This is the only hint I will give today to where I will be promoting my I Love Rachel Myatt/Church of the New Jerusalem Campaign. I used this song one time to explain to Rachel how much I loved her and how she was the one. She never appreciated it. I am sure you can figure out part of the hint but I will in a place with not only this song maybe being performed but the largest outdoor gathering of its kind in the United States possibly because of the events tonight reaching 30-50,000 people. I am out there New Church. I loved Rachel and I did everything to make things right with her and I came to the Church but that wasn't good enough for any of you. You took me as a joke. It is no longer in my hands. It is in God's hands, It is in Rachel and the Myatts hands to seek peace, and it is with the New Church and its Clergy to see that because of Pastor Glenn and Rachel this came to fruition and it is real. Their witnesses and attitudes towards other Christians and uncaring and selfishness led to this campaign. I did everything I could to believe they were better people to come to me as a brother in Christ and resolve this but it fell on deaf ears. So this is my answer, this is me not backing down, and it will continue to affect people. Thank you have a nice day. God Bless All
A Dedication To My Friend and Sister in Christ I Love and Cherish. "The Letters To Rachel Project" This site is not meant to demean nor defame my friend in anyway it is a heartfelt attempt at peace and reconciliation
Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Campaign Destination Tonight: 50,000 people +plus can be reached
This is the only hint I will give today to where I will be promoting my I Love Rachel Myatt/Church of the New Jerusalem Campaign. I used this song one time to explain to Rachel how much I loved her and how she was the one. She never appreciated it. I am sure you can figure out part of the hint but I will in a place with not only this song maybe being performed but the largest outdoor gathering of its kind in the United States possibly because of the events tonight reaching 30-50,000 people. I am out there New Church. I loved Rachel and I did everything to make things right with her and I came to the Church but that wasn't good enough for any of you. You took me as a joke. It is no longer in my hands. It is in God's hands, It is in Rachel and the Myatts hands to seek peace, and it is with the New Church and its Clergy to see that because of Pastor Glenn and Rachel this came to fruition and it is real. Their witnesses and attitudes towards other Christians and uncaring and selfishness led to this campaign. I did everything I could to believe they were better people to come to me as a brother in Christ and resolve this but it fell on deaf ears. So this is my answer, this is me not backing down, and it will continue to affect people. Thank you have a nice day. God Bless All
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Changing the World Through Love: I Couldnt Love Rachel and Jonathan Anymore than I do
Rachel Myatt you and Jonathan were the two people I would have given my life for and you were also the woman I couldn't imagine living without in my life. It hurts everyday because you were my best friend and you just abandoned me. I am sorry if anything I have done or said has hurt you or caused you pain but I only wanted to show you just how far I would go to let you and Jonathan know I loved you both. I wont say too much today except that I am still truly in love with you both as my friend and sister in Christ. I want you back in my life no matter how hard you or your family think it will be. You have a chance to rebuild a burned bridge, to denounce evil, to prove others wrong about love. Most of all we both have a chance to show God that we appreciate His gift of love and forgiveness. For anyone that reads this today I leave you with an actually page from my will. I have never hated Rachel Myatt she is the love of my life and that is why l have never given up on her and Jonathan. I pray that she will understand that the only thing I want with her is peace and to be reunited. We can change the world through love Rachel. You are my best friend and I will never stop loving , believing in you, or caring for you and Jonathan. Im tired of fighting you, Im tired of being hurt. I love you why cant you see that you mean the world to me. God Bless you.
Last Will And Testament
I direct that after payment of all my just debts, my property be bequeathed in the manner followingUpon my leaving this earth I wanted Rachel Myatt of Dawson Creek, Province of British Columbia in the Country of Canada to know that she was my best friend and the most important person that I met in this life. The Lord Jesus Christ is the sole owner of my soul. Rachel Myatt is the sole owner of my heart and it will belong to her always. I loved her and her son Johnathan Myatt dearly. She never knew how much. I also leave to her the only thing I loved besides God, My family, and her: I bequeath my entire music collection to Rachel Myatt. God was always my best friend and He gave me the gift of music even in my darkest times. It was the only friend besides God that was always there for me. I hope one day Rachel you will realize how much your love and friendship meant to me. I only wanted to be human and for a couple of moments in my short life you gave that to me. I only wish you had of believed in me enough to continue being in my life and believed in me like I believed in you. I will love and cherish you and Jonathan always even in death my love for you will still be as strong as in life even more powerful. My last wish is that you forgive me for what kept us from continuing to love each other whatever it was that you couldn't accept about me or that pushed you away when I needed you I hope you can let go of it. I forgive you for everything and all I wanted was your love and forgiveness too. I love you Rachel Myatt with all my heart till the end of time.
Friday, September 28, 2012
What Happens To Mean People/ Diary of Lies I Was Told
I wrote a blog using this movie clip before but now as what I have to do has become clearer I want everyone to know my intentions. I have written a diary called "The Lies Rachel Told Me" chronicling our emails and how Rachel said she loved me and how she would be there for me and how abruptly she turned her back on me. It is one thing to lie and slander someone but it is another thing to hold the truth against someone and let them look head into it. Rachel could have called me to end this a long time ago but she doesnt have the humility, kindness, or goodness in her heart. If I hated her and wanted to get back at her I could have two years ago by calling the Foster Agency and telling them about her putting the kids in a situation around a strange man who they didnt know and that I felt awkward around too. I asked her not to do that and if I truly had of been evil I could have said something but I didnt I love her. The best thing to do is just let the truth be out there. She, her family, and her Church will eventually recognize the damage that they incurred on not only me and their family but what it will mean to their family. Pastor Glenn your emails will be included also. I will not get on here and slander anyone I will let your own words be ones guide to how they want to deal with this ongoing saga. If you feel Rachel that you dont want this to happen you can email me and we can talk like adults but if not this is what I must do. I had nothing but love for you, your family, and your Church and I want to let you in on a little secret about being mean and unkind to people Rachel. I lost my mom and you and your family treated me like a mental patient because I was quiet reserved and not all there. My dad is dying right now and it makes me sad and I watch chemotherapy deterioate him into nothing and even though we dont have the best relationship and I was abused constantly I take care of him and watch over him. My mom taught me lifes greatest gift and that is to love. Even those who hurt us. That is why when they asked her if she was afraid to die she said no. Neither am I. I loved Rachel and the Myatts as my family. You missed out on that and it is your loss. The last thing I want to say is through all the pain and hurt I go through I put God first. I haven't cursed him, lost faith in Him, or let others make me think that I dont love Him such as Rachel said I didnt love God. Just because I believe different didn't mean we couldnt be together. She let others lead her to believe that and so her witness will be witness for the Church of the New Jerusalem. My testamony in my diary will be the truth that sets all free. I am not going to hold back anything. Finally much like Sebastian did to his stepsister in the end my diary wont be a blog it will be a print project sent all over the world and if you dont believe me about sending stuff ask some of the Pastors who recently got my newsletter.
