This is a song called "Untogether" by Lush they are 3rd favorite band of all time.
The song is about hurting someone or having a bad break up and one person putting all the blame on the other and letting them know how bad things were.
Dear Readers,
In a discussion the other day with one of the New Church Pastors through email(I will personally write him a blog and let him know how I feel later this week) He told me I was unloving for this blog and the campaign I have put forth. I never did this blog to hurt Rachel and though I have said some harsh things if you knew what was in my heart it is because I love her and Jonathan with all my heart. I dont care what anyone thinks of me, if Rachel or the Myatt family want to sue me and think I have done grievious harm to her reputation then go ahead. I would give her all that I have as I really don't care about material things or money. All I ever wanted was to be loved and have a family of my own and Rachel played with that dream I had with her and Jonathan. It meant even more to me at the time because my mother had passed away and instead of having someone that was supportive and loving of me, I was treated uncaring, inhumane, and detestable. The fact I have any love left in my heart for Rachel and as much as I do is a miracle. This isnt the first time that I have done something extreme for someone I love but the last person it took her 7 years to realize that I loved her and a bunch of hard lessons. She apologized and I told her that any time she needed me for anything I would be there. That is what Christians do, that is what true loving human beings do. I dont have to forget what Rachel did but I forgive her and love her and this blog is my expression of the love I have for her. So Pastor who will go unnamed till I blog personally for you. I am sorry if my public display and campaign geared at the New Church offends you but it is not unloving. It is telling a story of how I got treated, it is letting others in the New Church know that inappropriate behavior is happening in interacting with others who are not of that faith and it is telling Rachel personally and in public hey you hurt me, here is what I feel, I love you and Jonathan, come back to my heart but I also let her know that what she did was wrong, it is cruel, and that it is she who is not facing up to what she has done. I am right her in the open. My name is Byron. I am not hiding from anyone and I will face up to adversity. People who know me know I dont back down and so Good Pastor if you truly were my Brother in Christ you would read the rest of my blogs and understand what Rachel put me through and how much I truly love her instead of get upset because I have the fortitude and the gall to stand up to injustice and evil inside the New Church. You say you want to protect your children and your customs but at the same time you put down others, you constantly debase and downplay others faith. You made fun of contemperary Christian music and passed it off as Sappy? It saved my life and not all of it is what you think . I will put your name out in the open in this blog and then let other know what kind of loving Pastor you are passing such judgement on me. I do not hate the New Church I hate what some of the people in the New Church are doing in acting one way and professing to be another. Lush being one of my favorite bands here is another song I posted years ago called "Hypocrite" it for all those of any religion especially the New Church who claim to be of Good and Truth, and to be of love and Charity, but who are really about self love and being judgmental. The beginning of the chorus is "You Hypocrite You Dish Out But You Cant Take It". Pastor I am sorry but you dont know my story, you dont know what Rachel said, the lies, the betray, the uncaring so you have no right to judge me. What if your wife, or your children died, or anyone in your family died and some selfish person not only used their religion to belittle you but broke your hear. You know what because of you Pastor I am going to work extra hard on my campaign and pass out even more materials. Thank you for being judgmental, not reading into the whole story and I will publicly address you in a couple of days because what I have to say to you as a Pastor is going to be big and it is going to address a lot of the Hypocrisy in the New Church. I am so full of love not only for Rachel and her family but people in General. I work around people all day and most people tell me I am one of the Nicest people I met and Rachel knows how much I loved her, how nice I was to her, and how hurt and broken I was from my mothers death. I was at peace but I was still broken and in shock and she was the one who started this by taunting me on the internet and making fun of me so Pastor in South Africa who I will address by name later. You better think twice before you call someone unloving. Just because my method of showing Rachel I love her isnt your cup of tea it doesnt mean I dont love her. It doesnt mean it is not from God either. It was a way of God showing me another way to show Rachel how she hurt me and not to enact revenge on her but show her that my love for her was worth sharing with the world and even though you cant understand it and never will doesnt mean God didnt put that love in my heart. You can email me privately if you dont want me to reply to you in Public on here but I think your reply warrants a public response and I am formulating the best way to tell you how you crucified and judged me without looking at the fact, all you see is the New Church and what you percieve to be good but you dont want to look at any of the Bad or Evil that exist and that is what I am showing worldwide. Its not about Pride, Hate, Revenge, or anything like that I truly love Rachel Myatt and that will always be in my heart.
