- Dear readers, start at about :50 seconds into this
- I wanted to just say to anyone reading this I love Rachel Myatt. Next week I launch a campaign that may be offensive to her and her family but it is because I love her and I want peace with her. Ultimately it will be up to her to reach out to me and end this blog, the hurt between two former close friends, the chance for reconcilation, and the chance for love. I care about you Rachel but that doesn't mean I ever deserved to be treated like you treated me. If you want to hurt your family, your church, and your pastor go ahead and keep hurting me by ignoring me. The video above is not just some cartoon to me. Rachel you always talked about how guys just wanted you for sex and never respected you. You were my best friend and I wanted you for all of you. I didnt want sex I was in love with you and I wanted to make love. I saw your imperfections and loved you anyway. It was all about our beautiful friendship and nothing more or less that is why and how I still love you. I am just going to ask God to bless you and your family tonight and hope that you or someone who is in your family or the New Church reads this and knows that I am reaching out to you to end all this. Please Rachel I am not out to hurt you but you have damaged my love to the point of no return. I love you
A Dedication To My Friend and Sister in Christ I Love and Cherish. "The Letters To Rachel Project" This site is not meant to demean nor defame my friend in anyway it is a heartfelt attempt at peace and reconciliation
Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will
Friday, August 31, 2012
How Rachel Could Bring This To An End : Pride Gets In The Way(No Blaming Others Just Acting on What Needs to Be Done)
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Church of the New Jerusalem Freestyle Rap(Attack of the Cerebral) to Pastor Coleman Glenn and Rachel Myatt
Here are the Words:
Rachel, Rachel you were so hateful
When All I ever was to you was faithful
Call yourself a Christian while you were judging me
So here is the story in my mic delivery
Coleman, Coleman Whats that book you're holding,
Its not the Bible, but a book of lies from an old man
Swedenborg the Prophet of Good and Truth
While he blasphemed and mistook the Word and misled suckers like you
How could you show no compassion?
An irrational young woman, and a headstrong Pastor
This is why I send this message worldwide
So I can expose all your mistruths, evils, and lies
I believed in Reconciliation, Forgiveness, and love
All I see is self enamoring and selfishness in the Church of the New Jerusalem
Maybe I missed the Memo about Christ Love?
Or should I get revenge on Rachel and forget the White Dove?
All I hear is hypocrisy so here it is a warning worth the while. Im about to attack the Church that will be more cerebral than this freestyle.
For all you who thought I was playing I am not. You speak ill of me, my family, my friends and you use God to hurt others I will expose you. Especially when I came to you in peace and tried to make amends and you scoff and make excuses. So now you will be engaged in a peaceful non violent revolution. No idle threats of evil or physical harm only promises of calling you out on hypocrisy and false doctrine. This is just the beginning.
God Bless ALL
I Have No Problem Calling You Out (Church of the New Jerusalem)Rachel Myatt or Pastor Glenn so that is what I Will Do
Rachel Myatt, Myatt Family, Pastor Coleman Glenn and others. When I came to you as a brother, in pain, and loved Rachel whole souled without judgement all I got was judgement and self righteousness. I got excuses, I got rhetoric, double speak, and false spirits coming from the mouths of the New Church. The next couple of days worldwide I will expose this. If you are reading this I urge you to take a moment to watch the above video and also this person brought out one of the best scriptures to use in this situation.
Romans 10:3
3 Since they did not know the righteousness of God and sought to establish their own, they did not submit to God’s righteousness. My dear Readers the reason why I have kept this blog up and continue to write and to campaign against the New Church is plainly seen in the blue part of the scripture. The people in the New Church are lofty and they want to establish their own kingdom and righteousness through Emmanuel Swedenborgs writings instead of through solely the Word of Our Lord Jesus Christ. They get defensive and they are pushy towards others and talk down to other Christians and non believers because they know deep in their hearts they are trying to make God in their image. Lets take a moment to go to the Scriptures. Swedenborg the founder of the New Church and Swedenborgian Church theology supposedly talked to angels and demons. It makes him a false prophet and the people in the New Church know this. They get defensive because they know that what Swedenborg claimed to see and do was wrong and they are by default following a false prophet. Pastor Derrick Lumsden of the Westville New Church in South Africa said that my campaign was unloving and that I was listening to lying spirits. I never claimed to listen to Spirits I claimed that God's love had directed me to reconcile and love Rachel and that my blog and my campaign were a result of not seeking revenge on her. Swedenborg was speaking to lying spirits and dealing with the occult. The New Church try to mask this fact and that is why they are defensive in their delivery. Swedenborg went behind the Bible the true Word of God and had Ghost Written his own interpretation of the Lords Word to make it fit his own selfish needs. He made God , Human so that he could justify the sins and evil that man does. They claim to be enlightened and on another spiritual plane but they are constantly putting down other Christians because of the holes and fallacies in their theology. I want to use this scripture to show where Swedenborg absolutely did not follow God's Word. Jeremiah 14:14 Then the LORD said to me, “The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries and the delusions of their own minds. This applies to Swedenborg. The Church of the New Jerusalem doesnt want me to speak out on this but there is nothing they can do. I will point out how I was treated by Rachel, Pastor Glenn and other members and I will call them on the hypocrises by sharing my message with as many people as I can. I never said anything ill of their faith until Rachel used her faith to belittle me, put me down, and tell me I was wrong. People who have do that are not true believers. They may feel they are saved and are of Christ but we are talking about people who make excuses for Christ ministry and reconciliation of love with our brothers and sisters. Pastor Glenn was so adamant on siding with Rachel's free will over the damage and the lies she told. We all have free will but it is the freedom with which we choose to use that will that will define us. She chose to lie, slander, and be corrupt with hers and because of that the whole New Church will be expose. It is my mission now to show the evils in worshipping false prophets, love of self, and pretending to be of Good and Truth and being hypocrites. I had nothing but love for Rachel and her family and her Church but I saw how the Church made Rachel into the deceptive, self righteous, judgmental person she is and so know I will call her and Pastor Coleman Glenn out worldwide and hopefully it will be a wake up call for the whole organization. God Bless ALL
