I knew someday this song would come in handy. To all the NEW CHURCH or Church of the New Jerusalem haters. This song is for you especially Pastor Coleman Glenn and Rachel Myatt. Enjoy!!!
A Dedication To My Friend and Sister in Christ I Love and Cherish. "The Letters To Rachel Project" This site is not meant to demean nor defame my friend in anyway it is a heartfelt attempt at peace and reconciliation
Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Song About Swedenborg : LOL
I knew someday this song would come in handy. To all the NEW CHURCH or Church of the New Jerusalem haters. This song is for you especially Pastor Coleman Glenn and Rachel Myatt. Enjoy!!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
For The Girl and The Religion Who Tried to Hold Me Back
Rachel Myatt, Pastor Glenn, and Church of the New Jerusalem you are all such shallow and one track minded people. Remember always that Rachel was the cause for the campaign against her Church by her cruelty, her unkindness, and her thinking she was on some divine providence plain when she really hasnt even explored the Bible only Swedenborgs Ghost Writings. See in my Spring Edition of "The Good & Truth Gazette" We discuss not only picking out the parts of the Bible we like and using what we deem necessary to fulfill our selfish desires instead of following all the Good and Truths in the Bible. It is also about how you have Pastors like Coleman Glenn will say one thing and go do others behind your back. Live by example especially a servant of God. Just because my blog hasnt been as frequent doesnt mean I am any less involved infact it means I am actually planning my battles and my strategies even more precise and readying for a verbal and paper assault on the New Church. Just remember who initiated this by being arrogant, unloving, and unkind. Yep Pastor Glenn and Rachel Myatt....
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Rachel, Her Shallow Family, and One Sided Church, Swedenborgian Values
Dear Readers,
Rachel, The Myatt Family, Pastor Glenn and he Church of the New Jerusalem have and never will get it. They preach about accepting everyone and coming from a place of love and charity, but they themselves spend countless hours writing blogs, sermons, and books about judging everyone else. Swedenborg was arrogant, selfish, shallow, and self absorbed and only people who are in love with vanity would follow such a fool. Anyone who truly loved Christ, who loved Our Father, Our God would simply follow His Word. You don't need a spirit medium or a virgin mother or a father to tell your sins too. No earthly man needs to hear my sins if I dont want to tell them. God is the only conduit to good, love, charity, and good works. I am going to take all these New Church Bishops, Pastors, Reverends, and Scholars to task and pull the blinders up on their bigotry, hatred, and selfishness and most of all on one of the biggest con men of all time Emanuel Swedenborg.
Rachel to end this. You never got it. I loved you for you. I loved you with Christ love. I didnt need doctrines, or care about the differences in religion, or superficiality. You and your family are so shallow and the people in your Church are too. Someone loved you, fully, completely, and was willing to give up all for you so you played with them, then cursed them and when they stood up for themselves and put you in your place you couldnt handle it. I deserve every bit of attention that comes my way about you and your hateful ways. I did nothing but love you as my best friend and sister and I came to you to reconcile you ignored, I came to the Church they scoffed, and I prayed so now I let the world know and I dont hold back and that is my destiny. You only hurt your Church but the truth being told is being free and I guess you couldnt handle it Rachel Myatt for all the lies and damage you caused.
Monday, February 18, 2013
I Am The Chosen One : Divine Providence to Bring The False Witness of Swedenborg to the Masses
A Few Days Ago I fell asleep I woke up next to a demon named Emanuel and he told me I was in Hell. He told me of how he was wrong and how his arrogance and his misperception of evil had led people to believe he was a prophet. He told me he was sorry and that he prayed to God to make it right and to help all the lost souls who believed that what he said was divine. I then woke up and I was in Heaven an angel Gabriel told me that there was great work for me to do on this earth and that is why I had endured great pain. He said God had given me Divine Providence and the foresight to strike down the evil plague of false religion that was destroying Christianity especially the ramblings, racism, and hedonism that Swedenborg had left behind. I know my path now and I will not stop till the world knows of the evil of Swedenborg and the danger that being part of his cult can lead too.
