Rachel and Jonathan

Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Nothing but Love For Rachel Myatt

Dear Readers,

A week from now it will be Christmas. We will see if Rachel heard my call to peace with her. I know the Lord heard me and that is all that matters. For any members of the New Church immediately beginning in January I will start my campaign.  I want to believe Rachel will make peace with me and I have no doubt that God hears my prayer as He has been the one to keep my heart steady in this matter. I also know what I have to do if she is non responsive to all the love and the peace I ask between us.  It seems when the New Church Members write me replies they make excuses for what happened.  I don't make excuses. Rachel had her free will to be cruel and use me and play with me and I have my free will to either seek revenge or go on loving her.  I will go on loving her through my campaign and I will tell all around the world in print form of my dealings with the New Church and the entire story of what I thought I had in a true friend. It is obviously what Rachel wants instead of confront her demons and the bed she made and just talk to me.  Ignoring problems that she causes is better than dealing with them.  I learned at an early age that you are better off confronting a fear or a problem head on and the quicker it goes away.  If she picked up the phone and talked to me I had even promised to go away forever and just let this all die but she doesn't want that.  I think she wants to see how far I will go. I think she wants to play the victim.  I think she is realizing that someone truly loved her and what she said and did was a big mistake.  Its cool though my love is and never was a mistake for you Rachel Myatt and I cant believe that you would ever say something so hateful to me like you did.  I am just going to keep praying and keep loving you. I will keep my campaign and how far it goes depends on you Rachel Myatt.  You would rather hurt everyone around you including me than be a woman and face up to the thing you created.  Here I stand a year later plus still keeping my word and about to put out a magnitude of literature and tell the story of a broken heart that was caused not only by your selfishness but self righteousness.  Yes you did use the New Church teachings to tear me down! Yes I am going to make sure people know that! Yes I am going to keep true to my word so if any of you New Church Hierarchy want to talk to Rachel now is the time.  I am done trying to make peace with her and as of now I will tell the story as planned worldwide as many places I can.  If bigotry, lying, and judging people of other faiths is what you want people to think of the New Church then that is what I have to spread as your creed. It is only the truth and it is my reality and I have the proof.  It is your choice Rachel Myatt.  It is your choice Church of the New Jerusalem.  You decide.  My heart is full of love for you Rachel.  I dedicate the song "Empty Your Hands" by the Weepies to you and anyone in the New Church who wants to slight me for all the love I have in my heart for you and for others.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wz1QophejU  I can only do all things through the Lord and I put my faith in Him in all of this and always have.

John 8:15
You judge by human standards; I pass judgment on no one.

Proverbs 11:2
When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.

Philippians 2:3
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,

I was willing to give you all of me and unselfishly and unconditionally come to you and Jonathan with all the love in the world Rachel but you cursed me, tore me down, and tried to humiliate me and here I still stand at your doorstep with open arms full of love.  You were my hero Rachel Myatt I loved you so much for all you were and are.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2954Nnjw7vE , http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugy1Gz_Togk&feature=related

Merry Christmas
God Bless

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