- To You Rachel Myatt, I lost my mom I didnt lose my mind and for you to try to exploit that as something to justify your being evil and abandoning me was just cruel, evil, and selfish. To The Myatt Family. My family had nothing but love and great hopes for you and they supported me fully even my father who has never been close to me. If any of you had anything against me that made Rachel ashamed of me because when she talk to me it seemed that way that is very sad. I was going through a tough time and being around Rachel and Jonathan was all that I wanted and needed I had no support at home and I was all alone. The fact that in the end Rachel once again brought her faith into it to treat me cruel is the reason this is happening. Christians don't behave in that manner. Lastly I am most disappointed in you Pastor Coleman Glenn. You know what I am happy you are in love and that you will be married soon but you also are a hypocrite because you never wanted to acknowledge that maybe Rachel played with something sacred as courtship and love and did so disrespectfully. I have been rejected a couple of times in my life but I have never been accepted and then turned away. Rachel gave me false hope and it is not something that I will ever forget. Everytime I think of my mother I think of Rachel betraying me and how much love we all had for Rachel and Jonathan and hearing my mom's voice the last time telling me to love and be good to Rachel. You will never know what I have been though and this campaign will open both you and Rachel's eyes to the evil that was truly done. I am sorry that you believe in such a selfish attitude and self love. I can no longer keep quiet on this matter though.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Places That I Spread The Word about the Church of the New Jerusalem/ Remember Remember the 9th of September
Dear Readers,
- I just wanted you to know I have been spreading my newsletter about the New Church to as many people as I can. The other night to an almost sold out crowd of 20,000 I was able to reach and talk to hundreds. Its amazing what a little printout and kindness can do. I am not playing so all you New Church clergy that scoffed at me and all you who made excuses for Rachel's evil well you are getting what you deserve. Rachel you not only hurt The New Church of Dawson Creek, but it affects the only New Church Ministry down here which is in Austin. People look at that and they will check it out and see that only Pastor Frazier has a ministry in my state. I want Rachel and Pastor Glenn to know the full extent of what happens when you put others down, when you doubt others love in God, and when you are arrogant, selfish, and put doctrine before Christ commandment to love and show compassion.
- Remember Remember the 9th of September. It will be two years since Rachel Myatt brought this on herself so that day when she and Pastor Glenn are sitting on the Pastor's counsel before service they need to think about where this is really going and how it can affect not only the Church in Dawson Creek but how Rachel's selfishness and her free will of unkindness has led to this. Jesus taught of reconciliation, forgiveness, love, and compassion none of which I have recieved from Rachel or Pastor Glenn, one made excuses and one hides so I am going to put them in a situation where they cant hide. When you lie , lies are the gift that keep on giving you cannot hide from them eventually they catch up with you. So not only will I have a big surprize on that day but I am about to release all my emails and all of my correspondence between Rachel and I as a story. This is what she wanted instead of settle this in private with me. You abandoned me, lied to me, and just ruined my life and all I did was love you and Jonathan, Rachel so I no longer will wait for you to reconcile because I waited and believed and thought you were better than the person you are being but instead you are less. You can talk and insult people but when people show the real you and expose you, you had to hide and pretend like you dont exist. Well I exist and this is real. Also dont anyone go screaming violence or terrorism because I mimicked V on V for Vendetta. The NewChurch.org site even used one of the quotes from him.
38“My mother said I broke her heart...but it was my integrity that was important. Is that so selfish? It sells for so little, but it's all we have left in this place. It is the very last inch of us...but within that inch we are free.” (Alan Moore, V for Vendetta) http://www.newchurch.org/connection/issues/living-authentically/70-quotes.html
I am simply using it in terms to my peaceful revolution and like I said I have no criminal record, In a line from a song by rock band 311 called "Misdirected Hostility" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-suGeDmYfA that goes "I fear no man and I'm unarmed" I dont carry guns, weapons, if I have to fight I will do it hand to hand as I was trained. I prefer use words and revolutions of the mind to fight my battles. Intelligence is always a greater tool when it is used before we have to resort to the physical. So all those who think this is a bluff and I am just an arm chair activist I am not I am out on the frontlines and I have friends worldwide willing to help me spread this message of selfishness, hate, hurt, and self love the New Church teaches. I want Rachel Myatt to know that there is consequences for things that you do. She chose to speak ill of my dead mother, of me, and disrespect me on the highest level when all I did was love her and her child and her family. Christians don't act like that and when they do they admit when they make a mistake and go to the others and make peace. Hiding from something like that Rachel can do it all day long but I have the right to put it out in the open and she would rather it affect and hurt lots of other people than confront it, end it, and be a woman. God Bless ALL
Monday, August 27, 2012
I Have The Power To Make Things Happen: Absolutes Are Evil
Sunday, August 26, 2012
I Am Not Afraid: Why I have not distributed a lot of Newsletters.
Dear Readers, It has come to my attention that many people read this and think I am bluffing about the newsletters or the campaign. They couldnt be farther from the truth. Just because I haven't sent the ones out to the New Church does not mean I am not out there spreading the word. I also want to point out that I really do love Rachel and I am waiting for her to end the silence and understand that I truly care about her and none of this is to hurt her. It is to show a doubting person that if you truly love someone that you will do whatever is necessary to show them that. This is different from obsession, infatuation, or just being someone who harrasses others. I do love Rachel Myatt with all my heart and the whole time I have written this blog it has supposed to be a tribute to that love. It has become so much more. By September 9th the day Rachel abandoned me there will be ample proof of my newsletter all over the place. I feel that God put me in a place to wait for Rachel to respond in the next week and a half before I put anymore out there and I feel someone will find it in their heart from the New Church to see the love I have for Rachel and things might be different. Rachel Myatt I love you for all you are but most of all I love you because you are my sister in Christ. I love God so therefore I love you and I put Him first in all of this. This also is an attempt to let other Christians and people in the New Church to reflect that we are all trying to achieve a similar goal and that is to help guide as many people to Christ as possible. I used the song "The Trees" by Rush which can be interpreted in many ways but the way I am using it here is that why would Children of God constantly bicker and worry about who is right and who is wrong when there are so many that are hurting and need to find their way to Him. When we stand united even in our differences we are truly living God's Word. I have very few earthly possessions left besides my car and clothing. I left the majority of what is valuable to my friends and to Rachel and Jonathan in my will. I am ready to give my heart to God fully now and I am not afraid. New Church are you ready to make peace and love me like I love you? It is your free will.
