- This blog is about how being selfish infringes on other peoples happiness. A lot of people read this and think why doesnt this guy just get over this girl. It is not that simple and there is a lesson that not only Rachel has to learn but the Church of the New Jerusalem as a whole willl have to look inward and realize. Selfishness and love of self is not charitable and it does not bring good. I have to bring this point out into the open after all that has happened. The first song above is by Aimee Mann it is called "Going Through The Motions" it is because of how Rachel played with me and pretended to want to be with me and lied about everything. It is also about how Pastor Coleman Glenn made excuses for Rachel's behavior and how its ok for her to have a free will to treat me as such and how he and others tried to make me out into some villain for simply reacting to the evil that was done to me. The second song is "Wrecking Yard" by Switchblade Symphony" whic is about helping the less fortuanate or those who are down. Coleman Glenn just got engaged to be married so I want to point out the hypocrisy of happiness there. Do I not deserve the same to be happy? All I ever wanted was to be married and live a life in the Lord with someone and I never deserved to have anyone lie about it play games with me or destroy my love or my heart. I am sorry Church of the New Jerusalem but I am going to have to expose your Pastor because of the way he acted toward me along with others. I had nothing but respect for Pastor Glenn and others but never once did anyone care about me having any happiness, no one cared that my mother died, and no one cared about me having any love or support and didnt care about Rachel's mistreatment, lies, or abuse of a relationship. I have every right to say what I am saying and it is freedom of speech. I am not here to slander but to relegate truths and to not only show Rachel how much damage and harm she has done but also to get Pastor Glenn to see his double standard that he held against me. I also want to let Jane Myatt or whoever in the Myatt family who put it into Rachel's head that I was mentally ill know that you are a very hateful and sick person that would say that towards a grieving person. I loved Rachel so much and I sacrificed so much at the time just to come be with her. I was devasted that she would say such things. I also want to point out that that December I was called to Jury Duty. In the United States people who are mentally ill or have mental problems are not allowed to participate in Jury Duty because they are deemed not of right mind to make sound judgement. I have never been diagnosed with any mental illness other than being stressed out after Rachel pulled the stunt she did. What she did changed my life and the way the Pastors and New Church Clergy reacted in my opinion was biased and horrible. The saddest part is that I have strived for Reconciliation and Love and you put Rachel's own selfish desire above that of someone who follows Christ most meaningful parts of His ministry. Rachel thought she could just brush me under the rug uses me, I would just go away, and everything would go back to normal. She has destroyed my life with the way she treated me by playing with something so sacred and dear to me and that was the need to be loved. All the New Church Pastors who replied to me with the exception of Pastor Glenn had families so if Coleman was courting he was being even more of a hypocrite. He should have understood that what Rachel did was very wrong, it was selfish, it was inconsiderate, and it was more than just some mistake it was all about her. She never thought about the damage that it would do to me and my family. All she thought about was herself and how she wanted out of the situation and how she could do it to best benefit her. When I looked her in the eyes and asked her if she wanted to be with me that was her moment to be truthful. Instead she waited till she didn't have to look me in the eye, till she could just text and pretend like I never existed and I even have the messenger conversation where she said she just wanted to get rid of me without a care. How selfish, horrible, and vain she is. She then mocked me online in my pain and said that love was a game. I was heartbroken and hurting more than I ever did in my life. Now that I want to tell this story and peacefully expose Rachel, Pastor Glenn, and her family people want to get all defensive. I have every right too. You cant sue a person for telling the truth and you cant call libel or slander if that person has proof. I have proof of our relationship, I have pictures, this blog is a testament to my hurt and the things that happened. I have been more than generous in telling the internet about my life and struggles I am not afraid. If Rachel and the Myatt family have a problem with me divulging information of a true story they can come to me. I still have the same phone number, they can reach me at the same address, and there is an email attatched to this blog. If Pastor Glenn has a problem with me contrasting my situation and pointing out his hypocrisy and using his current relationship status with how he treated me and my love for Rachel then he can come to me but I am not backing down. A servant of God should have never said or acted the way he did toward me and by all counts he is just as much to blame for this campaign as Rachel and so is Pastor Cooper because he kept throwing it back at Pastor Glenn because he felt that I was insignifigant and that I didnt matter. Well know it will matter and so just know that not only am I telling this story and sharing this information but it is not just with your Church it is with other Christians and people of different faiths. I have all the proof and all the emails and everything well documented so no one can say I am just on here lying and making up things to injure and insult people. Each time Coleman Glenn blogs or says something that is a chance for me to freely speak on it or anyone from the New Church. Pastor Lumsden in South Africa said you were trying to protect the culture you created and that sounds cultish to me. If you are trying to spread the Word of God then you need not be secretive and you need to be open and honest with people. Most of the people in the New Church dont want to listen to others. They want to shout there doctrine without comparing and contrasting to what others have to say. The only way people can truly learn from each other is communication and sometimes that means to agree to disagree. I never had that with Rachel I tried to learn and wanted to worship with her but both she, her family, and her faith turned me away and then she wondered why people said that they could not believe in God the way she did or that what they did was Satanic. God would never act selfishly the way people I have encountered in the Church of the New Jerusalem have toward my situation and the accusation that Rachel and her family made toward me. I just want to point out this. Making the claim someone is mentally ill is no joke that has all sorts of implications in society and it can hurt a persons reputation, their pride, and self esteem. Saying that about a person who is in mourning or grieving is even worst because while they may not be in the best shape or frame of mind you don't know and cannot begin to discern what that person is going through. Rachel took that for granted and only thought about her own selfish needs wants and desires. So Rachel, Myatt Family, and Pastor Glenn today I am printing out copies of this blog and sharing them with people and sending them to Churches because I felt deeply hurt and disappointed this whole time by they way you all have reacted and I am no longer going to pretend I owe you the kindness of not putting this out in the open. I offered to make peace with you by phone(I bought a phone seperate from my own cell and left the number on this blog just in the hopes someone would call me), by travel, and by any means necessary and it all fell on deaf ears so any discomfort or public humiliation you recieve from this it was on you. I am just a man telling a story because you were too scared to act on the peace, love, and reconcilation that Christ wants us to have. This was the Selfish Nature I Encountered from the Church of the New Jerusalem. I had nothing but love and respect for Rachel, her family, and her Church and I leave you with how much I love God and how much I loved them so no one can ever say I didn't honestly want peace with them. Here is an earlier blog I wrote about this love and reconciliation. http://iloverachelmyatt.blogspot.com/2011/11/message-to-dawson-creek-new-church.html
God Bless ALL
A Dedication To My Friend and Sister in Christ I Love and Cherish. "The Letters To Rachel Project" This site is not meant to demean nor defame my friend in anyway it is a heartfelt attempt at peace and reconciliation
Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will
Saturday, August 25, 2012
The Selfish Nature I Encountered from the Church of The New Jerusalem
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