Rachel and Jonathan

Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Three Phrases That Could Heal the World: Part 1 the Introduction

Dear Readers,
There is so much hurt, despair, hate, and evil in the world.  I am just going to take the time to start a blog about love, healing, and forgiveness.  The greatest words we can utter in times of need is Jesus, Lord, or God and He will know we need His help, love and guidance.  I want to talk about 3 quick phases in the Human Language that could heal the world if people would apply them.  I have so much love for Rachel and her family and if they understood the kind of man I truly am they wouldnt have been so quick to judge.  The song above is about the simplicity of life and how sometimes we try to take the easy way out of things when actually the narrow path that is less chosen is the easy one while the one that we thought was easy was actually the one most traveled and difficult.  I dedicate this to you Myatt Family.  To Rachel, To Jonathan, Jane, Howard, Dorothy, Clayton, Jessica, Rebecca, Sarah, Amanda and all those who don't know how much I truly love Rachel Myatt.  I also dedicate this to to Pastor Coleman Glenn and anyone in the New Church or people who believe in love winning over evil anywhere who reads this.  These 3 simple phrases could change the world and make it a better place.

1. I Forgive You
2. I Am Sorry
3. I Love You

If more people spent time practicing those words then the world would be a better place.  Instead we hold on to foolish pride, selfishness, foolishness, and arrogance.  I waited a lifetime to love someone like Rachel and in a second she took it all for granted.  I will forgive her and love her over and over till I die but I wont forget what she did to me and it has had an impact on my life.  A very negative one.  If Rachel had the courage to use and utilize any of the words above we would both be different people right now.  I cant make her realize the beauty of those words and it is her life and for the rest of my life I will be sad because I truly lost my best friend and the woman I loved with all my heart and her son.  I love you both Rachel and Jonathan but you are so blind to see what you have done to the love that was in my heart.

God Bless ALL

Who In The Church Of The New Jerusalem Would Rather See Peace and Love in this Situation Instead of Hurt? Who Will Stand Up for Righteousness?

Who in the Church of the New Jerusalem will Stand Up for good, love, charity, and Christ love?
It seems very few people have. It seems people stand up for selfishness, free will, and the ability to hurt whoever and do whatever.  I took a chance and loved Rachel Myatt.  I accepted her faith.  I accepted all she was.  Instead of giving me the benefit of the doubt and learning about me and loving me she always had to be right.  Her faith meant putting me down, making herself lofty and pious.  Nothing I said or did was right in the Lord's eyes according to her.  I wasn't Christian and didnt love God that was her reason for breaking up with me.  This is from the person who wouldn't even pray with a person who would be her boyfriend from 2000 miles away, who believed in her, called her everyday, loved her and her son. She would treat the guy who never gave up on her like this.  Is this what Swedenborg teaches to be selfish and treat other peoples love and heart like an experiment and play with them like your own personal toy.  How was Rachel justified in this? All I hear is excuses from people in the New Church.  When I spread information about this situation and the religious bigotry I was shown on a grander scale you wont be able to call it slander or libel because what I am using is the truth.  It is Rachels words,  Pastor Coleman Glenn's words, and a lot of others.  I will never say something that I didnt experience but I did experience a bigotry of the greatest form. Is there anyone brave enough in the New Church to stand up for Love today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The Christian group Fireflight will start this blog off with the same question.

Dear Readers, Rachel, and those of the Church of the New Jerusalem,

On June 2nd I will do something that will span different continents and places to show Rachel Myatt how much I love her, how much she hurt me, and to show others the way Pastor Glenn and the Church of the New Jerusalem especially Dawson Creek British Columbia treat people.  Obviously Rachel and Pastor Glenn dont care about their ministry, their Church, or their reputation.  They dont care about hurting people, not being caring, or what anyone does.  They are both selfish and hurtful so is there anyone else who will stand up and pray and who wants love to win instead of hurt, revenge, and pain.   I have tried to see this from different sides but Rachel treats people so bad so someone needs to stand up and put her in her place or she will do what she did to me and the other men that cared about her.  I am the one.  What I am doing is legal and there is nothing she can do about it.  It will affect the Dawson Creek New Church, The New Church of Canada, The Myatt Family, Pastor Glenn and the New Church as a whole.  It is a simple loving thing but it may have negative connotations toward Rachel.  It may embarras her and Pastor Glenn.  It may make her mad but you know what since the I dont care as long as I am happy attitude that Rachel and Pastor Glenn explained to me. The one of free will and just being morally bankrupt and stepping on others toes for your own happiness.  The one where you use someone who loves you then try to put them down, degrade, and belittle them to make your religious bigotry and insecurity look justified.  Is there anyone in the New Church that will stand up for peace and love.  Rachel wont stand up and defend the New Church and Pastor Glenn has dug a hole so deep with excuses I could see China.  So dont I have free will?  I have free will to tell others of how the New Church treats people who are hurting like lepers and use religious rhetoric and tell others they are not Christian and that their beliefs are wrong all the while say they accept all into Heaven who seek it.  Sounds really contradictory to me.  Everyone that thought I was bluffing and just writing words well here it is.  In two day I will unleash a campaign so big and secretive it will only hit those who put me down when they least expect it bringing shame to all those involved.  Rachel, Myatt and Friesen Family, Pastor Glenn, New Church I reached out to you all and to you it was a joke.  Who is brave enough to want a peaceful ending to this where no more hurt is done.  I had all the hurt I can take but maybe showing this person what she really did to others she doesnt know it will hit her in the face and maybe change her life.  Her cruelty changed my life forever.  I loved you Rachel Myatt but now its time for Retribution,  Peaceful Retribution.

Just remember this: Rachel has Free Will and So Do I.  I chose to reach out and try to make peace all this time and she ignored it.  So to go on with my life She will have to deal with my free will.  She will have to see what her hurt did to me, what her lies did to me, and what being selfish, cold, uncaring, and deceitful did to me.  Do I not also have that Free Will.  You want to make a case for Free Will? We can choose to use it for good and to love others or we can serve ourselves and watch how our selfishness turns into situations like this.  All I ever wanted was a best friend, a family, and love in my life and Rachel Myatt played with that, cursed me, put me down, and lied to me and about me and I still tried to come back at her at love and not that moment has passed and I have almost lost any affinity for her so she can suffer the results of being self centered, self righteous, and only thinking about herself all the time. You tried to make me into this crazy, scary, and messed up person to others justify your actions and I am sorry I am neither crazy nor do I put up with people disrespecting me nor my family. I loved you as family and you turned your back me and saying I was mentally ill when I was grieving was the most evil thing anyone has ever done to me you are seriously yourself sick in the head for ever saying that. I would never do your mother like that nor call her sick because she was grieving your grandfathers loss if she was under the weather. I dont care what happens to her or her feelings now because I did that for too long.  The New Church doesnt care about me and neither did Rachel.