Tomorrow I will be attending one of the longest running U.S. Touring Festival that will be about 18 to 20,000 people in my area and I will be distributing my story and telling about the New Church to people. See if you can guess who the band is here is a hint LP lets just say they are huge. I can reach a lot of people.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Disarming For Spiritual Warfare : To Pastor Derrick Lumsden and the Church of the New Jerusalem
Dear Readers,
"If you cant remember the good in your brother, ask another!" So goes the refrain in the song "Disarm" by the Mynabirds fronted by musician Laura Burhenn.
This is a response to about a month or so ago to Pastor Lumsden of the Westville New Church Congregation belittling Contemporary Christian Music. I want to use both the band and the song by Sixpence None the Richer called Paralyzed as an example to him and others in the New Church. This is a song about war and the damage that it can do on our personal lives. I feel the song represents not only physical war but emotional and spiritual war. Also they are a faith based band and this is a very sad and harrowing song. Not the kind of song that most faith based bands do with such passion. Also since many members of the New Church are fans of C.S. Lewis I want to take the time to explain the origin of their name. Singer Leigh Nash puts it plainly.
It comes from a book by C. S. Lewis called Mere Christianity. A little boy asks his father if he can get a sixpence—a very small amount of English currency—to go and get a gift for his father. The father gladly accepts the gift and he's really happy with it, but he also realizes that he's not any richer for the transaction. C.S. Lewis was comparing that to his belief that God has given him, and us, the gifts that we possess, and to serve Him the way we should, we should do it humbly—realizing how we got the gifts in the first place.—Leigh Nash
I am very proud Pastor Lumsden that not only do I listen to this kind of Christian music but that I am open to faith based music of all different sorts and dont limit myself to some narrow utopic version of what I think music should be.
Spiritual Warfare and the Rachel Myatt factor in the New Church
Pastor Lumsden this blog was inspired by your foray into Love and Unconditional love. As you know by now or can tell I do read and listen to a lot of New Church sermons and l study the Bible from 1-3 hours almost everday. I am preparing for spiritual warfare against the New Church and that is the tough love that and drawing the line of love I have that Pastor Malcolm G. Smith of the Westville congregation mentions in this sermon. http://www.newchurchaudio.org/event/21168/
I love Rachel and Jonathan with all my heart my dear readers but there is one that I love more than that and it is Jesus Christ. He is the one who gives me the gift of love and His Word and His love is why I continue to press on. You see the reason that this is happening is because no one else would call Rachel on the way she treated people and her family thought it was cute and coddled her mistreatment of others. I love her so much I was willing to start this blog and make it personal yet informative. I was willing to call Rachel Myatt out on her evil ways because she is my sister in Christ. Most of all I have not backed down no matter what because I know that serving God and doing what is right comes before any of these earthly people who put me down, lie, and ridicule me. Why is this happening and why does Rachel have to hide? She knows what she did and said was terrible and so I put it out in the open. I came to both Pastor Glenn and Rachel and other clergy but to them it was all something that they thought would just go away. I am about to launch something that is radical, loving, and will show Rachel without a doubt how much I love her and Jonathan even if she treats me like an enemy and her actions almost destroyed me. The unconditional love I speak of Pastor Lumsden is the kind that Jesus talked about. The kind that knows no boundaries. I urge you to go back and read this blog about Unconditional Love I wrote in March. http://iloverachelmyatt.blogspot.com/2011/11/message-to-dawson-creek-new-church.html
I am doing what I am doing because if someone doesnt stand up to Rachel she will keep hurting people men in general and keep using her faith as an excuse. By me bringing this to the attention of the Church, letting her family know I am serious, and not letting her hide by making this public maybe Rachel will change how she treats people and realize the damage that has been done. I did not do this to humiliate her. I honestly, truly, and deeply love Rachel and I will and have never loved a person like her again. Of all the people I have made peace Rachel is the one that matters the most that it happens. So I am asking her publicly to lay down your arms and reconcile with me. I love you sister. I am at war with the Church of the New Jerusalem, Rachel and the Myatt Family, Pastor Coleman Glen on the merit of doctrine, kindness, love, and freedom of expression.
Ephesians 6:13-18
Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.
14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
I am going to stand up to the New Church peacefully through spoken word, writing, and the internet and Rachel will see what the fruits of her evil deeds sowed. The person she hurt became very strong and was so humble and all he ever wanted was to love her. I will not back down from telling the truth and I will have my ears to the ground for anything the New Church says. I do love you all as my brothers and sisters in Christ but I am also not a doormat and you dont use any religious doctrine especially a Christian based one to put down , belittle, or hurt someone that loves you. By me telling my story Pastor Lumsden not only does it force the New Church to deal with how they present things to others it makes Rachel realize that she has been selfish and that she spent so much time loving herself instead of looking at the gift of friendship and love she had in me. She squandered that for foolish pride and arrogance and she even said I wanted her to save me. In the end that is the statement that made me realize that through determination, prayer, and God's guidance that I needed to do what I am doing and I will not back down.
If anyone truly sees the love and Reconciliation that I believe in then they can email me at futureperfect1@gmail.com if you are just going to haggle me and give me reasons that you think I am wrong I will read it and just discard your message. If you can read through these 400 blogs and see how much I truly love Rachel and Jonathan and understand how much she hurt me then I welcome your reply. I am not afraid of being honest and I have held back nothing from anyone on this blog. If you dont reply then just pray that Rachel and I reconcile. All I want for Christmas 2012 like I did for the past 3 years is to make peace with Rachel and have her in my heart again and I in hers. Rachel Myatt you are my best friend and if I have to continue to make a spectalcle of this I will not because I want to hurt you but because God loves us both so much and He loves me enough that He gave me a reason to keep living even when I was down and that was to love you even if you hurt me. I love you and Jonathan sweetheart and I will never stop.