God Bless All
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
One Sleepy Hypocrite In Love/ The Lies Rachel Told Me
I deserved to be lied to, I deserve because of someone elses free will to be treated like dirt, to have my self esteem and love crushed and I deserve to be alone and not be happy. I deserved to not be married and have a family. Basically that is what I was told by Pastor Coleman Glenn so I am calling him and Rachel Myatt out on this blog and I am going to extend and write another blog and tell the love story that was mine about Rachel's Lies and Deceit called "The Lies That Rachel Told Me" Here you can read Pastor Glenn's love story Its ok for me to love someone miles away and treat them with respect, love, and courtship but when they lie and slander me I am supposed to just bend over and take it because I dont believe the same way they do? The same Pastor that was part of that story was the same one who said Rachel had the right to treat me like she did and that her free will to evil and to play with my love was justified because I wasn't part of the New Church scheme of things. I am going to put you out in the open Coleman Glenn because of how you treated me. I deserve just as much as anyone to be happy just as you do. So what if your mom died right now or Anne got killed in plane crash. It would tear you apart. Would you like people to laugh at you, scoff at you, make fun of you. It was ok for Rachel to do that wasn't because I am just some guy who didnt deserve to be happy or have a life, or have anything. After all the pain and hurt I had been through I finally had a little bit of happiness in my life. Rachel ruined the faith I had in humanity and now I am going to show how both you and she contributed to that. I feel you are a hypocrite in the biggest sense and that Rachel and her family do not live by the code they say they do and that your faith is decietful, hurtful, and full of lies and flaws. I do not wish you any harm in your relationship and I hope you and Anne have lots of children and are frutiful in the Lord but you know who was selfish and treated me like crap instead of a blessing. Rachel. Rachel and her family had all this love and werent even aware of all the blessings they have and then they make fun of me because after all that I had been through I still was alive and had the strength to love. I still do but barely. How selfish is that to play with a man who only wanted what everyone else has. I was even there to love Rachel's own child. You know what though I am done playing nice. You are very jaded, selfish, and sick minded people especially a Pastor who is uncaring and who would selfishly side with someone who would lie, slander, and treat a grieving person so hateful. You know what maybe one day something will happen to open your eyes just how serious that this is but by then it will be too late Rachel, Pastor Glenn, and Myatt family but that is ok because I am about to add this to my list of things to share and spread in the hypocrisy of the Church of the New Jerusalem.
Today My Mission Got Clearer : Denounce Evil Spirits, Follow The True Word of God and Expose Those Who Render False Prophecy
This a direct challenge to the Church of the New Jerusalem, Demonology, Swedenborg talking to spirits and the occult nature of the Church of the New Jerusalem. Just because the message sounds good and you claimed to talk to or do something doesnt mean it was good or of Good and Truth. My next worldwide Newsletter will be sent out in October and it will continue with the theme of how I was treated by the New Church and it will envoke Scripture, Swedenborg, and the nature of evil from dealing with the spirit world that leaks and is instilled into the minds of the people of the New Church. A One World Church a New World Order for the Antichrist? Maybe but I want to expose the most basic truth and that is they put Swedenborg above the Bible and with all his intelligence and knowledge the first time he heard spirits talking to him he should have walked away. The key word was spirits. Demons frequently speak to people in the astral plane and the realm of humanity it is clearly documented in the Bible but the Bible has these things to say that Swedenborg should have followed.
Isaiah 8:19-22
The Darkness Turns to Light
19 When someone tells you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living? 20 Consult God’s instruction and the testimony of warning. If anyone does not speak according to this word, they have no light of dawn. 21 Distressed and hungry, they will roam through the land; when they are famished, they will become enraged and, looking upward, will curse their king and their God. 22 Then they will look toward the earth and see only distress and darkness and fearful gloom, and they will be thrust into utter darkness.Leviticus 19:31
31 “‘Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God.
Cross references:
So herein lies the problem with the New Church Theology. They wrap up Swedenborgs message and make it to be some kind of New Christianity when it is really just a feeble attempt to honor the desires of the Human Condition, Flesh, and Sins of Man. God clearly states in the Bible how we should treat evil spirits and those who dabble with them. Walk away. Swedenborg became so obsessed he was right that he never listened to what others said he should have walked away and I am not sure whether it was because of the dementia, or possesion by the evil spirits, or what have you but they consumed him. It is easy now to see why Rachel and Pastor Coleman Glenn would treat me as they did because they are possesed in the way that Swedenborg is to think that way they only they are right and that they have to defend the evil that they in some parts justifiably know is wrong. The sad thing about me having to write on this is that I respect the Swedenborgian Church and the other factions because unlike the Church of the New Jerusalem they dont all see Swedenborgs works as divine so that is where they are divided. When your mind becomes to the point where you want to change things so that they make you happy especially God's word then you may need to think about your relationship with Him. I responsibly study Swedenborg, the Bible, and many scholars and I am not just going to put up a bunch of lies or slander. I will use the New Church teachings and others Christian teachings based on the Bible not loose cannon or suplemental works. Let me take a moment to reiterate what I said. Suplemental Works! If the COTNJ were using Swedenborgs works as this way and not divine I would have no laurels or no reason to write what I am but not only did my ex girlfriend and her Pastor and others use this like it was the Bible itself they tried to justify it to me as a means for evil and wrong doing. It doesnt seem like something God would put in the Bible to embrace the evil in you does it? I hear New Church members talk about God not punishing or about not judging others yet you are the most hypocritical, finger wagging, judgmental people I know. I am going to end on this note above is the song "With Devils Amongst Us All" by Walls of Jericho about personal demons and fake people. I grew up in the hardcore scene and the singer is a female named Candice. I befriended them went to every show of theirs I could when they came through and in the hardcore scene we learn about integrity and treat people like family. Most of us learn real quick to see through false people and do not welcome them into our scene. We befriend people who are honest, faithful, trustworthy, and have a back bone. If you say you are going to do it then do it. I am not hiding from anyone. I dont care what Rachel or the Myatt family think of me now. I do love them and if they cared any they would contact me and end this but they wont because they lack the necessary means to look and see the way Rachel acted was disrespectful and wrong. They cling to the New Church theology of just do what you want and there is no consequences which is what Rachel told me. So I am warranted to tell my story and to challenge the New Church. Thank you for your time.
Holding Back No Longer: Time To Put Everything Out There for Rachel and The Church of the New Jerusalem.
Dear Readers, Rachel, Myatt Family, Coleman Glenn, and New Church Clergy,
Basically this little clip from Justice League Unlimited is how I have felt the past couple of years. I have tried to make peace with Rachel, I tried to make the New Church see the good of continuing to love someone who basically tried to destroy me and all my love. I tried to get you Pastors and Reverends to see the good in unconditional love and in the fault in Rachel's lies and betrayal but you stood up for free will and evil instead of Good and Truth. Now I am not going to hold back. Rachel will have to deal with the newsletters, the telling of my story and her family will too. When she ran her mouth, when she put me down, when she played with my dream of loving her and Jonathan and having a family with them and just thought I could be pushed aside like an old toy no one listened. When she spoke ill of my mother in me it was just a matter of free will and choice to Pastor Glenn and others I was just supposed to sweep it under the rug and take it in the ass and go on with life. Im sorry things dont work that way. When you mess with the only thing someone has cared about since they were a child and that is having a family of their own to love and cherish it is no big deal. I hope Pastor Glenn as he is about to get married realizes how much damage that Rachel has done. When you look at Anne and you realize how much you love her then you think about me and that is how much I love Rachel and how she lied to me and played with that and then you think about how I came to you and how you made excuses for that evil. I know you wish this would go away and it would if Rachel had the fortitude to pick up the phone and make peace I would even promise to go away for ever and never write another blog, newsletter, put up anything on youtube or anything but it seems that Rachel and the Myatt family want this to keep going. I dont give a flip anymore. I am just going to put out more, do more, and make this campaign bigger and when your story starts ending up in places where you didnt expect it to close to home dont fault me I told you it was going to happen and I tried to come to you as a brother in Christ and it fell on deaf ears. You continue to be hypocrites and not live an ounce of how you say of what Swedenborg has taught you or what the Bible says is right. You spend so much time trying to interpret God's love in your own terms that you cant just love on His terms according to His Word. I no longer care how it affects you Rachel nor do I care about how it affects the others around you. I am through holding back and not saying exactly what is on my mind so in the next couple of weeks there may be some surprizes you New Church and Myatt family people were not expecting. I dont apologize and I do it proudly.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Campaign I Promised : Part 2, Grassroots Revolution, Deep Personal Note to One of Rachel's Favorite Bands, and D.I.Y. believing in yourself.
