(please watch from 3:30-3:36 to understand why I picked this for my blog)
A Dedication To My Friend and Sister in Christ I Love and Cherish. "The Letters To Rachel Project" This site is not meant to demean nor defame my friend in anyway it is a heartfelt attempt at peace and reconciliation
Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Revenge May Dull The Pain, The Less We Feel The Less We Are...........
Monday, July 30, 2012
Disabilities and Accepting Who We Are : Gifts, Flaws, and Insecurities. (Loving Each Other For The Greater Good)
Matthew 17:14-27
Jesus Heals a Demon-Possessed Boy
That is one example of Christ and in it I take solace in my believing in God and putting Him first in this matter between Rachel and I despite what some of the New Church Pastors have said in discouraging my campaign. My friends and family have been supportive because they have taken the time to see what is in my heart.
- Matthew 6:25-34
Do Not Worry
25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
So I ask Rachel and her family. Why is it so hard for Rachel to make peace with someone who loves her so much. Why did she have to say the things in the first place that were said or who put ideas in her head to be so cruel? You want this to go away but you are forgetting that as long as I live I am free to do as I want also. I am a peaceful man, you will never catch me trying to do anything violence. I use words as my weapon and love as my guide. I love God and through Christ I love Rachel. Maybe sometimes it doesnt seem like it to you because of the anger or hurt I have displayed but it is there and if I didnt truly love Rachel Myatt through Christ then this blog would be done, the hope of peace would be done, and lots of harmful things would have occured on both ends but I believed in the love both Christ and my Mom spoke of and to this day "I LOVE RACHEL MYATT"
Sunday, July 29, 2012
I Wanted Peace With Rachel On The Memorial of My Mom's Death
August 8th it will be 2yrs since my mother died and Sept 9th it will be 2yrs since Rachel abandoned me. Those were the 2 women I loved the most in my life and the one that is still alive is the one that is slowly killing my soul. I had hoped that by this time we would have made peace but another year has gone by and so when I go to my mom's final resting place next week, I will just tell her I still love Rachel but that she abandoned me. Her and her family did appreciate the blessing or love that I had and that Rachel's cruelty has broken my soul. I had nothing but love for you Rachel Myatt and Myatt family and what has broken me the most is that my mom blessed you because she knew that all I ever wanted in my life is to love people and that she felt Rachel wouldnt hurt me or betray me like she saw other women do. She died seeing me at peace and now my soul has reached the end of that. To Rachel, The Myatt Family, and all the New Church Pastors who couldn't do anything but judge me and chastise me this blog is for you. For All of you sitting at home with your wives, children, and love all I have is a broken heart, a bunch of hurt, and no faith in people anymore because the one person I believed in told me I didnt love God and the people around her accepted her actions and treated the evil like it didnt matter. So just remember all the pain and damaged you caused Rachel Myatt. Im not going to play the victim I am just going to say by me you were truly loved and whatever comes now I tried to make peace with you but you ignored me and pretended I didnt exist.
God Bless ALL
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Fuck Rachel Myatt
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Taking the Battle to the Streets and Forcing The Church to Deal With It
Dear Readers, I can just see it about a year ago when Pastor James Cooper of the Olivet New Church told Pastor Coleman Glenn and others not to indulge me or my letters. He probably thought I would just give up and go away with his condescending "holier than thou" attitude. I bet Rachel thought that she could just go and live her life and continue treating people bad and it would pass. Now that I have taken it to the streets they are realizing that God works in mysterious ways and He gives strength to those who are persistant. I have never seen so many people make excuses for evil in my life especially Pastors and Reverends of a Church. The main clergy of a Church people!!! Making excuses for Rachel's bigotry, and her religious elitism, and being totally contradictory to what they supposedly believe in. So a print campaign is the best way to just put it out there. I am now sending letters, writing commentary, and making spoken word cds to hand out in North America anywhere and anytime I see fit to tell about the arrogance, the hypocrisy, and the sheer joke that lies within New Church theology. Anyone that says they respect others way of loving Christ yet every other sentence from one of the Clergy or Members is putting down or scrutinizing a person of another faith and calling them false prophets when they themselves have someone who has ghostwritten behind the Bible to make themselves seem relevant is just abhorent. It seem like they made up a certain set of rules so they could ignore parts of the Bible and commit certain sins and disobediant and decadent acts but yet judge other people instead of deal with the problems within their own fold. To Outgoing Executive Bishop Kline I hope that this isnt the Legacy you want to leave for the New Church because it would be a sad one. Incoming Bishop Keith the path of questions I am going to leave open for others to look within the New Church are going to be like the Bush Presidency and the aftermath of Obama's failed mess. I am going to dedicate my life now to letting people know of the bigotry, hatred, and self righteousness that flows through people in the New Church. You all have Rachel Myatt to thank for this and I dont care how it affects her because anyone who was so evil that they would speak ill of my dead mother, put down a grieving person's state of mind and treat them less than human, sleep with someone and then try to act like they were the only one that did anything (it takes two to tango) , and tell someone their love of God was stupid and non existent needs to be brought down to a state of humility. So from this day on. I came to you and tried to make peace, you kicked me, spit on me, hurt me and changed my life Rachel Myatt, Pastor Glenn, Cooper, Myatt and Friesen Family, Pastor Derrick Lumsden, Brian Smith to all of you now, ITS ON!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
