Rachel and Jonathan

Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will

Saturday, November 30, 2013

One On : Somewhere I Do still love you

Dear Rachel Myatt,
This song is about how much I love you.  I don't normally listen to a lot of hip hop but where I live in the south it is an integral part of our lives.  This is from the recently released Bun-B album. Trill O.G. The Epilogue.  He is the sole surviving member of UGK his partner Chad Butler(Better Known as Pimp C) passed away in 2007. He is very intelligent and has even taught about Religion and Hip Hop at Rice University. Don't Believe Me here is proof.  http://rapradar.com/2010/10/21/bun-bs-rice-university-photo-id/  I also wanted to prove a point to you and your family Rachel. Until you truly know the story do not make assumptions or ascertain what you think you know about a person till you truly take the time to know them. As much as I want to hate you there is still some love in my heart for you somewhere and I will always be in love with you.  I dedicate "On One" to you Rachel you were loved with this much dedication, vigor, and zeal.  Have a nice day Rachel Myatt.  The next blog I write will be to someone in your family but you wont expect who it will be addressed too.


Saturday, November 23, 2013

How Black Men (and Women) Are Treated Less in the Dating World!

Dear Readers,

Have you ever noticed how black men are given a bad rap in society even before they are even given a chance.  First take a listen to the song above called "The Pain" from Murs critically acclaimed 2002 album 3:16.  Yes a rapper named an album after a scripture in the Bible. God is very important to a lot of us African American or Black Men!  I look on dating sites and on personal ads and constantly I see the phrase "No Black Men" or "No Blacks" or "No African Americans".  That is discouraging for the fact that we are singled out as unsafe, dark skinned people are often portrayed as ugly, as poor, and undesirable.  Its not even the fact that people have a preference to be with people like them its just the fact that I don't see a lot of any other ethnicity being treated like that.  How does this fit in with my blog about Rachel? I am going to say this with a heavy heart and sadness but I feel that when I came to Dawson Creek and people saw me they felt I wouldn't fit in.  They were scared what would happened (if one of my kind and I don't mean American) were to actually integrate into their society.  I always felt like one of the parents that saw me when I was helping Rachel take care of the children could have been one of the factors for Rachel's betrayal.  They didn't want their kids around me therefore Rachel's felt her livelihood was threated so instead of talk to me about it she abandoned me.  Or maybe someone in her family didn't like me but didn't have the fortitude to tell me.  White People really don't know they social stigma and pain they bring to others when they treat people less than a person.  They think they are so above others and that loving people outside their circle hurts them or their pedigree.  As a Christian I was taught to love people for who they are and fall in love with your heart.  I never look at a woman and think oh she is black or white.  A real man loves women period and whether she is from China or Canada I can appreciate a beautiful woman and get to know her.  After making that statement I will use the song "Dark Skinned White Girls" also by Murs to prove a point. Listen to the lyrics before you continue with my blog. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HernHe5Ctek

The Chorus says "Rejected By The Black not Accepted by the White World" meaning not only are certain people not only rejected by mainstream society but also by their own ethnicity because they choose to just love people and love life.  I was always hated because I loved rock music over R&B and rap I was told by white kids that it wasn't my music to love.  I told them black people basically invented rock and roll and that half the songs that were rock songs at first were stolen from black people who werent allowed to have their music played on the radio so it was given to white artist.  This kind of narrow minded ness is why I lash out against the NEW CHURCH and the Myatt and Friesen families. Rachel should be ashamed of herself for playing with me.  Not only did I believe in her and not see color, religion, or any other thing but I chose to just love.  "Satan Subtracts and Divides , God Adds and Multiplies" is a Billboard I saw at a church and its the truth. With the New Church not believing in Satan and his evil they become part of the problem and are sucked into his evil and want to subtract and divide themselves from the love of Christian brotherhood around the world.  They want to judge and keep certain people out of their church which is a form of bigotry, racism, and dividing.  Most of all if God is calling someone home and you turn them away then are showing how False your doctrine and religion really is.  If you want to see a true change and be of Gods love then you must truly learn to accept and tolerate people of all walks of life.  I will leave this blog today making two points about bigotry and about making assumptions about people we don't give a chance.  I am choosing this popular dating site as an example.  Go on POF.com or Plenty of Fish and for ten minutes peruse through the caucasian women in your area.  When you are done see how many refuse to date a black man or have no black men in their ad. Not no Mexican, no Asian, not no Italian, for the most part it is no black men.  Two this is the 50th Anniversary of the BBC series Doctor Who.  I grew up watching the Doctor on PBS here in Texas and have been a fan since I was 5 when Tom Baker was the Doctor.  The Doctor is about to go through his 12 regeneration.  We have had 12 Doctors all special in their own right.  A lot of younger people who have only come into Doctor Who because of the reboot starring younger doctors Christopher Eggleston, David Tennant, and the outgoing Matt Smith.  A lot of them are on the fence about incoming Peter Capaldi because of him being 50+ and Matt Smith is just about to hit 30.  We make such a big deal out of things like that instead of just enjoy life.  That is a form of prejudice called Ageism. Should we throw away our grandparents or mother or fathers because they got old? I watched both of mine die in the past couple of years one at 59 and the other at 61 two years apart and to me they were both young with me being in my 30s.  Can you see how we blur the line between prejudices?  Maybe you are thinking some of this is apples and oranges but if you really stop and think about it all its very petty. God's greatest commandment was to love each other and I will always fulfill that no color or any other hang up will stop me from doing God's will.

Daniel 9:4

I prayed to the Lord my God and confessed:
“Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments,

Matthew 22:37-39

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

If we spent more time listening to God, listening to others and being humble instead of hateful the world would be a better place. Not finding differences but finding what makes us alike and brings us together.  Love is the only answer.  This I have always known.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

I Am The Revolution : Still Fighting False Religion and Bigotry

Dear True Believers,
I just returned home from one of the opening night screenings of the film adaptation of Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins.  Above is the Mockingjay which is a symbol in the book but this one is on my back windshield to let everyone know I am about revolution, ideals, and change.  Below is my lanyard from the film. I want the New Church, Rachel Myatt and her family, and Pastor Coleman Glenn and the lot of New Church Pastors to know I haven't forgotten their unkindness, falsity, and bigotry and the best gift I can give during Christmas is to spread it like cancer.  Yes I am the revolution and you will have to kill me to silence me.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

My Love Letter and Confession to Rachel : Crown of Thorns.