This is a real festival it even happened in Canada
The Riotfest in Texas was headlined by Rise Against(one of Rachel's favorite bands), the Descendents, and NOFX. There were about 8 to 10 thousand people in attendence and I want Rachel, the Myatts, and the New Church to be clear on this. Any chance I get at spreading my newsletter I will. This particular band Rise Against is dear to me because when Rachel abandoned me I wrote lead singer Tim Mcllrath a letter about how much I loved her and I even asked him to send her some things pertaining to their band. If she ever got a letter or tshirts or anything I dont really know but I do know that she hurt me so bad at the time I wrote this heartfelt letter which I pulled out of my email archives to share with all you.
For Helping Save My Life(the version you should read)
I sent another version of this sorry but I made some mistakes in my nervousness and wanted to correct them.
Dear Tim,
My name is Byron Boone I am 35 years old I live in Arlington Texas I'm African American and I wanted to thank you personally for help save my life. I want to tell you my story and I didn't know the best way to reach you since you are probably busy with the new album coming out and all but I wanted to ask you a favor and I don't know if the band has time to read snail mail. If so I very much need to write a letter and I will even send it first class and overnight to you because it means that much to me, your band and the friend that I want to ask the favor for mean that much to me. Your bands songs "Amber Changing" and "Ready to Fall" saved my life. Back in August my mother suddenly fell ill and her immune system shut down she died on August 8th at 6pm. I was devastated and my dad and my brother were left with so much grief. My only saving grace was my girlfriend at the time Rachel who I went to see. You guys Rise Against are her favorite band in the world. She lives in Dawson Creek, British Columbia. Canada. I flew out to be with her 3 weeks later thinking that she would be supportive and a day after I got back she text me and broke up with me saying I had issues. She was supposed to be my best friend but she abandoned me because I was grieving and saying that I had issues and making fun of me for being sad made me want to die so i tried and I kept thinking about it. Its 5 months later I am stronger. I am still hurting and I still care for her. I don't think she understands that even normal people get depressed and the one thing I always admired about Rise Against is that you sing about being true to your friends, people, and the ideas you stand for. Even when she doubted herself and the things around her I never gave up on her. I am a grown man and killing myself was the last place I ever thought I would be at but when you have no support and everything around you crashes down the pain exceeds the means to cope with the pain and that is what I tried to explain to her. I needed friendship, love, and support and not people abandoning me. I have been involved in donating to Take Action and 1-800-Suicide and Hopeline since I was younger and I always try to help others even as I am in my own pain I watched others feel the same way because of financial woes lately and other things. I try to share with them my experience and get them to a place where they know they can get through it. I am asking you for this favor to please write my dear friend Rachel because I love her and I have been trying to mend our broken friendship ever since. I think if the singer from her favorite band would write to her and talk to her about integrity to friends, loyalty, and compassion and she knew that I cared enough to open myself to you to ask you to write her then maybe she might be open to making things right between us. I love this person so much Tim and she had done nothing but throw stones and belittle me and through it all I still love her and want to make peace with her. I will leave her address for physical mailing below. I know longer have her email but her name is Rachel Myatt and she doesn't do the whole social networking thing. She has youtube page called Nofaintresemblence but no videos at this time. I know you are a man of honor, integrity, and stand by your ideas and that is why I am writing to you. When you love someone so much you will humble yourself as much as you can without losing who you are and try to make things write in life. I wanted her to hear from her favorite band and maybe hearing from you about friendship will bring us both peace. One of the last cds we listened to before I came home to the U.S. in August was The Sufferer and The Witness and I feel that was something special that bonded us and that it can bring us back again so maybe the Endgame will be a true friendship restored. I will send you a snail mail version of this letter if you reply and you want to write her. I will pay for postage send you the letter and send you postage to send it to her. If you do so please put Rise Against/Tim Mcllrath or send with official Rise Against stationary if you have so that she wont think it is some trickery from me. If also I can pay you personally for a shirt or something to send to her I would appreciate that to. You are truly one of her favorite bands. Thank you for your time and I hope to hear back from you. Had I not been listening to your P.S.A from one of the Take Action cds and "Amber Changing" I may not be here right now. I know that helping others is something you dont take lightly. Thank you Tim and Rise Against.
I sent another version of this sorry but I made some mistakes in my nervousness and wanted to correct them.
Dear Tim,
My name is Byron Boone I am 35 years old I live in Arlington Texas I'm African American and I wanted to thank you personally for help save my life. I want to tell you my story and I didn't know the best way to reach you since you are probably busy with the new album coming out and all but I wanted to ask you a favor and I don't know if the band has time to read snail mail. If so I very much need to write a letter and I will even send it first class and overnight to you because it means that much to me, your band and the friend that I want to ask the favor for mean that much to me. Your bands songs "Amber Changing" and "Ready to Fall" saved my life. Back in August my mother suddenly fell ill and her immune system shut down she died on August 8th at 6pm. I was devastated and my dad and my brother were left with so much grief. My only saving grace was my girlfriend at the time Rachel who I went to see. You guys Rise Against are her favorite band in the world. She lives in Dawson Creek, British Columbia. Canada. I flew out to be with her 3 weeks later thinking that she would be supportive and a day after I got back she text me and broke up with me saying I had issues. She was supposed to be my best friend but she abandoned me because I was grieving and saying that I had issues and making fun of me for being sad made me want to die so i tried and I kept thinking about it. Its 5 months later I am stronger. I am still hurting and I still care for her. I don't think she understands that even normal people get depressed and the one thing I always admired about Rise Against is that you sing about being true to your friends, people, and the ideas you stand for. Even when she doubted herself and the things around her I never gave up on her. I am a grown man and killing myself was the last place I ever thought I would be at but when you have no support and everything around you crashes down the pain exceeds the means to cope with the pain and that is what I tried to explain to her. I needed friendship, love, and support and not people abandoning me. I have been involved in donating to Take Action and 1-800-Suicide and Hopeline since I was younger and I always try to help others even as I am in my own pain I watched others feel the same way because of financial woes lately and other things. I try to share with them my experience and get them to a place where they know they can get through it. I am asking you for this favor to please write my dear friend Rachel because I love her and I have been trying to mend our broken friendship ever since. I think if the singer from her favorite band would write to her and talk to her about integrity to friends, loyalty, and compassion and she knew that I cared enough to open myself to you to ask you to write her then maybe she might be open to making things right between us. I love this person so much Tim and she had done nothing but throw stones and belittle me and through it all I still love her and want to make peace with her. I will leave her address for physical mailing below. I know longer have her email but her name is Rachel Myatt and she doesn't do the whole social networking thing. She has youtube page called Nofaintresemblence but no videos at this time. I know you are a man of honor, integrity, and stand by your ideas and that is why I am writing to you. When you love someone so much you will humble yourself as much as you can without losing who you are and try to make things write in life. I wanted her to hear from her favorite band and maybe hearing from you about friendship will bring us both peace. One of the last cds we listened to before I came home to the U.S. in August was The Sufferer and The Witness and I feel that was something special that bonded us and that it can bring us back again so maybe the Endgame will be a true friendship restored. I will send you a snail mail version of this letter if you reply and you want to write her. I will pay for postage send you the letter and send you postage to send it to her. If you do so please put Rise Against/Tim Mcllrath or send with official Rise Against stationary if you have so that she wont think it is some trickery from me. If also I can pay you personally for a shirt or something to send to her I would appreciate that to. You are truly one of her favorite bands. Thank you for your time and I hope to hear back from you. Had I not been listening to your P.S.A from one of the Take Action cds and "Amber Changing" I may not be here right now. I know that helping others is something you dont take lightly. Thank you Tim and Rise Against.
