readers,
My experience with the New Church of Canada was not one that was very loving. I reached out to Pastor Glenn and have nothing but respect and love for him.  I reached out to Rachel to make peace with her but now I am going to show her how much I truly love her and how deeply the bigotry and hatred she showed me affected me. I have 100s of letters printed out to send to various Christian religions to show my correspondence with The New Church of Canada and how they think of Protestants and Catholics.  I also will tell the story of Rachel and I in words and pictures.  Unlike the New Church version of Letters To Rachel version 1. She will not know what faiths I am sending things too and she will not know what I am saying and doing.  I also am about to put up a spoken word video on youtube about how The New Church of Canada and Rachel Myatt treated me.  I loved Rachel as my sister in Christ and my best friend and I want to show her that one person can make a difference.  She would rather a story( a true story at that) be told all over the world than to suck up her pride and say she was sorry for disrespecting my dead mother and my family.  She would rather be hateful and hurtful than to show love and charity for someone who was willing to love her through thick and thin even when she showed religious bias and bigotry toward me.  I had nothing but love for all these people Rachel Myatt, The Myatt Family, Pastor Glenn and Pastor Cooper but to them it was all a joke.  So I am not sorry Rachel for what I am about to do. I am doing what I am doing because I love you and so that you wont treat anymore men like you treated me and the ones before you.  I also am doing it so you cant use the lie that no man could accept your religion. It wasn't your religion people couldn't accept it was the way you projected yourself in using your faith and when you use it to put down others and for evil then that reflects on the Church as a whole. If anyone in the New Church doesn't take me seriously then email Pastor Coleman at the New Church of Dawson Creek. I am dead serious and  I sent out a slew of letters all over the world to just the New Church.  I am now going to show the hypocrisy all over the world through my correspondence with both Rachel and others.  I am sorry you chose hate and hypocrisy over love and reconcilation.  A true friendship that spanned 1000s of miles was worth all this Rachel and for what?  Because you are selfish.  Its your choice and its now your burden to deal with. I love you but I no longer care what affects you and what hurts you because you didnt care about hurting me or being disrespectful to my deceased mother or myself when all i did was care about you.  You chose to lie, you chose to decieve, you chose to be cruel, you chose to leave.  You made your bed and be the person that you are and if you truly changed you would have been right here at my door. I wanted peace with you. I wanted things to be cool.  Instead you would rather revel in this silly game and you would let the whole world know about you.  I dont make idle threats but when you mess with my family and play with my heart.  What was once together now has grown apart. I gave you every chance to make things right and you chose to hide and cower.  God is not the one I fear but I am in awe of His awesome power. He let this happen for a reason to you and it is because of the way you treat people.  So everything coming your way you deserve and maybe you will change an stop being evil.  So just remember these words from Swedenborg my dear Rachel.

"Nothing is permitted unless some good may come of it." (Secrets of Heaven 6489)
God Bless All

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Why The Church of The New Jerusalem and Others Fail at their Message?

Dear Reader,
First I want you to take a couple of minutes to watch this video which is from the movie "What The Bleep Do We Know?  This movie is about Quantum Physics and Spirituality.  The lady speaking at the 3:23 mark is one of the best things that can ever be said about. I wish that the people of The New Church who I have dealt with would realize the hypocrisy in their message I will explain after this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kWAy65ZFnk&NR=1

Last week I was reading Pastor Glenn's Good and Truth Blog and a person named Gene commented about they way the New Church handled treating people of others faiths.  When Pastor Glenn retorted one of the first things he did was attack false teachings of Protestants and Catholics and this has been the message I have been trying to convey to him and others in the General New Church of Canada. You spend so much time trying to make others look silly in their beliefs and prove them wrong that your message becomes hypocritical.  How can you truly believe there is good in all religion and actually want people to convert to a faith who readily puts down others let alone use teachings by man who was considered a heretic, disturbed, and sick by others and other people strickly follow the Bible and not use text made up out of the Bible cannon.  Pastor Glenn also says there are only about 100,000 people in the world who believe the way that he does and there are different sects of Swedenborgians as they might be called.  From the research I did it says that the number has been falling and now they are facing a crisis within the General New Church about women being ordained as ministers which is sure to cause more to leave or go elsewhere.  It seems they are so worried about proving themselves right instead of just loving God and loving others like their doctrine says.  I cannot speak about my dealings with the New Church in The U.S. or other countries because they have been loving and accepting. I can only speak on the disrespect and arrogance that I have encountered with the General New Church in Canada and I have had nothing but love and respect for all of them.  It is because Rachel Myatt and Pastor Glenn and Pastor Cooper that I am bringing this message to people of other faiths now. I tried to make peace with all of them as people. I gave reasons for my thought and I told them my story and to them it really didnt matter because they scoffed at it for a year. So Rachel just remember your unkindess to me, my family, and your hateful remarks regarding me and my mother that were made started this.  I tried to make peace with you.  I showed you unconditional love.  I apologized to you even though I never had to.  I still love you.  Now since no one took me serioius till now I want Protestants, Catholics, Evangelicals, Anglicans, and any other form of Christanity or Christendom to know what the New Church of Canada thinks of you. They think you are dumb, ignorant, and unenlightened.  They think because we believe in Christ and his teachings from the Bible and take both spiritual and literal meaning from the Bible(God's Word not Swedenborg's word that you are ignorant) They don't believe in a literal Adam and Eve nor do they believe in the Immaculate Conception but Rachel Myatt and others will tell you how stupid and ignorant you are when you try to discuss you beliefs with them.   I had nothing but love and respect for all these people and I did  nothing but read their works and never judge them like they jugded me. They didn't even welcome me to worship with them. Pastor Glenn finally did weeks ago but that was almost a year after I brought my grievances to the Church.  I want to leave Pastor Glenn's blog with you so you can see that I am not making things up and that I am just proving my point about their spiritual bigotry toward others who love God.   Here is the link for the site. 
http://www.patheos.com/blogs/goodandtruth/2011/11/how-helen-keller-and-i-would-help-the-world/#more-337  and here is the direct retort that Pastor Glenn made to the person who asked him the question.