Dear Readers,
A couple of days ago I sat in a sold out arena and I got to witness one of the greatest rock bands play ever, Pearl Jam.  It was my 15th time seeing them since 1991 and probably the second best show of my life. One thing they did is pay tribute to the band that came before them, Mother Love Bone.  Andrew Wood was the singer for that band but overdosed in 1991 which lead to the formation of Pearl Jam. Without that tragedy we may never have known Pearl Jam but with what Andrew left behind in his music we know love.  This is a live version I recorded with me badly singing in the background because my throat was full of tears.  I am a baritone so I will never be able to sing this sing but I didn't think my camera would pick me up. I cried the whole time because it reminded me of two people.  Rachel and my mother who passed on in 2010.  Rachel Myatt  I love you and always have and you promised to be there for me and abandoned me and to this day it has ruined my life, my perception of love, and whether you think so or not it destroyed my heart and the good I used to believe people had in their heart. I never believed you would lie to me or treat me bad that is why I never gave up on you and Jonathan. In one brief moment you kicked me when I was down, kicked me to the curb, and left me for dead.  I have, will, and will never stop loving you two.  What I want for Christmas 2013 peace with you.  Nothing more nothing less.  Please put an end to this and see you are loved beyond compare or know that you were the reason for someone giving up on love and the human condition. I loved you more than life itself and I haven't stopped. I dedicated this video to you and no one else even with my fool singing and tears in the background that is how much I love you and I don't hide it.  You are the love of my life.

God Bless All

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Judgemental Nature and Revealing of: The Church of the New Jerusalem(Selfishness, Arrogance, and Unkindness Exposed)

Dear Readers,
The Church of the New Jerusalem or New Church constantly hangs itself and even its own youth understand the fallacy of its message and the way it treats others within and outside of Christianity.  They are a bunch of two faced bigots who stole from other religions and want to claim being new.  They are W.A.S.P Patriarchal old white men who try to keep traditional families but yet say they accept others.  I know because I am black and look how they treated me. I haven't yet blew up the racist bit as much as I should but its coming. I want you to see though how even their own youth understand the judgmental way that they treat each other and shut other people out who would be interested.  Then look back at my blog and see who has been right this last 3 years. Yep I wasn't just blowing a bunch of hot air at Rachel or her family was I.  Here is the proof. From the New Church Perspective Essay by Rachel Buss entitled "What the Young People Are Saying" http://www.newchurchperspective.com/essays/2013/11/1/what-the-young-people-are-saying.html So there is so much truth to what I have said but no one wanted to listen. They just thought I was blinded by my hate for Rachel when really I was the one who loved Rachel. She, her family, and those in the Church who I wrote didn't want to listen to see that they might be wrong or didn't want to accept any accountability that their approach, doctrine, or any part of the New Church was wrong. It was all me. The guy who lost his mother, the guy who was abandoned, the guy who was lied to and disrespected by not only Rachel but the General New Church in general. So you know what. Thank you for this and it will be spread along with my next newsletter and Christmas Campaign against the New Church.  You would rather have people against you instead of with you and I have yet to see anyone hold out their had with peace or try to make this situation better with me especially of the Dawson Creek New Church or The New Church of Canada.  Cowardice, Pride, and Arrogance is what they possess so I won't sweat it.  If they want to be portrayed as a bunch of redneck, judgmental, white trash bigots go ahead be my guest ill help spread the word.  I included the video of Echosmith's song "Cool Kids" since the NEW CHURCH thinks they are so enlightened and don't want to let others in then maybe they will learn when that same judgment they pass on others because of skin color, sex, and just being a different breed of Christian is thrown back in their self righteous faces.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Slow Retribution and Redemption of Christ True Children

Dear Readers,
It was said in a book.  "Ender's Game" by Orson Scott Card
“In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him. I think it’s impossible to really understand somebody, what they want, what they believe, and not love them the way they love themselves. And then, in that very moment when I love them…I destroy them” (page 238).
Rachel, The Myatt, Friesen Families, and Pastor Coleman and his cohorts tried to destroy me with lies, evil, mistruths, and Swedenborg. Now when they are truly asleep I will embarrass and destroy Rachel with love, kindness, and make known worldwide my story on the greatest level to this day.  The only thing to stop this is her stepping forward and making peace. This is no bluff, no dare, and no threat.  This is a truth. Ignore me and you have no reason to complain of my actions.  I will destroy you dear Rachel but only with Love.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Perfect Day : R.I.P. Lou Reed

Lou Reed passed away Sunday.  I was deeply saddened. Not only did I wear my Velvet Underground shirt on Monday but I also reflected on some of his music.  Earlier this year he was scheduled to play the Coachella Music Festival in Indio, California and because he was sick he had to drop off.  I missed my chance to see him and I am still really bummed because he was the reason I bought the ticket.  Most people remember him from his hit "Take A Walk On The Wild Side" but I remember him as a beautiful soul who wasn't afraid to take chances and show his pain, his sadness, and open the world to himself in his music and art.  It is what we all aspire to be.   The people who read this blog and Rachel and her family I dedicate "Perfect Day" to you.   The sincerity in Mr. Reeds voice is the sincerity and honesty I bring to you in my blog and the passion, anger, and sadness is real.  Maybe Rachel thought lying, betraying, and hurting another would just go away but it hasn't, she destroyed someone's life.    The music is just a way to get through life's pain and Mr. Reed whether it was through the Velvet Underground or the harrowing Metal Machine Music was always honest and true.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Pastor Coleman Glenn and His Impending Fatherhood and Why Rachel Myatt is a Bitch?

