Rachel and Jonathan

Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Maybe You Didn't Think : Part Deux

I would like to start this off and say Rachel that if I didn't truly love you I wouldn't be doing this. I don't waste time or energy on people who I don't care about so however you are feeling about me and my campaign to show you I care at the moment I want you to know it is not done out of revenge or some silly need to see ill things happen to you it is being done because the person who I love and believe in is still in my heart and to subside to evil would be to stop loving you and walk away from how much I care about you. That being said I am also not a doormat or someone who is to be walked on and so you will have to excuse me for believing in myself and the ability to love that God has given me.

First of all Rachel Myatt if it is you looking at the picture of you and me I wondered why you would take that with someone who you didn't want to stay in a relationship with.  I was proud to be your boyfriend, have you as my closest friend, and I would introduce you and be proud to be with you anyplace anywhere.  It seemed you were ashamed of me.  It seems you keep looking at the Maybe You Didn't Think blog and maybe you are trying to gather things from it that I did and hold water against me. Or using the picture against me.  Go ahead your choice. You never thought that someone would actually love you and care about you this much did you? Can you for one second think that maybe this guy really loves me and that I should talk to him and make things right? Remember when you were breaking my heart when you said I was strong and that I would be OK? Well hear I am a fighter and I am strong, confident, and back at the top of my game. Why cant you accept that I truly care about you. If I wanted to really do things to sully your name or hurt you I would of. I haven't I've told a truthful story, I have made it an expression of art and literature, and I even put it out in the open with God via your faith because you wouldn't stand up to me in private. I tried to keep this between us and it was your choice to not respond.   I stand by everything I have done and I have friends and family who are there for me.  I am expressing my feelings something people in free countries such as the U.S. and Canada are welcome to do.  You did and said so many things to hurt me and put me down I really don't care if any of this hurts your feelings or messes with your livelihood.  You didn't care about my feelings when I came 1949 miles from the U.S. to be with you and faced all sorts of obstacles including the death of my mother and I still loved and wanted to be with you and I let nothing stand in the way of that. So if you are on here trying to gather information on me because I am writing and passing out material you don't like go ahead. You slandered me and broke my heart I am not trying to slander you I am telling a true story and I have the emails, text conversations, and correspondence to back it up.  You wanted to pretend I wasn't your boyfriend and that we never existed but what this is pushing you to do is realize the seriousness of everything you did and said.  I went to the Church because of my faith and love for God and I have only begun to spread my story.  I will continue to do things in my legal power not because I wanted to do this to hurt you but because I love you as any of my friends will tell you and some of them have and you just sent their letters back.  I will use them as proof and all the the things you said to me if you try to make me out as a criminal for using my blog, music, and writing ability to express myself.  You had the chance to make amends with me, I asked for your forgiveness, peace, and for us to talk amicably.  You wanted to be selfish and live your life according to Rachel and not to love others and that is fine you just chose to bring me into the equation and then play with my want to have a family and you never knew how much that meant to me so I am going to continue letting people know my story.

1. You never appreciated my love, my friendship, and my dedication to you.

2. You never knew how much I wanted to worship and be a family with you and Jonathan

3. You didn't communicate your feelings with me when I tried to communicate mine to you

4. If you truly believed what your faith and religion is about you would have forgiven me and made peace with me by now.

5. You said you accepted me but you never did all you ever did was find faults and differences with me and call me weird instead of love me for who I was.  I love you for who you were and I never held anything against you till now.

6. You couldn't even pray with me when I needed you to pray with me.  It wouldn't of mattered if it was the Lord's Prayer or whatever as long as it was a Christian prayer I was supposed to be with my closest friend and girlfriend and you didn't even care enough to put your religious bigotry aside to have unity with me.

7. Everything happens for a reason. I am ten times stronger than I have ever been and in the past 9 months have kept having adversity and pain thrown in my face but through all this even if you ignore me, get mad, cant forgive.  I love you Rachel Myatt and Jonathan Myatt with all my heart and that will never change so I am going to say this to you.

You can sue me, ridicule me some more, tell other people whatever ill things you told Reverend Coleman and others about me, you can think of me as sick, wounded, damaged and all those cruel words and names you had for me when I just needed your love, compassion, and understanding.  I don't care.  I still love you and when God, When Christ Jesus gives us fire in our hearts for someone who has wronged us to go on loving them then that is all we can do.  There is so much good in my heart and so much love left for you.  I will only continue to do what I have to worldwide and all over even if it means making videos, songs, and traveling around the world to tell you how much I care.  You abandoned me and left me for dead.  I never abandoned you and I never will.  I wont give up on my friend and people I truly love and if you don't believe it then wait to see what happens in the next couple of weeks and months.

I want to end this with I love you and if anyone who knows Rachel, family, friend, or anyone can get through to her to make peace with me then my prayers are in your hands but most importantly this is and always has been about God.  Rachel I never would have said I loved you or had to tell another woman I needed to be with you if my heart wasn't with the Lord. Still you ignore me, you shun me, and you doubt that I will do the things I say and here I am 9 months later with a full out love assault that will only get bigger.  One phone call is all it will take and not one from a Private Number :( I wont answer.  Anyways I love you Rachel Myatt the choice is yours.  Be selfish, get mad because I am doing what I am saying, try to sue me or prevent me from telling the truth on here and I will just present the truth in as many ways as I can legally, in words, in pictures, and in proof.  God Bless you I hope soon you will change your heart and mind. 


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