The Time IS NOW: Church Of TNJ Newsletter is now in flight
I don't apologize to Rachel, The Myatt Family, Any New Church Pastor who I have to write about or anyone. I gave people ample time for reconciliation, I reached out to you, and I tried to make peace with you all. The time has come to spread the word. I am sorry that people of a faith who claim to be loving and believe in the good of others could be so contradictory to their teachings. Obviously though Rachel, her family, nor the Church of the New Jerusalem care not who they hurt , what they say, or how their selfishness affects anyone. I held back my newsletters long enough and now it is time to send them out into the world. Im not sorry, I dont care, and I hope you open your eyes Rachel and others to the damage that you have done to not only me and my family but to yourselves by being bigoted, judgmental, and hateful. Dawson Creek New Church will be on the map and so will Rachel Myatt and many others in the New Church I dont care what happens to any of you because you made excuses for evil and everything you said was a total obfuscation and contradictory to Christ teachings on love, forgivness, and reconcilation. So you reap what you sow.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Keeping My Word: To Rachel, Pastor Glenn, The New Church and Being True to Myself(365th Blog)
Dear Readers,I wanted to take the time today to let anyone who read the blog yesterday to know that I am serious about all I have said I was going to do. Last night I put up a blog about what I was going to do and I did it. See if someone calls me a liar or tries to say I am bluffing or think I am like some of the New Church Pastors, Rachel and her family or anyone who thinks I am not telling the truth of about things. I always have proof. These are from my volunteer work last night. I make friends easily. I spend my days loving and helping people and people believe in the love and time I put into things. Just because you haven't recieved your letters in the mail New Church doesnt mean I dont have them ready to go. I saw that there was another loss in the Dawson Creek New Church fold and I felt it inappropriate to launch my campaign at that time. I will launch it in the near future and I will keep my word. If you don't think God is on my side and God's love isn't on my side then maybe you truly haven't known anyone with determination, good, and truth like mine. I have written 365 blogs of how much I love Rachel and some have been painful and some have been just to let her know that I love her and I want peace. I have been persistant, truthful, loving, and long suffering. Now it is time for Rachel to make her move while there is still a chance to keep this small time. If not then I am about to go big with love and how it affects Rachel and her family I wont care too much about it because she had every opportunity to reach out to me. If you want to be the Church of the New Jerusalem poster girl for bigotry, unforgivness, hurt, hate, and not reconciling wrongs then go ahead. No sweat off my back just remember though my dear Rachel Myatt someone did love you and gave you a chance but what did you do to them? You slandered him, put him down, and spit on his love for God, both you and your Pastor so even if you treat me like enemies today I say "Bless you Rachel Myatt, New Church, Myatt , Friesen, and Baker Familes. Bless you Pastor Glenn, Cooper, Lumsden, and Brian Smith. Bless you all because in that will always be something greater than how you treated me. God's exacting love and the promise of His Kingdom!!!!
Sunday, July 22, 2012
What I Am Donating My Time To Tonight!
Friday, July 20, 2012
The Dark Knight : Sadness Rises (We Need Love To Change the World)
Dear Readers,
Please when you read this take a moment to pray for the families of the dead of this tragedy and for those in the hospital fighting for their lives. I was one of the people at one of the Midnight Screenings last night in my home state and when I got home and heard about this I broke out in tears. The world is so full of hurt and hate and people are sick. People need love and I will not condone what this person did and it is sad that he felt he had to do this. I want those who read my blog regularly to realize I have been picked on, bullied, and put down. Rachel even called me damaged and sick but instead of try to seek revenge on her with violence. I tried to show her that my mind and the pen was mightier than any violence or physical act I could do. If we would take the time to love each other and stop judging each other we may not have people who feel they have to do such heinious acts. When you make fun of someone, or put them down, or say mean things to them it may affect someone like this and it may stick with them to where they end up doing something as tragic as this. Please take the time today to pray for a change in all the evil in the world. Take the time to right wrongs in your life. Take the time to make peace with those you have transgressed against. This is in no way a selfish attempt at my own goal in loving Rachel today but an attempt at how much I love people in the world. My brothers and sisters in the New Church I want peace with you and Rachel and maybe if you see where my heart is in matters like this you might respond. God Bless Us ALL and please God be with the families of those who were hurt or killed this morning.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Rachel Myatt Hates Me and Probably You Too! (Heaven and Hell) Swedenborg Says So
Rachel and The Church of The New Church Practice this towards other Christians in their attempt to be so different and so much better. So thank you for hating someone who truly loved you Rachel Myatt. Maybe I should hate you too!