Dear Pastor Coleman Glenn,
When you hold your child in your hands for the first time and smile and think of the joy it brings think of me and think of why I hate Rachel Myatt.  She played with that when that was all that I wanted my whole life.  I wanted to be a father and I was even willing to be a father to her child.  A woman supposedly a Christian woman played with a man who didn't even want his moment in the sun to be his.  He just wanted a wife, a child, and a family to love alongside his God.  If I am a bad person for that and Rachel is good for playing with that then you have just shown why the Church of the New Jerusalem is one of the worst and most selfish religions ever.  You are not even worthy of being a Pastor if you would put doctrine and evil over love.  If you would put selfishness and hurting others over love.  You see this Christmas you will be the subject of my Christmas newsletter and Rachel's evil and her disrespect will be too.

I put the videos up for the songs "Fired" by Ben Folds(this one to show that we all have dreams and aspire to be loved and all should be treated as such without others judging us.)

I also revisited the song "The Suburbs" by Arcade Fire because I want Pastor Glenn to think long and hard why I dislike him and his hypocrisy because of his cruel and uncaring nature and once again when you are being blessed with a child think about how Rachel played with and ripped that hope of blessing out of my reach.  If she didn't want to be loved and cared for then she should have never played with someone who loved and cared for her so true.  Pastor Coleman Glenn the revisiting of the song and my blog "The Importance of Being Kind" http://iloverachelmyatt.blogspot.com/2012/02/importance-of-being-kind-and-truthful.html

is for you.

These words are and excerpt from the song "The Suburbs" by Arcade Fire

"So can you understand
Why I want a daughter while I'm still young?
I wanna hold her hand
And show her some beauty
Before this damage is done

But if it's too much to ask, it's too much to ask
Then send me a son".

 It is for a window to all those who read this blog and think I am full of hate and venom for Rachel and Pastor Glenn and for the New Church.  It was just the opposite I was full of love and I was knocked down and instead of welcome love when they preached of it. They denied me that and became hypocrites and blasphemers.

This blog today is for Pastor Glenn and For Rachel Myatt.  I want others to know how deeply they hurt me and why I haven't stopped writing this blog.  God wants them to know that they can step out and make peace with me or be the hypocrites and liars that they truly are.  I have spoken my peace and the truth today and I only hope that on this Holy Day of the Lord they seek the same. 

God Bless All

Thursday, October 24, 2013

I Hope You Suffer - Rachel Myatt, Myatt and Friesen Family(Church of the New Jerusalem)

Dear Rachel and Readers,
This is what is true and what is from my heart today.  The above video is from the worldwide hit album "Burials" by AFI(a fire inside) the song is called "I Hope You Suffer".  I am such a dedicated fan of this band that I belong to for life their fan club the Despair Faction and no matter how great or small their fame they have helped me through tough times.  This has to be one of the best songs of their career but today I want Rachel Myatt, The Myatt and Friesen families of Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada and beyond to know the pain that they have cause and that this song goes out to them.  Thank you Rachel for disrespecting my mother and me as a person who loved you.  Thank you for disrespecting a single man who loved you even 2000 miles away and wanted to be a both your loyal boyfriend, one day your husband, and adoptive father to your child. I loved you and Jonathan but you spit on all that.  I hope one day when your parents die you look down that empty hole that is your heart and remember how you laughed at my pain and disrespected my family.  I hope your Grandfather Cornelius Friesen turns in his grave every time I utter what a horrible person you are.  Your Mother and Father should be ashamed at raising such an insensitive selfish bitch.  I was in love with you for real but all you cared about is past glories with Jonathan's father regaling fucking stories of lust and love with him.  You know what maybe one day I hope he takes you back and you are happy together because you messed up something good with someone who truly loved you for him.  I hope Amanda and all your other sisters know what a backstabbing sister you were talking about them on the phone behind their back all the time and how you belittled your Aunt Brenda all the time.  "I Hope You Suffer".  I hope you know when I lash out at Pastor Coleman in my next blog for his part in this that you realize that your selfish actions cause other people to hurt.  It was always about you though. That is why you cant show your face anywhere at least I am a man. You can still find pictures of me on the internet even after all I have disclosed about myself, about my abuse, about your lies, about all the bad things that happened to me because when you truly have God you don't care. None of that can hurt me. Like Job I will be strong even if I fall He will lift me and make me whole again as He did when you abandoned me and spit on me.  So you know what Rachel Myatt I love you in my heart but I don't have to like you or your family and after the unforgiving , and the non reconciliation, and the trying to just pretend I didn't exist you will know I am still here and this Christmas I have something so big to unleash on the New Church it will make you never want to step foot in the Church again and only you can stop it. You don't care if you hurt others though because if you did you would have reached out to me and ended this years ago but you are still a spineless self righteous cunt and you don't and wont ever have a back bone. You set that example for your son you teach him not to apologize and you treat men like your play things and he will do the same to women because of your sick obsessions and manner. Am I angry after all this time yes,  Am I wiser, Yes, I am also a Taurus and I have had time to slow simmer what I am going to do about what you did so the Zeal your Pastor Glenn talked about in your recent sermons well that is the Zeal I have in showing you how bad you hurt me and almost destroyed me.  I just want you to know what a horrible, deceptive, manipulative person you are Rachel Myatt and "I Hope You Suffer".  For your lies, for your pretending I never existed, and for playing with my true love.  Fuck you and your family for not being real and for disrespecting my family you can all go to hell.

In a statement regarding the album, AFI frontman
Davey Havok said, "This record is of silence, and the burials that result from that silence. It's of betrayal, cruelty, weakness, anxiety, panic – deep and slow – despair, injury and loss. And in this it is shamefully honest and resolutely unforgiving".