Rachel Myatt you will from this day on be known as the person who directly contributed to the ministry against the Church of the New Jerusalem.  When anyone ask why I do what I do I will tell them of Rachel Myatt, Pastor Glenn, and the Myatt family and Dawson Creek New Church and how when I was broken, lost my mother, and loved them all they turned their back on me, were pious, judgmental, and ignored me.  There is nothing more to say ........but I was mistaken for loving someone so selfish and for ever thinking you were worth my time forgiveness or mercy. You deserve to get screwed over and treated badly like you treat others so I hope hurting me is an eye opener and it changes your pathetic, backstabbing, hypocritic life Rachel Myatt cause im done being kind to you!!!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Letter To My Friend : I Only Want Peace and Resolution with You Rachel

This song in the middle is how much I truly love Rachel Myatt
Dear Rachel and Readers,
This message is to you and I want you to know that I love you and the things that are about to take place are only because I love you so much.  You can think what you want of me and make other people think ill of me, you can call me obsessive, crazy, demean me, put me down or whatever but that is exactly why all this is happening to you because you were cruel to me when all I did was love you.  You felt you had to put me down because I was the guy who stuck around and loved you and even if I was different you were to ashamed and so scared of what others thought you couldnt just accept me for who I was and love me and be loved back.  I am sorry that you didnt take the time to see how much I truly care about you.  My hand and my white dove of peace is still waiting for you and your family.  I love you with all my heart Rachel Myatt and I love Jonathan too.  I wait for the day you pick up the phone or text me and bring this to an end.  Dont be afraid dear Rachel be brave.

The videos I have left today for you are ones to show you how much I love you.  The first one is by Shelter I spent a year studying the Krishna teachings and the Bhagavad Gita in 2006 it is an interesting concept on life, love, and spirituality and those into Swedenborg might also want to check into those writings.  Shelter was one of the best straight edge and krisha core bands and they always spoke of very positive things regarding love and relationships.   The second song I left is to let all those who think I want revenge and to hurt Rachel knows that even at my worst moment and deep hurt I love her and I am in love with her still so the song "Girlfriend In A Coma" by the Smiths seemed appropriate for the naysayers who doubt the sincerety of my love just because my blog at times seems angry.  I am just being subjective and objective to show Rachel that to me us making peace is something that God has led me to constantly strive for because of the true love He gave me for her.

Rachel Myatt You Are My Best Friend and I wont give up on you or stop loving and believing in you.   The rest is up to you!

God Bless ALL

I Have A Dream: Love That Knows No Boundaries......

Dear Readers,

I was not alive when this speech happened but my parents were.  I was told stories of injustices and the hate that was espoused at the time but the one thing that inspired me is that my mother R.I.P.  was such a kind person.  She taught me not to see color, to accept others who they are, and to love those who treat us bad.  Dr. King was always an inspiration to me and I wanted to write this blog today to let Rachel Myatt,  The Myatt and Friesen families,  Pastor Coleman Glenn and the Church of the New Jerusalem know I want peace and love with them.  If they turn their nose up to that and they ignore me.  Then what I do will only serve as an example of me proving some of the things of the things I said about them being hypocritical to their worldview of love and acceptance.  I choose to love.  I choose to follow Christ example.  If Rachel Myatt wants to go through life hurting people who love her and then hiding and trying to pretend things never happened that is fine but I want everyone to know I am alive.  I want people to know that I love, I hurt, I feel, and I am one of God's Children.   On June 2nd 2012 I start a new chapter in the I Love Rachel Myatt Campaign.  It will let more people know how much I love Rachel Myatt and it will reach more places than she could ever realize.  If she doesnt want that then all she has to do is extend an olive branch of peace.  If not I have the free will to tell my story and continue to show someone who was so cruel to me when I needed love and encoragement and believed in her.  Before I end this brief blog I wanted to share a blog from one of the good people in the Church of the New Jerusalem and due to the recent loss of family in the Myatt  Family I want them to understand how by being cruel and not showing love to someone who loved them and needed their encouragement they were contradictory and unkind.  I love Rachel and her whole family and my mother had nothing but love for them in her final days because she realized that I loved them all and all I wanted was to go on living and loving Rachel in her son even if I was sad in losing her in death.  I want to share with you this blog by Grant Schnarr of the New Church because he understands what losing a loved one is and that Rachel and her family could have showed me some love and consideration instead of puting me down, casting judgment and ignoring me.  It is your call Rachel and Myatt Family but my call is and always will be love.

My heart is broken because in Rachel I lost a sister, a best friend, a heroine, and someone I loved with all my heart and life.  I loved her son just as much and everyday that she ignores that love and that she has a true friend and brother in Christ my heart breaks a little more but I put my faith in God and that faith cannot be shaken or broken.

I have and will always love you Rachel Myatt and that is a promise to God that will not be broken no matter how much I feel jaded or want to give up.  It is through his love that I continue to believe and love you and I will carry that love until my last heartbeat and my soul expires from this earth.  I love you with all my heart Rachel Myatt.

Monday, May 28, 2012

For those who hate or think less of Black People or anyone who is Different than You - To The Myatt Family

Dear Readers,
I have needed to get this off my chest and address the Myatt family anyone who has a problem with others who are different than them.  My blog title suggest this is only about black people but this is about more than color it is about anyone who puts down others who dont live like them, worship like them, or physically are not like them. 