- Heaven and Hell 558-1
- Heaven and Hell 558-2
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Dawson Creek Church of The New Jerusalem : Are You Ready to Be Put On The Map
Love That Will Be Heard Around the World: For Rachel and the New Church
Dear Rachel and Readers,
I haven't blogged for a couple of days because I have been soul searching and wondering why I keep this up. I know now that I am a fighter and that I cannot sit back and cave into the Devil or into putting my love for Rachel aside. Rachel you were my best friend in God and that meant everything to me so I dedicate "Everything" by Material Issue to you today in hopes you will respond to this blog. In the next couple of weeks it will get bigger. My campaign which I suspended my letter fell on deaf ears to Rachel and Pastor Coleman Glenn so I will resume with the "New Christianity, Same as the Old Christianity: The Church of the New Jerusalem Newsletter. I want Protestants, Catholics, Atheist, and other Swedenborgians to know about how I was treated. I want people to love God but also love one another and with all the proof and judgment I got from New Church Pastors and members then they should have jumped at the chance to make peace with me internally but instead they want this out in the open. I have no problem with that. This Sunday I have been asked to work a concert by one of Canada's biggest bands and national treasures and I wont say which one till after I return. It is an opportunity for me to share my newsletter and thought with lots more people a couple 1000 to be exact. I will continue. I am sorry if you feel hurt Rachel, and I am sorry you chose to live your life in hiding and not bring this to a peaceful end between you and me. I will be posting up another message on youtube shortly about how you and the New Church handled this situation and how someone truly loved you and reached out to you for peace and you ignored it. I will name names and I will explain and quote situations if I feel like it. If your name is Cooper, Myatt, Lumsden, Glenn, or Smith you might be implicated. That is all I have to say today is that I had nothing but love for you all. Remember Rachel you made this bed and you continue to lie in it and as long as I am free to write and spread the word to the world I will.
God Bless ALL
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Food For Thought: Where Does Your Heart Lie?
Dear Rachel and Readers,
This simple little picture I saw online couldnt be more true. We all exhibit all of these qualities and on this blog I have shown sides of both but if you take the time to really read this blog Have I not shown more of the right side than the left side. What side has Rachel shown for what happened or the New Church Pastors who chastized me. First and foremost my faith has been with God and I continue to put my faith in him and believe in Him. My love for Rachel is rooted there. I just wanted people to take a look at this and think about it today.
God Bless ALL
This simple little picture I saw online couldnt be more true. We all exhibit all of these qualities and on this blog I have shown sides of both but if you take the time to really read this blog Have I not shown more of the right side than the left side. What side has Rachel shown for what happened or the New Church Pastors who chastized me. First and foremost my faith has been with God and I continue to put my faith in him and believe in Him. My love for Rachel is rooted there. I just wanted people to take a look at this and think about it today.
God Bless ALL
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Consequences of Hurting Others Knowingly: Overcoming Adversity, Hardship, and Putting Christ First
Dear Rachel and Readers, I had to see the chance to see the incredible Mazzy Star led by Hope Sandoval in April and this song makes me think of Jesus love. I think of how much Rachel hurt me and how people think that I have been playing the victim and how I was pegged the villian by many in the New Church for this blog. This blog was a symbol of love. It is something that most people wont do because they lack the discipline, the will power, and the passion to believe in what they say. Those who do believe in themselves and put their faith in God first even when tragedy strikes or hard times befall us still come out on top. So for a week I have suspended the "New Christianity, Same as the Old Christianity flyer campaign on the New Church and Rachel Myatt. There was a letter sent to Pastor Glenn and Rachel Myatt. It is my last attempt at peace. If there is no reply from Rachel then I know in my heart that its ok what I am doing and she doesnt care about me at all or that what she did and said severely damaged and influenced what is happen. See we all are responsible for what we do. If Rachel wants to hurt her Church more, her family, and have this story told and the way that her actions affected both me and her legacy towards the New Church fine. I have no problem continuing my campaign. If she and her family truly cared they would reach out to me and we could end this in private. I would rather the last option but I will stand my ground and continue my print revolution if after my letter of peace is recieved by Pastor Glenn and if he chooses to throw it in the trash or not discuss it with Rachel that is fine. I will know that I am free to go on with my life and Rachel will know she is the reason for a worldwide campaign on the New Church nature of worship and how they treat other Christians specifically. Rachel knows that she constantly hurts people and she knew what she did and said was wrong. She can never change the evil that was done but she has a chance to make amends and work towards reconciliation if not then I will not hold back and every lie she told me will be on display, Worldwide!!! Rachel played with my desire to have a family, my kind and loving Christian courtship, she blasphemed against my family, judged me in horrendeous ways, slept with me and said she loved me and played with my sense of true love, marriage, and family and all I did was love her. Then I was judged by some New Church Pastors because they automatically took Rachel's side. So if that is the kind of bias that the New Church wants to be know about them all I will be glad to show those truths but would rather talk this out and make peace. I believe peace is the only way. I leave you today with scripture and verse. God Bless All.