That was from the heart it was close to two years ago and I still love Rachel but the fact that I would bare my soul to someone I didnt know and I even sent him this letter with a hand written one about our turmoiltous break up and how much I loved her. I want Rachel and her family to truly know the pain and damaged that was caused and I want Pastor Glenn to see the error in his treating me in such a way saying the things he did about my love for Rachel when he truly did not know the unkind, uncaring, and evil way she had treated me. Rachel was my best friend, I looked up to her and loved her as my sister in Christ.
The bottom line is this Rachel , her family, and all the Pastors and New Church people in the world could think this is all cute and fun and games but its not its serious. She spoke on my family, used the New Church teachings for evil, and broke the heart of someone who thought the world of her and tried to make me look sick, manipulative, and mental when it was she who lied. I have had nothing to hide. I have told things I have never told anyone over the net because I am no longer hiding.
Riotfest is about the Punk, Alternative, and Indie music community. We have an old saying especially in Punk Music. D.I.Y. Do it Yourself. So I did. No one is speaking on the evil in the New Church so I have created a Newsletter and a culture that will read up on false religion and apostacy. No one ever called Rachel out on the way she treats people I did and I refuse to apologize for putting her in her place. Plain and simple this is not a game. This was my life and dream she played with and whatever comes to her because of being selfish, evil, and lying oh well!!! I gave her and her family every chance to respond but now its too late. I have spread this like wildfire and Coleman Glenn this will affect you too as Pastor because it is all going to backlash on the Dawson Creek New Church. Rachel has had a choice for 2yrs now I have a choice to spread the word and put this out in the open and let people know how she and the New Church treat people. I still want peace with all of you but since none of you want that with me then I press on. My grassroots approach is going to put the New Church on the map in ways unimagined to Rachel, her family, and the Clergy. So Rachel will never forget how her lies, her betrayal, and her unkindness started all this because she was afraid to just be honest and to be loved..........
DLW 47 It is the essential of love not to love self, but to love others, and to be conjoined with others by love. It is the essential of love, moreover, to be loved by others, for thus conjunction is effected. The essence of all love consists in conjunction; this, in fact, is its life, which is called enjoyment, pleasantness, delight, sweetness, bliss, happiness and felicity. Love consists in this, that its own should be another's; to feel the joy of another as joy in oneself, that is loving. But to feel one's own joy in another and not the other's joy in oneself is not loving; for this is loving self, while the former is loving the neighbor. These two kinds of love are diametrically opposed to each other. Either, it is true, conjoins; and to love one's own, that is, oneself, in another does not seem to divide; but it does so effectually divide that so far as anyone has loved another in this manner, so far he afterwards hates him. For such conjunction is by its own action gradually loosened, and then, in like measure, love is turned to hate.
-Emmanuel Swedenborg -
God Bless
How Deeply I Still and Always Have Loved Rachel : To Coleman and Anne
Dear Readers,
Due to Complications with Blogger I could not finish part 2 of my blog about my campaign and will do so later tonight because of the amount of material that I have to download and pull out of emails. I wanted to just leave this short message for Coleman Glenn and his bride to be Anne. Coleman I loved Rachel with all my heart and I do not know if you can even fathom having someone act like they love you, be your best friend and closest ally then turn and stab you in the back when you needed them most. On top of that to lie and decieve people about you. I do not know what Rachel said to her family and I am still very hurt that anyone would say a grieving person was mentally ill. I live a very full life, I love, I am active in my community, I work out all the time, I am friendly. Most of all people in the community notice I am a Christian not that I am a certain type of Christian by denomination but that I just love God and I do it by example. If Rachel and her family had of taken the time to truly know me they would have seen all that I ever wanted to do was love Rachel and Jonathan and worship with them but I guess your little elite club in Dawson Creek was too redneck and too superior to include me. I have always been different, the black sheep, and against the grain. That is why I succeed and that is why if I say I am going to do something through God's love and His guidance it manifest itself. I left 5 songs today for you and Anne to ponder over these are 5 songs that I would use to describe my love for Rachel and how much I still do love her. Coleman I came to you as a spiritual leader because I loved Rachel and now what has become of this is so much greater. I realize what God let me suffer for and it is to open a whole lot of peoples eyes to what is happening in the New Church. My Christmas newsletter will be how Rachel and her family turned me away and how people made excuses for peace and how for the last 2 years and this year being the 3rd the only thing I asked for is for people to pray for peace between Rachel and I. I would love her to pick up the phone and to never have to print that newsletter and for us to be in each others lives again but it is what I must do. I wish you well Coleman and Anne in your engagement but I also want Coleman to know the damage that you as a Pastor laid the foundation for in my heart and that Rachel would rather be a bad witness for the New Church than to turn the bad into good and make peace with me.
I always knew what I wanted and it was never just to be married to someone as Coleman alluded to in one of his sermons. I love Rachel and Jonathan and they were what I wanted out of life. It was at a time where I had a choice of many different women and instead of the single woman who I could go out and do whatever I wanted with I chose the single mother who lived 2,000 miles away who I would have to give up my life in Texas for and become part of a childs life who wasnt mine. I also was interested in being a foster parent with Rachel so I want you to know there was so much love I had and so much people overlooked for misconception, being judgmental, and just plain selfishness. I knew what I wanted and it was always just to love Rachel and Jonathan.
God Bless ALL
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Campaign I promised : Part One Where I Was Spreading The Word Last Night
I promised a blog revealing the name of one of Rachel's favorite bands that I was out spreading my mission at. The band is Rise Against. Check the date. I want Rachel, Her family, Her Church and others to know I stand by my word. I dont back down if I say I am going to do something. I will write a longer more detailed blog later. I just want Rachel to know that I do love her very much and if she and her family really cared they would make peace with me and realize that what Rachel did and said made me into the person I am today. I cant make her come back but everyday I can pray, Tomorrow I will put up a very personal and detailed blog pertaining to this letter to show you how much I loved and still love Rachel and Jonathan. It has never been about infatuation, obssessing, or getting revenge. The first two I am too old for the 1st two and the 3rd option is not my style. I just wanted to keep my promise to all of you to let you know that I am out doing what I say I am and tomorrow I will post more.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Christianity Under Attack, Not Backing Down on My Love For Rachel and The Myatts, Being Courageous, Steadfast, and Soldiering On.