The song I used above is by one of the coolest and nicest hip hop musicians I know.  His name is Nic Carter who goes by the acronym, MURS
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murs_(rapper)  I was lucky enough to meet him a couple years ago walking the fields at the Coachella Music and Arts Festival in April of 2008 he was eating his vegan meal as he is a vegan and I walked by and said hi and that I had been a fan for a long time.  I also asked him why he never came to Texas much the next year he made sure he came her twice and has every since the last two touring cycles he has had.  He is known as being an intelligent and fun person and his shows are very fun and uplifting.  The last time I saw him he started singing Alanis Morrissette's signature song "You Oughta Know" and people were laughing and cheering in amazement.  He is the only person I know who let Grover from Sesame Street sing the hook in his song "24 Hours With A G" recommended if you like hip hop.  He went out and started his own Hip Hop festival in honor of his birthday called Paid Dues and he invites conscious rappers and people who make Hip Hop music that is not degrading but enlightened and intelligent.  He shows his diversity as he has toured the Vans Warped Tour a couple of times and loves punk and other forms of rock.  He is also the lead singer of the Invincibles with Whole Wheat Bread an all black band from Florida.  The reason why I am using this song for the blog and Nic Carter as an example is because like me he doesn't exclude people from the party.  He love people of all colors, lifestyles, and religions.  He is the example that Christ wants us all to be just happy to be alive and love people.  The song "And This Is For...." is a message to white people about trying to understand what a black person goes through.  It is also a song about acceptance of others through music and culture.  It is a song about how people stereotype and will raise a person of causcasion or someone of lighter skin and will ignore someone simply because their skin is darker.  He also faces a personal demon in this song about how black people abandon him and his work because if one goes to his shows his primary fans are white and black people like me are few because he chooses to do a form of hip hop that is not the most popular.  He choses to be a teacher, an educator, and an artist of the pure form of hip hop instead of misogynist, downgrading, and dumbing down of lyrics that is heard in urban radio fodder.   I want all who read this especially anyone who is racist, prejudice, or has an aversion to people of other colors, religions, and thought processes.  I want Rachel and her family especially to listen to this because one day when the little girl that your sister adopted gets older and she has to deal with the problems I have had to deal with my whole life you will understand.  You will understand how your bigotry and turning your back on me hurt.  You will understand why I lashed out at you because what you did was almost unforgiveble.   You need to understand that sometimes just for the color of ones skin we are denied respect and treated as less than a person and all I have ever strived to be is a person but sometimes all anyone sees is a black person or a negro.  No one just takes the time to love Byron for what is in the inside.  Rachel was afraid to love me and stay with me because of what someone else said to her.  I asked her about it and she said she couldnt say, it was because it was true! I heard it in her voice I dont know if it was a family member or what but whatever they said to her was partly the reason for her running scared.  So to make matters even worst she said all these evil vile things to me both derogatory to my family, my dead mother, and me and it broke my heart even more.  Needless to say there is not a racist or bigoted bone in my body.  I dislike stupid close minded people but I dont hate them.  If a Nazi Skinhead came up to me and needed a dollar I would give it to them even if they called me a Nigger or any other racial slur you know why because that is why Jesus would want me to do.  It is the reason I still love Rachel Myatt.  You dont believe me then it is right in God's own Word the Bible here

Luke 6:28-30

28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. 29 If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. 30 Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back.

I mean could God's word be any more clearer on the matter?  What is there not to understand? Rachel and her family think I am going to stop loving them and hate them cause of what Rachel did they are sadly mistaken.  They think that if they wait long enough I will just give up the fight! Wrong again.  In fact the longer I dont hear from anyone the bigger this is going to get.  I love Rachel and Jonathan with all my heart.  I am going to to keep praying about it and keep loving her, keep writing this blog, and keep offering my commentary on how she and her family and Church are contradictory to their teachings.  Its called freedom of speech and expression and what I have to say stems from truths that come from Rachel and others in the New Church not just making up stuff to hurt someone.   So June 2nd 2012 is going to be the start of something big in the I Love Rachel Myatt campaign. If Rachel wants to talk to me my email and phone lines are always open I would like this to have a happy ending but I am also not going to be scared to voice my opinion nor the truth to 1000s of people.   You know people who dont face up to their fears and problems just let them get bigger and bigger and that is the kind of person Rachel is.  Myself I fight things head on and dont back down.   If you want to sue me go right ahead I will show proof of our relationship, give an attorney this blog in full, any letters I wrote the New Church and take full responsiblity for all that I have said.  I will also show them on a disk I have all of Rachels text almost 1500 to me.  I will give them my emails and show all the ways she led me on and played with someone who loved her.  I love Rachel and her son Jonathan and what I want people to know is I am not the villain here.  I am someone who could play the silly victim but instead of play violins and whining I am taking both Rachel, Her Family, and Her Church the Church of the New Jerusalem to task on their doctrine for brainwashing people into thinking they can treat people anyway they want, lie, and treat others badly and God just forgives it with no form of retribution.  I am a firm believer in Karma and what you do comes back to you 3 fold.  All I can say in all this anger and hurt I have not once said that I hate Rachel Myatt. I would like to but my heart is too strong and too full of love for that.  I am going to end this blog on a personal note. 

First this is for Rachel Myatt, The Myatt and Freisen Families, and Pastor Coleman Glenn and anyone else in the Church of the New Jerusalem who doubts me, wants to ignore me, or thinks I am just someone who is all talk no action.

"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick

Directly from the Lord Jesus Christ:

Matthew 7:1,2, 12, 15-20, 21-23
Judging Others

7 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

True and False Prophets

15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

True and False Disciples
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’
23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

I Will Constantly make my case to all of you of God's Word over Man's free will.  I will choose the Bible over Swedenborg, the Book of Mormon, Martin Luther, Buddha, or Whoever because Christ is the One who I love not any man who claims to be Divine or Divinity in Humanity.  I will not judge you Rachel, Pastor Coleman or Myatt family but I will take how you treated me to let you know where your fallacies lie and how flawed your perceptions of me were.  I am saddened that people I thought were so full of love are so narrow minded, bigoted, and selfish and I stand by that comment until proven otherwise.

Dear Rachel Myatt, Myatt and Friesen Families, and Church of the New Jerusalem.   I am ready to make and find peace with all of you but Rachel has to find that in her heart too.  I cant make her do anything and she cant make me do anything.  All I know is that I love her and her son Jonathan with all my heart and all I ever wanted in life was to love them forever and that I always will.  I know the power of forgivness and the healing it will bring because I have experienced it with my best friend other than Rachel.  Rachel is and always will be my best friend and dear friend and I would lay down my life for her and anyone in her family if I had to.  I only want peace with you and if you cant see how deeply all this time away from your heart and all this pain that I have had to ask God the strength not to let fester into evil then you never knew nor will know how much I love you.  I will continue to love you and say what I have to as much as possible and hopefully you and your family will find the strength and the courage to contact me.  Until then I will continue to love you all.


Sunday, May 27, 2012

June 2nd 2012: Unleashing What Needs to Be Said About Rachel Myatt and The Church of the New Jerusalem

The Video Below is "In Regards To Myself"by Christian band Underoath. They are one of my favorite bands and I am using this video as a means to let Rachel Myatt, The Myatt and Friesen Families that I have nothing to fear and there is no turning back. When I reached out to them as friends and family they turned their back on me, ridiculed me, and just thought it was ok to treat me less of a person.  Now that I tell the story and I am persistant and dilligent they know nothing but to hide and shrink back like violets.  I am standing in the light and nothing can stop me now.  God is here for me and He has carried me and been my strength all the way. So think of how I tried to make peace with you and then think how you ignored me and now you will reap what you sow.