- Hebrews 4:12
- For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
- Romans 8:35
- Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Life is Too Short to Hold Grudges Rachel, Holding Out Hope You Realize This
Dear Rachel and Readers, The other day I got an instant message from someone who I had a falling out with. I put my all into knowing this person and they would say they would make time for me then let me down. So one day I let her know how I felt and felt like she didnt appreciate that I wanted to be in her life but I wasn't worth her time. She got mad and we stopped talking. I asked her why did she message me. She said "Life is Too Short To Hold Grudges" I couldnt agree more. Maybe Rachel has never been loved by anyone outside of her family enough to know that by me she was and is truly loved. Maybe it scared her and mayber she and her family were not prepared for someone such as myself. They thought I would just wither off in the distance be upset and go on with my life. It is not the case and it is not going to be the case. When God instills love in your heart for someone even when that person hurts you He can direct your heart to move away from that person or He can put into motion things that bring you and that person closer together. Rachel this is my call to make peace with you. I have suspended my campaign for 7 days and I have offered a flag of peace to you which will come in the form of a letter to you and Pastor Glenn. I hope you will read it and I hope you will act on it. I put my faith in God you will reach out your hand to me because I love you. I have a hope that My Heavenly Father gives us and the love He teaches that comes from forgiveness, long suffering, kindness, and humility. I love you Rachel Myatt I wish you and your family would open your eyes to that. All I want is to hear your voice, to reconcile, to love you again Rachel. I love you with all my heart. Leviticus 19:18 “ ‘Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.
2 Corinthians 5:17-19
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 18 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. Dear Sister Rachel, I love you and I put my faith in God and you and others will see this and begin the healing processs. Reconcile with me, put this to an end, you mean the world to me.
God Bless All
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Love Over Pride
Dear Rachel and Readers,
I wanted to post this short blog as a challenge to Rachel Myatt, The Myatt Family, The Church of the New Jerusalem and you dear reader. I challenge you today to just Love. Right a wrong, rekindle and old friendship, offer forgiveness to someone who hurt you or reach out to be forgiven by someone you hurt. Apologize, be humble, kind, and full of God's love. I started my campaign earlier this week then I had a change of heart. Before I go any further I want to reach out to Rachel and the New Church one more time. Once I put the campaign in full motion there is no turning back so I want the chance for peace, reconcilation, and love. Rachel my dear was it really worth all this. Do you really want to keep hurting me and other people when you know that the love exist in you to make peace with me. I am sorry if you feel this blog is hurting you but it is only intended to show you that you are loved by me so much that I was willing to tell my deepest secrets on the internet and to total strangers and send letters around the world of the hurt you brought me. If someone loved me that much and would go through so much to make peace with me, I wouldnt think twice about loving them and caring about them. You never truly accepted that I loved you unconditionally. You let others voices cloud your chance for true love and someone that had done all he could to show you that you were the one. This is my last attempt at trying to make peace with you after that the course of action that I take will change our lives forever. I would rather have peace with you than to finish this campaign. I ask that you hear my plea and reach out your hand to me as I have to you. White flag, open arms, God's love and reconcilation. Put aside your pride or whatever is holding you back and come back ot my heart. I love you Rachel Myatt and somewhere in your heart I know you still love me.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
One Person Can Make A Change: Why The Church of the New Jerusalem Hates Other Christians :The Movement
Dear Readers,
As I shared my message about the New Church the other day with lots of people I found this bumper sticker at a booth that was a Vegan Outreach and Anti Animal Cruelty. I wanted to share this message with those of the Church of the New Jerusalem. Not only am I a vegetarian but I love others, show compassion, humility, and kindness. This is something I have not encountered from the New Church. What I have encountered is bias, haughtiness, self absorbed loftiness, arrogance, and selfishness. Jesus never taught us to practice such things did he? I don't hate the New Church but all I see is how they put down other Christians and I have encountered that myself so I am taking my message to the people. Rachel and the others who could have been loving could have prevented this with a phone call or to talk to me in person. Instead they want ignore me like this is a game or that I am kidding. You will come to find out that this campaign is very real and I am sharing this message with many Christian and Non Christian on a daily basis. Rachel's one act of selfishness, unkindness, and Pastor Coleman, Cooper, and Lumsden's self righteousness, uncaring attitude, and arrogance all lead to this. I had nothing but love and respect for not only Rachel but the laity and clergy of the Church of the New Jerusalem. Just to let you know that I was not kidding about being at one of the largest U.S Festival and the longest running one yesterday here is a little picture. It was a place where people mostly young of all colors, backgrounds, religions, and walks of life go to share love and music. I am a Christian and I want everyone to love God but the Bigotry I was shown by Rachel Myatt and the Church of the New Jerusalem needs to be told so I am telling it.