God Bless ALL
The Selfish Nature I Encountered from the Church of The New Jerusalem
- This blog is about how being selfish infringes on other peoples happiness. A lot of people read this and think why doesnt this guy just get over this girl. It is not that simple and there is a lesson that not only Rachel has to learn but the Church of the New Jerusalem as a whole willl have to look inward and realize. Selfishness and love of self is not charitable and it does not bring good. I have to bring this point out into the open after all that has happened. The first song above is by Aimee Mann it is called "Going Through The Motions" it is because of how Rachel played with me and pretended to want to be with me and lied about everything. It is also about how Pastor Coleman Glenn made excuses for Rachel's behavior and how its ok for her to have a free will to treat me as such and how he and others tried to make me out into some villain for simply reacting to the evil that was done to me. The second song is "Wrecking Yard" by Switchblade Symphony" whic is about helping the less fortuanate or those who are down. Coleman Glenn just got engaged to be married so I want to point out the hypocrisy of happiness there. Do I not deserve the same to be happy? All I ever wanted was to be married and live a life in the Lord with someone and I never deserved to have anyone lie about it play games with me or destroy my love or my heart. I am sorry Church of the New Jerusalem but I am going to have to expose your Pastor because of the way he acted toward me along with others. I had nothing but respect for Pastor Glenn and others but never once did anyone care about me having any happiness, no one cared that my mother died, and no one cared about me having any love or support and didnt care about Rachel's mistreatment, lies, or abuse of a relationship. I have every right to say what I am saying and it is freedom of speech. I am not here to slander but to relegate truths and to not only show Rachel how much damage and harm she has done but also to get Pastor Glenn to see his double standard that he held against me. I also want to let Jane Myatt or whoever in the Myatt family who put it into Rachel's head that I was mentally ill know that you are a very hateful and sick person that would say that towards a grieving person. I loved Rachel so much and I sacrificed so much at the time just to come be with her. I was devasted that she would say such things. I also want to point out that that December I was called to Jury Duty. In the United States people who are mentally ill or have mental problems are not allowed to participate in Jury Duty because they are deemed not of right mind to make sound judgement. I have never been diagnosed with any mental illness other than being stressed out after Rachel pulled the stunt she did. What she did changed my life and the way the Pastors and New Church Clergy reacted in my opinion was biased and horrible. The saddest part is that I have strived for Reconciliation and Love and you put Rachel's own selfish desire above that of someone who follows Christ most meaningful parts of His ministry. Rachel thought she could just brush me under the rug uses me, I would just go away, and everything would go back to normal. She has destroyed my life with the way she treated me by playing with something so sacred and dear to me and that was the need to be loved. All the New Church Pastors who replied to me with the exception of Pastor Glenn had families so if Coleman was courting he was being even more of a hypocrite. He should have understood that what Rachel did was very wrong, it was selfish, it was inconsiderate, and it was more than just some mistake it was all about her. She never thought about the damage that it would do to me and my family. All she thought about was herself and how she wanted out of the situation and how she could do it to best benefit her. When I looked her in the eyes and asked her if she wanted to be with me that was her moment to be truthful. Instead she waited till she didn't have to look me in the eye, till she could just text and pretend like I never existed and I even have the messenger conversation where she said she just wanted to get rid of me without a care. How selfish, horrible, and vain she is. She then mocked me online in my pain and said that love was a game. I was heartbroken and hurting more than I ever did in my life. Now that I want to tell this story and peacefully expose Rachel, Pastor Glenn, and her family people want to get all defensive. I have every right too. You cant sue a person for telling the truth and you cant call libel or slander if that person has proof. I have proof of our relationship, I have pictures, this blog is a testament to my hurt and the things that happened. I have been more than generous in telling the internet about my life and struggles I am not afraid. If Rachel and the Myatt family have a problem with me divulging information of a true story they can come to me. I still have the same phone number, they can reach me at the same address, and there is an email attatched to this blog. If Pastor Glenn has a problem with me contrasting my situation and pointing out his hypocrisy and using his current relationship status with how he treated me and my love for Rachel then he can come to me but I am not backing down. A servant of God should have never said or acted the way he did toward me and by all counts he is just as much to blame for this campaign as Rachel and so is Pastor Cooper because he kept throwing it back at Pastor Glenn because he felt that I was insignifigant and that I didnt matter. Well know it will matter and so just know that not only am I telling this story and sharing this information but it is not just with your Church it is with other Christians and people of different faiths. I have all the proof and all the emails and everything well documented so no one can say I am just on here lying and making up things to injure and insult people. Each time Coleman Glenn blogs or says something that is a chance for me to freely speak on it or anyone from the New Church. Pastor Lumsden in South Africa said you were trying to protect the culture you created and that sounds cultish to me. If you are trying to spread the Word of God then you need not be secretive and you need to be open and honest with people. Most of the people in the New Church dont want to listen to others. They want to shout there doctrine without comparing and contrasting to what others have to say. The only way people can truly learn from each other is communication and sometimes that means to agree to disagree. I never had that with Rachel I tried to learn and wanted to worship with her but both she, her family, and her faith turned me away and then she wondered why people said that they could not believe in God the way she did or that what they did was Satanic. God would never act selfishly the way people I have encountered in the Church of the New Jerusalem have toward my situation and the accusation that Rachel and her family made toward me. I just want to point out this. Making the claim someone is mentally ill is no joke that has all sorts of implications in society and it can hurt a persons reputation, their pride, and self esteem. Saying that about a person who is in mourning or grieving is even worst because while they may not be in the best shape or frame of mind you don't know and cannot begin to discern what that person is going through. Rachel took that for granted and only thought about her own selfish needs wants and desires. So Rachel, Myatt Family, and Pastor Glenn today I am printing out copies of this blog and sharing them with people and sending them to Churches because I felt deeply hurt and disappointed this whole time by they way you all have reacted and I am no longer going to pretend I owe you the kindness of not putting this out in the open. I offered to make peace with you by phone(I bought a phone seperate from my own cell and left the number on this blog just in the hopes someone would call me), by travel, and by any means necessary and it all fell on deaf ears so any discomfort or public humiliation you recieve from this it was on you. I am just a man telling a story because you were too scared to act on the peace, love, and reconcilation that Christ wants us to have. This was the Selfish Nature I Encountered from the Church of the New Jerusalem. I had nothing but love and respect for Rachel, her family, and her Church and I leave you with how much I love God and how much I loved them so no one can ever say I didn't honestly want peace with them. Here is an earlier blog I wrote about this love and reconciliation. http://iloverachelmyatt.blogspot.com/2011/11/message-to-dawson-creek-new-church.html
God Bless ALL
Friday, August 24, 2012
I Love You Unconditionally No Matter What Rachel Myatt.