God Bless All
Sunday, February 17, 2013
I Loved You Just Because Rachel
I was in love with you Rachel Myatt for all you were. I never judged your religion, your flaws, your misconceptions, your perfections. I loved them all. I never judged you for any of the mistakes you made or made fun of you or your child. I loved you both and wanted you in my life forever. What did I get in return? Maybe this simple song will let you know just how big of an impact you have had on me and are having on the Church of the New Jerusalem.
Thank You for Being Cruel and Abandoning Me Rachel
Thank God for giving me the strength to live through all the hurt and tragedy and in Him I will always put my faith and trust as I still do.
Thank you for betraying our true friendship and love.
Thank you for abandoning me.
Thank you for showing you true colors, bigotry, pride, and selfishness.
Thank you for abusing the love I had for you and Jonathan and using and manipulating me.
Thank you for not believing in me even though I believe in you to this day.
Thank you for not praying with me when I was down and hurting, thank you for putting me down , cursing me, and bring my deceased mother into any of this.
Thank you for promising to be there for me and telling me you loved me and wanted to be with me then ripping my heart out of my chest.
Thank you for laughing at me when I wanted to die, and calling me a loser, and ridiculing me, and calling me mentally ill.
Thank you for showing the values that the Church of the New Jerusalem holds dear such as : Self Love, Selfishness, and Doctrine before loving your neighbor as Christ proclaimed himself.
Thank you for destroying my heart, my trust, and the worldview I have of women.
Thank you for introducing me to your family and embarrassing me by dumping me by text 2000 miles away and then trying to make yourself feel better by calling the authorities here.
Thank you for being afraid to be loved because I was never afraid to love you.
Thank you for being cruel, unkind, and unloving because you were the love of my life and I will never forget all the things you did .
I loved you Rachel Myatt and Jonathan Myatt with all my heart.
Just remember that because of you parts of the Church will be exposed, people will know about you all over the world, and that you were the reason that I persisted in denouncing the Church of the New Jerusalem. Your unkindness, your doubting a true friend, your hatred, and your unwillingness to forgive and to reconcile with someone who would have moved heaven and earth for you is the reason that people will be turned away from the Church of the New Jerusalem. Just remember you had a chance to make a difference and you chose to do what was selfish and hurt all those around you.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
My Happiness Will Prevail - To Rachel, The Myatt Family, and Pastor Glenn
Dear Readers,
In my fathers final days on this earth he was very cruel to me. He blamed me for his being sick, he acted like I owed him something, and cursed me out. All I did was keep caring and being loving and accept what I knew I could never change. When I found him dead I was hurt that he died alone that way and tears flowed down my face as I talked to the police officer. Even the people who hurt us the most we have love for.
