First of all I am saddened that the evil in this world keeps getting greater and greater. My heart bleeds and it hurts for the loss of life that occurred the other day. It pains me even more that we cannot just love each other as people. I look at the Facebook pages of some of the Pastors in the New Church and see very few people of color but yet they claim to be a loving people. The Myatts especially Jane and Rachel had no idea that I was telling them of they violence and evil I had to live around everyday was me telling the truth. I wasn't good enough to either of them because I was this crazy messed up person because I detailed to them the truth of my surroundings or because was also grieving. To them neither one of them with a Doctorate in Anything I was mentally ill. See we start putting labels and judging things we don't understand and that is what is truly sad. The Former Pastor of Dawson Creek is where now? South Africa a hot bed for racism and where there is still segregation. If they were truly God's servants and had the guts why not go up into middle Africa where you aren't so shielded by your White Counterparts and truly bring help and Christ comfort. That is just it. You want to feel safe and comforted and Black People especially are considered dangerous and we are too Different as Rachel and Jane and members of the Church of the New Jerusalem indicated me in their thinking. I was born and bleed just as you do and what you did was wrong and I will not soon forget nor let it go. There are lessons to be learned White People. Do not go around claiming to be loving and open minded yet cursing and treating people who are different than you like animals. Five years down the line this incident has affected me and it will for the rest of my life. Until Rachel has the courage to confront me I have everything to say about it and it is my life's intent to put this out there on such a big platform that it rings through her church, her family, and to people all over the world. It is not about Public Shaming. It is about love. It is the disrespect and utter stupidity that was shown toward me and my family. It is about evil people who kill innocent people of any color, creed, or religion because they do not like them. If The People In the Church of the New Jerusalem were really open minded and loving they would reach out to me but all they make is excuses so everyday this blog and my newsletter reach even one person it is a reflection on them. That is the best part. I was never out to slander Rachel but show her you cant run from lies, promises, and the words and actions you take. In the end you always pay for them. I have and always maintained this blog because I loved you and to show you the damage you left behind. You don't care who it hurts or think it doesn't reflect on you but it does. Think about it. Think about all those people you have been cruel too, rude too, judged because they don't look, or worship like you. Then think about being killed because you loved God and were willing to help someone else and pray with someone you thought needed God's help only to have them end your life. I reached out to you for help Rachel and you betrayed me. God is love and He is the only thing that will heal the world.
A Dedication To My Friend and Sister in Christ I Love and Cherish. "The Letters To Rachel Project" This site is not meant to demean nor defame my friend in anyway it is a heartfelt attempt at peace and reconciliation
Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will
Friday, June 19, 2015
Racism ,Being Different ,& Gods Grace: To The Myatt Family & The Church of The New Jerusalem
First of all I am saddened that the evil in this world keeps getting greater and greater. My heart bleeds and it hurts for the loss of life that occurred the other day. It pains me even more that we cannot just love each other as people. I look at the Facebook pages of some of the Pastors in the New Church and see very few people of color but yet they claim to be a loving people. The Myatts especially Jane and Rachel had no idea that I was telling them of they violence and evil I had to live around everyday was me telling the truth. I wasn't good enough to either of them because I was this crazy messed up person because I detailed to them the truth of my surroundings or because was also grieving. To them neither one of them with a Doctorate in Anything I was mentally ill. See we start putting labels and judging things we don't understand and that is what is truly sad. The Former Pastor of Dawson Creek is where now? South Africa a hot bed for racism and where there is still segregation. If they were truly God's servants and had the guts why not go up into middle Africa where you aren't so shielded by your White Counterparts and truly bring help and Christ comfort. That is just it. You want to feel safe and comforted and Black People especially are considered dangerous and we are too Different as Rachel and Jane and members of the Church of the New Jerusalem indicated me in their thinking. I was born and bleed just as you do and what you did was wrong and I will not soon forget nor let it go. There