Dear Rachel and Myatt Family,
I remember when Rachel and I realized we loved and cared about each other I sent her these two songs. Rachel Myatt you are my best friend and my sister in Christ and as hurt and upset as I have been I still love you and Jonathan with all my heart. I wanted just to take the time to say I love you today without all the other things. I also want to say if you think I am crazy, you want to make fun of me and call me a stalker or harrasser or anything mean like that, its fine. I know Im a good man and that I have done nothing but believe and love you. Others have treated me like that too and you know what? They were the ones who apologized because I followed Christ example of loving others even when it seemed we couldnt. I could hate you, I could have sought revenge on you and for awhile that was in my mind, please know this campaign has been because I love you and your family not to humilate you. It was to show you that no matter what I was true to you as a friend and as someone who loved you and that I was the man who would have never given up on you and Jonathan. It because that is all God ever wanted me to do and it was my mothers last prayer and wish for me. Love Rachel, Love the Myatts. If you want to sue me for believing in your Rachel, if you want to ignore me and never make peace with me then that is on your soul and your conscious. I love you and Jonathan with all my heart and truth is not a day goes by when I dont miss you. I am only going to say God bless you and your whole family today and how much I love you all. You were my best friend and I still believe in the good in you and Christ love and that is why I persist.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
To The Church Of The New Jerusalem Clergy: Integrity to the Cause, No Stopping the Fight
Round 1
- Integrity, The New Church just put up on their site 70 quotes on Integrity, about a 3rd of them are from Swedenborg or the Bible. No Surprize! The remaining ones I applaud. http://www.newchurch.org/connection/issues/living-authentically/70-quotes.html There is one quote I am fond of and it is the one I want the Church of the New Jerusalem to know. Even though Rachel put me down and your Pastor's, Reverends, and Assistant Bishop just took me as a bunch of hot air and didnt take me seriously I am very seriously. I dedicate this song "Alright, Alright(Heres My Fist, Wheres the Fight) to all of you who persecuted me and put me down especially Rachel. My campaign is real and I will not back down and it is going to reach hundreds of 100,000s oh and the quote I want you to remember. I was from one of the great African American revolutionaries. Fredrick Douglas who said this “I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence.” That is the way I feel about it New Church Clergy? You can run and claim I am evil, you can try to make me into a villian, you can run and play the scared white people race card and claim I am harrassing you. That is what people do when they are too cowardly to face the consequences of what they did or what they said much like Rachel and the Myatt family have done. It will make you look small. I have never been violent, been diagnosed as mental patient and I always try to use letters, the internet, or words as my swords and weapons. I have never even shot a gun. I have nothing but love for anybody but if you dont respect me you dont get respect and neither Rachel, Pastor Glenn nor any of you other people respected me. So I will press on and continue to tell the true story of how you treat other Christians and use your doctrine to put down others. I will continue to stand my ground.
Namaste , God Bless and Peace Be with you All
I Would Have Left Well Enough Alone If......................But You Chose Lying and Deception over love Rachel
I wanted to start my blog off today with this video because this video is the real deal. This a woman who knows the heartfelt truth about lying. She knows the consequences it has and pain it can cause. This blog is about causing others pain and not being responsible for our actions or thinking they have consequences. Want me to go away confront me! Apologize, Reconcile. Do the right thing!!!!
- Dear Readers,
In the past year and a half I have stood by this blog religiously. I also stand by the things I say on here even when they are harsh and hurtful. I want to point out why this blog is still going. Rachel lied, she slandered me, and she hurt my family by her actions. Rachel's family was probably part of it to but the responsibility falls solely on Rachel Myatt. I loved Rachel and her son Jonathan like they were my own body. I wanted Jonathan to be my son just as much as he were my own flesh because I loved his mother so. She made horrible accusations about me being sick and mentally ill, she said ill things toward my dead mother, and most of all she said that she would deny that we were ever together and if I said anything no one would believe me. She even told me if I had gotten her pregnant she would never let me see the baby or never even let me know I had a kid and this was before I was with her. What kind of person is that cruel and evil and yet someone loved her unconditionally, her child, wanted to love her and her family also but she would be so unkind, unloving, and uncaring to me. I want to speak on a few things that were addressed in the video above.
- 1. Ruining Peoples Lives. Rachel never thought about how many lives her lies would ruin or touch. She not only hurt and ruined my love, my perception of women, but she made fun of my love of God when I never did anything but study and try to understand her. She is very selfish and I say that because its true. She only thinks of herself. If she truly cared she would have come to me a year ago and said Brother I am sorry for treating you like you did can we make peace. She doesn't care how it affects Jonathan, her family, her siblings, her church and most of all herself. She sure didnt care about how what she said and did affected me and my family. I don't seek revenge or vengeance because that is wrong and I have had to fight that but God is showing not only Rachel and her family but the Church of the New Jerusalem a lesson in humility and that was and is how this blog came to be and still is. God inspired me to do this as a means to not only cope with the hurt and the evil Rachel bestowed on me but to help me grow in strength not to hate others and give up on the great love He gave me but to grow with more love in my heart.
