This song is how much I love Rachel Myatt and I will never downplay the importance they day I told her I loved her I gave her this song on a cd along with others but it was the last song Along with a promise ring and a coupon promising my heart to her in the Lord forever
I thought long and hard before saying this and writing this blog but it needs to be said because Coleman Glenn I want you to know how hypocritical and deeply as a Pastor you hurt me. How you put yourself up on a pedastal and looked down on me for believing in God love and when Rachel lied and played with my love for her and my courtship and my patience for her it was all a joke to you. I want you to think for a minute about your own courtship and then think how I felt when Rachel did what she did. Here I was a guy who had just lost his mother but the one thing I felt that I had was a girlfriend who understood and who was there for me. She tells me she would be there for me and that she wanted to be there for me(and I wasnt even going to rush her to be married I was happy with our friendship) what if Anne had of said she would marry you then a couple of days later tore you apart and renigged on your proposal. Not only that Coleman but what if she started saying hateful things about your well being and putting you down and using secrets you told her to tear you down. Even saying something ill towards you mother. I know you think this has nothing to do with you and that you can ignore me and og on living life. That all is true but I can continue to write and be out in the open. Truth is Coleman this has everything to do with you. You could never know what that feels like. That is what Rachel Myatt did to me. What saddens me the most is that you and some of the other New Church Pastors when my heart was full of love tried to put me down and side with her for the evil that she did when all that was in my heart was love. It seems like a double standard for me and because of the way you treated me I had to write this blog and make this into a newsletter today. I dont really care what you think or what you do. I want you, Rachel, and the New Church to know how when I found a little bit of happiness in my life at a trying time how you kicked me down even further and how all I wanted was for Rachel was to love me and be truthful with me. She lied and it was ok according to you. I never lied, kept any secrets to from her, we had a relationship much like you and Anne. I talked to her on the phone every night or we chatted on messenger, I gave her a promise ring, I gave her my heart. My heart never strayed even though God tested me. Rachel was all I ever wanted. For you to use your doctrine not only to justify the evil, the lies, and deciet that was shown to me but to never even acknowledge that I was in a state of grief and that Rachel used poor judgment and discernment in treating me as such. That was sad. I can pull up the email I sent you where you never once said you were sorry that my mom died. It was basically Byron isnt of the Church of the New Jerusalem, Rachels free will trumps Gods love and your love Byron and she can do whatever she want and say whatever and do whatever evil thing she wants. That is the problem I have with the Church of the New Jerusalem too much free will warrants more evil and when we dont put God first in front of our own selfish desires then things continue to happen to us in life. Rachel could have picked up the phone months ago and I would have ended this but I believe in God and that this is happening for a reason. It is to show her what humility is because she doesnt show any to anyone outside children or her family. There is a world beyond Dawson Creek and because I am not afraid of anything anymore I am telling my story to the world. I am speaking on how you as a New Church Pastor basically are being hypocritical as I went through so much to be with Rachel and if she didnt want a man who loved her for who she was, who loved God and was willing to learn with her, and didnt want a man who was ready to be married she should have never played with that. How was I ever wrong for wanting a Christian love and putting my faith in the Lord. I could have been a womanizing, lying, sex crazed adulterer if I wanted to but I chose to show restraint and try to be chaste. All I have ever wanted was to be married and have a family. So Coleman how was I at fault for being upset at Rachel for lying, playing with that dream, and for using your doctrine not only to say I was wrong, but to downgrade and tell me I was wrong. You know who was wrong you for ever doubting me as a servant of God. I could have truly destroyed Rachel's life and time and time again all I did was get on here and talk about Christ Reconciliation and love. You took shots at me in your blog and you tried to make it seem as I was wrong, wrong for being human, wrong for being able to love, wrong forgiving and believing in others. The selfish evil part of me would have not come on here and wrote a blog called I Love Rachel Myatt. My friends wanted me to do some ill things but I didnt I listened to God because I truly love Rachel. I didnt come on here to put down your moment and happiness but I did come on here to get you to think about the hypocrisy, the double standard, and way you treated me when I came to you a servant of the Lord about the evil that was done by someone in your flock. If people keep letting Rachel get away with the behavior she exudes then she will continue to hurt people. I have to tell my story because of her and because she eludes the reconcilation, the love, and the healing that could come from making peace with me. I have to tell the story about you because you want everyone to think you are this totally great Pastor but no Pastor would ever talk to someone as such who came to them as I came to you in confidence and I am not even of your Religion , but I am a child of God none the less. It just seems to me that its all about free will and if that is the case why should I worry about God. God is the One who stops the evil in my heart that could totally get on here and trash Coleman and Anne. God is the love that lets me write this as a message to you of how you have hurt me. God is the One who allows me to put my feelings into print and into writing to never become violent but to have revolutions and resolutions in the mind, body, spirit and soul. Rachel was my best friend. Think about that for a moment. Think about how Anne is your best friend and how one little thing could alter that. Think for a moment if your heart was crushed. Rachel had a true friend in me and she chose to use things against me that were already there and let other people make her ashamed of being with me instead of stand up and believe in me like I believed in her. I was hurting in the worst way and whoever in the Myatt family who gave Rachel the ideal I was mentally ill and caused her to say that I am saddened and that is another reason I have kept this blog up. When a person is grieving they go through stages I was just leaving the denial stage that my mom was gone but I was at peace with her being gone she suffered her whole life. To the Myatts and to Rachel maybe I wasnt all together but I enjoyed every minute of their company and it meant so much to me. I could have wanted to love all of them any more. I loved Dawson Creek and I would have been happy there because though I am a city boy I enjoy the country where my father grew up. Rachel and Jonathan were the loves of my life and for the rest of my life I will never open my heart to anyone again. After the evil I encountered from people such as you Pastor Coleman Glenn and the Myatt family I really dont see any true hope of love because when you are different people pass you around and make excuses for loving you but when you are different you dont treat people that way. Rachel used the age old "Even if I dont love you God Loves You" excuse which is just a cowardly cop out for someone who is to afraid to stand up to the truth or consequences. In my mind I find reasons to love others and not find reasons to divide and to not love others but I guess that is why I am different. I love people like Christ would want us to. He would be where the different people are the ones who you think are outcast like me Rachel and Pastor Glenn sharing the message not with a bunch of pious, self centered, know it alls who thought they knew everything about Him and were already favored in His eyes. I am sorry for whatever reason that you thought that Rachel being cruel to me, lying to me, and playing with my love and courtship was justified. I only was truthful with her the whole time and she will always have a place in my heart. I will just end this blog on this note.
- First of all Pastor Glenn a Grieving Person came to you and just like Rachel you tore me down, you put doctrine over love, second of all you were biased in the situation because from the start you sided with her free will but were always doubtful about mine. Fact is you never cared I was grieving or in mourning nor did the Myatt family it was all about Rachel and her free will so dont get mad that I am telling the truth about what you did.

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