I went into a movie theater of only 5 other people and I watched this movie today. By the end tears streamed down my face and I was inspired. Rachel and The Myatts I love you so this movie has inspired me to do more and to spread more. As for the members of the New Church. We should work toward the common good of getting people to Christ and not turn them away from Him because we think our theology or doctrine is better than someone elses. Even those who persecute me will find my strength is unbreakable, I am steadfast, and I am going to let Rachel, The Myatts, and the New Church know how much I love them. Unless someone reaches out to me otherwise a flyer with Rachel and I and how much I love her and our love story will be part of my love jihad on Saturday. I want Rachel and her family to know just how much I care. You can make me out to be whatever you want but its been over two years and if Rachel wasnt truly in my heart or I didnt care I would have walked away. l will not be a victim I will be a victor and I will not wage war I will only fight a battle with God at my side. I bless you all and hope you are inspired by this short clip and go watch the movie. Freedom comes with a price, lets all respect the Lord's love who gave us the freedom to live as we choose but in the end we face the consquences. I will continue to love and believe in God and myself through His Word and His guidance.
God Bless
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
I Am Glad Jesus Has Mercy On You Because I No Longer Do Rachel
The song in the video above is called "Until The Day I Die" by Story of the Year. It is about unconditional friendship and loving someone even when they hurt us. Rachel was my sister in Christ my best friend and through this all I still love her. I dont think she ever encountered someone outside her family who loved her and was so loyal. So what did she do? She treated me like dirt. I just want to say this. I no longer care what anyone thinks. I am going to be successful. I will continue my campaign, Ill continue living, loving, and not backing down to anyone. I will continue to stand up against injustice, bigotry, hate, and racism. I wont back down to Rachel, The Myatt Family, or the New Church so if you are scared that something you put up or say might be thrown back at you go ahead. I will continue to point out things such as Pastor Glenn always trying to find things plausible and valid outside the cannon of the Bible which is why it makes the New Church look bad because the Bible should be the source for most of the knowledge not some man or woman who says that their writings are Divine. I just dont care and if I offend anyone maybe you need to be offended. This saturday Rachel will get a rude awakening as I take my newsletter and spread it to a concert by one of her favorite bands and I will only reveal what band it is when I come back from the show with pictures and video. So you know what all you naysayers, backstabbers, hypocrites, and sympathetics of evil deeds its ok. I know who I am and what I need to do and I am going to level the ground with what you gave me. When I needed love, a friend, and people to understand Rachel and the Myatts just blew me off and I wont forget how the New Church turned their back on me either.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Loving Without Boundaries Or Borders, Understanding Others, and Not Backing Down - For the Myatt Family, The future Mrs Coleman Glenn, and for the Church of the New Jerusalem
Why would I put up such a picture to start my blog? It is because a lot of you who read this blog think I am some extremist and I want revenge on Rachel and the Myatts or that I am some obsessed person with a hidden agenda. My only agenda is that I love Rachel and her family and that God is my only guide. I have always been an anarchist and I have always believed in the values above but as a Christian we have the opportunity to follow the example of the greatest anarchist of all and His philosophy to love others, be kind to others, and to love unconditionally with purpose and drive. This blog will be brief and I wanted to start it with a couple of quotes about love and understanding from Dr. Cornel West.
“To be a Christian is to live dangerously, honestly, freely - to step in the name of love as if you may land on nothing, yet to keep on stepping because the something that sustains you no empire can give you and no empire can take away.”
― Cornel West
“Empathy is not simply a matter of trying to imagine what others are going through, but having the will to muster enough courage to do something about it. In a way, empathy is predicated upon hope.”
― Cornel West
Take a moment to think about what was said especially the quote about being Christian. Everyday I am printing up fliers about an experience I had with Rachel Myatt and the New Church sharing my pain with complete strangers. It is because I love not only those people in the New Church who hurt me but also my other Christian and non Christian brothers and sisters in the world. I also write a blog where I have had no shame in telling my deepest darkest secrets because I want Rachel and her family to know I am not afraid. I am not a coward who backs down from fighting. I would have never given up on Rachel or Jonathan and I loved them both with all my heart. I stand up to people who put me down when I believed in them and went to them for love and companionship i.e. Rachel and her family. I went to a Pastor , Coleman Glenn to challenge their beliefs and their system of how they treat people and tried to find humility but I found arrogance. To Anne in Singapore the future Mrs. Coleman Glenn it is not that I hate your fiancee it is that he at the time didnt care too much that my mom had just died and tried to defend Rachel's free will to treat me as such and that he carried on a relationship much like the one I carried on with Rachel with you and though. it would have been a year or so before I asked Rachel to properly marry me she was the one. He showed little compassion or empathy toward what I was going through and it was like Rachel was justified for her evils. I gave her Christian courtship, true love, was willing to give up my life, my family, and my country because I loved her and she played with that and treated it as it were nothing. Coleman didnt understand the depth or brevity of that but I guess maybe now he is starting to realize that what he said at the time had an influence on me and is part of the reason for this campaign. I am willing to talk to anyone with intelligence, grace, and patience so each time you read this Anne just think about how much Coleman loves you and imagine a man that loved Rachel that much and her throwing that away for foolish pride, for self doubt, and because of what others around her said instead of believing in me and sticking by me at a time when I truly needed a friend. Think about having a Pastor sticking up for that cruelty and someone using evil and doctrine to put down another. Think about calling a grieving person mentally ill because that is what Rachel did and that is what Pastor Glenn and Rachel's family seemed to think about me. That devastated me that someone would lie and kick me down. My friends and family are proud of me for sticking to my morals, my convictions, and not being afraid to voice my opinon against Rachel and the New Church. I will continue until the day Rachel picks up the phone, emails me, and peace is made. I will not forget what she did and what she said but I can forgive and continue to voice my opinion and no matter how popular the truth may be at the time the fact is she tried to run from the truth and hide. I am part of the truth who wont go away and if she wants to make a change she has to have the courage as both a Christian and my friend to confront me and make it better for both of us. Rachel Myatt I love you with all my heart I just wish you would lay down your arms and realize that despite all that has happened between us, I honestly, truly, and unconditionally love you and Jonathan. You can take it for what it is or you can continue to ignore it. Either way Its out in the open and I dont intend on walking away from you. That is my anarchy, that is Christ love, and that is my self determination. I believe you are one of the most beautiful people who have ever walked the earth but I loved you because of your flaws and imperfections not because of your aesthetics and isnt a man who loves you like that someone you want in your life?
― Cornel West
“Empathy is not simply a matter of trying to imagine what others are going through, but having the will to muster enough courage to do something about it. In a way, empathy is predicated upon hope.”