From Pastor Glenn Coleman to Gene

Thanks for your reply, Gene. Sorry that you've had bad experiences trying to talk to New Church people about the New Church. Swedenborg's Writings clearly teach that there's good in all religions, and that people of different religions ought to treat each other with charity. That said, there's also a lot in the Writings about false ideas in Protestantism and Catholicism, and I think that when New Church people talk about how their faith is different from other kinds of Christianity, it can come across as a personal attack. That doesn't serve anyone; I'm right with you when you say that we should discuss these things with the attitude that we're all children of God.

I am in no means trying to discredit Pastor Glenn in anyway but even he knows that there is bigotry and selfish pride that is swelling in his Church and I tried to point out to him on many occasions that the masses will never respond to that or take the New Church seriously if they go around attacking their other brother and sisters of Faith.  I also will put up the New Church of Canada beliefs comparison link so that you can see that I am not being biased or hateful toward them.  It is because I love Rachel Myatt and have respect for my other brothers and sisters of faith both of the New Church and of other Faiths that I am doing this.  The chart can be seen here.

I want to take this time to say to Rachel. I am sorry that you didn't and don't see the deep Christian love I had for you but you have set off something that I will not walk away from.  You judged me spiritually. You had people investigate my email accounts and youtube page because you couldn't deal with me telling the truth.  I have done nothing but express myself and my disgust with how you used God's name to put me down and abandon me in vain. I am not a victim. I am a strong fierce Christian man who loves everybody and respects those who respect me and I respect those who are my enemies and I try to become friends with them if I can.  I loved you as my sister in Christ and the most beautiful person in the world to me inside and out. I loved your son Jonathan with all my heart and still do.  So just remember I asked you for forgiveness. I asked you for reconcilation.  I tried to make peace with you but you would rather be evil and hateful.  I will not apologize for telling the truth and you can sue me, have people hack my email and those who have helped me and write the emails and letters like you have done.  You can do whatever you want because my heart lies with God and not with man.  I know my parameters within the law and I will not break that.  I have freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and anyone that knows me knows that I love you and if I wanted to truly slander and bring you down it would have been done. I would never treat you like you treated me especially right after losing my mom.  I just want to say to all New Church members who think I am out for a vendetta or revenge I am not. I am doing this to show one person that if God is really in your heart and things are meant to be they happen and He is guiding me on this journey everyday and giving me inspiration.  I love Rachel Myatt with all my heart and all she has to do is make peace with me and I am done with this.  Just remember the video from the start of this blog. God should be about love not division, hate, hurt, or anything but love and acceptance. Rachel and the Canadian Chapter of the New Church have made it just that in the way they treat others who want to worship with them.

Do I hate or dislike anyone in the New Church. No I have nothing but love for them all. I am sad that someone like Rachel Myatt who was my best friend was so vain and insecure with who she was  that she would lie to me, kick me when I am down, and hurt me and my family when all I did was love and respect her family.  I thought the world of her and she thought so little with me. I want anyone who reads this blog to remember that and though she doesnt deserve my kindess or my love but I offer it freely because I am on a level that transcends the ugly, insecure, judgemental life that she wants to subscribe to. I dont like drama and silliness but Rachel seems to. She would rather make her whole religion prone to scrutiny than to pick up the phone and make peace with me. I am not a victim I am someone who believes in myself and I am great, I am wondeful, and I most of all am one of God's precious children just like we all are. All I want is an end to this beef and feud with you. I want peace and consideration because I love you much more than selfish and foolish pride.   One phone call and this could all go away. I have no ego just a hear full of love for you that God gave me and I continue to believe in that. It is your choice how much farther I go but the next revelation and move I make is going to shock you and the New Church and you have had every chance to prevent it.

God Bless All

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I Love You Rachel Myatt

Dearest Rachel,
I just wanted you to know that I love you and that the only thing I want for Christmas is peace with you.  Maybe you dont understand it but Christ gave me a love for you so beautiful so grand and so amazing that nothing will stand in the way of it.  I am sorry that you don't know or understand how much I care about you but I have never stopped to think about it twice. I have no regrets or no second thoughs about the time and love we shared. I am sad that you never took the time to evaluate how much you mean to me.  You can never say again that a man didnt love you for all that you were and accept you because I did. You can never say that a man didn't try to understand and accept your religion because I did. You will never be able to say anyone didn't appreciate or love for more than a pretty face because I loved your mind body and soul. I am sorry that you would rather have this blog and the stories up than to make peace with me.  Through all the hurt and betrayal I still call you sister, I still love you, and I will never stop.

