Rachel and Jonathan

Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will

Saturday, November 30, 2013

One On : Somewhere I Do still love you

Dear Rachel Myatt,
This song is about how much I love you.  I don't normally listen to a lot of hip hop but where I live in the south it is an integral part of our lives.  This is from the recently released Bun-B album. Trill O.G. The Epilogue.  He is the sole surviving member of UGK his partner Chad Butler(Better Known as Pimp C) passed away in 2007. He is very intelligent and has even taught about Religion and Hip Hop at Rice University. Don't Believe Me here is proof.  http://rapradar.com/2010/10/21/bun-bs-rice-university-photo-id/  I also wanted to prove a point to you and your family Rachel. Until you truly know the story do not make assumptions or ascertain what you think you know about a person till you truly take the time to know them. As much as I want to hate you there is still some love in my heart for you somewhere and I will always be in love with you.  I dedicate "On One" to you Rachel you were loved with this much dedication, vigor, and zeal.  Have a nice day Rachel Myatt.  The next blog I write will be to someone in your family but you wont expect who it will be addressed too.


Saturday, November 23, 2013

How Black Men (and Women) Are Treated Less in the Dating World!

Dear Readers,

Have you ever noticed how black men are given a bad rap in society even before they are even given a chance.  First take a listen to the song above called "The Pain" from Murs critically acclaimed 2002 album 3:16.  Yes a rapper named an album after a scripture in the Bible. God is very important to a lot of us African American or Black Men!  I look on dating sites and on personal ads and constantly I see the phrase "No Black Men" or "No Blacks" or "No African Americans".  That is discouraging for the fact that we are singled out as unsafe, dark skinned people are often portrayed as ugly, as poor, and undesirable.  Its not even the fact that people have a preference to be with people like them its just the fact that I don't see a lot of any other ethnicity being treated like that.  How does this fit in with my blog about Rachel? I am going to say this with a heavy heart and sadness but I feel that when I came to Dawson Creek and people saw me they felt I wouldn't fit in.  They were scared what would happened (if one of my kind and I don't mean American) were to actually integrate into their society.  I always felt like one of the parents that saw me when I was helping Rachel take care of the children could have been one of the factors for Rachel's betrayal.  They didn't want their kids around me therefore Rachel's felt her livelihood was threated so instead of talk to me about it she abandoned me.  Or maybe someone in her family didn't like me but didn't have the fortitude to tell me.  White People really don't know they social stigma and pain they bring to others when they treat people less than a person.  They think they are so above others and that loving people outside their circle hurts them or their pedigree.  As a Christian I was taught to love people for who they are and fall in love with your heart.  I never look at a woman and think oh she is black or white.  A real man loves women period and whether she is from China or Canada I can appreciate a beautiful woman and get to know her.  After making that statement I will use the song "Dark Skinned White Girls" also by Murs to prove a point. Listen to the lyrics before you continue with my blog. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HernHe5Ctek

The Chorus says "Rejected By The Black not Accepted by the White World" meaning not only are certain people not only rejected by mainstream society but also by their own ethnicity because they choose to just love people and love life.  I was always hated because I loved rock music over R&B and rap I was told by white kids that it wasn't my music to love.  I told them black people basically invented rock and roll and that half the songs that were rock songs at first were stolen from black people who werent allowed to have their music played on the radio so it was given to white artist.  This kind of narrow minded ness is why I lash out against the NEW CHURCH and the Myatt and Friesen families. Rachel should be ashamed of herself for playing with me.  Not only did I believe in her and not see color, religion, or any other thing but I chose to just love.  "Satan Subtracts and Divides , God Adds and Multiplies" is a Billboard I saw at a church and its the truth. With the New Church not believing in Satan and his evil they become part of the problem and are sucked into his evil and want to subtract and divide themselves from the love of Christian brotherhood around the world.  They want to judge and keep certain people out of their church which is a form of bigotry, racism, and dividing.  Most of all if God is calling someone home and you turn them away then are showing how False your doctrine and religion really is.  If you want to see a true change and be of Gods love then you must truly learn to accept and tolerate people of all walks of life.  I will leave this blog today making two points about bigotry and about making assumptions about people we don't give a chance.  I am choosing this popular dating site as an example.  Go on POF.com or Plenty of Fish and for ten minutes peruse through the caucasian women in your area.  When you are done see how many refuse to date a black man or have no black men in their ad. Not no Mexican, no Asian, not no Italian, for the most part it is no black men.  Two this is the 50th Anniversary of the BBC series Doctor Who.  I grew up watching the Doctor on PBS here in Texas and have been a fan since I was 5 when Tom Baker was the Doctor.  The Doctor is about to go through his 12 regeneration.  We have had 12 Doctors all special in their own right.  A lot of younger people who have only come into Doctor Who because of the reboot starring younger doctors Christopher Eggleston, David Tennant, and the outgoing Matt Smith.  A lot of them are on the fence about incoming Peter Capaldi because of him being 50+ and Matt Smith is just about to hit 30.  We make such a big deal out of things like that instead of just enjoy life.  That is a form of prejudice called Ageism. Should we throw away our grandparents or mother or fathers because they got old? I watched both of mine die in the past couple of years one at 59 and the other at 61 two years apart and to me they were both young with me being in my 30s.  Can you see how we blur the line between prejudices?  Maybe you are thinking some of this is apples and oranges but if you really stop and think about it all its very petty. God's greatest commandment was to love each other and I will always fulfill that no color or any other hang up will stop me from doing God's will.