- 2. Religious Bigotry and Pastor Coleman Glenn, I want to say this. If I met him in real life I would probably think Coleman Glenn was cool person but it is his discernment and his judgement that I do not agree with. I am sorry if my blog has sounded like an attack on you at anytime and it is, an attack to get you to confront the demons and fallacies within your church, within your flock. I never said I was perfect but you missed a key opportunity to turn someone to the Lord and they had come looking to not only Rachel and the Myatt family but to you. When I was broken and hurting and then to have someone who said they loved you and were there for you to destroy you like Rachel did. Her Pastor then comes along and makes excuses and throws rhetoric at you like your opinion and your voice dont matter. You made it seem Coleman that only Rachel's happiness mattered not the fact that I am human too and that Rachel was the one who was at fault. I never lied to her, I was honest, I told her everything, and I gave her a way out. She chose to lie to me, she chose to be cruel when she didnt get her way, and she chose to tear me down. You in turn did the same thing and I as a Christian expect more from Clergy especially if I come to someone in confidence that is not of the faith I prescribe to. Do you realize all the people who I have shared this with that now have a negative perception of the Church of the New Jerusalem. You had a hand and that and as a Pastor you are supposed to bring people to the Church not turn them away. If one person in your flock is sick and need to be healed then they need to be tended to and Rachel helped and is still spreading this sickness. You say you are of Good and Truth. You say you are of Charity. Where is Jesus ministry of Reconciliation? Why would Rachel rather this be out in the open then to address me personally? Why would she rather have you and others pulled into this? It is because she knows what she has done is wrong and she is embarrased and she is too prideful and has no humility enough to say she was wrong in anything. She even told me she teaches Jonathan not to say he is sorry or apologize. I on the other hand. I will admit to some of the harsh things I said and I am sorry to both you, her, and the Church but that does not take either you, Rachel, or the Church away from the lens as a Christian that you have publicly been put under because of Rachel and I will continue to expouse those truths. I want to point on some of your religious bias and bigotry really quick by using one of your blogs from 2008 and this is about how you came to believe. You mocked my love for Rachel and how God brought me to this and I used the analogy a long time ago that you can no less mock me being called by God as God called you to the laity. God did bring me to this place as a wake up call to the New Church and my work has just begun. You have a place in it too, you can choose to make things right and reach out to me with Rachel and right wrongs, put Jesus reconciliation first, and forgiveness be had or you can sit back and pretend like I am just an armchair protester and watch as my message about how the New Church treats other Christians which is your and others Pastors words reach the masses through my grassroots efforts. The following is from your blog "Being Honest With Myself" http://theolog.wordpress.com/2008/10/24/being-honest-with-myself/
I think everyone comes to a point where they realize that “if they were honest with themselves” – that is, if they looked at their heart – they would realize they didn’t believe in God. This doesn’t mean that everyone lets go of their intellectual faith, or their willingness to “stick with” their religion. But the fact is, faith only exists where there’s charity, and we don’t start with charity. We can have enough faith to keep following the path that will lead to real faith, but we come to a point where we realize that our faith is basically just historical.
Some people decide at this point to start being honest with themselves. And because at their heart they don’t actually believe in God, they feel like a weight has been lifted off their shoulders when they reject faith, because it was artificial – they were lying to themselves when they said they believed. And some of them assume because of this that everyone who has faith is deceiving themselves. Because that had been their experience of faith. Still, I think many people come to this state and then later do come to see God in an honest way. But others start to see this state as the only truly reasonable one and back up their positions with arguments and set themselves firmly in this state.
But other people don’t take this step, and there are those who do take this step who decide to at least be open to the idea of God . And some of these people come to a place where they keep learning, they keep trying, and then at some point or another, they see God. They have a sense of incredible awe from the order in the universe – that we live in a universe with structure and rules. Or they actually feel the unfathomable miracle that a baby can be born. Or they realize just how incredibly real love is – and they realize that the love they feel must be from something (well, Someone) much bigger than themselves. We have moments where we realize that if we are honest with ourselves, we completely believe in God. And we realize that this belief, this sight, is much truer, much clearer, much more alive than our old “honesty with ourselves.” Our faith is not a construction; our faith is the rock that everything else is constructed on.
- So What Coleman? God didnt come to me to love Rachel because it wasn't with New Church Guidelines? God isnt' with me in my attempt to show Rachel that love, reconciliation, and peace is what I believe in. I am not the one who lied to people. I am not the one who tried to hide. When we do evil and try to hide from it we know we are the ones at fault. Truth be told about 4 days after Rachel said all the things she said she tried to take down a lot of the pictures and sites on the internet she had put up. It wasnt until I started this blog and a friend of mine who wrote you went on her youtube page and called her out on things that she took down that site. She knew she was being evil 6 months before I ever put up this blog. See there are cold hard facts, there are telephone text messages, email, messenger conversations, and all sorts of things I could do to destroy Rachel and any credibility she has but instead I have kept those to a very bear minimum only putting up a couple to let you see how much she said she loved me and how she then hatefully turned her back on me. I have heard you Pastor Glenn, Pastor Lumsden, and a couple of other Pastors say that God is not with me. See that is the problem with you thinking that God has been with me the whole time and it is people who judge others ability to see and find God who God is not truly with. I am going to quickly touch on your Engagement to Anne, Coleman. Think about me being in love with Rachel as much as you are with Anne. I built a friendship with Rachel a long distance one at that. I was faithful to her, I was loyal, I kept my promises, she even got a promise ring, and I wanted nothing more to love her and her son. You dont even have a child to worry about just you and Anne. I was willing to give up my whole life here leave my family, my friends behind, and give myself to the Lord and worship with Rachel because God loved me and allowed me to see that love in Rachel no matter how much she doubted herself because she is full of insecurities and self doubt. I have some too but not to the point where I have to put others down. I doubt she truly believes in what the New Church has to offer because she uses it as an excuse to alienate and hurt others. That is a form of bigotry and you are the Pastor of a Church and it reflects on not only Rachel's family upbringing but you as an administor and counseler of doctrine. Now back to my point about you and Anne. Rachel lied to me, said she loved me, and put herself in a situation where she wasn't truthful. She gave me false hope when I asked her to tell me the truth and I was ready to be rejected if she didnt want to be with me. Instead all she thought about was herself and how if she waited till I came home she didnt have to face me. That was selfish, it was self loving, and it was unfair to me. I was completely in love with her and Jonathan and not only was I ready to see her again she spent two days after that telling me how much she loved me. Imagine two days after you got engaged Anne turning to you, saying she cant be with you, telling you you are damaged, messed up, and you are sad. Imagine your mother Hilary having just died and where you thought you had support and people who loved you, you had no one. Imagine not being close to your father and your brother though you were close to him he was away dealing with it his own way. Imagine your mother blessing all of Anne's family on her deathbed and telling you to just go love and live your life then having Anne just crush you. Do you know see the damage that Rachel caused to not only my family, but her family, and to the Church. Do you realize that damage that you as a Pastor have done to me because I was at your doorstep and instead of just show love and compassion you felt the need to defend Rachel's evil actions to make yourself seem doctrinally sound? The reason I attack you on your points is because you are very hypocritical. I deserve to be happy just like everyone else and when someone like Rachel comes along, lies on the scale that she does, and then you just expect me to bend over and take it and go on with life. I would have left well enough alone like I do with most rejections but what she did was worst than rejection. She claimed to want me then take it away like an indian giver and then be cruel and evil about things and make false allegations about my mental state and character. So here I am pointing out both her character and yours and though I have never met you, I am going on what you write and how you respond to me and it has been self serving.