God Bless All

Monday, November 21, 2011

Why I Don't Hate the Church Of the New Jerusalem or General New Church/War of Love

DEAR Members of The Church of The New Jerusalem Worldwide especially in Dawson Creek British Columbia and The General New Church of Canada.  Here is the truth and the simple truth.

I Do Not Hate YOu.  In fact I have nothing but love for you all. Why do you hate me?

I am going to start this blog of with a song. I want to use the song "Power" by German/American band KMFDM. 

KMFDM has been misinterpreted by many and even had its music used by terrorist and evil people such as the young men in the Columbine shootings. They have stood as nothing but a pillar of peace in understanding the corrupt nature of man, the love of your fellow human, kicking down doors to stereotypes such as racism, hatred,bigotry, and intolerance.  I wanted to call a "Love Jihad"(No disrespect toward Muslims and nothing to do with evil) toward the Church of The New Jerusalem and in that meaning I am going to counteract the hate, hurt, and inconsideration that was shown to me by members of the Canadian New Church with love. A war simply of how much I love and respect you, a killing of kindness towards people who didnt respect or show me love.

So this song is out of respect for a band who has taught me to love others, how to accept others, how to make friends out of people who could be enemies, and taught me to be a free thinker who never gives up on what I believe in.  So to Rachel Myatt who continues to hate me when she once said she loved  me so much I dedicate this song to you and the entire worldwide organization of the Church of The New Jerusalem.  Thanks for the Hate 

Also KMFDM stands for "Kein Mehrheit Fur Die Mitleid" which roughly translated means. "No Pity for the Majority"

"KMFDM are an art form—not a political party. From the beginning, our music has been a statement against war, oppression, fascism and violence against others." from leader and band member Sasha Konietzko
So to you  Rachel Myatt, Pastor Glenn, Pastor James Cooper and anyone else who speak about wanting others to accept and learn your doctrine but turn people away and condone bigotry,religous intolerance, and call anyone who doesn't believe like you ignorant and unenlightened, and practices unforgiveness this is for you. I love you even if you treat me as an enemy.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Torments of Conscience

Dear Readers,
Before I go to sleep tonight I wanted to just touch on a point.  This is regarding New Church Theology and my ongoing ordeal with Rachel and The New Church of Dawson Creek.  I called someone out because of lies,  disloyalty, cruelty, and evil.  I admitted my wrong in reacting to this person but that person cannot admit her wrong and the New Church teach of love, forgiveness, and doing good and here is a prime example of me against all odds, torment, rejection, and members of a Church telling me I was wrong in my love of God and I not only forgiving them and embracing them. I only wanted to point out the hypocrisy of one following God and offering unconditional love and forgiveness or trying to prove a doctrine of man right over God. So I will use part of their text which Pastor Glenn probably used in his sermon today at church.  It is Arcana Coelestia passage 5036.  I spoke out against evil that was done to me, judgement of the spiritual and of the mind, I also spoke out on lies and arrogance. This was not an attack on the Church but it was a reaction to an attack on my faith, my friendship and my relationship with Rachel was nothing but lies that she told me and a lot of it had to do with her narrow minded New Church Worldview. How can one love others without seeing the good in them. I was told by her all the time of my differences and my weirdness and everything wrong so I concur there is a part in this passage about Torments of Conscience and that is that is what Rachel and the Pastors tried to use against me. They tried to make me feel like my faith was false and the love and my calling was not real and they went against their own doctrine and I only called them on what I saw as hypocrisy. I had nothing but love and respect and still do for all of them but I will not be a pariah, villian, or a victim.  I will continue to let the truth shine in the light.
Also read this sermon "Beware of Hypocrisy" by David C Roth of the Australian chapter of the New Church.  http://www.newchurch.org.au/?id=305