Daniel 9:4

I prayed to the Lord my God and confessed:
“Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments,

Matthew 22:37-39

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

If we spent more time listening to God, listening to others and being humble instead of hateful the world would be a better place. Not finding differences but finding what makes us alike and brings us together.  Love is the only answer.  This I have always known.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

I Am The Revolution : Still Fighting False Religion and Bigotry

Dear True Believers,
I just returned home from one of the opening night screenings of the film adaptation of Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins.  Above is the Mockingjay which is a symbol in the book but this one is on my back windshield to let everyone know I am about revolution, ideals, and change.  Below is my lanyard from the film. I want the New Church, Rachel Myatt and her family, and Pastor Coleman Glenn and the lot of New Church Pastors to know I haven't forgotten their unkindness, falsity, and bigotry and the best gift I can give during Christmas is to spread it like cancer.  Yes I am the revolution and you will have to kill me to silence me.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

My Love Letter and Confession to Rachel : Crown of Thorns.


Dear Readers,
A couple of days ago I sat in a sold out arena and I got to witness one of the greatest rock bands play ever, Pearl Jam.  It was my 15th time seeing them since 1991 and probably the second best show of my life. One thing they did is pay tribute to the band that came before them, Mother Love Bone.  Andrew Wood was the singer for that band but overdosed in 1991 which lead to the formation of Pearl Jam. Without that tragedy we may never have known Pearl Jam but with what Andrew left behind in his music we know love.  This is a live version I recorded with me badly singing in the background because my throat was full of tears.  I am a baritone so I will never be able to sing this sing but I didn't think my camera would pick me up. I cried the whole time because it reminded me of two people.  Rachel and my mother who passed on in 2010.  Rachel Myatt  I love you and always have and you promised to be there for me and abandoned me and to this day it has ruined my life, my perception of love, and whether you think so or not it destroyed my heart and the good I used to believe people had in their heart. I never believed you would lie to me or treat me bad that is why I never gave up on you and Jonathan. In one brief moment you kicked me when I was down, kicked me to the curb, and left me for dead.  I have, will, and will never stop loving you two.  What I want for Christmas 2013 peace with you.  Nothing more nothing less.  Please put an end to this and see you are loved beyond compare or know that you were the reason for someone giving up on love and the human condition. I loved you more than life itself and I haven't stopped. I dedicated this video to you and no one else even with my fool singing and tears in the background that is how much I love you and I don't hide it.  You are the love of my life.

God Bless All

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Judgemental Nature and Revealing of: The Church of the New Jerusalem(Selfishness, Arrogance, and Unkindness Exposed)

Dear Readers,
The Church of the New Jerusalem or New Church constantly hangs itself and even its own youth understand the fallacy of its message and the way it treats others within and outside of Christianity.  They are a bunch of two faced bigots who stole from other religions and want to claim being new.  They are W.A.S.P Patriarchal old white men who try to keep traditional families but yet say they accept others.  I know because I am black and look how they treated me. I haven't yet blew up the racist bit as much as I should but its coming. I want you to see though how even their own youth understand the judgmental way that they treat each other and shut other people out who would be interested.  Then look back at my blog and see who has been right this last 3 years. Yep I wasn't just blowing a bunch of hot air at Rachel or her family was I.  Here is the proof. From the New Church Perspective Essay by Rachel Buss entitled "What the Young People Are Saying" http://www.newchurchperspective.com/essays/2013/11/1/what-the-young-people-are-saying.html So there is so much truth to what I have said but no one wanted to listen. They just thought I was blinded by my hate for Rachel when really I was the one who loved Rachel. She, her family, and those in the Church who I wrote didn't want to listen to see that they might be wrong or didn't want to accept any accountability that their approach, doctrine, or any part of the New Church was wrong. It was all me. The guy who lost his mother, the guy who was abandoned, the guy who was lied to and disrespected by not only Rachel but the General New Church in general. So you know what. Thank you for this and it will be spread along with my next newsletter and Christmas Campaign against the New Church.  You would rather have people against you instead of with you and I have yet to see anyone hold out their had with peace or try to make this situation better with me especially of the Dawson Creek New Church or The New Church of Canada.  Cowardice, Pride, and Arrogance is what they possess so I won't sweat it.  If they want to be portrayed as a bunch of redneck, judgmental, white trash bigots go ahead be my guest ill help spread the word.  I included the video of Echosmith's song "Cool Kids" since the NEW CHURCH thinks they are so enlightened and don't want to let others in then maybe they will learn when that same judgment they pass on others because of skin color, sex, and just being a different breed of Christian is thrown back in their self righteous faces.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Slow Retribution and Redemption of Christ True Children

Dear Readers,
It was said in a book.  "Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card
“In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him. I think it’s impossible to really understand somebody, what they want, what they believe, and not love them the way they love themselves. And then, in that very moment when I love them…I destroy them” (page 238).
Rachel, The Myatt, Friesen Families, and Pastor Coleman and his cohorts tried to destroy me with lies, evil, mistruths, and Swedenborg. Now when they are truly asleep I will embarrass and destroy Rachel with love, kindness, and make known worldwide my story on the greatest level to this day.  The only thing to stop this is her stepping forward and making peace. This is no bluff, no dare, and no threat.  This is a truth. Ignore me and you have no reason to complain of my actions.  I will destroy you dear Rachel but only with Love.