Dear Readers,
I regretfully and with a sad heart write this blog. There has been nothing in my heart but love for Rachel, her family, and for her faith but the unkindness, uncaring, and disrespect that was shown and continues to be shown to me lead to this. It just seems that people in the Church of the New Jerusalem would rather justify evil instead of find ways to love and find good in their fellow man or woman. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life but one thing that was never a mistake was my love for Rachel Myatt and Jonathan Myatt. I will state my case for what I am about to say and I do this to show how horrible it is to let evil and dark places take over in your heart but because I reached out with love to both Rachel and those around her this is what needs to be done so they fully understand that letting love and rule over evil is the best way.
I Place a Curse on You Rachel Myatt and Any Offspring You May Have(excluding Jonathan) and future relationships, and any chance of love you may have for these reasons. This curse is true and real and was made with a strand of your hair that was on my clothes. I wanted you to know that your evil led to this and I will justify my reasons for this curse.
I Curse you Rachel Myatt first and foremost for ever saying anything hurtful against my mother. My mother loved you and Jonathan and even though she never had any grandchildren of her own she died happy because one of her children was in love and had the hope of bearing children with someone special. She blessed you and your family Rachel and everyday you ignore me and deny me forgiveness and deny me forgiving you, you dishonor that love and blessing.
I Curse you Rachel Myatt for playing with my need and want to be a husband, father, and loving partner in the Lord. I came to you with love, true friendship, and I believed in you. You took it for granted, cursed me, put me down, and ridiculed me. All the mean and hurtful things you said they broke my soul and caused me the greatest pain. You were my best friend and I loved you more than anyone else. I shared with you all my secrets my, pain, my happiness, and I was willing to lay down my life for you and Jonathan. Now I could never love anyone else because of your betrayal and my desire to have a family diminished because of what you did and said to me
I Curse you Rachel so that if you do have anymore offspring they will have troubled lives and cause you great pain in your life. You made fun of me and all my pain and called me damaged, mentally ill, put me down at a time when I was grieving after you said you understood and were there for me. There is a difference between a sadness of losing a parent and truly being unhappy, unstable, and damaged in life. I live everyday giving of myself to others and I will give someone my last dime sometimes and starve if I know they really need it. You meant so much to me and having Jonathan as my stepson and having children with you and you only was all I wanted. The love I have and had for you was for you. It wasnt meant to be thrown away and to be thought I would just find another and God would just magically take care of things for you Rachel it doesnt work that way. You cruelly and evily did and said things to me and you did them with no regret, no remorse, and blindly and for that I curse any children you have and the relationships that will lead to them.
I Curse you Rachel Myatt for saying I didnt love God and for betraying me as a friend, a brother in Christ, and for putting down my love of God when I accepted your love of Him. You were very cruel and self righteous and not loving in that. I never did anything but learn about your love of God you totally rejected and didnt even try to understand mine.
I Curse you Rachel Myatt because I accepted you for all your flaws, imperfections, insecurities, and anything without passing judgement on you but looking into the good in your heart. You could not do the same and it is not just me you spent so much time talking about what was wrong with other people and not enough time examining your own evils.
The only way this Curse can be lifted and it is a Voodoo Curse is for you to make peace with me. I no longer desire a family or children because you messed that up with your lies and your decision to play with my love. In the event of me passing away the Curse will be extended to your decendents for eternity and will be your curse forever. I am sorry that it has led to this but you have led my good heart that loved you so much to this very dark place and though I still love you you have been nothing but cruel to me. This is very real and it is very serious. Only you can change it.
I Place a Curse On You Pastor Coleman Glenn for being unloving and unkind. I will explain my reasons and give my premise for Curse on you.
I Place a Curse on You Coleman Glenn for justifying evil and being uncaring to a person who came to you for help and answers. You were so busy trying to justify Rachel's free will and her right to do evil that you never even cared that my mother died. You were very hypocritical in that when I needed people around me to support me and be there for me and to have someone hurt me and put me down you should have thought about your fellow man and loving your neighbor instead of trying to make yourself look theologically superior. My cause has never been like that I see all humans as equal only God is superior.
I Place a Curse on you Coleman Glenn because it is very hypocritical of someone who had been blessed in facing death and have love around you to not want the same for me and see how the evil Rachel did affected me. You seemed not to want me to triumph and prosper with the true love I had in my heart and even with all the missles and hurt being thrown at me you didnt want love to win you just wanted me to give up and seperate from my love for Rachel and be defeated in everything instead of fight and believe in myself and in God's true love.