AC 5036. And put him into the prison house. That this signifies as to false-speaking against good, is evident from the signification of being "put into the prison house, and kept bound there," as being to be let into temptations as to false-speaking against good, of which in what follows; but something must first be said in regard to temptations. Scarcely anyone in the Christian world at this day knows whence temptations come. He who undergoes them has no other belief than that they are torments arising from the evils which are within man, and which at first make him uneasy, then anxious, and finally torment him; but he is altogether ignorant that they are effected by the evil spirits who are with him. The reason why he is ignorant of this, is that he does not believe that he is in company with spirits while he lives in the world, and scarcely believes that there is any spirit with him; when yet as to his interiors man is continually in the society of spirits and angels.5006, 5008, 5009, 5022, 5028), he then comes into temptations, and by evil spirits--who are all merely natural--he is accused especially of speaking falsely against good; as for example of having thought and said that the neighbor ought to be benefited, and having also approved this in act, and yet now meaning by the neighbor only those who are in good and truth, and not those who are in evil and falsity and cannot be amended; and consequently, because he is no longer willing to benefit the evil, or if he will benefit them, he desires them to be punished for the sake of their amendment, and for the purpose of averting evil from his neighbor, they charge him with thinking and speaking what is false, and with not thinking as he speaks.
[2] As regards temptations, they take place when the man is in the act of regeneration; for no one can be regenerated unless he undergoes temptations, and they then arise from evil spirits who are about him. For the man is then let into the state of evil in which he is, that is, in which is that very (life) which is his own; and when he comes into this state, evil or infernal spirits encompass him, and when they perceive that he is inwardly protected by angels, the evil spirits excite the falsities which he has thought, and the evils which he has done, but the angels defend him from within. It is this combat which is perceived in the man as temptation, but so obscurely that he scarcely knows otherwise than that it is merely an anxiety; for man--especially if he believes nothing about influx--is in a state that is wholly obscure, and he perceives scarcely a thousandth part of the things about which the evil spirits and angels are contending. And yet the battle is then being fought for the man and his eternal salvation, and it is fought from the man himself; for they fight from those things which are in man, and concerning them. That this is the case has been given me to know with the utmost certainty. I have heard the combat, I have perceived the influx, I have seen the spirits and angels, and at the time and afterward have conversed with them on the subject.
[3] As before said, temptations take place chiefly at the time when the man is becoming spiritual; for he then apprehends spiritually the truths of doctrine. The man is often unaware of this, but still the angels with him see in his natural things the spiritual; for his interiors are then open toward heaven. For this reason also the man who has been regenerated is among angels after his life in the world, and there both sees and perceives the spiritual things which before appeared to him as natural. When therefore a man has come into such a state, then in temptation, when assaulted by evil spirits, he can be defended by angels, who then have a plane into which they can operate; for they flow into what is spiritual with him, and through this into what is natural.
[4] But when ultimate truth has been withdrawn, and therefore the man has nothing by which to defend himself against those who are natural (n.
[5] Take another example. Because when a man becomes spiritual, he no longer believes it holy and for pious use to give to monasteries, or even to churches which abound in wealth; and because before he became spiritual he had thought that such giving was holy and pious, they charge him with falsehood, and stir up all his thoughts which he had before cherished as to its being holy and pious, and also the works which he had done from such thought. And so they do in numberless other cases, but let these few examples serve by way of illustration. These spirits enter principally into the affections which the man had before, and excite them, and also the false and evil things which he had thought and done; and thus they bring him into anxiety, and often into doubt even to despair.
[6] Such then is the source of spiritual anxieties, and of the torments which are called torments of conscience. By influx and communication these things appear to the man as if they were in himself. One who knows and believes this may be compared to a man who sees himself in a mirror, and knows that it is not himself that appears in it, or on the other side of it, but only his image; whereas one who does not know and believe this, may be compared to a person who sees himself in a mirror, and supposes it is himself that appears there, and not his image.

This is in no means an attempt to twist any of their teachings but to give them a chance to look in the mirror of how they treat others.

