Rachel and Jonathan

Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Ministry - Against "The Church of The of The New Jerusalem"

I had nothing but love in my heart for the people of the Church of the New Jerusalem but through Rachel, her Church, and her Pastor I have realized how they truly think they are better than other people.  They are prime examples of people who turn people away from God so these songs are part of my peaceful worldwide protest against the Church of the New Jerusalem. No one can say I didn't reach out my hand to resolve this because I went out of my way. My friends, family, and I wrote the Church and I even told Rachel how much I loved her in this blog and her family how much I loved them in a package I sent addressed to Pastor Glenn.  I sent them donations. I prayed to make peace with them but they would rather have someone start a whole Anti New Church Movement than to pick up the phone and talk to me.  If they truly wanted to show the love of Christ they would realize the wrong that was done and resolve it with me but this is what Rachel and Pastor Glenn want.  You cant say I am harrassing you because this is my story to tell.  I loved Rachel so much that I refuse to put up the pictures of She, and I , and Jonathan because of my respect for her and her child. I put the others up so that she knows how much I do love her.   I tried to make things right Church of the New Jerusalem but all you did was make excuses so when your bigotry, and true nature as not being accepting of people of other faiths comes to fruition through this dont say I didnt come to you. So dear readers just remember Rachel and Pastor Glenn kicked me when I was down. I was looking for spiritual guidance, love, friendship and both of them kicked me and turned me into the person I am today. Rachel played with my love to be her best friend, love her in the Lord and love her child and her family. Pastor Glenn didnt want anyone to see any blessings at all unless it was through the New Church as I was told I was basically wrong and that my vision of love and what God revealed to me was wrong. Yet its ok for him to be loved by God and recieve blessings and see things but no one else can.  Am I making up things Coleman it doesnt sound like it because basically that was what all your replies sounded like to me.  So I open this blog with "Bombtrak" by Rage Against The Machine and "911 for Peace" by Anti Flag one of the best groups ever who sing about Bigotry, Labeling, Social Injustices,  The plight of the Media, The evil in Government and so on. Most of all they call out for people to love each other no matter what they believe, class, oriention, gender, or affiliation. Church of the New Jerusalem that is what kind of love I believe in. Christ love with no boundaries that can change the world. So before you label me some terrorist trying to get back at Rachel for a broken heart it was more than that it was about her upbringing in the Church because all she ever did was show me hedonism, selfishness, and bigotry.  I dont live my life that way.  If you guys and girls want to so be it but dont get mad when I lash out against it because you turned me away when I came to you for love.

Dear Readers,
Transmissions have returned.  I have decided to carry out a campaign and start a ministry against the Church of the New Jerusalem because of the bigotry of Rachel Myatt, Pastor Coleman Glenn and the New Church of Canada. It was because of the aforementioned people and organizations that I feel people need to know my story and they need to be warned against people who condone bigotry, selfishness, and hypocrisy.   I will not hold back anything and I will use everything in my arsenal to tell my story.  I am not afraid nor will I back down.  I want other Christians and people of different faiths to know how they put Swedenborg almost on a Christlike level then put down anybody else who puts Gods word Above Swedenborg.  I will tell of how I was loving, caring, and loyal to Rachel Myatt only to have her throw religious bigotry back in my face and how her Pastor Coleman Glenn and others in the New Church were uncaring and supported Rachels actions against me, my dead mother, and my family.  It seems they value hedonism, selfishness, and the seven deadly sins over actually following the first two greatest commandments of loving God and loving your neighbor.  So from this day on I dont owe anyone anything.  I reached out to Rachel, I reached out to Pastor Glenn, I reached out to the New Church Worldwide and all I got excuses so now I will spend my days preaching and teaching people of this uncaring and hateful people and I will use their own words they said to me and I will spread this to as many people I can. Just like Rachel and Pastor Glenn had the free will to be uncaring, selfish, and one sided then I have the free will and the right to tell my story. 

To Rachel and the Myatt family I loved you all so much and my family was so open with love to have you in their lives and believed in you and at my darkest hour you turned your back on me and put me down. How is that showing what you claim to believe in?

Pastor Coleman Glenn it seems that you don't want anyone to be loved or blessed unless it pertains to the New Church and you would rather hate and revenge occur than to admit that love should win over bigotry, lies, and wrong doing and I hope what I am doing will teach you about being kind as a Pastor in the future because I am not showing you any mercy in what I have to say. I gave you that oppurtunity and had nothing but love and respect for you and you threw it in my face.

This is the start of my peaceful worldwide protest.  I do not threaten violence, bodily harm, or threats of that sort. I only have a story to tell and to let others know of a religion that uses Emmanuel Swedenborgs teachings as the Word of God and has great ideas but make excuses when they dont follow their own doctrine. It seems like making your own rules up. Isnt that why the General New Church came to be because a bunch of people who couldnt agree with the other people wanted to make up their own rules. Stop being hypocrites and do as you say and dont slight me for calling you out on your lies. Anyone who would treat other Children of God with the disrespect I was shown needs to be outed.  So Viva La Revolucion!!! This is because of your actions Rachel Myatt and Coleman Glenn

I had so much love for you I even called off my campaign against your little get together on the 22nd but instead it will be something much bigger and more effective. 

God Bless all those who love God first and not man..........

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