To Rachel, the Myatt Family, and Pastor Coleman Glenn,
I am sorry that none of you understand what it is like to grieve nor understand what it is like to be abused your whole life. I was mistreated by my father until almost the end and I am 37 years old. All I ever wanted was for him to be proud of me but nothing I did was never good enough. I put 100% of love and caring into people everyday and I do not judge people but it seems being a member of a Swedenborgian Church that is one of your main sacrements, to put others down and belittle them according to New Church standards. One day Rachel will realize the mistake she made and that she is by never making peace with me. By ignoring me she gave me the freedom to tell my story. She doesn't care how it affects Jonathan or anyone else as long as she doesn't have to talk to me or deal with me. I'm fine with that because in essence she showed her true cowardly nature by speaking and being unkind and not being able to back the things up she said. She made promises to me that were right there for all to see and she let pride and prejudice allow her from being with someone who truly loved her. I want to say this right now Rachel Myatt : You are the only woman I ever truly loved. I wanted you and Jonathan to be my soulmates and my partners in this life. I wanted to worship with you, watch both of you grow and grow with you. I adored you, looked up to you, and my heart belonged to you. You blew it. I am also saddened that Pastor Glenn acted as a Pastor as he did. He shunned my love for Rachel, focused on her free will and her role in the New Church while he carried on the same kind of relationship Rachel and I had. I courted Rachel, I loved Rachel, I was in love with Rachel and I gave her my heart, body, and soul. I wanted to be one with her in the Lord. Instead she used me, manipulated me, and then tried to make me out as some mentally ill psychopath when she was the one who didnt know what she wanted. It was very cruel, cheap, and low and part of my happiness will be in telling others what New Church members hold high in esteem. I will be sharing the love letters Rachel sent me and the replies Pastor Glenn left for me pertaining to how only Rachel's free will mattered. You know if Pastor Glenn was a true servant of God he would value his job and love God not because of what financial stability or status it could bring it but because of God's love itself. He said replying to me would could cost him his job basically and Pastor Cooper was the same. You men are cowards and petty. My mom was a Jehovah's Witness and you know that most of the people in the equivalent of what Pastor Glenn do in their organization dont get paid. They do it because of their love of God. They go from congregation from congregation, live in a trailer or as a house guest from one of the people in the congregation. They are provided with food and shelter because the Lord loves them. So while you were trying to defend your $55,000 a year salary and swing dance all over the world, you were scared of a man who was willing to take you and your doctrine on and being a hypocrite at the same time. Funny thing is I never took on my moms religion but I learned a lot from good people who were considered different to others. That is why they are the fastest growing U.S. religion. You could learn a lot from actually serving God, Pastor Glenn, Pastor Cooper, and others in the Church of the New Jerusalem if you would take the time to be servants and wash the feet of others.
Rachel Myatt all you have to do is be courageous and pick up a pen, a phone, or email me. My arms are outstretched to end this with you so today I dedicate. "With Arms Outstretched" by Rilo Kiley to you. The ball is in your court how far your story goes because it is my story too. It makes me happy telling it and I guess you are ok with it and it makes you happy too because you continue to hide and be silent. Or is it that I have shamed and embarrased you? Either way it is your loss.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
The Last Valentine: For Rachel and her Pastor Glenn
Dear Rachel,
I love you and Jonathan with all my heart but basically you are dead to me after all you, your family, and your Church have done. I never met a more self centered selfish group of people in my life. One day Pastor Glenn just when you think you are the happiest tragedy will strike you and it will be the karma you deserve for treating me as such. One day Rachel just when you think you are in love you will be stricken down and your heart will be broken in so many places like you did mine. It saddens me that people who claim to be Christian would ignore God's simplest commandment over all things and that is to love. I was shown nothing but excuses and false doctrine over God's true love. God and only God is Divine, not Swedenborg, not Joseph Smith, Not the Pope or anyone else. If I am sinning I go directly to go through prayer and ask for his forgiveness. God never gave any man divine providence to walk heaven or hell or to talk to demons and use it has his word and that is why the New Church will fail as an institution. You may grow a little but just as you grow you will start to crumble. You people spend too much time making fun of other religions and creeds yet claiming you have an influence on them. Fact is they influenced you and you take the best parts of other religion and make them into your own. You are like God's People when they were impatient waiting for Moses to return from Mt. Sinai.
Exodus 32:1
The Golden Calf
32 When the people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and said, “Come, make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don’t know what has happened to him.”
You Pastor Glenn, and your Bishops and other hierachy over the ages couldnt wait for the return of Christ so you have made Him through making Swedenborgs writings divine in your eyes an Abomination, a human god, a Golden Calf, that walks upon the Earth and acts selfishly and hedonistocally. Swedenborg was a spirit medium clouding and misrepresenting the Bible and the True Word by making it according to what parts he liked so he could sin accordingly.
