Rachel and Jonathan

Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will

Sunday, March 9, 2014

False gOds Die SPring Tour: The Church of The New Jerusalem Hates You Pt 3

Dear Readers,
Its been a long time.  If you think I have abandoned this blog or what it stands for you are wrong.  I let Rachel Myatt, her family, and Pastor Glenn and anyone else who wanted to step up and promote fake gods and idols a false sense of security.  You know what they say about Karma and payback don't you.  So its time for that slow burn and simmer to go all full out.  I will be in the InterContinental U.S. and maybe middle Canada spreading the word against the evil of Rachel and the New Church for the next 6 months.  Its what she deserves because she never had the guts to admit she was wrong nor say she was sorry.  I don't have to apologize for outing what a bitch and liars her and her family are.  I don't apologize for the fake sincerity in the people who call themselves Reverends and Pastors on the New Church.  If its so new then why is it just as bad as any other form of Christendom.  In fact it is more of the same and worst because Swedenborg is put on a pedestal like a god and that is just as much as Idolatry as anything in Catholicism.   Keep on being hypocrites.  Rachel you and your family are cursed for generations to come and may much pain and suffering come to you and yours as you caused my family you hateful, racist, bigot. 

There is no love of God in the New Church just a bunch of self worshipping sheep who follow a man instead of the truth and wisdom of Jesus Christ.  Put down the volumes of Heresy and dreamscape and get back to the book of reality and true worship.  "The Holy Bible". 
Proof again that the New Church worships heresy and follows man's beliefs not Christ.
"I went to God just to see,  That I was looking at me, Saw Heaven and Hell were lies(yes Swedenborg's book is lies)  When I am God everyone dies" ... Marilyn Manson from the song "The Reflecting God".  
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CaCwYR89X0 The New Church is a miserable bunch of self proclaimed pseudo intellectuals that stroke their own cocks and vaginas thinking they know God when in actually they shun Him and know nothing.  If  they truly knew God then they would know their eyes have only been opened to evil and that is why they shun Genesis, Adam and Eve as literal and the concept of Satan because they are his Children.   They are Satan's Secret Society and will aid in persecuting real Christians when God is bringing on the true second coming.