Ladies and Gentleman I wanted to start this blog off with a song called "Locked Away" by Dutch band the Gathering.  The reason I wanted to use this song is that I want Rachel and her family to realize what most of us realize as humans. We can do things to hurt other people and then run and try to hide and pretend that it never happened but those other people live.  The words that Rachel said to me, her evil actions, the way she put me down and tried to make people think I was mentally ill, sick, and damaged; I dont forget those trespasses.   I have tried to reach out and to forget and forgive but she holds the key to that.  I use the song "Locked Away" as a means for people to know that June 2nd 2012 is the day I let it all go.  There is no turning back.  There is no having a change of heart it is time to start purging myself of the scourage that is, was, and always will be Rachel Myatt.  I loved you like others never did and I believed in you and Jonathan.  How did you repay me? With Religious Bigotry, Xenophobia, Hatred, Cruelty, and just plain human indecency.  How will I repay you? With Love! So much love that people worldwide will see how much I cared for someone who was so cruel to me and tried to hide from the damage she caused.  I feel sorry for your family and if anyone from your family or church is brave enough to talk to me before I proceed with my next call to love then I will welcome it but only those seeking peace and truth.  If you want to put me down, well Rachel did enough of that.  If you want to slander me and tell me I am wrong.  Well I got enough of that from Pastor Glenn and Rachel.  If you want to say I am harrassing Rachel? Hmm I am writing a blog of my own accord with my own feelings.  I never threaten physical harm I just use words as my weapons and I live in another country so it would be kind of hard to use that as a bargaining point.   What I do know is that I gave Rachel a true Christian love and she squandered it and through all the feelings of hate and revenge I could have reigned down on her I stil love her but she doesnt love herself enough to know a true friend and someone who would have stuck by her.  She lived so far in the past thinking of her ex and everyone else that hurt her that she couldnt see how strong and brave I was being willing to leave everything behind even after losing my mother so shortly after to be with her and her family.  So now that you lost your Grandfather and your mother knows what its like to lose a parent maybe both of you will understand how your judgment of me and what I was going through affected my soul.  I cannot believe people who claim to be loving and accepting as you say are so judgmental and hypocritical.  I am going to end this by saying I wont apologize for what is going to come to pass and it has been a long time coming.  If Rachel wants it not to happen then she can pick up the phone and we can bury the hatchet if not a lot of people in a lot of places are going to know a lot of things that could have been kept between us and I dont care because nothing hurts me anymore, except that I once had a best friend who turned her back on me, cursed me, and abandoned me and so by God's love I was still able to love her.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Needs Of The Many Outweigh the Needs of the Few or the One: For Rachel Myatt

I Never Abandoned Rachel Myatt and I was always willing to agree to disagree with her and be open minded but she felt she was so morally better and religiously superior to me that she constantly put me down and abandoned me. After all the love and kindness I showed toward her, her family, and the New Church I dont think anyone has the right to say anything when I retaliate and make public on the widest scale every what I have to say about the Church of the New Jerusalem.  You never deserved a friend like me Rachel because you lie, you hurt people, and you are morally bankrupt and have no loyalty to anyone but yourself.

Dear Readers,
I wanted to write this simple blog about friendship and loving someone so much that you would give their life for others.   That is the love that God wants us to have.  That is the love the members of the New Church and Rachel and her family cannot see that I have in my heart. It is the love that Rachel chose to ignore and disrespect.   If you watch this short video from the 1982 film Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan then you will understand where I am coming from.  It makes two points and so will I in contrast to them.  The first point is : The Needs of the Many Outweigh the Needs of the Few or the One.  What does that mean? In simplest terms I will define it with the situation between Rachel and I.  Rachel said and did things that caused me to react therefore pulling other people into the whole ordeal.  Instead of come to me and try to make peace and make things right or come to some kind of closure she would rather any or anyone else take responsibility for her actions and take the fall then to just face up to anything she did or said or face me.  Therefore she is being selfish and it is the needs of the one and not the many.  She would rather her family, Pastor Glenn, or The New Church in General have to deal with me then to be a woman and right her wrongs or face her transgressions.  My second point is when Spock tells James that he will always be his friend.  I feel the same way about Rachel.  As many hurtful things as she did and said.  I still love her and she will always have a friend in me. I will always love her and nothing will break that love.  Is it going to stop me from doing what I am about to do no because it is an act of love I am about to show again worldwide.  It will affect many and that was Rachel's choice because in her mindset and her worldview no one else matters but her.  If she or her family truly cared about the trauma and pain they put me through then they would be knocking down the door to call me and put a loving end to this , but they wont.  They dont even follow the doctrine they claim to be part of.  In honor of that doctrine I leave you with this great piece of Swedenborg and New Church knowledge.

"The life that leads to heaven is not one of withdrawal from the world but a life in the world. A life of piety apart from a life of charity does not lead to heaven at all."
Heaven and Hell 535, by Emanuel Swedenborg

The Time Has Come for Me To Give Up Being Kind and Loving(Hateful Church Of the New Jerusalem and to the Myatt Family of Dawson Creek, British Columbia)

