Dear Readers,
As I shared my message about the New Church the other day with lots of people I found this bumper sticker at a booth that was a Vegan Outreach and Anti Animal Cruelty. I wanted to share this message with those of the Church of the New Jerusalem. Not only am I a vegetarian but I love others, show compassion, humility, and kindness. This is something I have not encountered from the New Church. What I have encountered is bias, haughtiness, self absorbed loftiness, arrogance, and selfishness. Jesus never taught us to practice such things did he? I don't hate the New Church but all I see is how they put down other Christians and I have encountered that myself so I am taking my message to the people. Rachel and the others who could have been loving could have prevented this with a phone call or to talk to me in person. Instead they want ignore me like this is a game or that I am kidding. You will come to find out that this campaign is very real and I am sharing this message with many Christian and Non Christian on a daily basis. Rachel's one act of selfishness, unkindness, and Pastor Coleman, Cooper, and Lumsden's self righteousness, uncaring attitude, and arrogance all lead to this. I had nothing but love and respect for not only Rachel but the laity and clergy of the Church of the New Jerusalem. Just to let you know that I was not kidding about being at one of the largest U.S Festival and the longest running one yesterday here is a little picture. It was a place where people mostly young of all colors, backgrounds, religions, and walks of life go to share love and music. I am a Christian and I want everyone to love God but the Bigotry I was shown by Rachel Myatt and the Church of the New Jerusalem needs to be told so I am telling it.

Yes I am out telling my story not only because I love people of all faiths but because The Church of the New Jerusalem needs to stop doubting others abilities in God and to stop constantly putting down others. I look at their message boards, their websites, and comments by Pastors that are nothing but hypocrisies to the message they are supposedly trying to convey. Rachel's behavior and treatment of me was destestable, dishonorable, and I am not going to forget it anytime soon unless she is brave enough to forgive and forget. We in North America enjoy the freedom of speech. I am telling a story about my experiences with proof of how Rachel and the New Church members have treated others and speak on others of faith and how bigoted and hurtful they are. I am not here for libel or slander and my story is a true one. I will not say stuff to others that did not happen I will only point out what was said and what happened to me. It is for others to decide. Pastor Derrick Lumsden was offended by my campaign and asked me to repent. Repent from what Pastor? I am only reflecting the mirror back in Rachel and the New Church's face of how they treat people. People love to put down others, be unkind, and cruel but when someone calls them on something, gives them a taste of what they are doing, and then threatens to show others you get all judgmental on me. Where was the clergy when I pointed out how Rachel acted? When I publicly wanted reconcilation and forgivness and to forgive. It was a joke to the New Church, Rachel, and the Myatt family, and most of the clergy. They didnt see the love in my heart instead they though I was on here to make fun of Rachel which has been the furthest thing from my hear. I started this blog because I wanted to show Rachel Myatt that someone truly did love her even though she treated me horribly I wanted to show her Christ love and His message of reconciliation, patience, long suffering, and kindness. She hurt me deeply with her actions and her words but I was willing to go to the ends of the earth for her to let her know I love her. If you people in the Church of the New Jerusalem cant understand the urgency and the clarity in that simple message from Christ then dont judge others. I don't hate Rachel, I dont hate anyone, I surely don't hate the New Church but when I extended my hand in love and in worship to Rachel, her family, and the New Church at a time when I had just lost my mother I was met with lies, hypocrisy, and ridicule and that is the most UnChristian thing ever. So those of you who have a problem with my blog or my methods. Pray for me or Reach out to me. Talk to Rachel because she could end this by being loving reconciling with me, talking to me, and making peace. If not then don't get mad because I tell the truth. One person can make a change and I have just begun a revolution. You can sit back an ignore it and watch my message grow or you can be the loving Christians you say you are and reach out to me to find a resolution to this. My heart is open is your Church of the New Jerusalem, Rachel Myatt, Myatt Family?
My battle is one of peace, love, acceptance, healing, and understanding others. If you want to constantly judge, hurt your fellow brothers in Christ, and be so biased that you dont see the forest for the trees continue and your faith will crumble to the ground. I am fighting for what I believe in and I have always loved Rachel. I never give up on people I love and if she had any love in her heart that Christ or even Swedenborg talks of she would realize how deeply she hurt me and how courageous it would be of her to pick up the phone and not only forgive and be forgiven but she could put an end to all of this. Love is the key, Love is the answer, accepting the wrong, moving on, and loving is all I know to do. Rachel Myatt I forgive you for hurting me, for hurting my family, for breaking my heart be strong my friend and come back to me stop the hurting or live the rest of your life knowing you damaged someones soul so much that it led to events that affected lots of people through your words. I love you Sister.
Ephesians 6:12-15
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
The church does not exist where there is no truth of faith, nor religion where there is no good of life. The church and religion make one like truth and good. And as truth relates to faith, and goodness to charity, they make one just as faith and charity do. Or, to make this clearer, they make one like understanding and will. We know that we may understand well and yet not will well; and that we can understand truth, and from understanding speak it, and yet not do it from our will. But when we will as we understand, and do as we say, then our will and understanding make one within us. It is the same with the church and religion. The church is a church from its doctrine; religion is religion from living according to doctrine. And the doctrine must consist of truth, and the life of goodness. (Doctrine of Charity #212)
The church does not exist where there is no truth of faith, nor religion where there is no good of life. The church and religion make one like truth and good. And as truth relates to faith, and goodness to charity, they make one just as faith and charity do. Or, to make this clearer, they make one like understanding and will. We know that we may understand well and yet not will well; and that we can understand truth, and from understanding speak it, and yet not do it from our will. But when we will as we understand, and do as we say, then our will and understanding make one within us. It is the same with the church and religion. The church is a church from its doctrine; religion is religion from living according to doctrine. And the doctrine must consist of truth, and the life of goodness. (Doctrine of Charity #212)
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