So you all waited patiently to see which location and band I was going to spread my message about the New Church next. Well this one will suprise you and let those Canadians know that I am not playing.
Dear Rachel, Readers, and New Church,
I just want you to know I am a man of my word and I am out in the streets with my heart and soul telling of my dealings with Rachel and the New Church. If you thought I would just sit back and this was some kind of joke then you are messed up. Rachel thought she could just skate through all her lies. Pastor Glenn thought that just because he is getting married I would cool down on my targeting his hypocrisy. No buddy I am just waiting till you least expect it to hit you and yours like an atom bomb!!!!! I am real. Pastor Coleman Glenn talks about "Fear of God" in the Dawson Creek New Church Newsletter this month.
So you see in your own words Pastor Glenn I put my faith in God. God lifted me up and this blog and this 2 year campaign of love, true love for Rachel, Jonathan, and the Myatts is still going strong because I do not look to you, to Swedenborg, or any earthly entity I look to Jesus Christ, To Jehovah, To The God of the Heavens, The One Most High to fight my battles. If you, Rachel, the Myatts, and the New Church were so full of love you would have taken me up on the offer of peace. Rachel could have been the best of friends with me again but she chooses the evil and the seperation that not only you Pastor Glenn but people in her family instilled in her because they were scared to actually learn and love about another person. I have been judged my whole life but you talk about being in a dark cloud, a dark place, a hole. Rachel and the Myatts left me in a caveat of despair after my mother died because I loved all of them so much and only wanted to show that. So what did I do. I picked up my boot straps. I prayed, and God directed me to just write and believe. Rachel if you are reading this. Pastor Glenn if you are reading this. Anyone from the New Church reading this if you believe in love I want you to know one thing. Any person who truly wants to know how much I love my ex and her little boy. Here is the shirt I wore to the concert last night to let people know when I was handing them the pamphlet about the New Church that I did love her.

Rachel herself took me to look for this shirt when I was there as I was so proud to be with her and Jonathan and I wanted everyone to know. They were the love of my life. Notice how I never leave Jonathan out of the equation. I loved them both and wanted a family with them not just her and how I always talk about loving her family. I havent worn it since the day she broke my heart and abandoned me in September 9th 2010. It still had tears on it, it smelled like the park where I was going to lay down and die. It smelled like the cemetary when I drove to see my mom and say goodbye. So much happened that day and Rachel only thought about herself. She never thought about how much struggle I went through losing a parent and how the love I had for her and Jonathan was not only a blessing it was my destiny. See this doesnt just extend to Rachel it extends to anyone in the Myatt or Friesen family who had doubts about me. As fragile and broken as I was at the time I was sure and I am to this day that Rachel and Jonathan were all I wanted and nothing can take that away. My heart is still waiting. You want to do something beautiful for Christmas then as Pastor Glenn aludes to Christ saying "Dont Be Afraid" pick up the phone Rachel or send a Christmas Card or do what could be the first step in healing this pain. Relationships can come and go but Rachel what you and I had was real friendship and maybe no one had ever loved you that much and you ran scared because I was serious I do not know but I do love you and Jonathan with all my heart and I will not back down or waiver in that aspect.
Rachel I love you so much I just wish this all would end but because of your nature of being I don't know if you will ever change. My hope is that someday soon and we can end this but if not I will keep spreading my love, I will keep questioning the validity of the New Church teachings, and I will never stop caring about you and Jonathan. If that is not good enough for you Rachel Myatt then you do not and will never know what true friendship is and that saddened me because we had one of the most beautiful ones I know inside and out.
Dear Rachel, Readers, and New Church,
I just want you to know I am a man of my word and I am out in the streets with my heart and soul telling of my dealings with Rachel and the New Church. If you thought I would just sit back and this was some kind of joke then you are messed up. Rachel thought she could just skate through all her lies. Pastor Glenn thought that just because he is getting married I would cool down on my targeting his hypocrisy. No buddy I am just waiting till you least expect it to hit you and yours like an atom bomb!!!!! I am real. Pastor Coleman Glenn talks about "Fear of God" in the Dawson Creek New Church Newsletter this month.
So you see in your own words Pastor Glenn I put my faith in God. God lifted me up and this blog and this 2 year campaign of love, true love for Rachel, Jonathan, and the Myatts is still going strong because I do not look to you, to Swedenborg, or any earthly entity I look to Jesus Christ, To Jehovah, To The God of the Heavens, The One Most High to fight my battles. If you, Rachel, the Myatts, and the New Church were so full of love you would have taken me up on the offer of peace. Rachel could have been the best of friends with me again but she chooses the evil and the seperation that not only you Pastor Glenn but people in her family instilled in her because they were scared to actually learn and love about another person. I have been judged my whole life but you talk about being in a dark cloud, a dark place, a hole. Rachel and the Myatts left me in a caveat of despair after my mother died because I loved all of them so much and only wanted to show that. So what did I do. I picked up my boot straps. I prayed, and God directed me to just write and believe. Rachel if you are reading this. Pastor Glenn if you are reading this. Anyone from the New Church reading this if you believe in love I want you to know one thing. Any person who truly wants to know how much I love my ex and her little boy. Here is the shirt I wore to the concert last night to let people know when I was handing them the pamphlet about the New Church that I did love her.
Rachel herself took me to look for this shirt when I was there as I was so proud to be with her and Jonathan and I wanted everyone to know. They were the love of my life. Notice how I never leave Jonathan out of the equation. I loved them both and wanted a family with them not just her and how I always talk about loving her family. I havent worn it since the day she broke my heart and abandoned me in September 9th 2010. It still had tears on it, it smelled like the park where I was going to lay down and die. It smelled like the cemetary when I drove to see my mom and say goodbye. So much happened that day and Rachel only thought about herself. She never thought about how much struggle I went through losing a parent and how the love I had for her and Jonathan was not only a blessing it was my destiny. See this doesnt just extend to Rachel it extends to anyone in the Myatt or Friesen family who had doubts about me. As fragile and broken as I was at the time I was sure and I am to this day that Rachel and Jonathan were all I wanted and nothing can take that away. My heart is still waiting. You want to do something beautiful for Christmas then as Pastor Glenn aludes to Christ saying "Dont Be Afraid" pick up the phone Rachel or send a Christmas Card or do what could be the first step in healing this pain. Relationships can come and go but Rachel what you and I had was real friendship and maybe no one had ever loved you that much and you ran scared because I was serious I do not know but I do love you and Jonathan with all my heart and I will not back down or waiver in that aspect.
Rachel I love you so much I just wish this all would end but because of your nature of being I don't know if you will ever change. My hope is that someday soon and we can end this but if not I will keep spreading my love, I will keep questioning the validity of the New Church teachings, and I will never stop caring about you and Jonathan. If that is not good enough for you Rachel Myatt then you do not and will never know what true friendship is and that saddened me because we had one of the most beautiful ones I know inside and out.
Finally even though this video is set to private on youtube(because the sound sucks) I want you all to have proof from my camera that I am really at these destinations not just enjoying great music but I am really out in the field spreading this message and that is a promise. This is the "Priest of the Temples of Syrinx from Rush's classic "2112" album. God Bless All.
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