Dedicated to Rachel Myatt, Pastors James Cooper and Coleman Glenn
(For Using Your Doctrine to Downplay others, For Putting a Man before Christ our Lord, Our God, and for being inconsiderate of someone who was grieving) Your correspondence and your actions are now being put on display. I came to you in peace, in love, and you ignored or scoffed at me and now I have had enough and I no longer seek to find peace with those who treat me as enemies.
Dear Rachel and Readers,
This Blog is Dedicated to Rachel and Pastor Coleman Glenn. This is for doubting my love of God. This is for calling me sick, messed up, damaged, this is for taking advantage of my love and my wanting to have a family. This is for putting me down to others and for lying about all the things we did. As of tomorrow I officially start my month of love to both Rachel and the New Church. I start distributing the essay. Why The Church of the New Jerusalem Thinks You Are Wrong? It is something I had to do especially when Pastor Coleman started talking about how false the teachings are of Catholics and Protestants and how it is found in the Writings and how I never said anything about Swedenborg being wrong and this is coming from me a student and admirer of Thomas Locke. How I never said that his vision of Christianity was wrong but how Rachel and people in the New Church would constantly find flaws with others love yet post up a quote from Swedenborg about "All religion relates to life, and the life of religion is to do good." That is so contradictory from the way I was treated. I am just so tired of the hypocrisy so I finally am releasing everything. I was so full of love for Rachel and I tried to make peace with her but all she and the New Church ever did was make excuses so maybe having others know of that will open their eyes. I no longer care.
This is not an act of Revenge or Retaliation as I have nothing but love for my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. This is a Revelation that will maybe open the eyes of some people in the New Church in terms of Bigotry, Selfishness, Pride, and Acceptance of Others. This is not meant to blast Rachel Myatt it is meant to open her eyes on the way she treats other people, relationships, and just plain decency toward other human beings. I am willing to put all this personal things both private and intimate out there if that is what it takes for Rachel to realize how serious I am. She chose to ignore my pleas for peace and so this is how the story goes.
Everyday in February a new surprize unbeknowst to anyone but me. If there is anyone who can give a reason why I shouldnt do this and that they think things will get better then they better pray for me now because come tomorrow I start the Innundation. This is dedicated to Rachel Myatt, Pastor Coleman Glenn, and Pastor James Cooper. Im sorry that you doubt others love of God and that your way is the only way to love God and you cant see the beauty in others love. Letters to Rachel 2012 the campaign goes on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fact is Readers all I wanted was peace with Rachel Myatt a phone, call, an email something like that would have ended it all. She is too full of pride though to seek any kind of forgiveness, peace, or reconcilation so that is on her. So what I do from here on out is no holds barred and if it embarrases her, makes her feel uncomfortable, or puts her in a light she doesnt want to be in im sorry but I tried the other way and got nothing but grief from Pastors and sympathizers, I showed love, understanding, the beauty of me willing able to just let it go for peace between us. If the New Church instills values that are against such things then I am sorry. I no longer owe Rachel any kindness, mercy, or long suffering and so whatever I put out there the next month is not only truth but it will serve as reminder that in her words "I can do whatever I want to with no consequences"
I wont live my life worried about what she thinks or how it will affect her by telling the truth the window for that has closed. I am not out to trash her but I am also not going to hold back. I will refuse to say ill things about my brothers and sisters in the New Church but I will not hold back how my situation and the people who I encountered acted. I do not hold any bigotry, hate, or racism toward anyone nor do I hold religous prejudice toward anyone. It seems to be something that is taught in The Dawson Creek New Church. I came to both Rachel and the Myatt family with nothing but love and if they knew how much I loved them they would reach out to me. If they took the time to look the letters of love I sent them to Pastor Glenn then maybe they would have thought twice. I am someone who believes one person can make a difference in the world it can either be for evil like some of the dictators and rulers the world it has endured or it can be like the saints and men and women of good will how have truly transformed the world many in the name of Christ. I know I am a good person, I was never mentally ill, I was grieving and I will never forget the way Rachel treated me and how she abandoned me and used the New Church Doctrine to put down my love of God and soiled and destroyed my love for her. So she deserves everything that is coming to her. I gave her a year of love, reaching out, and trying to make peace and if you people in the Church of the New Jerusalem want to make excuses for the beauty of that and want to teach that we should not try to find peace with those we have transgressed with then you are missing the real message Christ had to offer. Think about it What Would Jesus Really Do? Would He hold a grudge against someone or would He say brother or sister I am sorry that we had our differences but I love you and I forgive you. Would He offer His love and friendship to that person no matter what the trangression? What does it truly mean to be Christian if we dont follow the example of Christ, the One who forgives our worst of sins? What is it when we cant look at our brother or sister and lay down our arms and break down the walls of pain and just let love win. That is and has been the reason for this blog and never any other reason but that I love Rachel Myatt regardless of what she did to me and what she said. I don't hate Rachel or wish her harm I hate what she did and what she is doing now. I hate the fact she ruined not just a relationship but a true friendship by being selfish, insecure, and uncaring. I hate that she somehow was taught that it is ok to hurt people and treat them however you want without there being consequences and maybe you believe that God doesn't punish New Church members but there will be judgment for all of us. We as humans punish ourselves with our evil deeds. If someone wrote a blog about me and how much they loved me, if they were willing to believe in me and all I was, if they were willing to overcome all obstacles and never give up on me isnt that a person worth loving. That is what I did for Rachel and she didn't appreciate any of it. So while a lot of your Swedenborgians have said I should just let go or you don't understand my reasoning the reason I don't let go is because of God. Yes I said it God was and always has been a hand in this. It is His love because on my own I would have never accomplished writing this for a year, I am creative but I lose focus on things that don't matter to me. If Rachel Myatt or the Myatt family or The Church of The New Jerusalem cant see the true love in my heart that has been the basis for this whole blog and campaign that I would not give up on loving my sister in Christ and even when I fell short in my words and to anger I still have loved her or wished her no harm only peace, reconciliation, and love. Rachel you were my best friend and was being scared of being loved worth all this. If any man truly loved you besides the love you have of your son, your father, or your brother it is me Rachel. I Byron love you with all my mind, heart, soul, and body. I was broken, bruised, and my will was shattered but I still loved you and Jonathan enough to come be with you even if my mother had just passed away. I can never forget how cruel you were to me and all I did was love you. So for those in the New Church reading this who want to make me the villian think about all I said. I love Rachel Myatt uncondtionally, unwavering, and forever and if she or people of the Church of the New Jerusalem mentallity cannot see that then their message is truly contradictory to what the both the Bible and the Writings teach and that is the basis for my essay.