Yes I am out telling my story not only because I love people of all faiths but because The Church of the New Jerusalem needs to stop doubting others abilities in God and to stop constantly putting down others. I look at their message boards, their websites, and comments by Pastors that are nothing but hypocrisies to the message they are supposedly trying to convey. Rachel's behavior and treatment of me was destestable, dishonorable, and I am not going to forget it anytime soon unless she is brave enough to forgive and forget. We in North America enjoy the freedom of speech. I am telling a story about my experiences with proof of how Rachel and the New Church members have treated others and speak on others of faith and how bigoted and hurtful they are. I am not here for libel or slander and my story is a true one. I will not say stuff to others that did not happen I will only point out what was said and what happened to me. It is for others to decide. Pastor Derrick Lumsden was offended by my campaign and asked me to repent. Repent from what Pastor? I am only reflecting the mirror back in Rachel and the New Church's face of how they treat people. People love to put down others, be unkind, and cruel but when someone calls them on something, gives them a taste of what they are doing, and then threatens to show others you get all judgmental on me. Where was the clergy when I pointed out how Rachel acted? When I publicly wanted reconcilation and forgivness and to forgive. It was a joke to the New Church, Rachel, and the Myatt family, and most of the clergy. They didnt see the love in my heart instead they though I was on here to make fun of Rachel which has been the furthest thing from my hear. I started this blog because I wanted to show Rachel Myatt that someone truly did love her even though she treated me horribly I wanted to show her Christ love and His message of reconciliation, patience, long suffering, and kindness. She hurt me deeply with her actions and her words but I was willing to go to the ends of the earth for her to let her know I love her. If you people in the Church of the New Jerusalem cant understand the urgency and the clarity in that simple message from Christ then dont judge others. I don't hate Rachel, I dont hate anyone, I surely don't hate the New Church but when I extended my hand in love and in worship to Rachel, her family, and the New Church at a time when I had just lost my mother I was met with lies, hypocrisy, and ridicule and that is the most UnChristian thing ever. So those of you who have a problem with my blog or my methods. Pray for me or Reach out to me. Talk to Rachel because she could end this by being loving reconciling with me, talking to me, and making peace. If not then don't get mad because I tell the truth. One person can make a change and I have just begun a revolution. You can sit back an ignore it and watch my message grow or you can be the loving Christians you say you are and reach out to me to find a resolution to this. My heart is open is your Church of the New Jerusalem, Rachel Myatt, Myatt Family?
My battle is one of peace, love, acceptance, healing, and understanding others. If you want to constantly judge, hurt your fellow brothers in Christ, and be so biased that you dont see the forest for the trees continue and your faith will crumble to the ground. I am fighting for what I believe in and I have always loved Rachel. I never give up on people I love and if she had any love in her heart that Christ or even Swedenborg talks of she would realize how deeply she hurt me and how courageous it would be of her to pick up the phone and not only forgive and be forgiven but she could put an end to all of this. Love is the key, Love is the answer, accepting the wrong, moving on, and loving is all I know to do. Rachel Myatt I forgive you for hurting me, for hurting my family, for breaking my heart be strong my friend and come back to me stop the hurting or live the rest of your life knowing you damaged someones soul so much that it led to events that affected lots of people through your words. I love you Sister.