I just want everyone to think about why I am doing this, Rachel, Myatt Family, New Church this is happening because Rachel has a problem lying. She has a problem with not expressing her true feelings, she is emeshed in the family so much and spends so much time around kids she doesn't know how to interact with adults around her that are not family or within the Church who are basically all family too. If you do not get out of a comfort zone to grow you become prejudiced, bigoted, and never truly see the world for as big of a place as it is. I was not Rachel's expirement I was a man and still am a man who loves Rachel and Jonathan very much and I hope that this blog today will prompt Rachel to seek reconcilation and help Pastor Glenn and other New Church clergy to realize I am not backing down and I have just begun my work. If they want to ignore me as a little pebble that is fine because something small can grow into something great just like faith in God.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Strike Me Down : I Will Only Become Stronger(To the Church of the New Jerusalem)
- Dear Readers,
Rachel, her family, and the New Church dont really know how to percieve this situation. They never thought that this would last this long. See what I wanted Rachel to know is that you can treat people cruel, you can lie to them, you can betray them, and you can be selfish and it all comes back to you. I may not have the best life but I have a lot of love and people who believe in me. Rachel has affected her families life, Pastor Glenn's life, her Church, and lots of other people. People have been touched by the love I have had for Rachel. My belief and undying call to action to reconcilate. I do truly love Rachel but I want to make this clear. I am not obsessed with her, If she doesn't ever reconcile with me it is her loss and it makes my points valid about some of the things I have pointed out about her and the New Church. I am not on her to slander I am her to seek truth, I am her to let someone know that even though they kicked me in the teeth, rolled me in the dirt, and left me for dead I am still here and stronger than ever. Rachel you are the one that has to hide. You are the one who has to look over your shoulder, Pastor Glenn it is you who defended such things and tried to make valid the actions that Rachel took as a twisting of good. Evil is evil period especially when it is premeditated. Rachel had time to think about what she was going to do and she was impulsive and wreckless. I had time to think about things to and if she didnt want me in her life I gave her a way out amicably and she wanted to take the selfish, inconsiderate, put herself first road. Now look at the verbal and emotional damage it has caused. On September 9th two years to the day Rachel abandoned me I will lauch my "Love those who Persecute and Put You Down Campaign" aimed at Rachel Myatt, the Dawson Creek New Church, and Pastor Coleman Glenn and it will be a story and examples of where they could of reached out to me and how much I loved them and how they just ignored me. So for anyone of the New Church who is reading this. I only believed in love and reconcilation. Ask yourself what kind of Pastor is Pastor Glenn and what kind of person Rachel Myatt is if someone tried to make peace with her after such disregard for other people and claim to be of Good and Charity. Ask yourself Pastor Coleman Glenn since you are newly engaged how much you love Anne and imagine me loving Rachel that much and her playing with my love for her and Jonathan then think about how you treated me as a Pastor. Imagine someone not only ripping your heart out but using God in vain to put you down and belittle you especially in a grieving state. Doesn't sound like a very loving or sensitive Pastor to me? I am taking you to task on that and if you dont like it so be it. You have no problem with putting down my love and you basically condoned ok Rachel's evil toward me and my family. If you got a problem with me then you know my email but otherwise your relationship and how you are hypocritical towards others is being dealt with on a grand scale and maybe your superiors should look into getting a Pastor better suit to deal with spiritual warfare, kindness, compassion, and being a servant of God. I will hold back nothing and I will send my message to any where I please because I want the Church of the New Jerusalem to know how they touched my heart.
- Freedom Is What You Do With What's Been Done To You - SARTRE
All I ever did was love you and accept you and your faith and your child Rachel? Ask yourself are you going to sit back and continue to hurt people and let me use my freedom as conduit against the New Church or are you going to show me that the New Church is so much more than that? You hide when I am out in the open not afraid and your silence speaks volumes of your character. You can put others down but you cannot deal with the consequences of anything you do. It saddens me because I believed in your strength and it was one reason I loved you.
- I Do Not Know What I Did Rachel Myatt to ever be Punished for loving you. I never asked my mother to pass away. I gave you all of me even when I was grieving and I loved you and your family and the fact you treated me the way you did and you or your family would say the evil things about my mental state when I believe you love me. Well you have no one but yourself to blame for all that is being said because I have only reacted to the way you treated me and continue to treat me.