are lessons to be learned White People. Do not go around claiming to be loving and open minded yet cursing and treating people who are different than you like animals. Five years down the line this incident has affected me and it will for the rest of my life. Until Rachel has the courage to confront me I have everything to say about it and it is my life's intent to put this out there on such a big platform that it rings through her church, her family, and to people all over the world. It is not about Public Shaming. It is about love. It is the disrespect and utter stupidity that was shown toward me and my family. It is about evil people who kill innocent people of any color, creed, or religion because they do not like them. If The People In the Church of the New Jerusalem were really open minded and loving they would reach out to me but all they make is excuses so everyday this blog and my newsletter reach even one person it is a reflection on them. That is the best part. I was never out to slander Rachel but show her you cant run from lies, promises, and the words and actions you take. In the end you always pay for them. I have and always maintained this blog because I loved you and to show you the damage you left behind. You don't care who it hurts or think it doesn't reflect on you but it does. Think about it. Think about all those people you have been cruel too, rude too, judged because they don't look, or worship like you. Then think about being killed because you loved God and were willing to help someone else and pray with someone you thought needed God's help only to have them end your life. I reached out to you for help Rachel and you betrayed me. God is love and He is the only thing that will heal the world.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
To The Myatt Family : There Goes The Neighboorhood(The Reason Why Rachel Couldnt Woman Up and Accept Me) White Fear
Dear Myatt, Friesens, Baker, and Stiles family. Rachel couldn't accept me because of this. You put this stigma on yourself and the rest of your lives Rachel and you will have to live with it. I am just a man someone who loved, lived, and had a heart. Screw you and your evil and your two faced attitude. I see no colors, I see no boundaries, and I only had love for all of you.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Thanks for Making A Monster Out of Me Rachel
Thank You Rachel Myatt for kicking me down when I was at my lowest. Someone that had everything handed to them and not know what hard work and true love was would never have recovered. I am high on life and I am gunning for you with the greatest weapon of all. Love. Sorry you cant show your face but I am about to Unleash something you could only dream of.
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
The Devil is A Real Entity and Rachel and Her Family Deny His Part in Their Lives
Dear Readers,
So now that I am rejuvenated and ready to take on the world I just have one thing to say. Church of the New Jerusalem, Rachel Myatt, Myatt, Friesens, Bakers, and Stiles. Satan is real and there is one big hell for all those who choose to go there. Bigots, Liars, Blasphemers. One of the biggest blasphemes is that you don't believe in the Devil or Satan or Lucifer. You believe that what an delirious man may or may not dreamed as to be the Divine word of God. Yet you deny God his due as a Divine Spirit Being. You say god to you is a human being walking the earth and that the second coming has already come? Is that so what is his name Mohammed or something? All I see is evil and you people love to immerse yourself in evil, act upon impulses and feelings never caring about what happens next. So here I go acting on making my dream come try by finally putting the nail in the coffin on this story I need to tell it will hit you like a freaking brick Rachel Myatt and all the sudden it will be all over the world. You can't hide. You will be crushed and don't forget I tried to make peace with you. Canada won't be able to hide you. Not the Yukon, the Territories, or even Nova Scotia. I am in full on not give up mode and I am about to crush it. So yes Satan is real and you are going straight to hell for all that you did.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Different Than You: No Less Important and Still God's Child(A Call To Rachel, Her Family, and Her Religion)
'Tis true my form is something odd,
But blaming me is blaming God;
Could I create myself anew
I would not fail in pleasing you.
If I could reach from pole to pole
Or grasp the ocean with a span,
I would be measured by the soul;
The mind's the standard of the man.
But blaming me is blaming God;
Could I create myself anew
I would not fail in pleasing you.
If I could reach from pole to pole
Or grasp the ocean with a span,
I would be measured by the soul;
The mind's the standard of the man.
Dear Readers,
Above is a clip from the movie "The Elephant Man" about Joseph(aka John) Merrick who had a debilitating disease to the point he was called the Elephant Man. Also is a quote he used at the end of most of his letters made famous by Issac Watts from the writings "False Greatness".