Ephesians 6:12-15
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
The church does not exist where there is no truth of faith, nor religion where there is no good of life. The church and religion make one like truth and good. And as truth relates to faith, and goodness to charity, they make one just as faith and charity do. Or, to make this clearer, they make one like understanding and will. We know that we may understand well and yet not will well; and that we can understand truth, and from understanding speak it, and yet not do it from our will. But when we will as we understand, and do as we say, then our will and understanding make one within us. It is the same with the church and religion. The church is a church from its doctrine; religion is religion from living according to doctrine. And the doctrine must consist of truth, and the life of goodness. (Doctrine of Charity #212)
The church does not exist where there is no truth of faith, nor religion where there is no good of life. The church and religion make one like truth and good. And as truth relates to faith, and goodness to charity, they make one just as faith and charity do. Or, to make this clearer, they make one like understanding and will. We know that we may understand well and yet not will well; and that we can understand truth, and from understanding speak it, and yet not do it from our will. But when we will as we understand, and do as we say, then our will and understanding make one within us. It is the same with the church and religion. The church is a church from its doctrine; religion is religion from living according to doctrine. And the doctrine must consist of truth, and the life of goodness. (Doctrine of Charity #212)
“They condemn what they do not understand” Cicero
We could also use a point in the Bible which was given to us by Our Lord and Savior during His impending exit from this earthly Realm.
Luke 23:34
Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
Pastors and New Church Members can chastize me but they do not see what is in my heart and I am standing my ground and practicing what I believe is Good and Truth. I do not write on this site to hurt Rachel. I write to let her and others know that I love her and that she continues to hurt me and be hypocritical to her doctrine. I write because it is a way of release and expression for Rachel to realize I love her instead of wanting to get revenge. I write because God wants me to tell my story and give others hope for when it seems even prayer and asking God for help isnt working. God hears all our prayers and in time if we are patient they may be answered just not how and when we want them too.
What I am doing my July 4th? One each year I find someone who is incarcerated and write and pray for them so I am about to drop a letter in the mail. Two my friend was battered by her boyfriend last week and I worry for the saftey of her and her children so I have been giving her my time and showing her how special she is and how she doesnt need a man and that God give us others to lift us up when we are down. I am trying to help her get into school, to better her life and her children, and I want to see her grow and be her own person without depending on a man. Lastly I am writing and printing more Newsletters about my experiences with the New Church. It has to and needs to be done. I am sorry if it offends anyone but today is a day to celebrate the freedom we have and those who fought for that freedom. People in the New Church seemed to forget that. You are free to worship as you want yet you use that freedom to put down your other earthly brothers and sisters Christian and Non Christian. Maybe in time the people in the Church of the New Jerusalem will open up and see that I am doing this to show Rachel that I love her beyond all space and time not to embarrass her, ruin her reputation, or hurt her but because I love her as my sister with all my heart. That is the moral to this blog..
In the end I do good to love people and because I want to do good. Not to rack up points with God though I want Him to see me do good I dont live my life that way. He knows what we are doing and we know if we are sinning and doing wrong or right. If I were doing wrong I would be hiding and not telling my story but I know it is the right thing to do. One day I hope Rachel will do the right thing and end this with me by coming to me and making peace with me. Until then..
Rachel had no idea what a strong empowered and determined person I am. I never gave up on her and when she said never I said yes and I will. I just want you people who think this is a game to see where my heart lies in equality and justice for all. Even though I consider myself a Conservative Christian it doesnt mean I don't believe in freedom, justice, and equality for all. Just because I believe different than others doesnt mean I should treat them bad and not love people for who they are. Rachel played with my love and then shunned me for being different. I am against homosexuality as a sin but do I hate my friends who chose that lifestyle. No I accept them and love them for who they are and respect them as my friends. My point in this is if Rachel didnt want to date a Protestant Raised African American male then she shouldnt of. She should have found someone in the Church of the New Jerusalem that was just as bigoted and hateful as she so they could share their convoluted world view. I will never be racist, I will never be bigoted. I have been prejudiced but I changed because I got older and evolved. I loved Rachel Myatt Unconditonally and I never did anything but want to learn with her and serve God I didnt nit pick or find flaws and differences I looked for love and common ground. I dare anyone to say otherwise or get on my blog and tell me I am wrong for standing up for what I believe in. It is also possible not to be a bleeding heart liberal and be aware of all the wrong and injustice that is going on in the world and it could change with God's love, compassion, kindness and understanding our fellow man.
These are causes and organizations I believe in and have supported and will continue to be an activist much as I am being an activist against the evil and prejudice in the New Church.