Dear Readers,
The time has come to give up on loving someone who is selfish and who has a family who backed her in being selfish, reckless, and impulsive.  I actually loved Rachel Myatt and instead of wanting to make peace with me and see the love in my heart I was ignored, told by New Church Pastors that it was ok for Rachel to treat me anyway she wanted and constantly brow beat with lies, excuses, and false doctrine.   So the time has come for me to let go of caring what Rachel or her family think and just let it all out.  I will tell everything.  I will send pictures all over the place and I will tell sexual exploits, I will reveal all of Rachel's lies to me, and most of all I will just tell of how sick and cultish Rachel and her family are when I came to them with love and hope and all they did was treat me like a leper when i was hurting and down.  You say you aren't bigots but you are.   Im sorry but one day when youre adopted niece, grandaughter, daughter or whatever she is to any of you is called a Nigger, or racially discriminated against because of who she is or who she loves, or turned away because of being different you will understand how you all made me feel. You will understand that having that happen all through childhood and then having adults still not get over the fact you are human and being treated less than human. Screw all you New Church sympathetics who when I replied to you all you could say was that being treated like dirt was part of my spiritual journey. Really loving and being stepped on constantly is part of my spiritual journey? Well its time to start a new one and that is called stepping back and screwing people over who do the same to me then.  In your trip its ok for you to treat anyone anyway you want so to all you you are pathetic.  The sickest thing of all is that Pastor Glenn never even acknowledged my mothers death being a factor in any of this at the beginning it was all just about Rachel's free wil and Rachel this and New Church this.  What about God's love to all as Humanity?  You are hypocrites in the biggest sense.  I truly loved Rachel and Jonathan but the time has come to just let it all out.  I tried to win you over with the love in my heart, I reached out to you, I even bought a phone just for Rachel to make peace with me and set it up only for her to call but even that was set by the wayside.  Church of the New Jerusalem I dont recommend anyone go to your Churches in Canada because they are bigots, hypocrites, liars, and they dont respect anyone.  Rachel and the Myatt family are horrible people to ever treat people the way they did me.  I loved them all and to make fun of me, call me sick, damaged, or put me down because I believed different than them or because they thought I wouldnt fit in especially when I went through hell just to be with Rachel is unforgivable.  You talk about love, peace, and how there is no judgment but all you did was judge me.  I won't apologize for anything I am about to put out in the public and I dont care about any of you any more because you didnt care about Rachel playing with my heart, my love of family and actually wanting a family with Rachel.  You didnt care that I was in a state of shock because of losing my mom and was more subdued instead you made fun of me and called me sick and mentally ill and it was farther from the truth than anything I was just being reflective and I loved Rachel and Jonathan so much I was just in awe of finally being with the.  Rachel had almost 2 years to respond and now its my time to respond back worldwide. I dont care what harm telling the truth does your family.  I dont care about how putting up emails that are Rachel's words and Pastor Coleman Glenn's words will affect them anymore and I dont really care about a selfish faith that claims to love all people and want salvation through Christ for all but acts like bigots and hypocrites when someone comes to you for love.  I have my freedom of speech and telling the truth is not slander or libel so what I am doing is putting my entire story the good and bad in my words and Rachel's words out for the world to see and any Pastors who contacted me or anyone from the New Church I am sorry but you just may be included in this.  I dont care about the legality of anything because my heart is so broken.  I have never been to jail, never done drugs, never been arrested, never been diagnosed with any mental illnesses and have been checked yet Rachel and her family deemed themselves an expert on that. Screw them all for that evil and hate.  I had nothing but love and respect for them all but now they have lost that.  I truly hope you take a look at all you did and how this all turned out for being selfish, judgmental, bigots.  I dont apogize for anything and because of the way you changed the love in my heart for you all I never will apologize for anything I do again. I want to make one thing clear this is not about being bitter or being rejected that I am used to all the time.  This is about lying, decieving, treating someone who is greiving bad, and for playing with someones need and want to be in a loving relationship that leads to marriage. That is what Rachel Myatt did if she didnt want to be loved then why play with a man who truly wanted that. Women always say that men only want sex and to play games and when a real one comes along you treat us like dirt. I loved Rachel and Jonathan Myatt and may what I reveal to the world let Rachel and her family know just how much pain and hurt their lies and actions caused me.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Rachel Myatt and the Damage She Has Done: God's Love Can Make Things Right

Dear Readers,
Though I have said some things in the past toward Rachel I am not proud of I also backed up my reason for saying them.  Rachel would blindly say things about people and slander them with no probable cause.   Now that she has had someone truly close to her die I hope she realizes the damage and pain she caused me and how evil it was and why I reacted the way I did.  I love her more than she could ever know but in the end she will have to look into the mirror and face things.   I am secure with who I am. I am ready to face anything thrown my way now because after Rachel tore my heart apart and I lost my mom there is nothing else left to hurt me.  God has made me strong to the point where I am not numb or nihilistic I am just confident and have no doubts about who I am.  This is a clear and straight forward messages to Rachel Myatt and her family.  Think about all the hurt you have done Rachel.  You may think you are living your life free of any fault and that you can hide in Northern Canada or Pennsylvania but the truth is what you have done is expose your family, your Church, and put so many people in the line of fire with your cruelty because of your selfishness.  Everyone that I know has thought I was justified in not only writing this blog but taking actions to let people know what kind of religious doctrine you expouse because it is one of selfishness according to your worldview.  I cannot blame any and everyone in the New Church because that would be generalization and it would put me on the same lines of Bigotry as you.  I will never be that.  I loved you,   I reached out to you and and you wouldnt even pray with me, and you sent back my Christmas Card so that just shows an evil I will never forget.  On June 2nd on behalf of you and Pastor Glenn I will unleash a campaign unlike any other and it will not be viral it will be one of epic print proportions.  You brought this on yourself Rachel.  With Gods love we could end this all it would take would be a couple of words on the phone to make peace but you are so stubborn and you let others rule your heart so that I know that you dont even have the courage to face me.  I dont apologize for anything I have done and will do.  I will say I am sorry that you dont know how much I love you and that you ruined a beautiful friendship.  I hope if you ever have another boyfriend or husband you dont lie to them,  decieve them, or put them down the way you did me.  I will never trust another woman because of you and you deserve the damage you are about to do to those around you.

God Bless ALL

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Most Beautiful Music I Know : For Pastor Coleman Glenn

Dear Readers,
This is a direct response to Pastor Coleman Glenn's blog entry. The Most Beautiful Music I Know. 
http://www.patheos.com/blogs/goodandtruth/2012/05/the-most-beautiful-music-i-know/ Let me put this out here.  I have studied classical music and I know alot about it.  I took music theory in college and have even attended many orchestral events.  Even if I got a college degree in or even a Doctorate in Music it still doesnt make me an expert on the subject.  The same goes for Religion. Pastor Glenn has a degree in Swedenborgian studies.  He is an expert on that so who is he to use that to put down or even judge my love of God.  I cannot say that I am an expert in The New Church but instead of just blindly put down anothers love of God I study it in preparing my blog and any retort. The main point here being:  Who am I to judge whose religion is right or wrong? Who is Rachel Myatt or Pastor Glenn to do such either? Do I believe there are certain things in the Bible that all should follow sure I do but do I go around putting down others religions and love of God as Pastor Coleman Glenn has or Rachel Myatt and her family have? I did so in offense of the judgment that was put upon me but what I also did was incorporate where we could find common ground as Christians and as fellow human beings and also reasons why we should love one another and use differences in each others to divide and conquer the love w should have as people.  It is common knowledge that fights used to break out in the classical music community over whose music was better.  Music is a gift from God and who is to say whose listening taste is better or what is pleasing to the ear.   Where Pastor Glenn may enjoy Beethoven I enjoy Vivaldi because in the Four Season I see the beauty of what God created.  Should I write how Pastor Glenn is wrong and make reasons why his choice of music is invalid.  No because it is pleasing to his ears and I could still love and respect him as a person and his personal choices without judgment or resorting to insults and finding fault with him.