Rachel's Silence all these years to my honesty and openess to her walking away from what she created and did is just that.  I live everyday full of love and help others but she is the one person I hate, because she betrayed all the goodness in my heart so may her soul and spirit be damned until the silence is broken.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


God's Commandments ask one of the simplest things and that is to love one another.  This song "Original Sin" by INXS is just a reminder to Rachel and her Redneck hateful family that I haven't gone anywhere and she is the key to making things right or to continue to make a mockery out of love and to make things bad for others in the New Church and those around her.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Church of The New Jerusalem and How to Dispose, Discredit, and Dispel Swedenborg's Lies in One Easy Step

Dear Readers,

I have finally found a quick and effective way to dispose of Swedenborg's Mistruth, Lies, and Satanic Prose in one easy step.  This bag is the easy solution to dispel and discredit anything that Swedenborg says.   If you read into the mind of Swedenborg it glorifies science over God. It tries to make you believe he actually visited a spiritual realm that any of us can fabricate during the dream emissions or patterns we all have. Finally he puts human and evil desires and passions of men before God.  He wants to make his readings and men over to be his God not God making him into a man in God's image.  That is why there are so few people interested in the Church of the New Jerusalem and why people will continue to see them as extreme, cult, PsuedoIntellectual New Age Babble, and far out there.  A True Intellectual will see the ignorance, immorality, and falsity that lies within the Church of the New Jerusalem.  I will continue with a fall campaign and a campaign against Rachel Myatt, Pastor Coleman Glenn and others in the Church of the New Church to bring the True Word of God the Holy Bible to people and not the false word of Swedenborg.  Rachel you continually hurt people and bring shame on the Myatts, Friesens,  The Clergy and the General New Church.  Your cruelty and lies live on and they are a reflection on your family, your church, and on you.  So I am glad here is a tool that now effectively cleans up what is so easily seen by those who truly seek God. Remember Anyone Can Write An Interpretation of what they think  God To be and get men Follow them.  It takes a true Christian to Follow God and not let man cloud his vision with false readings and earthly desires of the flesh.

Good Day To All and God Bless

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Kind of Unconditional Love I had for Rachel and Jonathan.

For those of you who know the story behind Fleetwood Mac's "Rumours" at the time both couples in the band Christine and John McVie and Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham were going through hard times and eventually break ups.  The end result was a great album that endured because of the friendship, professionalism, and love that had for each other and the music.   The way I loved Rachel and Jonathan was something that stood the test of time and no matter who she is with or what she has done in the 3 years since destroying my life and perceptions of love she will always know she was the catalyst for the greatness I am about to bestow upon the world and my story is her story too.


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Loving People Even After All The Hurt

"ONLY A HUMAN MIND COULD INVENT SOMETHING AS INSIPID AS LOVE"  Agent Smith(as played by Hugo Weaving) in the Matrix Revolutions.

Rachel and The New Church.  You may think I have gone away or given up on Rachel.   I still love her and Jonathan and Always will.  Its simply human nature if a person truly loves you.

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Rachel Myatt you selfish, self righteous, religious bigot, in 9 Days it will be 3 years since you deserted, abandoned, and talked down to me and my family.  I haven't forgotten.  All it would take is for you to pick up the phone to end this but you are too cowardly, stubborn, and full of yourself to do so.  So you are going to reap what you so in a be all tell all fashion.  If your last name is Myatt, Baker, or Glenn on Sept 10th get ready to be fucked if you are part of the Dawson Creek New Church of any of its ilk. Its all because of Rachel Myatt.  She cant and will never ever face me so I will shoot my daggers and may the barbs forever.  You were the Deserter.  I AM THE DESTROYER.................

Sunday, August 18, 2013

To The Myatt Family and The Church of the New Jerusalem : Simple Message

If you think I have fell off the map or that Rachel is off the hook, nope I am just planning something bigger that is going to make her and her family wish they had of made peace with me instead they will be part of a something so big Rachel will quiver under her pillow for years to come.


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Shit Is About To Get Hot, Church of The New Jerusalem, Myatt Family, and Fake Ass Pastor Glenn


Did you think I had given up? I was just going to stop what I started.  Nope you bitches in the Myatt family, Church of the New Jerusalem, and especially that sappy oh its ok to put my love story up Anne and Coleman Glenn shit but its not ok for you to love or be in love fuck both of those motherfuckers. Screw a Pastor like that what a fucking show off.  He will gloat all over the internet about love but tell another man he wasn't in love or had not calling to be in love.  You know what Coleman you will always be one of the biggest hypocrites in the world.  So if Rachel or anyone has thought I am not out doing what I said I'm still here and I am about to bring things to a whole other level.  She should be ashamed letting 3 years go by in September without saying a word because I have a bunch of them and they are only going to embarrass her and the New Church and bring you all out into the light for the phonies and fakes you are.  Remember Rachel, The Myatt Family, and Coleman Glenn started this and they are the only ones who can finish it.  None of them have the Fortitude, Backbones, Nor Wherewithal to stand up to me.  Coleman is a bitch he would let me shit on his new wife and family before he would ever step up to me.  He will talk bad about other people and other peoples religion but he doesn't have the nutsack as a man nor as a Pastor.  You know what that is what is funny.  You talk a good game but I'd never let anyone call me out like that. Rachel was disrespectful to my family and I called her out and so was Coleman Glenn. Screw them though. I am on another level they can jerk each other off in their New Age Babble all day and have anal sex with Scientology while they are at it. That is how little I think of the Church of the New Jerusalem and for September Rachel is going to get a Rude Awakening of why she should have made peace with me because I am going to wreck shit like never before.