― Cornel West
Take a moment to think about what was said especially the quote about being Christian. Everyday I am printing up fliers about an experience I had with Rachel Myatt and the New Church sharing my pain with complete strangers. It is because I love not only those people in the New Church who hurt me but also my other Christian and non Christian brothers and sisters in the world. I also write a blog where I have had no shame in telling my deepest darkest secrets because I want Rachel and her family to know I am not afraid. I am not a coward who backs down from fighting. I would have never given up on Rachel or Jonathan and I loved them both with all my heart. I stand up to people who put me down when I believed in them and went to them for love and companionship i.e. Rachel and her family. I went to a Pastor , Coleman Glenn to challenge their beliefs and their system of how they treat people and tried to find humility but I found arrogance. To Anne in Singapore the future Mrs. Coleman Glenn it is not that I hate your fiancee it is that he at the time didnt care too much that my mom had just died and tried to defend Rachel's free will to treat me as such and that he carried on a relationship much like the one I carried on with Rachel with you and though. it would have been a year or so before I asked Rachel to properly marry me she was the one. He showed little compassion or empathy toward what I was going through and it was like Rachel was justified for her evils. I gave her Christian courtship, true love, was willing to give up my life, my family, and my country because I loved her and she played with that and treated it as it were nothing. Coleman didnt understand the depth or brevity of that but I guess maybe now he is starting to realize that what he said at the time had an influence on me and is part of the reason for this campaign. I am willing to talk to anyone with intelligence, grace, and patience so each time you read this Anne just think about how much Coleman loves you and imagine a man that loved Rachel that much and her throwing that away for foolish pride, for self doubt, and because of what others around her said instead of believing in me and sticking by me at a time when I truly needed a friend. Think about having a Pastor sticking up for that cruelty and someone using evil and doctrine to put down another. Think about calling a grieving person mentally ill because that is what Rachel did and that is what Pastor Glenn and Rachel's family seemed to think about me. That devastated me that someone would lie and kick me down. My friends and family are proud of me for sticking to my morals, my convictions, and not being afraid to voice my opinon against Rachel and the New Church. I will continue until the day Rachel picks up the phone, emails me, and peace is made. I will not forget what she did and what she said but I can forgive and continue to voice my opinion and no matter how popular the truth may be at the time the fact is she tried to run from the truth and hide. I am part of the truth who wont go away and if she wants to make a change she has to have the courage as both a Christian and my friend to confront me and make it better for both of us. Rachel Myatt I love you with all my heart I just wish you would lay down your arms and realize that despite all that has happened between us, I honestly, truly, and unconditionally love you and Jonathan. You can take it for what it is or you can continue to ignore it. Either way Its out in the open and I dont intend on walking away from you. That is my anarchy, that is Christ love, and that is my self determination. I believe you are one of the most beautiful people who have ever walked the earth but I loved you because of your flaws and imperfections not because of your aesthetics and isnt a man who loves you like that someone you want in your life?
Sunday, September 16, 2012
I Used To Believe in Love Now All I have is A Mission
Before Rachel I at least believed that all the cruel and evil things in my life happened so that I could come to that moment of good. Now I know there is no such thing. I used to love now all I have is a mission. When I truly needed a friend no one was there. I was ridiculed, humiliated, and called names. Then when you try to defend yourself people try to make you into a villain. If the world truly understood love they would understand that being cruel, hateful, and judgmental tears a person up inside. I thought with Rachel I was finally going to be loved and have a family and my dream would come true but she just played with that dream. Just because people look different, think different, or were raised in a different culture or religion doesnt make them any less human nor any less deserving of love. All you people have taught me true hypocrisy. You have taught me with all the blessings, children, and love in front of you that you wouldnt want someone who has a lifetime of suffering, rejection, racism, and pain to just believe in love instead of finally get so jaded they just get revenge or they just give up. You call someone mentally ill when they are grieving and then make up reasons to justify that. How sick are you people. Then to have Pastor Glenn and other New Church Pastors hypocritcally judge me while not even knowing an ounce of what I been through. That is it. I hope you are happy for all the pain and damage you caused Rachel. The Byron that once existed and believed in marriage, courtship, love, and kindness is dead. R.I.P. 1975 - 2012. Now all exist is a shell that wants Rachel, The Myatt Family, Pastor Glenn and the New Church to know that there are consequences for what you do in life regardless of what Swedenborg says and Rachel is going to have to find out the hard way because for the past 2yrs she had it easy. Goodbye
- P.S. This blog as always is a blog based on verbal and spiritual warfare. Any attempt to call me out as violent, terrorist, or threatening people with physical threats is unwarranted. It is not my style. I have nothing but love for all these people I rally against. It is they who can choose the white dove or I will continue fighting the good fight. The choice is theirs. My arms, my heart, and my love is still there for all them especially Rachel all she has to do is pick up the phone and end this.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
To Howard and Jane Myatt - How Much I Love Your Daughter But You Will Never Know
Dear Howard and Jane Myatt, I loved your Daughter and Grandson more than you could ever know. This morning I was sifting through my albums and I came across this single. It is so powerful and always brings me to tears that I had to put it away for years. I knew it would surface again when the time was right. The song is "Winter" by Tori Amos. I hope that one day Rachel realizes how much someone loved her and how she truly damaged my heart and my belief in true love and in women. I did everything I could to show her she and Jonathan were important to me and that I was in it for both of them and I would never leave her or hurt her. I don't have much left to say today except that I love Rachel and Jonathan. After that I am truly heartbroken and at a loss for words and I am about to give up on loving people completely.
God Bless
Jaded and No Longer Care About Others Feelings/ Swedenborg's Human God and Selfish Human Nature(For The Myatts, Pastor Glenn, and The New Church)
This song is probably to me Brian Warner aka Marilyn Manson's Defining Moment as a Musician. "The Reflecting God" I have blogged about this before but this morning it has more meaning and clarity than ever" Swedenborg wanted you to embrace the Evil and Twist the Good in your life. Pastor Glenn already expounded on that in his "Lesser Evil" sermon "The Swedenborgian Church of North American just comes right out and says it on their website.
- "Welcome to a church where you hear an optimistic message.
- I guess then it is ok for me to act on my impulses and evil just like Rachel did and not care about anyone elses feelings, livelihood or where my choice may lead if I do things. That is the Swedenborgian way. Though Manson borrowes heavily from Fredrich Nietzsche in this song I can also see how it can fit into Swedenborg's scheme of things. Rachel was raised from birth to be so selfish and so self serving that to people outside the Church of the New Jerusalem she is cruel and unkind. She only felt she had to be a certain way around family and members of the Church but to anyone on the outside they would never be able to love her and her family would never give anyone a chance because of the religious upbringing. So I am going to tell you a quick little story and then I am going to let the Rachel, The Myatts, Pastor Glenn and the New Church in on some things.
- Why I No Longer Care About Rachel, The Myatts, Or Pastor Glenn's Feelings, Reputation, Or Well Being.