I am writing a book and sharing it with others because of the treatment I recieved from Rachel Myatt, the Myatt and Friesend families, and Pastor Cooper, Glenn, and and countless others in the New Church. I called this blog the Last Valentine because I no longer feel I have a friend anywhere in Rachel Myatt I used to believe in her but now I know she is too evil and self centered to ever make peace with me. Pastor Glenn's hypocrisy is the second basis for my campaign and I feel he should be removed from the Church as clergy.
You Pastor Glenn, and your Bishops and other hierachy over the ages couldnt wait for the return of Christ so you have made Him through making Swedenborgs writings divine in your eyes an Abomination, a human god, a Golden Calf, that walks upon the Earth and acts selfishly and hedonistocally. Swedenborg was a spirit medium clouding and misrepresenting the Bible and the True Word by making it according to what parts he liked so he could sin accordingly.
I am writing a book and sharing it with others because of the treatment I recieved from Rachel Myatt, the Myatt and Friesend families, and Pastor Cooper, Glenn, and and countless others in the New Church. I called this blog the Last Valentine because I no longer feel I have a friend anywhere in Rachel Myatt I used to believe in her but now I know she is too evil and self centered to ever make peace with me. Pastor Glenn's hypocrisy is the second basis for my campaign and I feel he should be removed from the Church as clergy.
Happy Valentines Day Rachel Myatt. I Still Love You
Dear Readers,
I had written Rachel and her family a very deep and personal song and it surely would have touched a lot of people. It would have brought into light a lot about her and her family and it could have publicly shamed Rachel more. Instead I am opening my heart today for Rachel to look deep into her soul and see that all that I have done and all that I am doing is because for once in my life I truly did and still do love someone. In the past 2 yrs I have lost my Mom, The Girl of My Dreams(Rachel) and My father less than a week and a half ago. I have had countless obstacles and naysayers doubt me and be put to shame. Instead of totally trash Rachel, the Myatt, and Friesen Families, Pastor Coleman Glenn or the Church of the New Jerusalem I ask them to look into the heart of what they are doing and look at the man who never gave up and who still believes in what they are doing. I believe in myself because of God. Rachel doubted me, doubted my love, and abandoned me because she was too scared to embrace her destiny and let others cloud that. I am not scared of anything that life has to throw at me because all I have had is hardship, hate, and lonliness and if Rachel and her Mother, Jane couldnt understand what I was going through losing my mother then they truly need to evaluate their roles as so called Christians. Instead of Compassion, I got ridicule, instead of understanding, I was deemed mentally ill, and worst of all Rachel told me I didnt love God. That was the most messed up of all things. You know what mentally ill is? Someone that goes and blows up buildings to get revenge, someone who kills, someone who cant even function in day to day life either with or without medication. I am and never will be any of those. My peaceful protest and declaration against Rachel and the New Church was organized. I stand behind what I say and even Pastor Glenn cant comment on the love that people wrote to him that I possess because he doesnt want people to know that I am well loved and that I have always meant the best to Rachel and that I truly love her. Rachel if you and your family are reading this. I love you and Jonathan with all my heart and in a months time I will put up on youtube a love song of my finally finished "Letters To Rachel" album. It took me 2 and a half years to find the right words to put out publicly that I love you and maybe then you will see that I was the man for you and that you put pride over actually getting to know me first. I accepted you for all that you were and are going to be but you never gave me that chance. God Bless All
Happy Valentines Day.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
The Road To Valentines Day 4 : Simple Love and Forgiveness
I wont say much today but that I love Rachel and even after losing my dad last week and feeling a lot of pain, I can honestly say I am still going to go forth with my campaign with all the gusto and bravado I can. Each day Rachel and her family ignore the love I have, another day passes that I prove myself right about Swedenborg, self love, and selfishness. I should hate you Rachel Myatt but I dont. Here is a song by Sia Furhler who goes simply by Sia its called "Where I Belong" if Rachel or any of her family or involved parties would listen to the words they would understand where my good heart is coming from.