God Bless All

A Message To The Dawson Creek New Church, Dawson Creek, British Columbia Canada

Dear Pastor Glenn, Rachel Myatt, and esteemed members of the Church,

I wanted to write this blog to all of you this morning to simply say as a brother in Christ I love you all.  Rachel Myatt was my dearest friend and she didn't realize the true love and friendship I had for her. She had a man who wanted to worship God with her and like her and who truly loved her and her son Jonathan.  I was willing to give up all I have in Texas what little family I have left. My jobs, my impending career, and everything to just love her.  God put that in my heart and since some of you dont believe in callings I am sorry but that was mine. Not only did my mother believe in this on her deathbed and bless Rachel and the Myatt family and give me her blessings to live and love them but my friends and other family were nothing but supportive and thought the world of Rachel.  When Rachel abandoned me it was the worst day of my life even worst than my mother passing.  You see my mother had been sick her whole life so I was in part relieved that she no longer had to suffer in this world. From the time I was a very small boy she had so many health problems but the one things she did everyday is love people to the fullest and be the best person she could be.  It showed how much she loved people when at her funeral service there was no more room in the Church and people had to stand outside or be turned away.  I took my friendship and relationship very seriously and I guess Rachel didn't understand how much I truly loved her and the meaning of  true friendship, honesty, unconditional love, and kindness.  I spent my whole life being bullied for my love of God, hated for the color of my skin, called ackward for being able to speak well and have a distinct dialect.  All I ever wanted was to be loved and not by anyone but someone special. Another Christian who loved God as much as I do. I saw that in Rachel but Rachel chose not to see that in me.  I read one of Pastor Glenn's blogs about how he feels others were not able to see what he and other New Church members see.  I was open to seeing it and started reading and I never ridiculed or put down Rachel for her faith but she constantly put down mine.  When I confronted the good Pastor he seemed not to understand that not only was I open to it and beginning to see it that was part of the calling I was conveying.  Not only was I called to Rachel but I was called to the Church because I told Rachel I wanted structure, family, love, and God and I was turned away.  Why? Was it because I believed different already and was willing to learn? No I feel because the members who I dealt with in the whole situation whether it be Rachel or Pastor Glenn didn't want to open their hearts to someone who was truly seeking God with them and see that I was true and genuine they were more worried about proving themselves right and defending their theology than opening their heart to someone who really wanted to love and worshop with them.  So Pastor Glenn that is why people are not receptive to the New Church teachings like you would want them to be because you don't give them time.  People like Rachel make assumptions, they belittle others, and they use their narrow New Church view instead of being open minded and being patient with others to help them understand and see what you see.  I have proof that Rachel Myatt knew I loved her and that I said I wanted not only worship with her but be one with her in the Lord.  I was willing to take a second look at my own religious convictions and try to understand those of the one I loved and I never was cruel or arrogant about it as Rachel was to me.  Why am I writing this blog today.  I am writing this because in the past year I have done and said many things both online and in public directed towards Rachel, her family, and both the Dawson Creek New Church and General Church of Canada that may have seemed offensive and hurtful.  I was trying to prove a point and show Rachel that her one act of cruelty and unkindness to someone that loved her dearly and would do anything for her and Jonathan could set off a chain of events that would go worldwide.   You say the Church is about 100,000 strong worldwide. If I were truly someone who wasn't Christian I could do something to let other Christians know of how I was treated in a big viral campaign or write about it on a bigger level but I have tried to keep it small to this blog and I came to the Church first.  That is the beauty of what I am doing that you never got Pastor Glenn and other Pastors and Reverends. I came to the Church about a spiritual matter between Rachel and I that I felt was important. It was bigotry. This was not about just Rachel and I having a relationship that went sour. It was about the bigotry and personal attacks she took upon me as someone who grew up Protestant a Protestant who wanted to be part of the New Church at that so Pastor don't tell me that people don't want to learn about the New Church because I did.   I am sorry that you didn't see that bigotry but I did first hand for a long time. If you preach about love, kindness, Lord God Jesus Christ, and all those beautiful things then how can you be cruel to your other Christian brothers and sisters especially one that wants to join you.  How can Rachel sit up on the Pastor's council and you knowingly know that she has hurt someone and spewed hate, hurt, and evil and not expect that person to want to react.  I reacted and you didn't want to listen.  Just like you say other people dont want to see what you want to see. You don't want to see the good in my heart, the unconditional love I have for Rachel even though she ignores me and puts me down.  I know in my heart it is my calling to make peace with Rachel. Is God talking in my ear as a direct calling? No He put that in my heart but I keep telling you that and other people around me see it both Christian and non Christian and two atheist have written you Pastor Glenn that were friends of mine and you still don't want to see it. How do you expect others to see the good in what you do if you don't see the good in what they do? If there is good in all Religion then how come my love of Rachel, my want for peace, forgiveness, and to have her back in my life is ugly to you? Christ is about forgiveness, love, long suffering, peace, and kindness. I suffered through Rachel putting me down, calling me horrible things, cursing me out, judging my mental state when i was in mourning and all the other evil things she did  but still I am about love. I dont hate Rachel Myatt I love her with all my heart but Rachel nor anyone else in I have encountered in the New Church in Canada want to see that. You would rather be right with you theology than to love another human being which is what your theology calls for. Pastor Glenn you would rather Rachel be apart and have evil between us than for us to make peace because I never asked you to try to make her talk to me I just told you that if she were truly Christian and if she truly were of the doctrine you speak of then she is being hypocritical. She is the one who wronged me but because I took that and tried to show her I loved her worldwide I am the bad guy. I dont think so.  I don't turn my back on my friends and most of my ex girlfriends are good friends with me now and one of them Amber who I talked to you about is like a sister to me.  I don't believe not giving up on people and continuing to love someone who has deeply wronged us is wrong. In Christ eyes it is the only thing to do.  So I want to end this with a couple of quotes and scriptures. I also want to once again apologize if it has seemed like I have attacked the whole Church of Dawson Creek but it is not meant to be. I as a Christian believe that if one part of the body is sick than it affects the whole whether that be Christendom as a whole or one person in a particular Church that affects others worldview of said Church and in that a case Rachel treated me with disrespect, unkindness, religious bigotry, and worst of all she judged my spiritual  and mental state at a time when I had just lost my mother and I needed love and encouragement and not to be torn down.  So may the Lord Jesus Christ Bless You all today and I will leave you with these scriptures and quotes.  I also love all of you and if you read this I hope that you will start seeing the love and true forgiveness and reconcilation that I have asked Rachel for.  I think of her as one of my best friends in Christ and I will never stop loving her that much. It is up for her to decide to end this and let all the hurt and hate go. I dont hate her and never will.

2 Timothy 3
 1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

I came to the Rachel and the Myatt family with an open heart and full of love and I still love Rachel and her family and I wanted both her and the New Church to realize my heart lies in loving and being good. I am just a human like everyone else but I take joy in righting my wrongs, forgiving and being forgiven, helping others, and making peace. Rachel hurts me everyday that she doesn't make peace with me and if you truly as  New Church members believe in that then why does she deny me that which I ask of her.