Friday, August 2, 2013

90,000 People Cant Be Wrong, The Boy Aint Crying Wolf, Karma is A Bitch

Its that time once again in the next couple of days at Summer Festivals I will be able to tell my story and pass out my fliers about Rachel, Pastor Glenn and his hypocrisy and the evils of The NEW CHURCH.  Rachel will regret this one I have new arsenal ready and it is going to reach about 90,000 in the next couple of days.  Yeah thank you modern technology and thank you New Church, Myatt Family,  and other arrogant non forgiving, loving, uncompassionate people for giving me the platform and reason to share my story of how Rachel used  Swedenborg and how false religion dwells in the New Church.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Heartless, Arrogant, Carefree, Ruthless....Just Like Rachel

Dear Readers

I am about to drop an emotional bomb on the New Church, Rachel and her family, and how it hits them and when it hits them will come without warning.  You see Rachel was cruel, insensitive, uncaring toward me and lied about everything so just like her and her religion I just don't give a flip anymore. I am just going to stop caring who I hurt.  Live my life care free like Rachel.  Follow Swedenborg's doctrine of step on everyone's toes you can because God will forgive you and there are no consequences for your actions.  So Rachel doesn't care who she damaged and destroyed for life I don't care either.  I want be evil and just be a selfish screw up and not take responsibility for anything I do just like her.  To prove my point above is a cover of one of my favorite Judas Priest songs called "Running Wild" this version is done by up and coming metal band Huntress with the beautiful(yes its a girl singing a very strong intelligent one at that) Jill Janus.  Have a nice day and oh Myatt family thanks for playing.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Canada - Your Sister Rachel Was Loved Beyond Compare

God called me to Rachel
He called me to Canada and whether
Rachel nor Pastor Glenn believe in callings I did
Rachel didn't follow the Word of God nor did she treat me very Christian. She wonders why she is enduring the dilemma, it is because when you disobey God you end up suffering.  You bring suffering on yourself.  I Don't suffer because I did nothing wrong.  I do hurt because of the lies and pain inflicted on me by this person but I still live a happy and productive life. I want everyone to know that what I have been doing with this blog, with the newsletter, with everything in the past couple of years is because of Rachel not following God.  She and her family wanted to be hypocrites and wanted to judge and they know it.  They were called out by God not by me. I wanted to let this go but like a fire He lit it up in my heart and put me on a path that would change my life forever.  Rachel and Jonathan were loved beyond compare and I never would have left them, cheated on her, nor stopped loving them.  When I first met her I pulled out my Chris Ledoux cassette and listened to this song and said a prayer.  True love was finally in my heart.  After Cursing Rachel and saying all the things towards her and her family and the New Church that were said at the heart of everything.  I love her and Jonathan and she messed that up so now she must hide and pretend I don't exist but in reality she knows what she must do to end this and it involves humility and love.

All I ever wanted was to be loved same as anyone, to not be judged, and to have a family and Rachel you played with that and in the end it will follow you around not me.  I wont back down and I wont sell out.  Most of all God is on my side and in my heart.
Romans 12:2
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

One Step Ahead / Your Own Fault

Dear Readers,
Rachel and her family think they are smart when I always see the little glitches and manipulations to my youtube and my blog page and how little restrictions they try to incur on my page. I knew how to program things at age 10 so each time you screw with my page.  I send out 100 fliers with your face on it to different places and the more you do with my humble internet space the more good old grassroots campaigning I do.  My advice to you is to be an adult and just talk to me.  Oh but you  cant because you had so much foot in mouth disease it almost killed you and your mouth wrote so many checks your ass cant cash that you will never be humble enough to do that.  Do they teach you that in New Church Theology.  Byaaaaaaaaaaaaaatch!!!!  Im always going to be one step ahead of you and the more you do to stop me the more I will do.  You should have made peace with me when you could because now its too late and though you try to hide as your family does you will slip up somehow and I will expose you so hard that you will never be able to recover.   Oh and what a douche you are for letting your own Pastor take it in the backside for your silly failure to control your own life.  I would never do that to my pastor I would apologize or make peace with the person I wronged but that is the difference between me and you.  You are self righteous and vain.  I care about hurting others and you don't.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Why I Think Pastor Coleman Glenn is Unfit to be the Head of A CHURCH. - Happiness

Dear Readers,
I wanted to be as truthful and serious with this blog so I started it with the above statement.  The reason why the New Church doesn't thrive and Pastors like Coleman Glenn are ineffective is because they are narrow minded and have a thin worldview.  All they selfishly see is a utopia where the New Church rules and regulations are in play.  In reality that will never be.  There are Christian, Islam, Catholic, Jewish, and lots of other religions that will be there and continue to hold space.  There will always be religions such as Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses that are considered fringe that will rank higher in number than the New Church because their message is more palatable and seemingly more real.  The Church of the New Jerusalem needs a total make over campaign because they seem like they are only trying to reach a certain group of people and a small demographic - W. A. S White Anglo Saxons maybe post or present Protestants in certain little parts of the country.  I do not see them reaching out to minorities.  I hear them talking about keeping certain people out of the church.  I have experienced not only from the Myatt family but from certain Pastors about the divisions and bigotry that exist within the confines of the Church of the New Jerusalem.

I will comment with the utmost honesty on Pastor Coleman Glenn and try to respect him and get my point across without bashing him.  This is my second draft of this blog and I felt the first was too harsh and had hateful elements so I will tell the honest truth with kindness and I will spread this as my New Church letter for August.

When I first contacted Coleman Glenn in Oct of 2010 my mother had been deceased for two months and Rachel had abandoned me a month earlier.  I was fed up with her behavior so I wanted to know more about why someone would act so selfishly and use God and Swedenborg to justify such evil behavior. Rachel Myatt is a complete and utter asshole and cock tease and I do not apologize to anyone for those words. She lied, she uses people, and then she tries to turn it back on the other people and make them look bad when it is she that has the problems.   I asked Pastor Glenn if the New Church were Satanic and Hedonistic because of the actions of Rachel and I even told him I would spread the word depending on how he replied.  He gave me some quick rhetoric and then basically alluded to how Rachel's free will mattered but as a Pastor he did two things.  Not once did he acknowledge that I had lost my mother, nor did he allude to my free will as a person.  He also sounded a little snobby at the end of the letter when he said if I wanted to go spread things about the New Church I was free too.  So I took your advice buddy and you and Rachel are the stars.

The next couple of times he basically alluded to Swedenborg and tried to back it up with the Bible about free will but it was always biased toward Rachel.  Never thinking that Rachel lied, mislead me, hurt me, or was truly in the wrong.  I am going to call you out tonight as a hypocrite Mr. Glenn and unfit tonight for these reasons.

