Rachel and Jonathan

Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will

Sunday, March 25, 2012

No Apologies, No Regrets, I Am Not Afraid

"Love is our vital core. We grow warm because of its presence, and cold because of its absence, and when it is completely gone, we die."
(Heaven and Hell 14)

Dear Rachel and Readers,
This is my declaration of freedom. I am going to hit my campaign full circle. I no longer care how it affects Rachel or her family because they didnt realize how much I loved them and how much I held back waiting for them to reply.  I will regret nothing and Rachel will watch her cruel words and actions become the old adage you reap what you sow.  I came at Rachel with nothing but love but she was used to treating people bad and discarding them like a used paper towel.  Well I am like "The Cat Came Back" if you cant remember that old song. (heres a version by Fred Penner
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cUXj3zb_UY&feature=related  as funny as that song is it is me. I am resilent and I am honest and truthful so when The New Church is dealing with the negativity they get from the press I am putting out there just remember Rachel you had every chance to bring this to an end.  Just remember Myatt family I loved you and you knew in your hearts that Rachel was wrong and the damage she had done and you knew how she treated men and that is why none of you called me on what I am doing. Pastor Glenn you knew what you said to me was wrong and you admitted you were uncaring. Note I didnt say everything you said was wrong because I am not from fault but you knew you were one sided and uncaring.  So I want you all to know that I put my faith in God and if you think I am just some blogger that doesnt do anything look at all I have already done and think about that magnified by 10.  That is where I am headed.  No if there is someone that wants to talk to me and persuade me otherwise they can contact me at the phone I had set up to make peace with Rachel the number is 817 718 7413 and you must text and state your business first or I will not answer. It is a throw away phone and I was going to throw it away when Rachel ignored my plea for peace a week and a half ago but God pointed me into the direction to keep it.  It is not registered to me and I will throw it in the trash the moment I feel someone is not sincere but I honestly have love in my heart and I am trying to prove that. I am not about getting revenge on Rachel but I want her to know that every action gets a reaction and hers was so hurtful and damaging that it is not going to go away.  I want Rachel, the Myatt Family, and the New Church to realize this following statement before I end this blog.

Everytime I reflect on my mother I think of all the love she had for Rachel and Jonathan and her family. I think of how she was altruistic and selfless in wanting me only to be happy over me wanting to be there for her in her final days.  Rachel never appreciated that and everyday she ignores me and doesnt face up to what she did she causes me another day of pain because when I think of my mother now all I think of is how Rachel treated me less than a person, disrespected my mother, and me.  I think of her arrogance, selfishness, and bigotry.  I think of how she tried to make me look crazy to justify the evil and hateful things she said especially ones pertaining to religious doctrine and the New Church. Most of all I think of how she said I didnt love God.  Even Pastor Glenn wrote back one time saying he could see how much I love God but for Rachel to say that was the worst blow. After all the love I had and still have for her it was the most hateful thing ever beside her not being able to pray with me when I needed her.  So Church of the New Jerusalem you have a story on your hands and I am no longer afraid to hold back. The choice is up to you. I am not afraid of anyone coming after me because I have truth on my side and will give anyone access to my blog, letters, phone records with Rachel and anything.   I am not here to harrass, or hurt, or put down others.  I was here to show Rachel that she was truly love, make peace with her, and reconcile. It is her loss but it will not stop me from telling my story.  Life must go on and that is the way she wants it to pretend like I never existed and none of this ever happened. Well it did. I am alive and I live with it everyday so if she can live with the harm and damage she does to her family, her church, and to me then so be it.  I am done holding back what I have to say and I have already begun to send out and share my story with more people worldwide.  It could all stop with a loving call from Rachel.  Be the change you want to see in the world. Be the loving woman I fell in love with Rachel the one who can see love and wanted to be love.  If not I reached out to you and what happens next is of your own accord.

Luke 17:4

Even if they sin against you seven times in a day and seven times come back to you saying ‘I repent,’ you must forgive them.”

I Love You Rachel Myatt why cant you accept that and realize that what I have is a blessing from God that is all I ever saw in you.

God Bless ALL

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