From Pastor Brian Zahnd's book  Unconditional: The Call of Jesus to Radical Forgiveness  (p.194, 195)

Reject The Glamorous for the Truly Beautiful

"Dostoevsky was right. It is beauty that saves the world. The beauty of unconditional love. The beauty of forgiving grace. The beauty of the cross. The beauty of cruciform love. The beauty of a Christlike love shaped by the cross. This is beauty we are called to practice when we are invited by Jesus to take up our cross and follow him. We must understand the call to the beauty of forgiveness - the beauty of forgoing retaliation for the practice of unconditoinal forgiveness. But this is too often forgotten or ignored. The call to take up the cross and follow Jesus is not a call to believe something about Jesus and His cross; it is the call to take up our own cross and do what Jesus did on His cross.
What did Jesus Do on the cross? He forgave unconditonally. This is what it means to take up your cross and follow Jesus--to forgive unconditonally.
When we reduce taking up the cross to adopting Christian doctrine alone, we deprive Christianity of its true beauty. And Christianity deprived of its true beauty can be downright ugly!Religously inspired intolerance can lead people to do extremely ugly things. Crusades and inquistions are what happen when Christianity loses the beauty of imitating Christ. A Christianity that , though orthodox in doctrine, is retalitory in attitude is a Christianity that has betrayed the cross and lost its  beauty. A Christianity that is absent the beauty of imitating Christ in nonretalitory , unconditonal forgiveness becomes a Christianity focused on its own interest and self perservation. . This is the ugly Christianity that demands rights and angrily protest when it is treated by the world as Christ was was treated by the world. The irony is tragic."

This is the love I have for Rachel that I have trying to make Rachel, her family Pastor Glenn and everyone else see. The people around me see it and they have tried to present it to Pastor Glenn and others in the New Church.  I tried to present my case worldwide and most see what is in my loving heart. I could hate Rachel and I could truly want revenge on her but I want more than that. I want Rachel to know even though she severely hurt me I forgive her. I need her forgiveness too not through Pastor Glenn or anyone else I need to hear it from her and only then will I have closure in my life because I love her that much that she means that much to me.  I can't make that happen with Rachel it is up to her to look deep inside her heart and see that I came to her because of God an not any other reason. I had plenty of women to choose from and I chose to love her and befriend her because of God and her love for God no more no less but she and others in the New Church choose not to see that.

I want to end this blog with this today.

From True Christian Religion 409(Swedenborg)

409. Before the Lord came into the world scarcely anyone knew what the internal man is or what charity is, and this is why in so many places He taught brotherly love, that is, charity; and this constitutes the distinction between the Old Testament or Covenant and the New. That good ought to be done from charity to the adversary and the enemy the Lord taught in Matthew:
Ye have heard that it hath been said to them of old time, Thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that hurt you and persecute you; that ye may be sons of your Father who is in the heavens (Matt. 5:43-45).
And when Peter asked Him how often he should forgive one sinning against him, whether he should do so until seven times, He replied:
I say not unto thee, until seven times, but until seventy times seven (Matt. 18:21, 22).
And I have heard from heaven that the Lord forgives to everyone his sins, and never takes vengeance nor even imputes sin, because He is love itself and good itself; nevertheless, sins are not thereby washed away, for this can be done only by repentance. For when He told Peter to forgive until seventy times seven, what will not the Lord do?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M65EoJUKgAY This is For Rachel the song "Angry Anymore" by Ani Difranco.

God Bless All.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Quote That Best Explains How much I Love Rachel Myatt

This blog has always been about me letting Rachel knoow how much she means to me as a person.  I have loved her through thick and thin and still love her just as much.  For Rachel or any detractors here is a quote that pretty much sums up why I am still her and continue to go on.
"One of the deepest feminine pleasures is when a man stands full, present, and unreactive in the midst of his woman’s emotional storms. When he stays present with her, and loves her through the layers of wildness and closure, then she feels his trustability, and she can relax." -David Deida

God Bless All

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Screwed It Up

Dear Rachel and Readers,

This is just a quick message to let Rachel know that even though I love her. I will not go back on what I said. I made this little message on Ytube to let others know of what was done.  Rachel is the only one that could bring me closure in this matter and all it would take would be a phone call and a few little words and if she wanted I would go away forever. She knows though that she was very wrong and hurtful and if I continue doing what I do she doesnt care who else it affects or infringes on as long as she doesnt have to deal with the reality of it.  Anyways here is the little viral message.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uAOmisq3s8&feature=channel_video_title

God Bless All

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Long Road of Hope

Dear Rachel,

I was watching this movie I own called Pride. It is based on the true story of a black swim coach Jim Ellis and a black swim team who went up against all odds to become champions at a time when black people were still truly hated and discriminated against.  Here are a couple of clips from that movie. I want you to know this is not about race or about Rachel being racist because she is not.  This is about people who never give up on their dreams and the people they love and that is what it is about. That is why I have kept this up so long. I love and believe in Rachel Myatt and I am willing to keep at it till she understands that love is deep and true and it was never about a romantic relationship it was about so much more it was about friendship, integrity, and honesty. It was about God's love. 