Pastor Coleman Glenn.  I only wanted a family rooted in God just as you have and to be happy serving the Lord in that way.  Rachel Myatt played with that to the point she even brought her young son into it and let me love and want both her and him as my one and only.  I am a real man I carried on a relationship across 2000 miles and another country.  I loved Rachel and Jonathan with all my heart.  I opened my heart to worship with the Myatt,  Friesen, and Baker Families.  My heart saw no color, no creed, and I never started dissecting you until you took shots at me.  There are children with no parents and people who just want to be loved and Rachel took advantage of that with me and used my secrets and my love of God as weapons against me at a time when I was grieving and you basically condoned it because you would rather New Church Theology be right than to admit that I might be right or have a point about Rachel's sick and inhuman behavior. You also tried to deny that God had a path for me, He has a path for all of us,  God gave you a calling then why is my calling any less heard or important than yours?  You are supposed to be a conduit of God a servant not someone who discourage love, forgiveness, and reconciliation.

I could go on all night but I am going to stop and I want you to think about.  You stand with you a wife, a child on the way, and the head of your Church.   Are you happy?   If so then realize that Rachel played with my want to have all that and it doesn't matter what church, denomination, or affiliation it was wrong of Rachel to lie to me to my face and say she wanted to be with me when I gave her a way out.  She and her family showed disrespect toward my deceased mother as did you and my grief. You are very selfish and do not seem to understand how it is to love your fellow man unless they are a part of the New Church.  You are wrong.  Coleman Glenn, You should resign from your place of Clergy.  You spend half your time away from your flock anyway.  It just saddens me that you would disrespect another man who one had just lost his mother and one who wanted to be a father not only to children who were not born yet but to a child that was not his. Step back from your throne and your own happiness right now Pastor Coleman Glenn and see how you wronged me as a person and why I dislike and am upset with you.  You didn't want me to be happy? You only wanted Rachel's decision to make sense and for New Church Doctrine to be at the forefront.  You didn't want other people to be right and for God to be more than just in the parameters of the New Church.  I deserve to be loved just as much as you do, to have a family, and especially never deserved the crappy treatment I received from Rachel Myatt,  The New Church, and You Pastor Coleman Glenn.  I will spend August telling this story to other faiths and hoping you will resign because you don't deserve to be in the clergy if you would treat your fellow man with such disdain and such low regards.



Sunday, July 14, 2013

What I Really Thought of Rachel Myatt

Dear Readers,
Above is one of my favorite pictures I have collected ever it is by definitive artist Amanda Connor.  She is one of the foremost artist in the comic, illustration, and animation world and her trademark is the expressions that she puts on characters.   Why Byron are you putting this up on your so called hate your ex blog.  I will explain that and then let everyone that reads form their own opinion.

When I met Rachel she was my Supergirl.  I loved her with all my heart.  I thought the world of her and that she was amazing.  She was everything to me.  I thought she was an awesome mom and foster mom.  I thought she was a good girlfriend until she proved me otherwise. She was a great daughter and sister.  I believed in her and all that she was.  Supergirl is my favorite comic book character as this sits in my entertainment room I could never be anymore  proud of anything besides my picture with Stan Lee.  The point I am trying to make is that much like Amanda Connor I believed in Rachel and appreciated a woman for who she is without trying to label her.  I appreciated someone for their work and not their gender, color of skin, religion, or any other bs .  I loved and believed in Rachel Myatt for herself and saw her potential and her greatness.  Sadly she never saw that in me and cursed me, was ashamed of me, and put me down.  She was never proud of me, she didn't see how much I really loved her and to this day has damaged a heart so pure that it will never heal.  Thank you for your time."

God Bless ALL

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Title Does Not Dictate Behavior and Being The Master of You Own Free Will

Disclaimer, If you are easily offended and are close minded like a lot of New Church and holier than thou Christian types are you will not get either the humor nor will you get the message of what is being said by the clerk Randal Graves.  This is from the movie "Clerks" the breakthrough film for Kevin Smith.
Dear Readers,
After having the time to listen to and watch the video above you see that God gives us free will and we choose how to use the path that has set for us.  Pastor Glenn tried to tell me both my love for Rachel and my path were not of God.  Why it was because of his title he thought that he as a so called Servant of God had some insight.  Secretly he was carrying on the same kind of relationship (with his now wife) I was with Rachel, not only being a hypocrite but showing no regard for his place as a Pastor.  He never once wished me any condolences or graces for my mom being dead when I first contacted him all he did was try to defend Swedenborg and Rachel's Actions.   So lets put this into perspective. 