I was getting gas the other day and usually I am pretty nice to homeless people and people on the street but I have finally had enough of being kind. There comes a breaking point where you are tired of being taken advantage of, you are tired of giving of yourself, and you are tired of being kind and nice and that time is now. A young lady, a black lady I might ad walked up to my car from the street and knocked on the window most of the time I will engage people and pull out $5 dollars or whatever change I have as I did last week for a homeless man but I looked at her and told her to go away. I didnt care. I have stopped caring. I was so angry and I shouldnt I feel guilty. No I didn't make her live the life she lives, I dont judge where she has been or where she is going but its not my problem anymore. When I reach out for help or love no one is ever there they make excuses lie and treat me like dirt so its my turn. She looked to be an addict of some sorts. I didnt put the drugs in her veins so I dont care. Then I selfishly went and bought a $300 dollar IPOD. I don't know how she got there but most of the time in my life I don't judge people. Its time to start since all people do is judge me. This next selection of words is solely aimed at Rachel Myatt, The Myatt Family, and Pastor Glenn and the New Church. How dare you treat me the way you did Rachel. I did nothing but love you, believe in you and care about you and for you to ever say the things you did about me. Well you know what I am just going to come out and say it you and your family are very shitty, uncaring, and selfish people. Pastor Glenn so are you. You look around at all the children, blessings, and love you have and why would you not understand how Rachel playing with my dream to be a father, even a stepfather to Jonathan, a husband, and just being loved would be important to me. That was my dream and I wanted to share that with Rachel and with such reckless abandon it meant nothing to her. It was like I was just a game. So fuck you all. Yes I am to that point. I will say this also. Rachel better be in for a rude awakening because not only will she feel the wrath of my writings but it will affect her family, her Church, and her Pastor. I am through wearing kid gloves and for the next couple of months I am spreading my newletters about the situation worldwide hundreds of Churches of all faiths each week with no regard to anyones feelings. I dont care about any of you because when I cared about you, when I needed a friend, when I needed love and understanding... You kicked me down, ignored, me and laughed at me. Fuck all of you hypocritical people. When I reached out to make peace with you , you made excuses and Pastor Glenn carries on a relationship sort of like the one I had with Rachel but was just as pious and freaking deceptive and two faced as any I wish well but you never tried to see any good in what I was doing so I am not holding back on what I have to say about you. Get a lawyer, sue me, screw me over some more I am done caring. Nothing short of an apology will ever do now. I was kind, I was patient, and I truly loved Rachel and Jonathan and the way Rachel treated me was detestable and for you people to think I was just supposed to at my time of grief to just lay down forget about everything and act like nothing ever happened was even more fucked up. So you know what fuck you all. I tried to be the good Christian. I tried to see some of your point of view but I no longer do not in the good way. I want to use your self serving evil doctrine to put you out there to millions now. I dont care if Rachel has to hide for the rest of her life, change her name, never post anything up on the internet again. She made that choice to be cruel to me, she made that choice in treating me cold, calcualting, and laughing at my pain. You reap what you sow. I tried for 2 years to make things right so now fuck her and the horse she rode in on. I used to believe in people and believe in good but after the Myatt family acted the way they did toward me well I dont anymore. How dare you be condescending and judgmental and whoever in that family said something about me being mentally ill I hope one day the closest person dies to you and you suffer and grieve like there is not tomorrow because even in my grieving of my mother I still loved Rachel and Jonathan so much that I never let my mom dying stop me from being with her. My love was unconditional but now its down to conditions so all of you only have yourself to blame. The printed word and the internet is my weapon and you cant bring me down. I have already told my story to so many and you all just make yourselves witness for your Church each time someone reads my blog or my newsletter. Call me nihilistic or whatever but I just dont care any more about any of you. When I did care all you did was make excuses. I never needed anyone to be happy but when you messed with my one dream and played with my happiness when I needed friends, love, and family around then hypocritically made fun of me and mocked me. Damn you all to hell the bloody lot of you buggers. The funny thing is that is this blog was taken down I would work double time printing more newsletters. I want Rachel to see that there is consequences for lying, for playing with peoples lives, for being deceptive and for using God as a means to hurt people. I have one thing left to say and its not God bless
"Good Night and Good Luck"
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Swedenborg, Demonology, Spirit Mediums and the Evil of False Prophets and Demons
First of All this is for all the people who think just because I am into heavy metal that it is not intelligent music. So this song is especially for members of the New Church. I have seen this band before. This is the kind of intelligent thought provoking music I listen to not the kind that talks about evil, hate, demons, or Satan I do not approve the subject matter and I am about to tell you briefly about my next Newsletter for October.
The second video you need to start at 6:11 it is about How Swedenborg had an influence on Mormonism but also how Swedenborg is in direct conflict with his own teachings about talking to spirits and not to believe them. I am going to spread the world about the Church of the New Jerusalem worldwide. Rachel said to me the guy who dated her before I did thought the group was Satanic. I said the same thing to Pastor Coleman Glenn because Swedenborg's writings are treated as Divine by the Church of the New Jerusalem and are very selfish, evil, and self serving in places. I want to share with others about talking to evil spirits, demons, and making things up that arent in the Bible to satiate and to satisfy our own earthly desires and not Gods. Both of these men both Swedenborg and Smith made their own interpretations of what God said because they didnt want to follow the TRUE WORD in the Bible. They twisted things in ways that were almost Freudian and perverse. I will study and use the teachings of Swedenborg to share his contradictions, the selfish nature of the Church of the New Jerusalem, and the use of evil spirits, demons, spirit mediums, and demonology to warn others of this cult who says they are Christian yet if someone disputes them or doesnt agree with them they automatically peg those people as wrong, uninlightened, and not of God. This is not a joke and as many of the New Church Pastors have learned by now my Newsletter is not a joke I am really distributing this to people and telling my story on a wide scale unbeknownst to the Church of the New Jerusalem. I am even sharing them with Churches in the vicinity of a lot of the New Church meeting places. I was never a joke and when I say I am going to do something I do it. I am sorry you had to act so evil, self righteous, and unloving toward me so now its time for me to show you nothing but love..
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
The Hypocrisy of Pastor Coleman Glenn : Putting Down Others Who Believe in Gods Love
This song is how much I love Rachel Myatt and I will never downplay the importance they day I told her I loved her I gave her this song on a cd along with others but it was the last song Along with a promise ring and a coupon promising my heart to her in the Lord forever
I thought long and hard before saying this and writing this blog but it needs to be said because Coleman Glenn I want you to know how hypocritical and deeply as a Pastor you hurt me. How you put yourself up on a pedastal and looked down on me for believing in God love and when Rachel lied and played with my love for her and my courtship and my patience for her it was all a joke to you. I want you to think for a minute about your own courtship and then think how I felt when Rachel did what she did. Here I was a guy who had just lost his mother but the one thing I felt that I had was a girlfriend who understood and who was there for me. She tells me she would be there for me and that she wanted to be there for me(and I wasnt even going to rush her to be married I was happy with our friendship) what if Anne had of said she would marry you then a couple of days later tore you apart and renigged on your proposal. Not only that Coleman but what if she started saying hateful things about your well being and putting you down and using secrets you told her to tear you down. Even saying something ill towards you mother. I know you think this has nothing to do with you and that you can ignore me and og on living life. That all is true but I can continue to write and be out in the open. Truth is Coleman this has everything to do with you. You could never know what that feels like. That is what Rachel Myatt did to me. What saddens me the most is that you and some of the other New Church Pastors when my heart was full of love tried to put me down and side with her for the evil that she did when all that was in my heart was love. It seems like a double standard for me and because of the way you treated me I had to write this blog and make this into a newsletter today. I dont really care what you think or what you do. I want you, Rachel, and the New Church to know how when I found a little bit of happiness in my life at a trying time how you kicked me down even further and how all I wanted was for Rachel was to love me and be truthful with me. She lied and it was ok according to you. I never lied, kept any secrets to from her, we had a relationship much like you and Anne. I