Ok why did I just write this blog?  I could sit here and put down The Church of the New Jerusalem all day.  I can print up brochures.  I can start a ministry against them.  I can call them a cult and say they are not real Christians and that they are fringe and borderline crazy all day.  Did I ever do that with Rachel Myatt?  No I told her I loved her and I respected and held dear that which she thought to be true.  I was willing to study and learn for myself but I was turned away not only by her and her family without them fully understanding me but by Pastor Glenn and others who only wanted to see the New Church side of things and not see the big picture.  We all have a choice in this life.  We can choose to accept things or we can choose not to.  We can choose to love people or not.  We can do that which is good or we can do that which is evil.  My reason for this blog is to show that opinion and personal believe should not get to the point where it clouds our interactions and our chances to love and learn about other people and Rachel let all those things get in the way of our friendship, our relationship, and most of all a relationship with God.  I have much work to do this summer in regards to Rachel and The Church of the New Jerusalem and I have God on my side but I am also going to actually take the time to learn about that which I say before I blindly say things that I truly know nothing about.  I always want to convey to people that education is key and wisdom and knowledge are the river that flows through Christ.  I just want people to think about what I have said especially Rachel Myatt, Pastor Glenn, The Myatt Family, and The Church of the New Jerusalem.  Nothing ever stood in my way of loving Rachel because I put God first I didnt let her unkindness and putting down my faith stop me from loving her during the relationship,  I never let any outside voices tell me that I should hate her after she hurt me,  I never had it in my heart to seek revenge even though people told me she deserved it.  I listened to God and the Word in the Bible and that is why I still love Rachel Myatt and that my dear Readers is fact and not an opinion or worldview it is God's love.  Ending on the points I made about accepting others opinions and their likes I wanted to return to this quote I used the other day to conclude this blog because it stands alone.
Then I will add a little about Swedenborg's thought processes to question the mind of all who read but especially those of the Swedenborgian faith.

"Love thy neighbor, and if it requires that you bend your understanding of the truth, the Truth will understand." ~Robert Brault

The reason why Pastor Coleman Glenn and others in the New Church cannot seem to grasp my love for Rachel and the true reasons for my love of God is that they themselves are being blind to the fact of their own teachings.  I like Swedenborg don't base my love on blind faith or religious methodologies as the premise for the love in my heart.  They are based on my relationship with a God that I believe in love and who loves me.  My love for Rachel is based on knowing God and studying His Word and living by that which I hold true through Him.   You say to yourself that you think I may not have a grasp or understanding of what you percieve as love for God but I know as you do that Swedenborg basically felt that "A God that isnt Understood is basically a God that isnt there" I get it more than you can ever know.  I believe in charity and loving my neighbor and accepting people for who they are even if they blaspheme and treat me evil.  Rachel was my best friend and she said and did things that almost destroyed me and the only way I knew that I could reach her is through this blog.  Even if she doesnt read this blog anymore others read it and it is a direct reflection on her and her faith because most people can see that I want peace, I love her, and that I am following in Christ footsteps by loving her and trying to make things right.  I even discuss my personal demons and wanting to do evil to her or get revenge but deep in my heart I know that is wrong.  I also want to point out a greater way that I am loving Rachel.  I could post this up on facebook and go places to give this blog a bigger audience but I let people come here by their own accord.  I never try to advertise it.  If someone wants to read it, I am here.  None of the pictures I put up have ever been to hurt Rachel or her family but to let her know I love her.  I have sacrificed and put a lot into loving someone and dealing with a family and church that want to let things fall on deaf ears.  I do know this,  I believe in God's love and it doesn't matter if someone is Church of the New Jerusalem, Protestant, Muslim, Mormon, Catholic, Protestant,  Jehovah's Witness, Seven Day Adventist,  Quaker, Hindu, Buddist or what have you.  God taught us to love.  Not to be angry or dispute each others love for Him or others lack thereof but to just love one another.  That is "The Most Beautiful Music I Know"

God Bless ALL

Real Love: As Simple As A Children's Story - The Velveteen Rabbit

Dear Rachel, Myatt and Friesen Families, Church of the New Jerusalem, and you Dear Readers,

Today I wanted to explain to you my love for Miss Rachel Myatt to you in the simplest of terms.  I think through the year and a half almost of this blog people read this and some get what I am doing and others are confused.  I am simply trying to love someone who hurt me and who has been hurt so much that she didn't even know that someone truly loved her. 

I am going to use the "Velveteen Rabbit" by Margery Williams as an example because it is my favorite childrens story of all time.  I will explain to you quickly why I am using this and why it touched my heart.  When you are neglected, bullied, and made to feel different and unwanted all you really want to be is loved and accepted.  I have had to deal with that feeling probably since I was 5yrs old.  People not liking me for the color of my skin, making fun of the way I talk, putting me down because I dont fit a stereotype. No one ever let up so I would always sit and dream of real love and being real to people because I felt like I didnt exist.  I also loved Pinnochio because he strived to be a real boy and went through many hardships just to prove it.  In  the end of both The Velveteen Rabbit and Pinnochio both of the toys became real because someone loved them.  All I ever wanted was to be loved and real and it is simple and plain as that.  If Rachel and her family cant understand why they hurt and continue to hurt me it is because I truly believed in Rachel and her love and I truly love her and have never stopped loving her even in the pain and despair she caused me.  If someone really loves you they never stop and they never quit trying. I am not on here trying to harrass or hurt her reputation what I am trying to do and have been doing is show her that someone loves her enough to do whatever it takes to show her that and to show her that she is worth loving and that man loved her enough to do anything even extreme crazy things because they really cared about her.  Maybe Rachel had never been truly loved by a man before and that is why she ran because she was scared of someone actually wanting to commit to her.  I don't know because she just abandoned me with no explanation and that hurt more than anything.  She is the one that left all the open ends so like the blog I wrote yesterday she has given me all sorts of reasons and conclusions to come by why was so cruel to me.  It matters not because I truly love Rachel Myatt and it is a real love that comes from our Creator and Lord, Jesus Christ.

Please take a minute to listen to the video of the Velveteen Rabbit from George Winston's 1984 album of the same name as narrated by Meryl Streep.  It does leave out some of the end but her voice is caring and endearing and I wanted to use this version to give people a feel for the love I truly have for Rachel and her son Jonathan.   The boy at the end of the story loves the little withered rabbit so much and carries him everywhere he goes and even is distraught when the rabbit is not near.  There is not a day that goes by that I dont carry Rachel and Jonathan close to my heart and pray about them and love them.  I only wish Rachel and her family would look into their hearts and see how much true love I have for all of them.  You never stop loving people you just grow to love them more. Rachel Myatt is the love of my life and much like the Nursery Magic at the end of the Velveteen Rabbit turned the toy bunny into a real bunny.  The love I have for Rachel Myatt it and always will be real.  I love you Rachel Myatt and I want you back in my life and if I have to continue to tell the world I will but I would rather you and I talk and put all this behind us.  The choice is yours but my love for you is truly real.