Readers these blogs are my reasons for stating this I do not make statements about people to hurt them or belittle them. I just think that Coleman Glenn knows what its like to struggle and wasn't very loving or understanding of what I had been through and as a Pastor it really is a bad thing.
Please read the following Blogs.
It just seems like a total contradiction of what you say to me and what you preach Pastor Glenn
Everyday I would fight this war and want to love Rachel and you would rather I either give in to evil or just let things go and be miserable. You have no idea the things Rachel said to me or the lies she told me. She even tried to deny our relationship but its hard with all the emails and pictures and messenger to ever deny that we were together. That doesnt seem like someone who is loving who tries to hide their evil and indescretion and you judge me for wanting peace with her and to make things right. That is why you are being cursed for treating my loving heart in such away.
I also want to point out two things. It seems you feel that I can just seperate myself from a love that God gave me and for some reason you think that I am not worthy our good enough for the Church of New Jerusalem you also seem to be someone who is classist, racist, and religion elitist and I will say this upon the merrit of you not letting God's love flow beyond all boundaries because of what you said in your last blog. If you dont see the beauty in people crossing lines of divide to love other then you don't even see the true beauty of Christ reason for dying for us and I expected more from a pastor and servant of God. The first point I will make is from your recent blog. I used this the other day but I took a second look and it has more meaning as it has applied to our conversations.
From Pastor Coleman Glenn's Sermon "Waiting On The Lord"
"For example: imagine a person who loves the Lord’s promise of true marriage love – that a man can leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two become one flesh
(Genesis 2:24). He does what the Lord asks: prays for a true marriage, shuns lusts as sins against the Lord. But years of waiting turn into decades. And he feels lonely, and more and more hopeless. Things are getting worse, not better. The promise is not coming true. So he decides to settle –
it doesn’t matter who it is, he just wants to be married. And so he marries a woman whom he does not love, who has completely different values from him, a completely different faith. And over time, the man finds that there is a deep seated coldness between him and his wife. He finds that in impatiently trying to get rid of his own loneliness, he’s become more lonely than he was before he was married – just as Saul lost the kingdom by desperately trying to hold onto it."
The part in red is the part I want to you to take a look at Coleman. I never wanted to be married to just anyone. I fell in love with Rachel because of what I thought were her Godly values. I wanted to worship with her even though I was of a different faith. I was open and ready to learn so not only did Rachel turn me away but it seems in the way you talk that you turn away others that are different than you just because they are different and that has been the whole basis for this blog. Rachel said she could accept me and be with me and our differences and then all the sudden instead of take the time and learn about what our strengths, differences, and things we had in common she just abandoned me and lied about things when she did it. You talk about wanting others to accept your faith well how can people if you are teaching in your doctrine not to love or accept others in your life who think different than you. It is that thought process and doctrine that probably made Rachel think that we could not be compatible because of what she was taught at church. I can pull up many conversation where she and I talked about this and I was eager to learn. I crossed all boundaries to love her and nothing but God's love lead me there.
I will cull my second point from an email between yourself and I Coleman. I wanted to point out where instead of me believing in Rachel and following my heart according to God's word you just wanted me to bend my will and give up because you wanted to push me off on other people it seems like you believe all of what Rachel said and you just want to get rid of me too. This is an excerpt from our email and I will gladly send the real email to anyone who wants it entact. I hate doing this because it is petty but I need to prove my point through this correspondence.
From Coleman Glenn to Me 10/04/11
I know you have a lot of love for Rachel. But you also have a lot of love for a lot of other people in your life. You have a love for God. How many people do you think there are who have friends who would willingly send books to a pastor they've never met? Who'd send letters from Texas to a little town in northern Canada? Does your friend Amber matter? Do your other friends matter? Maybe they don't matter to you as much as Rachel, but they matter. They matter a lot. And I do think Rachel cares that you live.
There it is ladies in gentleman. People see how much I love Rachel but it seems they still try to skirt around the fact this love is true. I love my fellow Christians and my brothers and sisters of the world more than you could know. I do not know Coleman why you would not see that what I am doing is out of love. I have sent letters of love to your Congregation, Donations to both you and Rachel, I never have given up on Rachel but yet I am some how unwarrented in my love. Speaking of My friend Amber I want you to know my dear Readers this fact.
