Rachel and Jonathan

Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will

Monday, March 5, 2012

Selfishness and Evil are about to win over Love, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation

"You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you." Joseph Campbell

Dear Rachel and Readers,
I am two days away from my final attempt at trying to make peace and reconcilation not only with Rachel but the Church of The New Jerusalem. After Wed then I will just give up and give into being their enemy like they want.  Rachel never did see the good in my love, my friendship, loyalty and how much I loved her and Jonathan. What she and Pastor Glenn did and said have forever changed my life and after Wed if I dont get any kind response from Rachel then what happens after that in my campaign is on her. I gave love, peace, and forgiveness a year and a half chance and I got a lot of excuses about free will and just plain excuses from members of the New Church.  Rachel and Pastor Glenn have killed my love and so what I have to say about them is true and it will be distributed to many places and I wont feel any regret, remorse, or think twice about it.  You people in the New Church claim that following God's commandment of love others is the second most important thing next to loving God but I have been shown lies, deciept, disrespect, and just plain arrogance.  My commentary on Pastor Glenn in my newsletter is the truth they are his words and they are my reflections of what Swedenborg says and what God says in the Bible. Rachel doesnt realize that every thing I do is a direct result of the unkindness, lies, and betrayal that she showed me. It is because she teased me, pretended to want to have a relationship with me, put down my love of God and most of all said anything ill about me or my dead mother. I was grieving and how dare she ever say I was mentally ill. I loved Rachel with all my heart and I have never went through so much to show someone I cared about her as I did for her and her son. So any consequences or discomfort she gets she deserves it.   She is one of the most selfish people I know because if she loved me or the others around her like her family and her Church then making peace with me would not be that hard but she would rather others suffer and be part of something she created. Sue me Rachel and Pastor Glenn or what ever I dont care after what you did there is nothing left I am so nihilistic and done with caring about people who make up excuses to lie and be evil it doesnt matter any more.  So I leave you all with that thought today on being selfish and letting evil win because I am true to my word and this is not some game it is reality and after Wed I let go of trying to make peace and I just tell everyone how it is plain and simple from British Columbia to Pennsylvania I will not hold back. 

You say you believe in God's promise of love and of Good but you are not showing it Pastor Glenn or Rachel so know that it was your actions toward me that led to what I am doing and I am not afraid to say what needs to be said nor to do what needs to be done in spreading this.
God Bless All

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