Rachel Myatt was loved more than she could ever know by me so this has been a long time coming and its only just the start. The point I am trying to make is why would she be so hateful and cruel to someone who loved her and who she claimed to love. Was it was because I believed in her? Because I wasn't willing to just let go and let her walk all over me? I wasn't going to let her lie about having me in her life? It saddened me that she nor her family had the courage to stand up to me. It also saddened me that she let others in her Church make excuses for her and would put them in the line of fire instead of be woman enough to admit what she did was horrible. It also seems contradictory because the people of The Church of the New Jerusalem are such fans of Helen Keller who was deaf, blind, and mute. God gives us all the chance to shine and Rachel had been blessed with true love even after she had hurt other men and I could have destroyed her with the evil that I am capable of. I can be vindictive, I could have done mean and terrible things, but what did I do? I told the world I loved her and that she destroyed me by going against what her religion preached and most of all what God Preached. I called people out because of them only seeing her side and not once ever seeing that I was the one who was suffering and through all that I still put everything on the line to love her. I didn't want to play the weak victim. I wanted her to realize that she tried to play the victim, make me look bad during my state of mourning, pass judgment on me and say I was mentally unstable and that led to me becoming very sick with sadness and being unstable for the lies, deceit, and disregard she had for me and my family.
I want to stop for a minute to use this quote that has be come popular in the last couple of months. "Clarity settles all scores. It pays back all debts". You can hide, change your name, get married, have another relationship Rachel Myatt but this is going to continue to follow you and your family around. You can stop what is coming to you but you prefer evil to good and by you showing your example of ignoring me and not acting on something that could stay pretty private you only put more people at risk of being caught up in this. It is sad that your sister Rebecca can post a picture of her hugging her your mom up on mothers day telling her how much she loves her but both Jane Myatt and Rachel Myatt hurt me and both the memory of my mother and don't think anything of it. Yes my eye is on you and don't think I have forgotten. When the time come it will crush a lot of people. I don't threaten violence, physical harm, or revenge. My form of retribution is through love and the story I still have yet to tell. Rachel if you were woman enough you would contact me and end this. I know you nor any of your family wont because you are not sorry, you are not forgiving, and you have always been a bully. Someone gave you a taste of your own medicine and you tried to play the victim. Remember, you were the one who allowed me in your heart, you were the one who let me into your home, to meet your family, your child, and into your bed. I gave you all of me because I believed you were of the Lord. So yes you hurt me and changed my life by your hatefulness and hurtfulness and you are being called upon and called out by God to either mend what was broken or accept the consequences of being evil. 5 years down the line you cannot hide what you did and I am determined to make things bigger and when you hurt someone like me who was full of love and scar our beautiful hearts. Well lets just say we grow bigger, and stronger, and more determined and since you kicked me so far down with your evil, lies, and abandonment then I cannot go down any further. I was at the point of dying from a broken heart, every bone in my body hurt from your betrayal, I thought about drugs, alcohol, and and even using other women to try to ease the pain but I refused all of those in favor of writing and letting the world know my thoughts on both you Rachel Myatt, your family, and the New Church. Its all in your corner now. You can watch the clip above and maybe it will change your heart. Better yet watch the whole movie. I saw it first when I was 8 yrs old and it taught me to love and accept others even if they were different than myself. Look at most of my pictures they are with white people who at one time I was taught to hate. My best friends are a White Atheist and a Pakistani man and a Half Asian/White young lady. I am diverse, I am full of love, and I would never treat someone like you treated me because I thought they wouldn't fit in. Fact is I would have loved it in Dawson Creek. You didn't understand that I was going through so much I came cause I loved you and I gave you all that I was at the time. It was all about you and Jonathan and for the first time in my life I truly loved someone. Even my father had my back and we were distant his whole life. Then I get back here you tore me down, found every flaw that you could with me, and then denied there was a reason for you to treat me the way you did. When you said the word different I knew what you meant BLACK. You weren't the first person to treat me that way and I can never know what Joseph Merrick went through with his deformity because thats apples and oranges in comparison but I spent my whole life being Different and having doors kicked in my face for the simple color of my skin. So to you Rachel Myatt, Myatt Family, Friesen, Baker, and Stiles I say this. I am sorry that you could not see that I loved Rachel and Jonathan with all my heart and deemed to judge me the way you did but I am not sorry for letting the truth out and if Rachel felt publicly shamed she deserved it because to me I was trying to show her at first that she was publicly loved and that I was willing to climb any mountain to let anyone know I loved her and Jonathan more than anything. In Conclusion. You do reap what you sow and the seeds of what were done are finally coming into fruition through clarity and a clear mind. We are all children of God and no matter how different we may be we all deserve respect and love. You showed none of that to me during my darkest hour when all I did was put aside the pain and darkness to love you.