God Bless ALL
Monday, February 11, 2013
The Road To Valentines : Day 3 - No Humility
Dear Readers,
Rachel was always to busy putting me down and being high and mighty drinking from the Church of the New Jerusalems Kool Aid Pitcher. She had someone that loved her for her and despite doctrine and culture just wanted to love and be with her. Well she missed out and so this is what I have become because of her mistreatment of me. A kind avenging spirit of love and kindness that keeps telling a story worldwide. The song of today is "Better Than Me" by Sister Machine Gun
Sunday, February 10, 2013
The Road To Valentines Day, Day 2 :To Rachel, Jane her Mother and all her Sisters - I Never Saw Her As An Object
Dear Readers,
Sex, Love Making, Being A Gentleman - I was all for the kiss and a Gentleman never tell until Rachel showed her arrogance and her disregard for what love I had for her and what was sacred. She has shown that she would rather have her business told to the whole world than to have just picked up the phone and made peace with me. I want Rachel, Her mother Jane, Her Grandmother Dorthy, Her Aunt Brenda, Her Sisters Amanda, Rebecca, Sarah, and Jessica to know when they read this that I loved their sister for nothing less than who she was. Her mind, body, and soul. Rachel had it in her mind that guys only wanted her for sex. I wanted her for so much more. I courted her, showed her what a best friend was believed in her, and she played with it, threw it all way, and then treated me like some leper so this song goes out to her tonight and I want everyone to know that , there are good men out there and I am one of them but when someone test your love, they play with it, and destroy it like Rachel did mine and then laugh in your face and and at your pain well ................ Two years and this blog is going strong and the Newsletter is in its 4th edition. Who's laughing now. I will be like Job because God is blessing me tenfold even with all the death, hurt, and pain in my life im still smiling, still loving, and still dont care if you care about anything I do Rachel because you are miserable, you have to hide, your Church has been exposed and you were too all because of your pride and arrogance. I had nothing but true love for you and the fact you had no remorse or regret for anything you said against me or my mother well then, you dont deserve any mercy. For all of the Myatts, Friesens, and Bakers ..... I truly loved Rachel Myatt and she created a monster and she will never be of true love and charity.
Reading This Blog Covertly : Or So You Think
Dear Readers,
This is just a quick message to all those who think they are reading this blog covertly or without me knowing. I know who you are. It takes someone brave to write about and say the things I say without backing down and I realize that I could also by using the word Jihad be considered a terrorist but Love Jihad means the opposite. It means I am going to bombard and pay back those who hurt me with kindness and good deeds and to tell others of that love. See Rachel got what she deserved she thought being cruel to me would make me go away. It backfired. Instead I have kept this blog up full of love. My newsletter gets printed and put out into the world and neither she, her family, nor the Church of the Jerusalem like it. Being the arrogant and self centered people they are and not wanting this blog spread I noticed programs put in place to prevent people from reading this blog and I also have noticed people trying to read it invisibly. I am very computer saavy and you are only fooling yourself if you think these things do anything but make me want to do more. So do yourself a favor and if you are going to read the blog just be honest about it. If you are going to put me on America's Most Wanted List or the C.I.A watch list then do it. I have nothing to hide I am just a man with a broken heart and not just because of Rachel but because of a religion that misconstrues Jesus love so bad I have to tell others about the lies Swedenborg embodies and how Swedenborgians are led into this cult. Thank you have a nice day.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
The Road To Valentine's Day : Songs About How Much I Love Rachel Myatt
Dear Readers,
I will leave a song in tribute of my love for Rachel Myatt each day up until Valentine's Day this year and on February 14th a special blog will appear for Rachel, The Myatt Family, and The Church of the New Jerusalem. I wanted to start it off with a song from Martika "If Your Tarzan, I'm Jane" I was devoted to Rachel and Jonathan Myatt and this is a song that defines how much she they meant to me.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Diagnosis Myatt Family: Im Happy, You Just Wanted To Stereotype Me
Dear Rachel, Myatts & Friesens, Pastor Coleman Glenn and all New Church Clergy and followers who read this.