First and foremost I am a Christian but I am also a Christian Anarchist and have always put God over man and his evil Governments and men who claim to be revelators of God but are false prophets. God is about love and people who spread what certain people in the New Church do are missing the point of Gods love so I hope you take the time to read this
This is for you Rachel Myatt, Pastors Glenn, Lumsden & Cooper
"People who love God sometimes make the terrible mistake, in their zeal, of trying to seek Him in their own strength, and trying to understand the faith in human terms. This will always be disastrous, because they will end up serving mammon, instead of God, believing all along that they were serving God. Christians today often get caught in this trap, and churches by and large fail to make a clear enough distinction between the role of knowledge and works; and true spirituality. Knowledge and works do not equal to faith--they are two different things. If we make knowledge a pre-requisite in our minds for being spiritual, and having true (saving) faith, then we're cutting ourselves off from the truth. We're trying to save ourselves by works, and not by faith."
Those of you in the New Church have failed to see this is what I am talking about in dealing with you in terms of trying to understand God you putting Swedenborg's interpretation so far in front of you that you are failing to not only follow God's word but trying to interpret it on Human terms but you dont want to see that. Lastly this last paragraph from that page is exactly how you come off to people it may not sound mean and judgmental to you but it is. You are not very patient and loving people. I was patient, loving, and kind with Rachel and she abandoned me like an old dirty sock and thought nothing of it. Her Pastor Glenn showed an I dont care what you do attitude toward me too. Is this how the New Church wants to be percieved?
"We need to get out of the mindset of ultimatums and fear-mongering. God is Love, and fear does not help lead anyone to God. Divisiveness doesn't help either. This is the core of the Christian Anarchist tradition. We're anarchists because we don't identify with any fixed "way" how things should be. We identify with "the Way", which is God's Word. If you believe in any other way at the same time, that's probably because you're zealously seeking God, and you really love the truth... but, there's a better way. True freedom is available when we let go of the hard line and let things take their natural course. It doesn't mean that you don't care when you do that; it means that you care enough to listen, and be patient, and kind. You're probably not being judgmental and mean, but that's definitely what it sounds like, and it's not necessary to sound that way to let people know that certain actions and choices are a mistake."
Why is it so hard for Pastors and members of the New Church to just love instead of being judgmental, biased, and trying to make themselves seem right instead of learning about people first and what is in their hearts? I ask you this because this is why the revolution started!!!!!
God Bless ALL
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Bringing Reproach because of Unkindness: Church of the New Jerusalem the Reckoning has begun because of Rachel
Dear Rachel, Remember that you always had a chance to change things. As I am sending out letters and handing out fliers this week remember you could have shown love and been a true example of Christ instead you bring reproach and shame on the New Church and when we could of kept this private you would rather it be made a spectacle. Im not doing this to harrass or to make fun of you I am doing it so that you will change and be a kinder person. You may love your family and your son but you have no respect for anyone that tries to have a romantic or friendly relationship outside of your family. You are religiously bigoted and biased and you would step on someone before you love them. All the cruel things you said will now be shared with total strangers and you would rather throw your New Church Pastors and other members under the bus than to make peace with someone who truly loves you. I am sorry I ever loved someone so selfish, heartless, and uncaring and I am also sorry that I would encounter such bias and bigotry from the Clergy of the Church of the New Jerusalem. So just remember I came to you all in love and I wanted this resolved but you would rather this be spread all over the place than to have the courage to pick up the phone and talk to me. I am not kidding and this is not some guy bluffing and trying to scare someone I am doing this and I am dead serious and it is all ready in motion because Rachel chose selfishness, self love, and hate over love, forgivness, and reconciliation. Just Remember Rachel and Church of the New Jerusalem. It takes a small person to commit an act of evil but a big person will admit to those things, seek forgiveness, and also forgive. None of which Rachel Myatt can ever do so she will endure the consequences. God Bless ALL
Monday, July 2, 2012
The Church of the New Jerusalem: New Christianity? Same as the Old Christianity: Why they Hate other Christians
Dear Readers,
In less than 24 hours I release my newsletter on one of the longest running U.S. festivals in print. I also have letters sealed and ready to go to Churches around the world. The only thing that will stop this is Rachel being responsible enough to pick up the phone and end this tonight. I will promise to take down the blog and never say anything about the New Church again but she has to be brave enough to make peace. If not remember who didnt truly follow Christ I spent almost 2 years trying to make peace, amends, and reconcilation with her and the materials that I am sharing tomorrow will go to mostly young caucasian people. All I see is how bad that Evangelicals, Catholics, and Protestants are. I look on your websites and you continue to make fun of and put down other Christians but when someone brings the evil and wrong doing in your own Church you turn a blind eye. That is ok its time that it is exposed and you cannot say I did not try to keep this between me and the Church. I did and you scoffed at me and thought I was bluffing. No more I have freedom of speech and I am only going to use words and rhetoric that were used by Rachel and New Church Pastors. That is my Good and Truth because it is your Good and Truth.