Friday, May 15, 2015
Calling You Out : Grace of God has allowed this to go on.
I am calling you out Rachel Myatt. If you are the good Christian woman you say you are then end this with me. Somewhere in my heart there is still love for you. I have nothing to prove. I have been through hell and back in the past 5 years and still I rise. You on the other hand when I ascend soon will have to explain to others about what happened because it will be the basis for my rise and the truth will set me free. Keep this where it belongs in the confines of what it is now or you can face it being something greater than it has become. The choice is up to you.
Matthew 18:15-20
Dealing With Sin in the Church15 “If your brother or sister[b] sins,[c] go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. 16 But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’[d] 17 If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.
18 “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be[e] bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be[f] loosed in heaven.
19 “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
I have called on you many times Rachel but you turn a deaf ear. You will be bound by this in heaven as you are now on earth. I am trying to make peace with you. You are an example for others but you chose to show your true colors.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Mothers Day : How Rachel Ruined the Memory of My Mother(Yeah I went there)
Dear Readers,
First of all my mother was one of the most selfless people I ever knew. On her deathbed all she thought about was other peoples happiness. She didn't want me to stay and watch her die. She gave me permission to go see Rachel in Canada but I told her until I knew she was alright I couldn't go anywhere. All she wanted me to do was love and live life. We didn't always see eye to eye on things like religion or the state of the world but I loved my mother and if it wasn't for her, I probably would have given up that fateful day when Rachel abandoned me. She loved you Rachel Myatt and she never even met you but she wanted you to be loved by me because she knew I was a special man and that I deserved the best. I hope she is looking down on you everyday because of the pain you have caused me and my family. You are the most selfish, introverted, spoiled woman I have ever met. All you do is think about yourself and how things will work to your benefit and not how others fit into the picture. Even if you have a boyfriend or husband now I don't know how he stands you and will probably use you and abandon you because of how evil and masochistic you are toward men. You are not a good example for Jonathan by your dealings with men. You shame your religion by using it as a crutch to hurt other people. When your mother dies I hope you know what pain I felt and that your insult and injury was uncalled for. As for your mother Jane Myatt I hope when your mother passes away you feel a sense of what you & and your daughter did by judging me in the state I was in. In the past 5 years I have lost both parents, I endured my fathers hatred and evil in his final months to help take care of him, and all I did was love and press on. I have had two selfish unworthy girlfriends who stole from me lied and all I did was love them. One of them fell in love with me after the fact but I told her it was too late and that I was happy without her but I was glad that she realized I had changed her life from doing drugs and living off of other people to becoming a person with direction and meaning in life. My mother did the greatest thing in the world for me. She taught me how to love and to not judge people for their flaws and differences but to see within their heart and love them for all that was good about them. Rachel you showed nothing but judgment, racism, bigotry, and selfishness and I do blame part of that on the New Church Theology after seeing how arrogant and headstrong some of the Clergy and people in the New Church are. The rest lies with your parents and your upbringing because only that kind of disrespect and ignorance can be taught. I am not sorry for anything I say anymore and I only come at you with truth from my heart. I never started this blog to hurt you it was to show you that someone was willing to go the extra mile to show you that you were worth being loved at any cost. It was my way of reaching out trying to say I still love you and I was truly in love with you and was willing to fight for you. You ignored me and let others fight your battle for you so now I do hate you. My mother wouldn't be proud that I hate you but she would at least respect the fact that I stood up to you and didn't let you win by walking over me. So to my readers and to Rachel Myatt, the Myatt, Friesen, and Baker families. I want you to know this is how I feel. Rachel ruined the good memories of my mother because in her last days all she did was give me strength and confirm and accept my love for Rachel and Jonathan and for that I will never forgive her and I hate her and only want the world to know of how my heart was torn apart. It will happen when it is supposed to happen and it will be big. Rachel still has time to turn the tide but she is not the Christian woman she said she is she is a fake, puts evil over love, and she doesn't care about anyone but herself so she will get what she deserves and I don't care how her story turns out because when I extended the olive branch she was nowhere to be found.