Rachel I do not know what she is now but she was a foster mom.  She did not show loving kindness or compassion toward me her boyfriend in grief but instead judged me, made me out into some kind of psychopath to people as she had done other men may I point out.  She did this to justify her own self motives.  Being a foster mother you think she would be more sensitive to peoples feelings and realize that kids who are abused grow up to be adults and I had shared all my secrets with Rachel and in the end she threw them back in my face, destroyed a beautiful courtship,  pissed on a friendship,  and betrayed a trust rooted in the Lord.  See regardless of what Rev Glenn nor Rachel Myatt know I was put on a path by God and it is was not known to them nor will it ever be.  Rachel choose evil over what could have been a lifetime of love so what God has for me to show here the ills of her ways was to not only expose her but expose the evils in the New Church.  For all the people she kept hurting it was a mirror to be held up to her until she learned Repentance,  Reconciliation, and Christ true love of Forgiveness.  She hasn't and everyday she ignores me the more I do to show here that. I am not somebody who wishes evil on people for the fun of it and God is not a god of vengeance or retaliation but He does want us to learn from our mistakes.  Rachel will continue to hurt others around her with this behavior.  She could have made amends with me and I would be done but I have God's work to do.  The Curse, the story, and my persistence its all God's love working in mysterious ways.  3 years this blog has been going.  3 years I have been passing out material and letting  people know of my pain and how the New Church not only put down and view other Christians but how they are not humble and loving and fall short of loving their neighbor.  God wont punish them but the New Church will be the downfall of themselves.  I am not perfect but to the Myatt Family, Rachel Myatt, and Pastor Coleman Glenn and other people within the organization who didn't get to know me they were mistaken.  God lives within me.  You know how I know because people tell me everyday.  I just open my mouth and be kind and love people and His Spirit and Kindness comes out of me.  Im not some foul mouth, hate mongering, curse you go to hell person thought it may seem like I am but I am a carrying loving, giving individual.  So I am the master of my free will and God has lead me on this path.  White people love to live in this fairy tale reality like everything is good and nothing could be bad as it seems but try being a person of color for one day and your eyes could be opened up to new worlds and God's love would take on a new meaning.  Rachel and Her Mother Jane could have instead of Judging me when I was grieving could have understood instead of me being damaged that seeing Grandmother, mother, and son together it made me sad and made me think of my own mother who had just passed away.  Instead they made up some blasphemous shit that I was damaged, mentally ill, and unfit to date Rachel because I was quiet and reserved and just wanted to spend more time sitting learning about Rachel and Jonathan than Geocaching which in a couple of days I will have to comment on in a couple of days.  You see one of the good things that came out of this situation is Rachel  Myatt can never go around and blame her religion for her not finding a suitable partner which she did when I was with her. I loved her. I put proof in this blog that I was ready to accept and worship with her in her own words.  She and her family turned me away when I needed that love the most.  I do not take back my curse because that is part of God's work and it will be up to Rachel Myatt to turn that evil around into good.  I am not sorry for anything I have said in the past couple of months nor will I apologize for anything I have to say in the future.  Im not sorry Pastor Glenn got pulled into this and that is his fault and Rachel's fault.  She would rather pull others down with her than to be a woman and attend to her own business.  If you don't want to be judged do not do the same to others.  Look what happened in this case.  Last of all I want to reply to the New Church Perspective Article yesterday about being NEW IN THE NEW CHURCH and it being all love, a new way of finding god, and all that jazz. I am sorry but you treat certain people a certain way and it seems like its a certain degree of Anglo Saxon Middle Class white people.  I hear stories about people who are priviledged and go to college and leave church and come to the New Church but never of people who have truly suffered and hurt to get there.
So I am going to end there today. You can think whatever you want of me but a true Christian would evalute what I said and take me at face value. I have nothing more to say today

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Pastor Coleman Glenn Better Watch His Karma - The Real New Church Connection

Don't let this guy fool you. He may be showing off for the cameras, telling his little love story, and making nice but this is the same person who was supposed to be a man of God who was disrespectful toward me and my deceased parent. http://www.newchurch.org/connection/issues/life-evolves-does-faith/changing-lives.html This fool better watch his Karma with a kid on the way and I will hold his ass out in public to dry like Rachel because he was and is just as much part of the evil as Rachel is.  I wont forget you uncaring spirit and I will begin to speak on this to people about how much of a hypocrite you are.  Anything can happen in life and you acted like you knew everything even my love.  So you know what. Screw you, Screw Anne, Screw any children that come from you because you didn't want anyone else to have happiness.  Screw the New Church and I don't wish you no bad but after the evil way you treated me I sure don't wish you no good you two faced so called servant of God. Connect that New Church.


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Public Service Announcement : Rachel Myatt I hope you enjoy Gehenna because that is where you are going(THE CURSE OF RACHEL)

Warning there are explicit feelings in the next paragraphs and I take full responsibility for what I say and back it up  100%.  I don't stutter and I don't care what anyone thinks because my heart was broken not only by Rachel Myatt but by the hypocrites and bigots in the New Church (all the Pastors,  Rev, and Whoever who judged me) before you read on read the following blog about how much(from her own words) Rachel supposedly loved me and knew how much I loved her but lied, abandoned me, and left me for dead when my mother died.

The Curse of Rachel Myatt
You laughed in my face after telling me you would be there for me.  You cursed me, said ill things about me and my family and for the rest of your life I leave this curse and I show no remorse and have no sympathy. 
1. For hurting me may your soul be sentenced to Gehenna for saying anything ill against my deceased mother.
2. Any Children you or your immediate family have be cursed for you playing with my dream, making fun of me wanting to be a father and husband, and taking it as some kind of joke.

3. When your parents die, for promising to be there when mine left me may everyone leave you alone and abandon you in your grief and kick you when you are down.
4. Each time a person is Baptized in the New Church faith from this day on may they carry the Curse of Rachel Myatt's hatefulness, evil, disrespect, and selfishness.  I learned that from Swedenborg and to each and everyone from this day may you carry this curse which can only be lifted by Rachel making peace with me or my family.
5. May you take to the grave that you hurt someone so bad that they hated you.  I have never hated anyone in my life but I hate you and your family Rachel Myatt.  You had all the love in the world and I gave you what little I had and you spat in my face, you ridiculed me, and judged not only my love in the Lord, my abilities in the Lord, but you tried to tell me I didn't love you and tried to make me look bad when I was grieving.  Your hateful words ring in my ears and may this Curse spread through the New Church like wildfire.  I will be sending it out to as many New Church congregations as I can I am sorry that you didn't believe in forgiveness, love, and reconciliation.  You once were loved and cherished but you didn't appreciate my friendship, my kind soul, nor my heart so damned be the Church of the New Jerusalem and cursed be the Myatt, Friesen, and Baker Families.  That is a covenant with a promise.

P.S. this is not slander or libel but a true confession of my heart and if people had of taken the time to come to me as a man or woman this would have never gotten this far.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Continuing to Call Yourself A Christian When You Are Being Called Out To Right A Wrong....................

Dear Readers,

Rachel and her family continually testify towards the morals of the Church of the New Jerusalem.  I call them out because I loved them not as an act of war, hatred, or to get revenge but literally 2yrs ago because I truly wanted amends and peace with them.  Well when that front has failed and they complain about other tactics that got used and how peace went to war, just remember how much I Loved Rachel and Jonathan and how much Backstabbing, Lies, and Manipulation from Rachel Myatt, her Pastors, and Family was involved.  I Dedicate two songs who happen to be by Christian band Anberlin  about True Friendship and Standing by your word and your friendships unlike Rachel who turned the knife in my back 3 times and kept twisting.   I did what I was supposed to in the Lord.   Maybe Swedenborgians need to think about this and the teachings of the Dawson Creek,  British Colombia New Church.