Colossians 1:4-6

4 because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people 5 the faith and love that spring from the hope stored up for you in heaven and about which you have already heard in the true message of the gospel 6 that has come to you. In the same way, the gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world —just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and truly understood God’s grace.

God Bless ALL and may you all strive today to really love your family, your neighbor, and any strangers who may need your love and compassion. Thanks for your time.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

If I Truly Hated Rachel Myatt Things Might Happen as Follows............

If I Hated Rachel Myatt then maybe I would be cruel and wish her dead but instead I still love her

If I hated Rachel Myatt then I already would have given into the urge to just trash her, disrespect and hate her family, and tell the whole world some of our most intimate details by releasing them online but to this day I haven't scratched the surface of the damage I could have done to Rachel. You know why? Because I truly love her despite the hurt she brought to me.

I love you Rachel Myatt so my next blog will attempt to tell you how much you meant to me and how much you and your family are hurting me.

God Bless ALL

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sentiment of People of The Dawson Creek Church of the New Jerusalem(I Dont Stutter Nor Apologize for the Truth)

Rachel once said to me her brother was the baddest Redneck in all of Dawson Creek.  She was proud of that? I live in Texas where that is a common site and most of them hate people like me based on just the color of my skin. She never intended to love me all she did was put me down for my differences and all I did was love her for who she was.  I never asked for anything but to be loved and it seems this is what Rachel and her family are like.  I doesnt matter if you have an adopted black niece and you will never know that pain that child will go through when she gets older but if you see her tears and her hurt one day Rachel you will understand what I had to go through just for being the color of my skin. So all you New Church People who are being blasphemous this is why Rachel couldnt love me and be with me because someone in Northern Canada said something about me being different and it was not who I was on the inside it was on the outside.  The heart and the good person on the inside is not what mattered.  The fact that I loved Rachel for who she was and believed in her didnt matter.  The fact is someone didnt want a black man to love a white girl and be different and made her feel uncomfortable and that is why all this is happening now.  Someone couldnt see love over color, unconditonal love over hate and I stand by this statement and I will not falter.  God loves us all and we are all equal but you cant tell Pastor Coleman Glenn or anyone anything less so I will continue on this point.

I have held this in for almost 2 years but now its time I speak on it.  If you dont want your Church associated with this then prove me wrong Pastor Glenn.  Show me reasons I was not discriminated against Religiously and Racially.  See this is about acceptance I am not on here trying to drum up the Great White North people being racist I love many Canadian people all of which are white and of Scandinavian or European decent.  One of my best friends lives in Nova Scotia and she is white as snow.  I was never raised to not love other people for color of skin or difference of religion but Rachel never even knew that not only was she hurting me with her Relgious Bigotry I felt that she was made to feel that she couldnt love me either by her family or other people when I was finally there because of the color of my skin.  If some of you white people knew how hard it was to simply exist in a world where sometime you dont even get a fair chance at a job or at life because someone looks down at you before you can look up at them then now you know.  All I saw was a woman I loved in Rachel nothing more or nothing less.  Sometimes people judge me and when I open my mouth and they find out my intelligence and my dialect they are amazed and impressed.  I know I am a good person, I am beautiful, and I am worth loving and Rachel played with that love and because she was embarrased by me she put me down and treated me bad.  I may not be the best looking guy, or the whitest guy, or even the guy with the most money but I am the guy who loves unconditionally, who is faithful, and who is honest so before all you come on here and judge my statement and blog today about Racebaiting and playing the Race Card take a look at what I said.  I am just the opposite. I am accepting and loving embodying and embracing all with love.
If you are offended by either video I dont care its about Racism, Bigotry, and not being able to accept others and that is how I was treated by certain people I have mentioned.  I dont apologize. I dont pull the race card hell I loved Rachel and you can go on my facebook and myspace and not only see Rachel and her family but all bands and people I love who are of different faiths, colors, and religions.

ALL I EVER WANTED WAS TO BE LOVED.  I NEVER SAW COLOR, RELIGION, CREED, OR BELIEF and Rachel , Her Family, and Her Pastor and Church made a Mockery out of that on top of disrespecting my mother. Still I love them and Bless them ALL

Monday, May 21, 2012

Be Kind, Treat Others as You Want to Be Treated, Love those who Don't Love You Back(for Rachel, The Myatt Family, and Pastor Glenn)

Dear Readers,
As I was working out in the gym tonight I had time to meditate.  All I thought about was peace with Rachel and how much I loved her.  I filled my Ipod with very fast paced and brutal work out songs but my heart was tender tonight.  I dedicate first this song of peace "Empty Your Hands" by the Weepies to Rachel and Jonathan Myatt, The Myatt and Friesen Families and Pastor Glenn. I dedicate "Little Fighter" by White Lion to you Rachel to let you know my only weapon against you is love. I am not here to hurt you I love you even after all the pain you caused me. Look around at your sisters, your mother, your grandmother and the love they had of a good man who loved them. I am that man that loves you and would do anything for you and you never even knew it. Here I am sharing my soul worldwide because I love you and you hide from it.  I am just going to share a couple of great quotes and tell you all I love you even if you cant see the love I have for you and the peace that I am trying to make with all of you. The most important of all the quotes is the first one. I wish Rachel and Pastor Glenn would stop and think about how I was grieving at the  time and how they both turned there back on me when all I wanted was for someone to accept me and listen.  So I was judged and treated less than a person when all I wanted was to love others.

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting
some sort of battle"

"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." ~Dalai Lama

"If we should deal out justice only, in this world, who would escape? No, it is better to be generous, and in the end more profitable, for it gains gratitude for us, and love." ~Mark Twain

"Love thy neighbor, and if it requires that you bend your understanding of the truth, the Truth will understand." ~Robert Brault

"Never look down on anybody unless you're helping him up." ~Jesse Jackson (Rachel Myatt this means you)

"Make it a practice to judge persons and things in the most favorable light at all times and under all circumstances." ~Saint Vincent de Paul

"The best way to knock the chip off your neighbor's shoulder is to pat him on the back."~Author Unknown

"Love someone who doesn't deserve it." ~Author Unknown (Have I not done this toward Rachel Myatt?)

Titus 3:3-5

3 At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. 4 But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, 5 he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit,

I am going to continue to love Rachel, her Family, and pray for Pastor Glenn and their ministry.  They can hate me, ignore me, pretend that nothing ever happened and that I am just some disgruntled person writing a blog trying to seek revenge. They would be wrong.  I am not going to back down from my calling and that is loving Rachel and loving my fellow Christians and my fellow humans of all walks of life.  Rachel you had a good man who was willing to do anything for you and with you.  He loved you and your son and loved your family but you threw me away.  Here I stand at your doorstep still loving you, still believing in you, and still caring after all the hurt.   You can sue me, you can think im some harrassing, crazy guy who wont go away, you can hate me or whatever you want to do to look down on me.  I will still stand on the mountaintop of good and righteousness.  Love wins it always takes precedence over evil and I will love you always, Rachel Myatt the choice is yours to love me back.  I wait patiently.

