- Dear Readers,
I want to formally start my campaign this week. I am no longer holding back. This is a clear message to Bishop Thomas Kline, Pastor James Cooper and anyone else who scoffed at my efforts of love, reconciliation, and wanting to show love towards someone who hurt me and used New Church Theology to put me down, disrespect my family, and just be hateful. I had nothing but love for Rachel Myatt and The Myatt and Friesen Families of British Columbia and the Dawson Creek New Church but because of the actions of Rachel and Pastor Glenn's way of dealing with it and his hypocrisy in both his blog and responding to me and because of Pastor Cooper's arrogant letter to me I am not going to back down. This week people all over the world of different religions will be recieveing information about the New Church and New Church theology and how it has affected my life and how you make excuses for evil, put Swedenborg on a pedastool and use his works more than you use the Bible. I also will explain to others how you lie solely on free will to make your case for doing evil but if someone outside the New Church wants to use their free will to do good and to love has has been my case you try to make them the villian and they are the evil ones. You are hypocrites of the highest form because not only did I open my heart to worship with Rachel and the Myatts, while I Rachel constantly put me down and I loved her no matter what I never said a messed up thing or anything ill against the New Church until I learned how self centered and far from your teachings you as people truly are. I get being proud of your faith but I dont get putting down others because they are passionate about just loving others and about God. Rachel put me down at a time when I needed support and love. My mom had been dead for about 20 days at the most but I still dropped everything even in my grief because I loved her and Jonathan. No where did anyone really care that my mom had died when I brought this up to any of you Pastors or Reverends and they just sided with Rachels free will to abandon me, talk ill of me and my family, say I was mentally ill, and put try to use their doctrine to make any and everything I said or did wrong. I don't recall that being in the Bible anywhere especially someone who loves those who treat him bad. Pastor Glenn you are the biggest disappointment I bless you and hope you well on your engagement and impending marriage and I hope in that you see how bad the things Rachel did and said and playing with my desire to love her and have a family truly were. People always complain about men not wanting to commit and to love women and here I was people. Rachel was an unwed mother, with a kid that was not mine, I opened my heart to accept her faith and was willing to study and be baptized in time. Instead I got bigotry, hatred, and just total disrespect from her and her family. Yet I am not justified for pointing that out because people in the New Church are always right? That is what i have gotten from this whole situation. It has been almost 2 years and God has a reason for everything if this wasnt meant to go this far it would have ended. A phone call, an offer for a visit of peace, an email any of those things from Rachel and her family would have ended this but now I have to go public with this story on a grand scale and I will not falter. You had your chance. As of Sept 9th it will be exactly 2yrs and it falls on a Sunday and a Pastor's Counsel Meeting. I hope that people will turn to Rachel in that meeting and tell her that she is hurting her Church's reputation, the reputation of her Pastor, her family, and me. She spoke ill of my dead mother and called me mentally ill for grieving yet as many flaws as she has I never said anything like that about her. She and her family are very cruel people to act like that and I have no qualms now about calling them out. I had nothing but love to them and during the course of this I have told them how much I have admired them and how I only wanted to love them but it fell on deaf ears. I also have this to say. I am completely in the right of law to tell this story and if you feel legally that you want to sue me go ahead I dont care. I already have had so much evil and hurt come into my life when all I wanted to do was love people. I should hate and be vengeful but that is what the New Church doesnt see because they are blind to the true nature of Christ reconcilation. They want to make Him human so He can share some level of their frailties and imperfections. God is perfect and we can only be like Him in a sense and so we should choose to follow Him in the sense to love one another, forgive, and reconcile. Rachel cant see what a good loyal friend she lost in me, a loving boyfriend, and a true friend in God. I have never given up on her and it has been 2yrs and if you people in the New Church can't see the beauty of that then truly are misguided. I had every chance to publicly flog her, I could have put this up on my facebook, I could have had it put on a mass blogging site but no I let people come here on their own and it will always be that way because I do love Rachel and Jonathan and the last thing I want for Rachel is to hurt like she hurt me but she also needs to stop hurting people. I am the one who was chosen to show her that task and if she never talks to me again at least I know I did what was right in God's eyes and that is to stand up not only to Rachel Myatt but to the New Church. I gave you all the time in the world to respond New Church and Rachel and Myatt family so when this week and next things get uncomfortable in the way of my freedom of expression I came to you in peace and in love and you ignored me. I believed in Rachel Myatt, Rachel Myatt never believed in me
God Bless ALL
A Dedication To My Friend and Sister in Christ I Love and Cherish. "The Letters To Rachel Project" This site is not meant to demean nor defame my friend in anyway it is a heartfelt attempt at peace and reconciliation
Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Standing Up Against The Church of The New Jerusalem: Rachel Myatt Never Believed In Me
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