God Bless ALL
In less than 24 hours I release my newsletter on one of the longest running U.S. festivals in print. I also have letters sealed and ready to go to Churches around the world. The only thing that will stop this is Rachel being responsible enough to pick up the phone and end this tonight. I will promise to take down the blog and never say anything about the New Church again but she has to be brave enough to make peace. If not remember who didnt truly follow Christ I spent almost 2 years trying to make peace, amends, and reconcilation with her and the materials that I am sharing tomorrow will go to mostly young caucasian people. All I see is how bad that Evangelicals, Catholics, and Protestants are. I look on your websites and you continue to make fun of and put down other Christians but when someone brings the evil and wrong doing in your own Church you turn a blind eye. That is ok its time that it is exposed and you cannot say I did not try to keep this between me and the Church. I did and you scoffed at me and thought I was bluffing. No more I have freedom of speech and I am only going to use words and rhetoric that were used by Rachel and New Church Pastors. That is my Good and Truth because it is your Good and Truth.
God Bless ALL
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Canada Day:Epilogue - (Lie, Betray, Slander Others)You Get What You Give
Dear Readers,
All I ever wanted was to love and be loved. I wanted a good Christian woman who believed in me, didnt cheat on me, lie to me or play with my affections. I thought Rachel Myatt was that person. I have never been treated as cruelly as she treated me so for the next week I am working on a campaign that entails the cruelty by her and how I not only came to her but her Pastor, her Church, and how much love I showed and how people made excuses time and time again for her evil. I believe in Christ message of forgiveness, love, and reconcilation and I am sorry that some in the Church of the New Jerusalem do not believe in that message. You talk about regeneration and spiritual growth but all I see is people so afraid to grow as a religion and you wonder why people wont catch on to your message. I am not sorry for what my campaign will do and I will only speak out on the experiences and people that I have encountered. Rachel doubted me and this is one way to show her to never judge people and maybe she will understand that I truly loved her and that I was real. I never judged her, I never put down her faith, and I certainly would have never said anything harmful or wrong had one of her parents died. I dont live a selfish life I spend my days loving others and giving to others and that was all I wanted to do with Rachel and Jonathan. A little apology would have went a long way and if she had of had the love in her heart to talk to me in private none of this would have ever gone this far. I hope no man ever is inflicted with Rachel's cruelty again and I am sorry that the New Church takes using there message to inflict evil and judgment on others so lightly. I am sharing my message with people all over North America and then the world next week I have even taken 3 days off of work to devote to this so that is how serious I am. Rachel and her family could have reached out to me and shown Christ love and be the change they want to see. Instead they want to hide and pretend like I dont exist. That is fine, fact is simple Rachel chose not to react, she thought she could just lie, hurt me, and go back to living her life normal but the fact is one person always suffers and I was the one who was treated unkindly. I know life is not fair and now Rachel will learn that lesson through the following weeks. I loved you more than any woman I ever loved in my life Rachel Myatt. I will never forget your cruelty and I will never forget how you tried to use your faith to put me down. It takes a sick and demented person to put down someone who is greiving especially someone who did nothing but love you and believe in you. I hope one day when Shelly Jane Myatt your mother dies you will feel my pain and I hope you realize how evil and cruel you were Rachel Myatt. I wouldnt wish what I had to go through on my worst enemy but your betray and you words burn on my heart like fresh inked tattoo and my words will burn like a fire across the New Church and other places because of your selfishness and uncaring attitude.
This is not about hate, revenge, or getting back it is about letting the New Church through Rachel actions and others know that there is bigotry, selfishness, and arrogance running through the New Church and an inherent view that you feel like you are better than other Christians. Christ death was so that not just Jews but Gentiles and everyone could be redeemed and go to heaven and if you are true to your doctrine then you are not favored over anyone else either so stop treating others like you are. If you think I am bluffing about this campaign and that I am not passing out the materials you are sadly mistaken. I have just until now chosen to be a little more refined and discreet but that is all over. If Rachel wants to sue me for embarrasment and defamation go ahead because she did the same to me to my family, to my friends, and in front of her family and libel and slandered against me. All i did was try to make peace with her publicly and use what she did to justify that. I am not afraid and I have everything I have written or sent out in printed form. See when you are doing evil you have to hide and cower. When you know you are doing an act out of love you dont have to hide. Notice how I have told personal things about myself that are painful and very deep but because I loved Rachel I was willing to explain those things. So if that is evil then I am laughing at some of you Pastors to know what your definition of good is. Anyways Rachel brought this on herself and she has lost my love, respect, and so has her family so I dont care what happens to them and how it affects them because none of them cared about stabbing me in the back and talking ill of me. So I will just present the truth.
God Bless All
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