God Bless ALL

Friendship is Magic, God's Light being Love, and Forgiveness over Forgetting

Dear Rachel, Readers, and Church of the New Jerusalem members,

You may wonder why I have My Little Pony as my video today.  I was at a Comic Convention the other day and I had the oppurtunity to hear Sir Patrick Stewart of Star Trek(Joan Luc Picard), X-men(Professor Charles Xavier) and theater fame speak.  Mr Stewarts nemesis on Star Trek: The Next Generation, Mr John de Lancie who played the villian Q joined him on stage.  When Sir Stewart left Mr. de Lancie took the stage and one of the things both he and Sir Stewart talked about was how Star Trek was about people finding common ground, peace, and bringing people together.   I was at a Comic Convention with 10,000+ people of all walks of life and I did not meet one person who I didnt befriend in line.  I want you to understand that I love Rachel Myatt and this blog is about friendship it is about getting her to realize that I love her through all space and time and that love transcends anything we did to each other in the past.  Much like Star Trek and much like some of the Science and transcendental places and heaven that Swedenborg describes in his books Rachel, her family, and Church should take a look at where my heart truly is and it is in a state of true love.

Back to Mr de Lancie.  He was a voice actor for a villian called Dischord on season 2 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I myself am not a fan of the new My Little Pony but I did watch the original with my little girlfriends when I was a little boy. Mr de Lancie welcomed us all to be come part of the "Friendship of Magic" movement and I thought about Rachel the whole time he was talking to it.  A tear rolled down my cheek because I thought of how much I loved her and how all this time has been wasted that we could have talked and made things right.  It was in those few moments that I realized I had to try harder to let her know she means the world to me and nothing we did or said in the past will stop me from caring about her.  Mr de Lancie is so passionate about My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic that he is making a documentary about Bronies which are teenage and adult male My Little Pony fans he is taking donations and though I don't know a thing about the movement I am interested and I will make donation in the near future because the message he is spreading is one of love, one of acceptance, one of unity.  I dont think anyone should be made fun of for who they are, what they believe in, what they like, or their lifestyle.  Rachel didnt understand that putting me down changed my life forever because all I did was love her and accept her and all she did was find fault with me. I loved her and still love her to this day unconditionally no matter how ugly or beautiful she is important to me.  Here is the link to Mr. de Lancie's site.  http://delancie.com/2012/05/13/john-de-lancie-on-bronycon/  I am proud to be person who looks beyond peoples differences and loves them for who they are and gets to know them in full before I make any kind of rash judgments.  You never know what people have been through and the love that they are capable of but when you turn people away like Rachel, her family, and The Church of the New Jerusalem did me then you are only wasting the beauty of the Love Christ gave us to share with one another. 

On June 2nd 2012 in different places around the world I will release as special pamphlet about the Church of the New Jerusalem and their treatment of people who dont think like them.   It will be revealed to all in time. It is not an intenet piece it is a print peace that will be sent to various places from different allies around the world.  The one thing I have done in my life time is make friends.   I try to make friends wherever I go and to be polite to people and not make enemies.  Rachel seems to thrive on hurting people and none of the other people ever called her on her attitude and unkindness but I have and will continue too because all I have ever wanted was love and peace with her.

Forgiveness and God's Love and Light.
Pastor Coleman Glenn.  I  listened to your sermon as I do most of them but what really does it mean if people like Rachel don't practice it in your faith.  I mean I came to you and your congregation with love, forgiveness, questions, and you turned me away.  Rachel sets an example not only for your congregation but is an example for the New Church worldwide.  I am not directing traffic to this blog either people come here because they are interested and like reading my blog.  To you it may be an endless circle or loop of the same but to me it is showing people that I am willing to fight for those I love.  I am willing to put God's word up against any doctrine or religion that man has and I am willing to put God first in any situation.  Can you honestly say you are doing that in your life right now,  Can Rachel say she is doing that when someone is reaching out trying to make peace with her?  That is for you to decide. You have free will as do I and my free will is also subject to the deeds I do and how God sees my actions.  I would love to be selfish and hate Rachel and hate you and the New Church but God didnt make me that way. He gave me so much love that I never give up and even in my darkest hour all I thought about is how much I loved Rachel and if she cant see how much I love her.  If she cant see that Friendship is Magic! Then it is her loss and she will continue to be a part of this story.

This weekend I also got to meet and take a picture with the Magnificent Stan Lee! If you are not familiar with his work then Check out The Amazing Spiderman, X-men, The Incredible Hulk, Fantastic Four and lots of other comics that he and Jack Kirby and others developed and made Marvel Comics what it is today.  The one thing that Stan Lee did that changed so many peoples lives is that he wrote stories about people that were flawed and imperfect.  Until Stan Lee started doing comics most superheroes were perfect but he wrote about real people.  He made people like me who were made to be outcast because of how they looked, or how they dressed, or what they believed feel special.  Just because we were different didnt mean we were less than anyone else.  We should just learn how to use our gifts to help humanity and by this blog I am doing that.  I am loving a woman who put me down, treated me like an outcast, ridiculed me,  said ill words against my dead mother, and lots of other transgressions and showing the greatest superpower of all.  God's Love

P.S. my favorite comic book characters are mostly women.  Supergirl, Huntress(Selena Kyle(Catwoman) and Bruce Wayne's(Batman) love child Helena Kyle,  Babara Gordon(Batgirl and Oracle), and my number one comic book character of all time is Rogue from the X-men because she was made to feel like she could not be loved because of her being able to absorb others memories and powers.  She had to wear clothing to cover her skin and she was made to feel unloved and untouchable. Rachel that is what your actions did to me and after all the other lies and woman I had been through I believed in you and believed that my love was worth something to someone but you used it and played with it and thought that you could just treat me less than a person.  I am saddened that you are just like all those judgmental people you said you were not like.  http://x-men.wikia.com/wiki/Rogue
Ive included A Rogues Tale as a video above start at 7:45 if you want to get Rogues Story.  Also it shows how Rogue was guided to evil but eventually turned that evil into doing good. I could hate Rachel, I could do this blog and write things to get revenge on her but just like Rogue the pain Rachel caused me has been turned into love. I wont forget the hurt but I cannot let go of the true love  that I have for her and that is the good that God has given to me.  Rachel you used me but I truly loved you. It was never a mistake and I still care very much? Can you put aside the evil, can you forgive and be forgiven? Can you put God first and break the walls between us?

God Bless ALL