The swim teams motto was P.D.R  Pride, Determination, and Resillience. 
That is what I have. I do not have selfish pride though. I am proud to have had Rachel in my life. I am proud that I love her. I am proud to call her my sister in Christ but she was never proud of being my brother, my love, or my best friend.  I am proud that I love her and her family and I have never turned my back on that love.  I am determined to find peace with her. Even though I was kicked down to the lowest point on the ground I rose back up resillent as ever and turned tragedy into something to show Rachel I was serious and that I was not a game.  So what ever you think Rachel I just wanted you to know how much I love you and that I never gave up on you. You gave up and abandoned me.  I dont abandon people I love and I never tell people I am going to abandon I love them because there is no point in making false claims. I am not the one in denial or the one hiding Rachel Myatt. I am right here for all to see. I put it out for everyone to see my feelings and my thoughts. I let them know how much I love you everyday. You and Jonathan mean the world to me but you just wont see that. I wanted to leave you today with another movie clip about pride it is from the movie adaptation of Pride and Prejudice. I sent you this movie on Amazon and you just sent it back.  I wanted you to watch it because of the way Elizabeth pretended like she didnt love someone and acted like she detested him and all the while she realized that he was the one.  Mr Darcy never gave up on her in the end even after she had been cruel rejected her. I love you just like he did Lizzie. I love you like Johnny Cash loved June Carter Cash. I love you unconditionally and without hesitation or second thought. It is a true love that transcends space and time. I am sorry if anything I have said has caused pain in your life but it was only a reaction to your treatment of me. I do love you with all my heart. I hope you read this and you understand how much you and Jonathan have always meant to me.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9CnUVqh4Fc&feature=related 3:31 onward is how Rachel made me feel I loved her but to her I was just a waste of her time.  I would always hope Rachel would realize what she had in me like Lizzie saw in Mr. Darcy eventually. I love her uncondtionally and I would do anything for her and her family.  It will be up to her to think and decide that. I was never afraid to give up all I had to be with her. I wanted nothing in this life but to love her and Jonathan.

This is the kind of ending I would hope for with Rachel if she took the time to really see things for what they were.

You were my best friend Rachel Myatt and today I dedicate this song to you and hope that you will realize how much you mean to me and that each day you ignore me I lose faith in love and humanity.  I love you. I remember when this song meant something to you about me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpoxWUHI3oc

God Bless All.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Friends Are Forever(The Myth and Lie)

I put this song up on Ytube today especially for Rachel. I wanted her to know how betrayed and hurt she made me feel and in the months leading up to me releasing this book I want her to know she had every chance to make things right with me. I loved her more than anyone I ever cared about on this earth and her friendship to me rivaled even my friend Scott.  Scott even loved me enough to write Rachel's Pastor Glenn and tell him about our friendship and that even when things got rough I never gave up on those I love and Rachel cannot see the kind of love I have for her. If her family or anyone is frustrated just know that I love Rachel with my dying breath and I will continue to soldier on and maybe she will eventually get it.  It will have to be in bright lights and all over the world though before Rachel will realize how much she is truly loved and that I am worth making peace with and talking to again so that my dear Rachel is what I will give to you.


God Bless and Love to All
Never give up on your family and true friends!!!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Anything for Rachel

Dear Rachel and Readers,

I just made a new video entry to show Rachel Myatt how much I love her.  It is a song called "Anything for You" by the Halo Friendlies" I just wanted Rachel and the world to know how much she truly means to me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-F6BNS3OPvw

God Bless All

When People Believe in You

Dear Rachel and Readers,
I am a humble man. I do not ask for much. All I ever wanted to do was be loved.  I will not play the victim in this anymore because I transcended past that the day I start writing this blog, writing songs, and telling my story worldwide.  What I am attempting to do is to let Rachel know how precious human relationships are and that if you kick someone when they are down and they are strong enough they will heal and be 10 times more powerful.   Rachel thought she could just pretend she wanted to be with me, dump me, and then as she said to me "Care without a Care" I am not anyones throwaway or doormat so she lie in the bed with me literally and now a year later the whole thing is truly coming to fruition. I am someone who does not take lightly to a person who hurts me on the level that Rachel did.  Lying, belittling, and making fun of a person who was in as state of grief and on top of it using the Lord's name in vain to curse me and put me down.  Man the woman I thought was a good Christian woman was horrible! I have my flaws.  I even use profanity once in awhile when I am really angry. Does it make me less of a Christian? No but I am willing to admit my flaws and my imperfections.  Rachel was not able to look into the mirror and she how cruel and wrong she was actually treating me so when I retalliated she couldn't take it. So now she hides more so than last year.  It was funny watching a person be so scared of the mess they created when all they had to do was call me up and talk to me and the whole thing would be over. We as human beings spend our lives either facing our fears and overcoming them or we can hide and be afraid and not live the best quality of life that God wants us to. Regardless of what Rachel thinks I am happy. I am doing what is in my heart and I do truly love her and if writing a book and telling my story on the internet and making videos about her treatment and from members of the New Church is what it takes for her to change her life and pespective then so be it.  It takes one person to show another person the error of their ways. The other guys she pulled the stunt with may have been angry with her and just walk away but she did something a little worst to me, she played with my emotions on a grand scale and wasnt woman enough to talk to me.  I love Rachel as my best friend and I pray that she comes back.  I can't make her all I can do is reach out to her through video, prayer, song, and a heart that truly loves her.  I believe in her and that she can transcend all that she has done and be a better woman and also make peace with me.  So Rachel if you are listening know this. I have never done this to hurt you but let you know how deeply you have hurt me. If you have felt harrassed then I am sorry it is my right to express how I feel. I never changed the picture or put up too many because it was supposed to be a tribute to how much I love you and Jonathan not an angry rant.  If you want to sue me or take legal action against me for telling you I love you and want to make peace with you go ahead , you have already damaged me enough what would be one more kick in the teeth.  I have filed copies of the letters I sent both the Church and you and I have all our emails and correspondence where I would be able to show people about our relationship.  I have done all I have done because I truly love you and never just to come out and hurt you.  I will continue to love you from a far and believe in you even if you never believed in me.