A Battle Over Religion is a battle over an opinion and if you cant agree to disagree over an opinion and love others for who or what they are then you are a hypocrite, close minded, and not showing any of the good qualities that Christ wanted to come about in Christianity. - Byron
I am sorry that you people who I loved spent so much time judging me without knowing me and not looking into my situation. I would never bail on someone like Rachel did to me and she does deserve every bit of what I have had to say on here because I do love her and she is the one who kept silent and tries to hide. I notice Jane tries to hide herself also because I embarrased you as a family. I am not sorry. Now that my father has passed away I know a different form of loneliness and the love I was trying to get you people to understand and how much Rachel meant to me well you take it for granted everyday. A guy wanted to come marry and be your daughter's best friend Howard and Jane and he put his blind faith in God and you let things like Religious views which you didnt discuss fully with me, social and racial differences, and other things get in the way. My parents never had any grandchildren, we never had a close family, we were apart in many ways but one thing we did have is integrity. We never went around using Religion to put others down or make ourselves feel superior or better than others. Jane you want to know something. I never said I believed in the Trinity you just assumed I did. You had no idea of my background. Pastor Coleman Glenn. Sorry that I am going to have to put out what a hypocrite you are but now that my father is gone it is more important that I stick by my word and let the New Church know and let Rachel and her family know that I wasnt joking about what I said. You people attacked my character and my love of God and expected me to just bow down and be subserviant to your non observational assumptions. You saw the outside but never looked on he inside. Next Week Rachel will realize that I have not been sitting back bluffing about the things I am doing but that I have stuck with it for 2 and a half years and I am about to make it bigger. I want to leave you with two things one a quote by Pavlov and another a video from "Daria" the late 90s early 00s MTV cartoon era of shows. The clip is called "Misery Chick" and its how people like Rachel and her family judge people like me without really knowing that I am happy and even through all I have been though I still get up and smile, I laugh, I go through life and I stand in the way of hateful people, obstacles, and lies that are thrown at me. Rachel you were the love of my life and I am truly sorry that your Mother, Father, or whoever could not accept me. I would have never left Rachel or Jonathan and they meant everything to me. My father died Saturday. Tuesday I was back at work and a man came out to me and said I had one of the greatest smiles and grins. So even in my tragedy what Rachel and her mother Jane or whoever else judged me didnt see is that I am stronger than most people and what seems morbid or different to them was just me being able to cope with the lemons thrown at me. I became who I was because of constant pain, let downs, and tragedy. The one time I reach out to truly be loved I get kicked down, told I didn't love God, abandoned and cursed. So Myatt family I am spreading this across the world as My Valentine to You. I want you to know how much you hurt me and how I tried to make peace with you for 2 plus years and how you ignore me. You claim to be all righteous and of good and charity but you are nothing but a bunch of phonies. I call you out on hypocrisy no matter how much love I had for you. My story about Rachel will be released as another printed newsletter Feb 14th. I dont care if you come after me. I am mourning once again so go ahead and kick me Myatts, New Church, Pastor Glenn ... Remember Im just some Miserable Hack who is supposed to let people treat me bad and I am not happy and dont have any feelings and because I am not of the New Church Im all wrong, evil, and different. Yet you are the people who say you seek salvation for all....??????? Take a look in the mirror!!