talked to her on the phone every night or we chatted on messenger, I gave her a promise ring, I gave her my heart. My heart never strayed even though God tested me. Rachel was all I ever wanted. For you to use your doctrine not only to justify the evil, the lies, and deciet that was shown to me but to never even acknowledge that I was in a state of grief and that Rachel used poor judgment and discernment in treating me as such. That was sad. I can pull up the email I sent you where you never once said you were sorry that my mom died. It was basically Byron isnt of the Church of the New Jerusalem, Rachels free will trumps Gods love and your love Byron and she can do whatever she want and say whatever and do whatever evil thing she wants. That is the problem I have with the Church of the New Jerusalem too much free will warrants more evil and when we dont put God first in front of our own selfish desires then things continue to happen to us in life. Rachel could have picked up the phone months ago and I would have ended this but I believe in God and that this is happening for a reason. It is to show her what humility is because she doesnt show any to anyone outside children or her family. There is a world beyond Dawson Creek and because I am not afraid of anything anymore I am telling my story to the world. I am speaking on how you as a New Church Pastor basically are being hypocritical as I went through so much to be with Rachel and if she didnt want a man who loved her for who she was, who loved God and was willing to learn with her, and didnt want a man who was ready to be married she should have never played with that. How was I ever wrong for wanting a Christian love and putting my faith in the Lord. I could have been a womanizing, lying, sex crazed adulterer if I wanted to but I chose to show restraint and try to be chaste. All I have ever wanted was to be married and have a family. So Coleman how was I at fault for being upset at Rachel for lying, playing with that dream, and for using your doctrine not only to say I was wrong, but to downgrade and tell me I was wrong. You know who was wrong you for ever doubting me as a servant of God. I could have truly destroyed Rachel's life and time and time again all I did was get on here and talk about Christ Reconciliation and love. You took shots at me in your blog and you tried to make it seem as I was wrong, wrong for being human, wrong for being able to love, wrong forgiving and believing in others. The selfish evil part of me would have not come on here and wrote a blog called I Love Rachel Myatt. My friends wanted me to do some ill things but I didnt I listened to God because I truly love Rachel. I didnt come on here to put down your moment and happiness but I did come on here to get you to think about the hypocrisy, the double standard, and way you treated me when I came to you a servant of the Lord about the evil that was done by someone in your flock. If people keep letting Rachel get away with the behavior she exudes then she will continue to hurt people. I have to tell my story because of her and because she eludes the reconcilation, the love, and the healing that could come from making peace with me. I have to tell the story about you because you want everyone to think you are this totally great Pastor but no Pastor would ever talk to someone as such who came to them as I came to you in confidence and I am not even of your Religion , but I am a child of God none the less. It just seems to me that its all about free will and if that is the case why should I worry about God. God is the One who stops the evil in my heart that could totally get on here and trash Coleman and Anne. God is the love that lets me write this as a message to you of how you have hurt me. God is the One who allows me to put my feelings into print and into writing to never become violent but to have revolutions and resolutions in the mind, body, spirit and soul. Rachel was my best friend. Think about that for a moment. Think about how Anne is your best friend and how one little thing could alter that. Think for a moment if your heart was crushed. Rachel had a true friend in me and she chose to use things against me that were already there and let other people make her ashamed of being with me instead of stand up and believe in me like I believed in her. I was hurting in the worst way and whoever in the Myatt family who gave Rachel the ideal I was mentally ill and caused her to say that I am saddened and that is another reason I have kept this blog up. When a person is grieving they go through stages I was just leaving the denial stage that my mom was gone but I was at peace with her being gone she suffered her whole life. To the Myatts and to Rachel maybe I wasnt all together but I enjoyed every minute of their company and it meant so much to me. I could have wanted to love all of them any more. I loved Dawson Creek and I would have been happy there because though I am a city boy I enjoy the country where my father grew up. Rachel and Jonathan were the loves of my life and for the rest of my life I will never open my heart to anyone again. After the evil I encountered from people such as you Pastor Coleman Glenn and the Myatt family I really dont see any true hope of love because when you are different people pass you around and make excuses for loving you but when you are different you dont treat people that way. Rachel used the age old "Even if I dont love you God Loves You" excuse which is just a cowardly cop out for someone who is to afraid to stand up to the truth or consequences. In my mind I find reasons to love others and not find reasons to divide and to not love others but I guess that is why I am different. I love people like Christ would want us to. He would be where the different people are the ones who you think are outcast like me Rachel and Pastor Glenn sharing the message not with a bunch of pious, self centered, know it alls who thought they knew everything about Him and were already favored in His eyes. I am sorry for whatever reason that you thought that Rachel being cruel to me, lying to me, and playing with my love and courtship was justified. I only was truthful with her the whole time and she will always have a place in my heart. I will just end this blog on this note.
- First of all Pastor Glenn a Grieving Person came to you and just like Rachel you tore me down, you put doctrine over love, second of all you were biased in the situation because from the start you sided with her free will but were always doubtful about mine. Fact is you never cared I was grieving or in mourning nor did the Myatt family it was all about Rachel and her free will so dont get mad that I am telling the truth about what you did.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012
God Bless America, 9/11, Love and Dont Look Back
Dear Readers,
This is such a sad day but it is also a day of strength. I remember when all the buildings came down and all the planes came down 11 years ago I was in tears and the first thing I did that morning was hug one of my best friends and tell her that I loved her. Life is too short for holding grudges and to ignore the people who love you. This is not just a tragedy in American history this is something that affected people worldwide. Those people in those planes and buildings were not just American citizens, they were global citizens made up of all nationalities, religions, and ethnicities. That day we put all the differences aside to just love. I am not going to use my blog today as a means to exploit that. I am going to use it as a means to show people what it means to love your fellow man or woman even someone who has hurt you. This goes out to all the families that were affected by 9/11, to all the fireman and public servants who went back in the building to help others and never came out. This goes out to all those who lost a family member. This goes out to the world to just turn to someone that you have forgotten or you have a problem with and just tell them you love them. Forgive, forget, and move on. Let you worst enemy become your best friend. That was the truimph that the terrorist couldnt take away from the U.S. that day is that we love each other and we are stronger when we are together than when we are divided. If I had one wish today it would be that I could hold Rachel in my arms and hug her and tell her how much I love her and miss her and Jonathan. I dont want this hurt between us anymore Rachel you are my best friend. I love you with all my heart. I wish you would come back.
God Bless ALL
God Bless the USA
Sunday, September 9, 2012
The Day Rachel Abandoned Me: September 9th 2010 , 2yrs and I Still Love and Care for Her
- Dear Readers,
This was the day two years ago that Rachel abondoned me. Instead of place blame and say anything ill about her today I am just going to tell both she and you all how much I love her. She had told me the night before how much she loved me and that is what hurt the most that she became such a mean and evil person to me just hours later. I dont know what I ever did to deserve such things. I almost died that day. Like I said I just want Rachel to know that I love her and Jonathan with all my heart and I had always hoped that we would take more pictures like the one above as our love grew. You and Jonathan meant the world to me a Rachel and I would have never left you or abandoned you. For whatever reason you were ashamed to be with me or couldnt accept things about me I am truly sorry. I never did anything but love you and I thought I deserved nothing less or more from you. You and Jonathan meant the world to me and not a day goes by when I dont miss or think about you.
All I want for Thanksgiving in Both Canada and the U.S. is peace with you Rachel Myatt. All I want for Christmas is Peace with you Rachel Myatt.
All I know is that I love you. I wont ask God for that because He loves us both it will be up to you in the end to know how much you and Jonathan are loved by me and how no one that didnt love you as much as I did would make a big fuss about you worldwide like I have. I truly do love you Ray and none of this has been meant to hurt you and I am sorry if at times I have. I thought for the first time in my life I truly had a best friend and you would not give up on me. You hurt me everyday that we keep silent. I love you and I will go to my grave caring about you that much.
God Bless All
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