Amber was also one of my exs she resides in Winnipeg, Manitoba she is also a Canadian. She and I were close and I wanted to ask her to marry me. One day she told me that she couldnt be with me anymore and that she had found someone else a couple of weeks later that guy committed suicide. Did I laugh in her face and shun her after breaking my heart or say "See you should have chosen me" No I consoled her even though I was angry and hurt and this happened back in 2004 and today she is one of my best friends. I don't hold or harbor grudges with people but because of what Rachel did and said and the fact that I have went worldwide and not only that reached out to the Church to make peace with her that is why I feel I have to show you some darkness Coleman before you finally see the light.
I also want to make this point in regard to forgiveness, to people with sicknesses, and to those who are grieving or mourning lost ones. My father is very sick right now with a rare blood disease. It resembles Leukemia and he has to have Chemo. The doctors have given him a 60/40 chance but everyday I watch his body deteriorate and a once strong man become weak and frail. I never really got along with my father he was cruel and unkind to me and was never really supportive but he did something back in November that took courage. He apologized for all that he did and admitted that he did those things. A weight was lifted from my soul as when the transgressor realizes that their transgressions have hurt another person and affected them then it gives peace to both. Rachel nor Pastor Coleman do not realize that power that that will have on all of us. If Rachel picks up the phone talks to me we make peace then we both can be free. I never gave up on her she gave up on me. I tried to explain what had went on with my father with Rachel and her mother Jane but they took it as some tortured soul story but it was not. It was my life I always loved my father but even though I was a good kid and a good man he never did anything but put me down and make me feel like I nothing I did was right. Any child of mine or married into having would have been loved immensely. I loved Jonathan, Rachel knew that I loved her and her child and I would have been there for him on a level of love like she had never seen because I wasn't loved as a child and I realized the beauty of giving love to children and that was all I ever wanted. It is not to late for Rachel to change and it is not too late to make peace with each other. The ball lies in your court now Rachel and Pastor Coleman. What I do next depends on how you react to this blog and it will affect both you and the Church of the New Jerusalem. Do you show love? Do you extend your hand to make peace? Or do you stay in the confines of selfish and hypocritical doctrine and contradict the mission statement of the New Church? All I ever did was show love for a so long and now that love has diminished and the outcome will be sad. This all came because someone decided to lie, judge, and misconstrue all the good and love in my heart for her. Is it too late for the hurt to go away? You decide?
My curse on you will be lifted when you see the light of what you have said and done and when realize that your actions and not realizing I was hurting and reaching out to you had a profound affect on me. I love Rachel Myatt with all my heart and if you cant see the true love I have for her and how even after all she has done to me and said that this is something of Christ then you are truly blind to the fact that God works in mysterious ways and even though He gives us free will there is always room for His Plan in things. I love you as my brother in Christ but I have to let you know that you have not been very caring and considerate and that is the reason I place this curse on you.
I am sorry if I disappoint anyone with this blog. My heart is so full of love for both Rachel and Pastor Glenn they both see it but yet they ignore it and think that they can just let things go. I am not a light switch for anyone to turn on and off and Rachel treated other guys like that. Not me I am someone who let her know quick that lies and playing with someone hope and wanting a family on the maginitude she did and then trying to make excuses, evil excuses at that for doing it is not taken lightly. I stand behind my words in this blog 100% and for those who believe in Curses I believe they are real and I made peace with the one person who I hurt and who cursed me. I am trying to make this point and have been for months. Rachel was and is one of my best friends yet she ignores the call from Christ I have been given to continue loving her after all the hurt and pain. Life is too short to hold grudges and to be cruel to people we love and who love us. If you cant see my merit and reason for this blog I am sorry but I am only trying to let Rachel know that my love for her is slowly going to a dark place and I want it to be lifted out of it with love and true forgiveness and reconcilations.
The Truth of the matter is I am hurt that I have been made to feel this way and that people would rather see the evil and hurt come out than pick up the phone and make peace and see the true love that is in my heart and the reconcilation and all that is good in what Christ died for us for. I am deeply saddened by Rachel's course of actions and that she cannot see the consequences in what she did or said but more importantly that others around her get hurt and lumped in with her because of what she did. My heart keeps breaking more each day as I lose faith and hope in the good in humanity.
All I Ever did was bless you Rachel and Pastor Coleman even if I didnt agree with you I tried to show you love and kindness and you ignored and made excuses for things. I followed this scripture in the Word but now it seems like it is too late for that anymore
Romans 12:14
Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.
Anyone who doubts that I love Rachel and thinks by this blog I am an evil person only need look and listen to this blog from this week to let you know how much I actually do care about her.
God Bless All