It is not accidental that all phenomena of human life are dominated by the search for daily bread - the oldest link connecting all living things, man included, with the surrounding nature. -
Ivan PavlovRachel you and your family need to take a good hard listen to this short video clip and the judgmental members of your Church do to and see that I am simply a man filled with love and I was being me and you judged me, someone who loved you with all his heart and got others judging me without even meeting or knowing me. Im willing to go up against the whole Church of The New Jerusalem and Dr. Oz as nice as he is to prove my point and defend myself and I would die for my beliefs and my love of God. Would any of you?
from Daria - Misery Chick
You said you loved me, could accept me, and loved that I was different then you complain, put me down, and abandon me because of those same differences and not even taking in consideration of how much strength I had at the time in losing a loved one. Well its you and your families honor no the line not mine I have the guts to tell my story and be truthful so its your Cross to bear. I gave you every opportunity to make peace with me but you dont want it. You want to be selfish and live your life without reconcilation, without remorse, and with a love so selfish that it makes you a hypocrite. Your choice.
A Battle Over Religion is a battle over an opinion and if you cant agree to disagree over an opinion and love others for who or what they are then you are a hypocrite, close minded, and not showing any of the good qualities that Christ wanted to come about in Christianity. - Byron
I am sorry that you people who I loved spent so much time judging me without knowing me and not looking into my situation. I would never bail on someone like Rachel did to me and she does deserve every bit of what I have had to say on here because I do love her and she is the one who kept silent and tries to hide. I notice Jane tries to hide herself also because I embarrased you as a family. I am not sorry. Now that my father has passed away I know a different form of loneliness and the love I was trying to get you people to understand and how much Rachel meant to me well you take it for granted everyday. A guy wanted to come marry and be your daughter's best friend Howard and Jane and he put his blind faith in God and you let things like Religious views which you didnt discuss fully with me, social and racial differences, and other things get in the way. My parents never had any grandchildren, we never had a close family, we were apart in many ways but one thing we did have is integrity. We never went around using Religion to put others down or make ourselves feel superior or better than others. Jane you want to know something. I never said I believed in the Trinity you just assumed I did. You had no idea of my background. Pastor Coleman Glenn. Sorry that I am going to have to put out what a hypocrite you are but now that my father is gone it is more important that I stick by my word and let the New Church know and let Rachel and her family know that I wasnt joking about what I said. You people attacked my character and my love of God and expected me to just bow down and be subserviant to your non observational assumptions. You saw the outside but never looked on he inside. Next Week Rachel will realize that I have not been sitting back bluffing about the things I am doing but that I have stuck with it for 2 and a half years and I am about to make it bigger. I want to leave you with two things one a quote by Pavlov and another a video from "Daria" the late 90s early 00s MTV cartoon era of shows. The clip is called "Misery Chick" and its how people like Rachel and her family judge people like me without really knowing that I am happy and even through all I have been though I still get up and smile, I laugh, I go through life and I stand in the way of hateful people, obstacles, and lies that are thrown at me. Rachel you were the love of my life and I am truly sorry that your Mother, Father, or whoever could not accept me. I would have never left Rachel or Jonathan and they meant everything to me. My father died Saturday. Tuesday I was back at work and a man came out to me and said I had one of the greatest smiles and grins. So even in my tragedy what Rachel and her mother Jane or whoever else judged me didnt see is that I am stronger than most people and what seems morbid or different to them was just me being able to cope with the lemons thrown at me. I became who I was because of constant pain, let downs, and tragedy. The one time I reach out to truly be loved I get kicked down, told I didn't love God, abandoned and cursed. So Myatt family I am spreading this across the world as My Valentine to You. I want you to know how much you hurt me and how I tried to make peace with you for 2 plus years and how you ignore me. You claim to be all righteous and of good and charity but you are nothing but a bunch of phonies. I call you out on hypocrisy no matter how much love I had for you. My story about Rachel will be released as another printed newsletter Feb 14th. I dont care if you come after me. I am mourning once again so go ahead and kick me Myatts, New Church, Pastor Glenn ... Remember Im just some Miserable Hack who is supposed to let people treat me bad and I am not happy and dont have any feelings and because I am not of the New Church Im all wrong, evil, and different. Yet you are the people who say you seek salvation for all....??????? Take a look in the mirror!!