Loving Rachel and The Myatt Family Radically : Against All Odds
2 Corinthians 5:17-19
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[a] The old has gone, the new is here! 18 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. God Bless ALL
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
I Will Never Hate Rachel / Keeping True to Your Word and Not Crying Wolf
Dear Readers,
- I will and never have hated Rachel Myatt. I feel strongly about what she did but I am doing what I am doing because I love her. The song above is called "I Could Never Hate You" its about true friendship and love and that is how I feel about Rachel. I just wish she would look into her heart and see that too. I was blessed to know these sisters and call them friends. They were inspirations to me and everytime they came to town I was at their shows. I think on my myspace page there is still a picture of Lisa one of the twins and I? Rachel ask me one time after seeing that picture how she would compete since I knew all these beautiful women. I said because I was in love with her and no other woman would and hasn't and never will mean as much as you do Rachel. I just want you to know that lies just keep on growing and snowballing but truth and light those are honest and give way for forgiveness, reconcilation, and peace. I am not lying about the information I am spreading I have just been cautious and tried to not let it come to that but since you wont hear me on a private level I am going to take it to a level of publicity that will make you notice. All I can say is I love you Rachel Myatt and by next week What I have to say will be widely available. I would rather you and I talked this out and put all this to the side as friends but you want to be my enemy and you dont want to admit you ever did anything wrong. Keep telling yourself that lie and see how many people you will hurt and draw into the lies web. I love you and Jonathan with all my heart Rachel Myatt but this time I cannot hold back and not say anything.
Memo to the Church of the New Jerusalem : Revolution Rising
To The Church of the New Jerusalem,
- Rachel Myatt and her respective family, Pastor Coleman Glenn and any other New Church Pastors, Reverends and other representatives who put me down. I am as of this day not afraid to tell my story and I am not going to hold back. I am going to make others aware of your organization. I am going to tell people of how many of you stood up for (Rachel's evil behavior which she is free to have practiced) toward me and my family. I am not afraid to expose Pastor Glenn's hypocrisy or any that any of the other Pastor's may have directed toward me. Fact is I came to you as as a brother in Christ. I came to Rachel Myatt as a best friend and I believed in her and she tore me down because of what your faith teaches and I am not only going to expose that on a daily basis to others but I want others to know how you run your organization to keep certain people out as so coyly put by a Pastor in South Africa. You dont want people to worship with you you want to control peoples thought and that is cultlike and it is not loving or Christian. You put people down if they don't think a certain way and ridicule others but when someone brings the fight to you, you act all dumbfounded. If you don't like what I say then sue me. I have the freedom of speech and freedom of expression and I will use your comments to me and anything that you have said as background and basis for my presentation. I will use social media, hand written campaigns, and whatever legal means to tell a story and I am no longer holding back and though I have had mercy and tried to make peace and resolution with this I can no longer afford to do this. Rachel, her family, and certain members of the New Church Clergy could have stopped this but instead they were arrogant, insensitive, and basically mocked me. I have no regret in what I am doing and I am a peaceful man. I have no criminal record, I wish no one any harm except to speak my voice, and I wanted to end this matter privately between Rachel, the Myatts, and maybe Pastor Glenn but that fell on deaf ears because they felt that they could do as they please in life and there not be any consequences. So to the Church of the New Jerusalem worldwide, go ahead and ignore me because as of today there is a silent revolution that will involve your teachings and I am free to express it. You kept laughing and ignoring me and I am going to believe in myself, put God first. Remember David and Goliath. You stand as some Goliath and laugh at me with your high and lofty attitude and I tried to be humble, make peace, and resolve this in person. My little stone or pebble will expose you now. I dont claim to be a prophet or speak in the name of God for doing this. I am driven by His love to let others know how you use His name in vain , shun and put down others, and use faith for your own selfish gain and claim to be of charity, good, and truth. I am sorry Rachel that my friendship, my love, and having you as my sister in Christ was too much to bear. I am sorry if believing in you with all my heart was not good enough. I am sorry you would talk bad about my mother and you and your family would not only abandon me but treat me as mentally ill because I was grieving, most of all I am sorry that you said I didnt love God when I never left you even with your bigoted and hateful actions toward me all the time involving the New Church I still stood by your side and believed in you. I am sorry that The Church of the New Jerusalem participates and spreads such bigotry and hate and these aren't false accusations, or hearsay, this is what really happened despite what Pastor Lumsden thinks. I will be the best man that I can and I am sorry that none of you sought peace with me when I reached my hand out for two years. The rest is on your head now. I dont threaten evil, I wont become some stupid person who does anything violent. I will just put it out there for the world to see by internet, print, and word of mouth and that will be the greatest testment to your unkindness and uncaring Church of the New Jerusalem.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Division Among Christians: Tower of Babel, The New Church Not Accepting Others
I was having a discussion about social and class division the other day with some elder people. We both agreed that racism and bigotry can be traced back to the Tower of Babel. Before that there were different tribes and subdivisions of people on the earth but that was the big change in Human Evolution and communication.
Genesis 11:1-9
New International Version (NIV)The Tower of Babel
11 Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. 2 As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there.3 They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. 4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”
5 But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. 6 The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”
8 So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. 9 That is why it was called Babel —because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.
That is one reason why I am putting my campaign out in the open about the Church of the New Jerusalem. We were all one at one time and they pretend like we are all so different but yet they struggle to be heard and accepted so they take it out on other Christians. I never had anything but love for Rachel and her family I think because Rachel's mother didnt truly sit down and discuss religion with me she may have thought that we could not get along religiously. I also never asked to be born different from Rachel it is just a fact of life. My best friends in the world are a white guy, a pakistani guy, and a white girl and I treat them like brother and sister as family. Rachel was my best friend and my sister in Christ so why would I want to do anything but love her as my own flesh. I love Rachel so much that I am willing to risk whatever it takes for her to stop ignoring me and if I have to go another year doing things and celebrating that love I will. If you took the time to listen to the song "Subdivisions" by Rush it is about seperation, alienation, and treating others different. You dont know the damage you can do by stereotyping and putting others down. I never look at someone because of their religion, their skin color, or what God gave them as a sexual organ to determine if I could love them. I look at that person and love them for who they are. Black, white, green, guy, girl, muslim, New Church, Bahai(yes one of my dear friends is of that faith and has done ministry) Christian, Catholic, or whatever it may be. I loved Rachel for all she was and it will only make the Church of the New Jerusalem and Rachel look bad if I am telling people how I was treated by a Church who claims to accept others of faith. I will leave you all with this today
Emanuel Swedenborg : All religion relates to life, and the life of religion is to do good- This is a great discussion page I found from a few years back about Swedenborg and I will use these valid points in spreading the word and theology of Emmanuel Swedenborg
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