Rachel and Jonathan

Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Church Of The New Jerusalem Worldwide vs New Church Dawson Creek and Rachel Myatt

I have never had and will never have any animosity or ill will to any believers of Christ in any faith or anyone of any religion for that matter. I may not agree with the teachings of another but I will never put down others for my faith.  That being said my blog is not about trying to put the New Church in a bad light it is how I was treated by one of its members who was supposed to be my girlfriend and one of my dearest friends and how she constantly used her faith to put me down, make me seem small, and use it against me like I was someone who couldn't understand or comprehend  what Swedenborg said.  She called me stupid for my Protestant beliefs and said things that were unbecoming of me on many occasions.   I still loved her accepted her faith and wanted to worship with her and learn more.  I took to reading "Heaven and  Hell" which I had read in part in a philosophy class years ago philosophy is my college minor. I am interested in all forms of religion but basically Christian theologies.  Upon the start of my dating Ms. Rachel Myatt. I started reading "Arcana Coelestia" and because I was truly in love with Rachel Myatt and courted her and wanted her hand in marriage as my dearest friend. " Conjugial Love".  I was someone who opened my heart and had an open mind to this person and her beliefs so if you are reading this (Denmark Readers?) and you are part of this faith then I have no qualms with the religion as a whole.  I have a problem with a person who said she loved me and acted like she was so full of love and a good Christian woman who stabbed me in the back, turned away from me when I needed a true friend, and lied to me about so many things.  It was a chance to bear witness and to welcome someone into the congregation who was full of hope, love, and  interest.  She had someone at her feet who loved her with all their heart instead she chose to waste this chance. Squander it on being selfish and centered. She acted very contradictory to the peaceful religion that I had come to know from reading and it is a shame.  So I want this all out in the open this Letters to Rachel Project, the book and the blog is aimed at the New Church of Dawson Creek, British Columbia and anyone in the Canadian fold who believes in treating people bad, using your faith to put down others, and to not accept people who are openly seeking God into your heart and into your congregation.  Rachel crossed those lines.  She did it to someone who loved her unconditionally and wanted to worship with her.  The majority of the Dawson Creek Congregation is related to Rachel so if that is where she learned her hateful ways then I am sorry but that will be spoke upon in the coming weeks and months.  I had nothing but love for all of the Myatts and Friesens if Rachel had of given me time, my heart was open to the teachings of Swedenborg but it seemed that Rachel was afraid to bring someone into her life and into her world who might be a little different.  She listened and let what other say influence her instead of truly take the time to love me and see where my heart was.  So to the Worldwide Body and Organization of the New Church of Jerusalem I have nothing but love for you and I will continue to respect your teachings and your love for Lord Jesus Christ but in my blog and the coming literature that I have to write.  Rachel Myatt belongs to the New Church of Dawson Creek, British Columbia and that was where the wrong was initiated.  She can always make peace with me and I will end this all.  She would rather it get bigger and bigger.  I urge any Clergy of The New Church hierarchy in Canada to get in touch with her and discuss this matter or get in touch with me through this blog because I am about bring this out in the open to the public.  Rachel Myatt started this revolution by being cruel, and not being truthful, and just ridiculing and pointing fingers. Well now she got what she wanted.  A person who loved her with all his heart who will tell the story of how she represented a congregation and because she couldn't forgive things got out of hand.  Christ urged us to forgive but she cannot.  She cant face me because she knows that I was right for all my wrongs against her.  I was right and I forgave her and still love her.  I still call her friend,  I still call her sister, I still believe in her.  She cant wish me the same respect and love and if that is what the New Church of Dawson Creek is about, hate, hurt, and not being able to forgive then that is sad because I was mistaken when I thought I wanted to be a part of it. 

I dedicate this song to anyone who seeks forgiveness and who can forgive.  We are all forgiven by our Heavenly Father so it is sad when we can't forgive one another.  This is for you Rachel Myatt I love you. I am strong and my love will never falter for you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JV0tWAz24kg

Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ and may all that receive Him be blessed and all who seek to find Him be lead to Him.  May you all be blessed upon reading this and your hearts and minds be filled with the Holy Spirit!!!! Rejoice.

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