Happy Mothers Day
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Retribution : Nothing To Lose
I have a box of matches and the anger and hurt have been bottled up for almost 5 years and soon I can tell my story. The New Church Damage Control Machine cant stop me. Only Rachel Myatt reaching out the olive branch and squashing this privately can. If she really loved her fellow worshipers, her family, and had any love ever for me she would but she is coward like always. No me I have "Nothing to Lose" I lost it all and she spit on me and kicked me when I started losing it.
Friday, May 8, 2015
Denouncing Evil, Dawson Creek New Church Classes and Olive Branch Rachel Myatt Missed Out On
Dear Dawson Creek New Church and Rachel Myatt.
Rachel was loved beyond compare and my blog was supposed to be a tribute and show here that even though she almost destroyed me a man did love her beyond compare. She spit on my name, my family, and defamed me and what I set out to show her is that she and her religion were being contradictory to what they believed in. If you want to glorify and accept evil then go ahead. Someone reached out to you and tried to make peace with you and you ignored it and you were the one who made all the promises, you were the one that left me alone, you were the one who called me the names and blasphemed about all that was good between us. If I were looking to pay you back eye for an eye I could have obliterated you. So Rev Heinrichs Teach your little class on evil but remember you have some very selfish evil people in your temporary congregation. I had nothing but love for them but they show their true colors every day and the fact I haven't done more to expose them well that is true fleeing from evil. This is a war with the contradictory nature of your teachings and the influence to follow a man's ramblings instead of God's Divine Word the Holy Bible. Man lives through emotions, feelings, and sin. God is pure and teaches with Truth, Mercy, and kindness. Most of all teaches of Forgiveness. Ponder that Reverend and New Church of Dawson Creek.
Thursday, May 7, 2015
The Chickens Are Coming Home To Roost: Time For Rachel To Feel the Full Effect of Her Lies and Deceit
Dear Readers,
Above is a cover of the Morrissey song "Why Don't You Find Out For Yourself" by Metric.
I have finally come to terms with how I am going to let Rachel know that what she did was very wrong and if she thinks she escaped the evil she did she is wrong. God is not vengeful but if we need to be taught a lesson and act like we are invincible He will find a way to make that known. Rachel all I ever did was love you and you and your family stabbed me in the back and disrespected my family. Your Church did also and made excuses for evil instead of embrace love. I am not some crazy psychopath but enlightened and intelligent and that is what will make what I do so much sweeter because you or no one around you will expect it. Its not a threat of violence or anything of physical harm but it will make you and your family think the next time you try to judge someone or act like being different than you is a cause to call someone names, put them down, and say they are mental ill because they are grieving. You really need to get over yourself and put down Swedenborg and read the real Word. The Holy Bible. Man is evil, man's word is selfish and only about bringing glory to himself. God's word is like a cistern of clean flowing water that never gets dirty or grows old. Its not some man made dream or religion it is the real thing. Why do you think Christianity has stood the test of time and the Bible is the best selling book of all time. Anyways you are a backstabber and I will speak on your and your family this mothers day as always. So I leave you with the closing words to this song because its how I felt when you lied and broke all your words and promises to me.
Don't rake up my mistakes
I know exactly what they are
And what do you do?
