Rachel and Jonathan

Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Im Sorry That You Don't Believe In Forgiveness and True Friendship

This was a cover of a song originally done by the Jackson 5.  The duo is the Civil Wars who recently won a couple of Grammy's I was such a fan that for Christmas I sent Rachel, her mother Jane, and her sister Amanda this cd.  I have been listening to them for a little over a year. Joy Williams is a Christian Artist and has a couple of solo albums that you should check out also.  I do not hate Rachel in fact I want her back in my life.  If you look at my blog it now says Rachel Myatt Hates Me.  That is how I have felt since that fateful day since she abandoned me and I don't know what I I ever did but believe in her and love her. 

Dear Rachel and Readers,
I am tired and weary of fighting this evil.  It is so hard not to give in but I am going to do something later this week before I launch my campaign that hopefully will put an end to this.  On Wed March 7th I will put a phone number for Rachel to call on here.  I will only respond to Rachel but I will take prayers of text from anyone who wants to send them.   The phone I will use is a throw away phone so if anyone harasses me I will just throw it away. It literally cost me 3 dollars and was bought in the interest of making peace with Rachel.  I will also welcome text from Pastor Coleman.  I will put a blog up early Wed morning and Rachel if you respond please do so from your number not a blocked one or someone elses.  Be a woman and end this with me.  You are my best friend.  Never have I loved someone so much or been so hurt in my life. All the other people who have hurt me or I have hurt have come back.  The ones that truly mattered have welcomed me back with open arms as I did to them.  You are the one Rachel I would do anything for you but you are so blind to see that.  I love you and your son so much and you cant even look and see the damage you are doing.  I ask God that you see that I never would have come in your life if I didn't truly love you.  That night I hung the phone up on you.  I thought that I should break up with you and never come be with you.  It was God that made me see the selfishness in that, He made me see that my heart was full of love, He made me see that you and Jonathan deserved my love.  I want you, your family, and your Church to see that in my heart you were worth going to the ends of the earth for. The love I have for you is not one that is selfish or about me.  I love you so much that without you it is killing my soul and only my true friends have that power over me.  If you love me, or have loved me at all then stop hurting me, stop making me feel hated, come back to my heart.   I love you and Jonathan with all my being and never getting to see you again, to hear your voice, or to live my life knowing you hate me for just having the courage to love you and believe you will cause me the greatest pain for the rest of my life.  I don't know what else to tell you but I love you Rachel Myatt.

John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

I know that I would give my life for you and Jonathan or anyone in your family. I am loyal, I believe in you still, and you mean so much to me Rachel.  I don't know why you don't understand how your hurt caused all this and why I felt the way I did.  The things you said were not kind, they were not true, and they were very hurtful at the time you said them in my life. I needed your love and encouragement as my girlfriend, my friend, and my fellow Christian and instead you cursed me and left me by the wayside.  I am trying to make things right with you before my heart gives way to despair and evil.  I put all my faith in God this last time. I ask that today Rachel you do the same and open your heart back to me.  I love you and Jonathan and I dont want to go on living without you in my life.

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