In a discussion the other day with one of the New Church Pastors through email(I will personally write him a blog and let him know how I feel later this week) He told me I was unloving for this blog and the campaign I have put forth. I never did this blog to hurt Rachel and though I have said some harsh things if you knew what was in my heart it is because I love her and Jonathan with all my heart. I dont care what anyone thinks of me, if Rachel or the Myatt family want to sue me and think I have done grievious harm to her reputation then go ahead. I would give her all that I have as I really don't care about material things or money. All I ever wanted was to be loved and have a family of my own and Rachel played with that dream I had with her and Jonathan. It meant even more to me at the time because my mother had passed away and instead of having someone that was supportive and loving of me, I was treated uncaring, inhumane, and detestable. The fact I have any love left in my heart for Rachel and as much as I do is a miracle. This isnt the first time that I have done something extreme for someone I love but the last person it took her 7 years to realize that I loved her and a bunch of hard lessons. She apologized and I told her that any time she needed me for anything I would be there. That is what Christians do, that is what true loving human beings do. I dont have to forget what Rachel did but I forgive her and love her and this blog is my expression of the love I have for her. So Pastor who will go unnamed till I blog personally for you. I am sorry if my public display and campaign geared at the New Church offends you but it is not unloving. It is telling a story of how I got treated, it is letting others in the New Church know that inappropriate behavior is happening in interacting with others who are not of that faith and it is telling Rachel personally and in public hey you hurt me, here is what I feel, I love you and Jonathan, come back to my heart but I also let her know that what she did was wrong, it is cruel, and that it is she who is not facing up to what she has done. I am right her in the open. My name is Byron. I am not hiding from anyone and I will face up to adversity. People who know me know I dont back down and so Good Pastor if you truly were my Brother in Christ you would read the rest of my blogs and understand what Rachel put me through and how much I truly love her instead of get upset because I have the fortitude and the gall to stand up to injustice and evil inside the New Church. You say you want to protect your children and your customs but at the same time you put down others, you constantly debase and downplay others faith. You made fun of contemperary Christian music and passed it off as Sappy? It saved my life and not all of it is what you think . I will put your name out in the open in this blog and then let other know what kind of loving Pastor you are passing such judgement on me. I do not hate the New Church I hate what some of the people in the New Church are doing in acting one way and professing to be another. Lush being one of my favorite bands here is another song I posted years ago called "Hypocrite" it for all those of any religion especially the New Church who claim to be of Good and Truth, and to be of love and Charity, but who are really about self love and being judgmental. The beginning of the chorus is "You Hypocrite You Dish Out But You Cant Take It". Pastor I am sorry but you dont know my story, you dont know what Rachel said, the lies, the betray, the uncaring so you have no right to judge me. What if your wife, or your children died, or anyone in your family died and some selfish person not only used their religion to belittle you but broke your hear. You know what because of you Pastor I am going to work extra hard on my campaign and pass out even more materials. Thank you for being judgmental, not reading into the whole story and I will publicly address you in a couple of days because what I have to say to you as a Pastor is going to be big and it is going to address a lot of the Hypocrisy in the New Church. I am so full of love not only for Rachel and her family but people in General. I work around people all day and most people tell me I am one of the Nicest people I met and Rachel knows how much I loved her, how nice I was to her, and how hurt and broken I was from my mothers death. I was at peace but I was still broken and in shock and she was the one who started this by taunting me on the internet and making fun of me so Pastor in South Africa who I will address by name later. You better think twice before you call someone unloving. Just because my method of showing Rachel I love her isnt your cup of tea it doesnt mean I dont love her. It doesnt mean it is not from God either. It was a way of God showing me another way to show Rachel how she hurt me and not to enact revenge on her but show her that my love for her was worth sharing with the world and even though you cant understand it and never will doesnt mean God didnt put that love in my heart. You can email me privately if you dont want me to reply to you in Public on here but I think your reply warrants a public response and I am formulating the best way to tell you how you crucified and judged me without looking at the fact, all you see is the New Church and what you percieve to be good but you dont want to look at any of the Bad or Evil that exist and that is what I am showing worldwide. Its not about Pride, Hate, Revenge, or anything like that I truly love Rachel Myatt and that will always be in my heart.

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