Rachel and Jonathan

Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

How Women Like Rachel Hurt Single Mothers Reputations and Chances in Relationships

Dear Readers,
The above clip is from one of my favorite movies called "Personal Velocity" It is about 3 different women in 3 different situations and how they deal and cope with them.  Delia's story was about finding and loving herself after being in an abusive relationship.  I wanted to write this blog today to let people know how deeply women like Rachel making it hard for single mothers to find good men and how easy it is for bad man to take advantage of them.  The way Rachel treated me has traumatized me to never even look at a single mother again.  They disgust me.  I had a woman who was interested in dating me lie to me the other night about having a child.  She told me that she did finally knowing that I would not give her the time of day otherwise.  I was honest with her and I told her I could not give her what she wanted and I told her about Rachel and how Rachel betrayed and played with my heart.  I am going to tell a story and if it hurts Rachel I am sorry it needs to be told so that you understand the extent of her betrayal, lies, and her actions.

Rachel had a child with a young man who got two other ladies pregnant at the same time.  In the end the young man chose one of the other ladies and it left Rachel bitter for a long time.  Though she acted like she had gotten over him in the end she was still in love with him and when we were together or would talk she would talk about him subconsciously not knowing how deeply that hurt me.  I had been hurt by other girls too but Rachel was my focus and loving her was all I wanted to do. My past made me want my future to be about her and Jonathan.  Ladies and Gentleman not only did I live almost 2000 miles away but I was willing to give up everything to be with her and Jonathan ,her son. I wanted to be there for both of them. I wanted to be the stepdad full time that Jonathan's biological dad couldnt be.  I wanted to give him all my attention, play with him, help him in his choices, and love both he and Rachel in an enviroment that I thought was humble and Christian.  Boy was I wrong? Rachel had a good man right in front of her and what did she do? She pushed me away, cursed me, said ill things towards me and my deceased mother.  She said I was damaged, a loser, psycho, and all these other things and she had said these same things to me about the guys before who tried to date her.  The problem is not me or the other guys.  Rachel is the problem and she is the one who needs to take a look in the mirror.  She uses her faith "The Church of the New Jerusalem"  http://www.newchurch.org/ as a reason to treat men bad.  She said no guy could ever love her because of her faith.  She uses that faith to justify the evil that she says and does. Fact of the matter is my mother had just died.  I had promised Rachel I would come be with her and Jonathan and I did.  My mother on her deathbed wanted me to go see them instead of watch er die but I told her I could not.  When I got there to Canada because I was a little slow and lethargic I guess Rachel took that as me not being interested in things and she used that against me. I loved being with her family and I loved doing everything we did together but I was in a greiving state and as my girlfriend who promised to be there for me and understand I thought that is what I would recieve.  Instead a couple days later I got a text telling me we could be together and no explanation.  I was at work. I broke down in tears and later that night I almost died. For 3 months I was in a catatonic state where I barely ate, I cried, and I hurt like I never hurt before. I realized then that no one that selfish, evil, and self centered was going ot hurt another man like that.  So I started this campaign to let Rachel know not only that she missed out on a good man and best friend but to address others on how people in the Church of the New Jerusalem view relationships with men.  She has two other sisters who have multiple kids out of wedlock.  She also has treated two other men the way she treated me but they were supposedly Canadian.  I was willing to give up my country, my family, and come worship with her in British Columbia.  I was selfless, I wanted to raise Jonathan as my own, and I loved both she and him.  She messed it up though.  What Rachel also doesn't realize is that she is setting an example for Jonathan and how his relationships with women will affect him in the future.

Message to Single Mothers Everywhere
Playing games with a man who truly wants a family, a loving wife and partner, and children is just wrong and when Rachel and her family can own up to what she did then maybe I can let this go. So many women complain about wanting someone real and I gave her courtship, true friendship, and kept my promises and was met with deception, lies, and ridicule.When a good man comes along then actually give him a chance. If he wants to have a family, is good to you and your children, especially if he is childless and has lots of love to give then you may want to think twice about letting him go.  Men and Women should guard their hearts but don't be so bitter and hateful from all the other relationships that you close your mind to the good that could be in your life.  I told Rachel because she had a kid I could never be with her she told me I would never be with her.  In the end we did end up with each other for short while and it was because those doors or ignorance were knocked down for both of us.  I now find myself in that position again but this time I probably wont break it.  When you hurt the men who treat you good and you embrace the men who abuse you and treat you bad, men look at that.  A man like me will become jaded and bitter because I see an abusive man with a nice woman who deserves much more knowing I could love her but not getting the chance.  I love Rachel Myatt with all my heart and this blog is not because I hate her or want revenge, it is because I want her to see and take responsibility of how she acts and treats people.  For all the single mothers out there who find nice guys, keep them, love them, appreciate them and you just might be surprized how the world might change.  Rachel I am truly sorry that you and your family could not see how much I loved and still love you and Jonathan but it has changed my life.  You were the one and still are the one but you didnt love yourself enough to see blessing was at your feet.

A Page out of the New Church Book

I put my faith in God and this is all in His hands. I write, I love, I hurt, I believe, but only Rachel will open her eyes in her time, and it will only be through God this will come to an end.
I love you Rachel and Jonathan Myatt.

God Bless ALL

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