God Bless ALL

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Forgiveness, Church of the New Jerusalem Cult Status, Rachel & Her Family Letting Others Down..... An On Going Discussion

Dear Readers,
First of all I want to talk about forgiveness.  Forgiveness in the New Church means do what you want, hurt whoever you want, never trying to fix anything or absolve anything you did and maybe leave some situations screwed up for life.  That is why this blog is continuing to be written and my campaign rolls on.  Maybe the hierarchy at the New Church want to ignore me and think that soon Ill give up and just throw in the towel.  You are wrong.  Rachel started this and it is a worldwide organization now. I am not stopping till as many people know about the "Cult of the Deadly Seven Sins" as I can tell.   I want you to take a look at this New Church Perspective Entry from this week about Forgiveness then take a look about and older blog of mine about Forgiveness and see the difference.  Mine holds true about the beauty of Christ and His want of reconciliation and true forgiveness.  The New Church only wants to benefit themselves either the transgressor or the transgresee never wanting to fix or truly make anything better but even seek to forget and walk away from the situation which can lead to what we have between Rachel and I.  She lied, she just walked away, she made evil comments and remarks and when I called her on it people wanted to make me the villain.  Sorry no cigar she needs to be responsible for her actions in her life and the New Church teachings hinder that.   So this is from the New Church : http://www.newchurchperspective.com/essays/2013/7/5/forgive-them-for-they-know-not-what-they-do.html  If you follow this way then you are not getting the true meaning of unconditionality and love and it is only self serving.  If you read the blog I wrote about the same thing you see the beauty of forgiving and Christ love in a different more accessible and comforting way.  http://iloverachelmyatt.blogspot.com/2011/11/message-to-dawson-creek-new-church.html  Not Only Did I boldly and blatantly call out the New Church but I explained the kind of true forgiveness, love, and need to reconcile as by Christ.  The New Church as much as they want you to think I'm just some armchair activist they know I am sending things out, they know I am on the internet posting on message boards and the Myatt, Friesen, and Baker families know I don't give a flip about Rachel or her reputation anymore after what she said about me and my family.  She deserves all this that comes to her and it is a direct reflection on her parents, her faith, and religious outlook on life.  If you are going to continue to keep brainwashing people in this fashion then I will continue to keep letting people know of this atrocity to Christ teachings.  Unlike most of the New Church Retorts I am actually studying Swedenborg and not just blindly making accusations.  I am using your own words and actions to strengthen my argument.   A lot of the New Church Retorts they hardly even try to know or understand the other religions they just blindly throw out insults as did one lady on Pastor Coleman Glenn of the Dawson Creek Canada Congregation's blog.  She attempted to attack Jehovah's Witnesses and they both said they believed in the Trinity which they do not.  They don't celebrate holidays because of the pagan nature and they did celebrate Christmas up until the 20s until that was deemed pagan of origin and not of true homage to Christ.  They also believe only a certain number of people go to heaven 144,000 and the rest are here on a new Earth and all others are resurrected.  Not once did I hear any of these truths from their retorts.  Just constant hating and putting down other religions.  I wouldn't want to be part of a Church like that.  You also are racist in certain parts of the world and due to a recent comment made by certain people in South Africa and a statement made in an email to me about keeping certain people out by Pastor Derrick Lumsden I am about to expose that. Yes I have proof but I thought that being a Christian I didn't have to go there but maybe that is what it will take for the New Church to see the era of its ways. 

I begin to also see the pattern of cult behavior when reading about how in the New Church Schooling system they teach young men and women so different that they don't allow for the natural learning processes of being with the different sexes to take place. I understand why Rachel Myatt was such a bitch to me if she was brought up learning to think she was so different and so much better than others in a way that hinders relationships with those not part of the New Church scheme of things.  It is also the basis for why a lot of people do not want women clergy in the New Church Hierarchy.  Take the time to read this here. Rachel was arrogant, selfish, one sided, and acted like she was superior and it was from this article I began to understand her poor misguided sheltered existence and why she treated others who probably loved her with all her heart like crap because she was exposed to this one sided malarkey.  http://www.newchurchperspective.com/essays/2013/6/28/two-genders-two-worlds-ancs-road-to-gender-learning.html
So all I can do is tell you the evils that I see happening and report on them and that my friends is why they are getting the cult status hooked on to their religious affiliation.

Rachel hurt herself because not only did she take herself to war but her entire family.  She messed with my family and my family doesn't include just blood relatives it includes friends who I treat as blood.  You want to go to war well I have taken you to war.  Pastor Coleman Glenn will tell you he got letters from people who were family and friends.  You do not want to mess with an organizer and someone who is as cunning and resourceful as me.  I have had people apologize and make peace with me because they know if they screw me over they have just caused themselves a bunch of grief.  She talked ill of me, my dead mother, made all these evil accusations and all I ever did was court her and love her son with all my heart.  I'm going to tell you a quick story about the picture above before I end this blog today. First of all unfaithful, lying, hateful people like Rachel they can hit the door and after all the love I gave you, you deserve to be put on display and exposed to the fullest extent because you made this about my family and all I did was love you and your family so Bugger off there Missy.  The plant above was my Mom's plant.  She used to kill all sorts of house hold plants but this little one kept going she even killed a cactus but she maintained this one and never gave up on it.   She died August 8th 2010 almost 3 years ago.  That should tell you something about my character. Its one of the last pieces of my mother that is still alive.  I never gave up on that little plant and it is still growing and thriving today.  I believed in Rachel and Jonathan Myatt but for some reason she wanted to be evil and not have faith in the faith that I had put in God not only in our Relationship but in our Friendship.  Now look at her hiding and cowering and I am still thriving, still spreading the word of truth, justice, and the True Word of Christ.  The Holy Bible.

God Bless ALL