It is not accidental that all phenomena of human life are dominated by the search for daily bread - the oldest link connecting all living things, man included, with the surrounding nature. -
Ivan PavlovRachel you and your family need to take a good hard listen to this short video clip and the judgmental members of your Church do to and see that I am simply a man filled with love and I was being me and you judged me, someone who loved you with all his heart and got others judging me without even meeting or knowing me. Im willing to go up against the whole Church of The New Jerusalem and Dr. Oz as nice as he is to prove my point and defend myself and I would die for my beliefs and my love of God. Would any of you?
from Daria - Misery Chick
You said you loved me, could accept me, and loved that I was different then you complain, put me down, and abandon me because of those same differences and not even taking in consideration of how much strength I had at the time in losing a loved one. Well its you and your families honor no the line not mine I have the guts to tell my story and be truthful so its your Cross to bear. I gave you every opportunity to make peace with me but you dont want it. You want to be selfish and live your life without reconcilation, without remorse, and with a love so selfish that it makes you a hypocrite. Your choice.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Peace Calling Rachel : Someone Still Loves You and Prays for You
You were the love of my life. I will never marry nor will I believe in love again. All this happened for a reason. Someone truly loved you and to you and your family I was just some crazy guy with no feelings, no emotions, and I didnt matter. I realized when I lost my father a night ago that what I am doing will have meaning. It will teach others about love, life, and integrity. Im not sorry if you got embarrased. Im not sorry if it made you feel like you were an outcast in the New Church. I did what I did because I loved you with a love above all those and that was God's unconditional love. You and Jonathan meant the world to me and today my aunt came over and she asked me since I talk about you fondly always. "Maybe Rachel and you will get back together?" I told her. "I don't think so because Rachel is very selfish and all she did was talk about her ex. She didnt realize someone loved her for all that she was flaws and perfections and neither did her family"...................
Sunday, February 3, 2013
The Day My Father Died(February 2nd 2013)
Dear Readers and Rachel,
Last night I lost my father. He had been battling a rare blood disease pretty much months after my mom died in 2010. I had gotten off of work and it was about 11pm I went to check on him. I entered the house and ask him how he was doing. There was no response. I asked again. Still no response. I shook him and kept yelling and still no response. No breathing, he was cold, and he was stiff. The rigor mortis had settled in. Tears streamed down my face and I called 911. I called my brother. My father and I never were close but he was human and I loved him. I thought about Rachel how much I love her and Jonathan and how life is so short and if she and her family had known how much her love meant to me. Now its just me and my brother. We don't have wives, or children, or many loving arms to run to. We contact the little family we have and go on with life. Everyday I think of Rachel and Jonathan and wish she had of known how much wanting a family with her meant to me. The purpose of this blog was always meant for her to know that I would do anything even tell the world that I loved her and Jonathan because I didn't want to die in regret or regret that I never tried to let her know they were the loves of my life. If there is ever a time to make peace with me Rachel it is now. I am hurting so much and I dont want this war with you, I dont want to spend another day hating you, I love you with all my heart. I dont want to be mad at the Church of the New Jerusalem and blame them for things you said or did to me. I want to forgive you and for you to forgive me. Though I will be busy because of what has happened last night I will leave a special present for you on Valentines Day on this blog. Otherwise there will probably be silence. If you want to contact me then please do so through this blog. I would love to end this with you and for us to make peace. I love you and Jonathan with all my heart.
I dedicate my two favorite songs by Lush "When I Die" and "Kiss Chase" to my father Henry today and to Rachel and Jonathan. Life is too short to hold grudges, to hurt the people we love, and to run from our destiny. Rachel and Myatt Family. I love you even if you can't understand why I am still here. Today realize this is part of it. You can make a difference or you can sit back and believe I am some kind of crazy person. All I ever was, I was truly in love with Rachel Myatt.
God Bless ALL
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