Rachel For Christmas I ask that you forgive me and know that I forgive you and that you reach out to me and that we love, care, and talk again. No more no less.  Be the strong woman I know that is inside you and denounce evil,  let go of the pain, and show the beautiful woman that I fell in love with.  There are so many great and special qualities in you and if I didn't truly love and believe in you and Jonathan I would have let it die a long time ago but this passion is true in my heart and it always will be. It is your choice what pages I turn in this book and how this story ends.  I love you.  I have love and respect for your whole family and I want them to know that I have never meant to disrespect or hurt any of them. Rachel you hurt me and my family and the saddest thing of all you were my family because I hold my best friends as close as blood my extended brothers and sisters. I really love you and you are just to stubborn to see or accept that.

If you havent yet checked this out this is my simple start of the series of love letters I am going to send Rachel via the internet

God Bless All

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Letters To Rachel : The start of the viral explosion

Dear Rachel and Readers,
I wanted you to know that I just started playing around with my Letters to Rachel concept on youtube so people can understand how much I love her and for her to know how much she means to me.   This is just the first in many it is simple and to the point but I hope Rachel and others will enjoy it for what it is and let Rachel know how much she is loved and that I am going to go through with all I said I would, the book , the songs, and other things. 
It can be found here.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IM4TuI4mO6g&feature=channel_video_title

Also here is one featuring the song "Love" by the Indians http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skPkAzisNOc

God Bless All

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Stepping on Peoples Dreams

Rachel Myatt,
You were my dream girl. You were the one in which I wanted to have a familly. You pretended to want to have that with me and when you messed with my dream well.... That is something you just don't do to people who believe in themselves. I am confidant, I am strong, and despite you knocking me down I went out and did all the things I said I would and I came to you and loved you and believed in you.  One day you will look back and realize how much someone truly loved you and just how much damage you are causing and have caused not only with me and other people. What kind of person would let other people have to deal with her mistakes instead of step up and be responsible for them? What kind of person would like to have their dirty laundry aired on the internet instead of talk to the person they hurt and make peace? What kind of person would have their reputation tested even if it is the truth and not defend themselves? I sure wouldn't? Yet you let others compensate for your actions, you let others take some sort of guilty by association blame whether it be your Pastor, Your Church, or Your family.  Your actions toward me someone who truly loves you have led to all this.  How hard would it be to change your life and be proud of who you are? How hard would it be to realize that God does allow people to love you as much as I do?  I have never done anything but believe in you. I thought you were the most beautiful, intelligent, caring person and even after all the rotten stuff you said and did.  I forgive you and still love you. I could hate you and go on slagging you and placing blame but that is not what the Lord wants. He wants me to continue to love you and believe in you.  So this is a message to Rachel Myatt and her family. I love Rachel and I am going to continue to do so if even from a far.  My songs are almost ready to share with the world.  My videos are almost ready.  I am still deciding if I should put out this book I am having others read it and proofread it. I want it to do justice to how much I love Rachel. Rachel what guy has went through so much to show you that he loves you? None? That is why you ran, that is why you still hide, and that is why ultimately you will realize how hurtful and wrong your treatment of me was.  You stepped on my dream because my dream was to be a husband and father but only with you and Jonathan because God saw all the hurt and pain I went through and wanted me to have the best and I thought you were the best out of all the other choices because you loved God.  Apparently you didnt think I loved God and you had no idea how much this life means to me or you and Jonathan meant to me. So when you are reading this today just know you can always change things. You can sit back and wallow in the past or you can make your own future. I am making a future bright where people all over the world know how much I loved and love Rachel Myatt even if she doesnt acknowledge me and pretends like I never existed. I love you. http://www.youtube.com/user/ILoveRachelMyatt4eva?feature=mhee

Songs to let you know how much I love you today
Step Into My World - Hurricane #1

You're the One - Tracy Bohnam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnEBpJ8REeI

This next song is because you really broke my heart and changed how I look at people for the longest time I was so sad and destitute after the way you treated me I just wanted to do drugs, start alcohol, and become devoid of all the pain and numb it. I wanted to go around and treat girls like crap because I had been so good to you and you just abused it.  Its not right and no one deserves to be treated bad and I realized that even if you dont think so someday what you did to me will be returned to you in some form or fashion and I will still be full of love like I am now not miserable and not hurting people like you do Rachel. This song is about falling pray to that and giving up. 

Open the Door - Magnapop

I waited a lifetime to meet someone special like you and to give all my love too. In the process I fell in love with wanting to be with not only you but Jonathan.  I was a man who had so much love to give to you and you abused and squandered it.  I am wounded and I will probably never trust another woman but the saddest thing is I tried to make peace with you and I do love you even after you have done the worst thing possible to me. I believe in love and you continue to deny that.

Matthew 7:8
For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

I ask you Rachel Myatt to walk through the door of forgiveness because I truly love you.

Rachel Myatt means the world to me and when we were dating I sent her this song one day one because they are from my home area but two because I always choose love and forgiveness over hate and grudges. 

Love Like We Do - Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AYjVvEc5pj4

Rachel you were the one

God Bless All