Well you just sit there
I've been stabbed in the back
So many many times
I don't have any skin
But that's just the way it goes
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
The Boy Who Lived-
Dear Rachel, Myatt Family, & Faithful readers.
Today I turn 40. I just wanted you to know Rachel that you couldn't keep me down and no matter what you are doing or who you are with you will always remember the person you disrespected, hurt, and the one who put you in your place. I am far from done but you also need to know that I travel, I love, I hurt, I care, I understand, I am human. You were selfish, you lied, you abandoned me, you shamed yourself and made your religion look like a contradiction. I loved you flaws and all but you couldn't look deep into your heart and see how much I cared and wanted and needed you and Jonathan. One day when your heart is broken, and you are destroyed like you did me, you will realize what you are done. See that is the difference between my belief in God and whatever you try to worship. I worship God in all His Love, Grace, and Perfection. He is not mortal, He is and always be above me and though I am in His image nothing I can do will ever make up for all the does for me. Swedenborg excepts and basically lets people think evil and hurting people is acceptable and it is not. You should be an example in Christ and strive not to be evil at all and not let it flourish. Anyways I'll never back down and I just finished a nice run of preaching against the evils of the New Church. My picture is from California. Think I am not spreading the word. Think again Church of the New Jerusalem and Myatt family.
Monday, April 13, 2015
Ignoring Me Wont Make Me Go Away : Peace and Forgiveness is the worst Regret To Die Without Acting On
I don't really have to say anything today. Rachel pretty soon its all going to come crashing down. Nothing you can do can stop the tidal wave that could have easily been avoided had you been woman enough to face me and not lie. Nothing left to say.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Demanding Respect: Putting Bullies like Rachel Myatt and The New Church Clergy in their Place
Dear Readers,
The pattern of Rachel Myatt using men for her amusement then putting them down and trying to make herself seem like a victim ended with me. This video of a scene from "Veronica Mars" the series was my favorite in the whole show. In life we have a choice we can let people put us down, call us losers(which Rachel did once she tossed me aside like yesterdays news) and make us feel like we are beneath them. Or we can fight back, demand respect, and expose people for who they are. The internet is a great place for that as long as you make sure you have some truth to your claims. Rachel and the New Church clergy both gave me ample ammunition to fire back on them that was both legal and truthful. Don't write your beliefs down on a blog or a religious site or leave love letters or emails saying certain stuff and then try to lie about it. It is proof and that is what I used to get back at these cowards, liars, and bigots. I have dealt with this crap since I was a little boy and did Rachel and the Myatt family actually think I would stand by and let you defame me and my family and use your hateful cult religion to discredit me. Hell no. I am glad that you got exposed. Though I will always love Rachel I do not show any remorse for how your life has or will turn out because of what you did to me. I am far from done and when you least expect it since I am in the prime of my life. This story will become something that many people will look into because I intend on sharing it with the world on a larger scale because it is what is driving me to become something bigger and that is God's gift. Anger can be a gift. You don't have to use it to kill or physically hurt others. You can just use it as a sword to verbally maim and destroy your transgressors just as you tried to do to me and my family Rachel. So all you Pastors and Reverends in the New Church who don't want to touch on your religions lies, arrogance, bigotry, and non compliance to try to control and make those things better in your community. Here is your one warning because I am coming for you on a large scale. This is God's plan. I dare one of you to reach out to me, but you can't because you always side with the evil and think that Rachel was right and that Swedenborg's word takes precedence over God's Word the Bible the one and only Writings. Not some man made dream.
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Easter : Jesus Rose from the Dead So We Could Love but in Dawson Creek Canada New Church They Hate
Now I get it even more about how racist a lot of Canadians are. I was looking up hate songs on Youtube and this one poster put this under a song by racist music artist Johnny Rebel.
I'm from Canada, and we only have 2.5 % of our country black. I feel sorry for my white brothers and sisters in America, for what you have to put up with, with them being there. 2.5% though, gosh that's a lot. Too many. Same as in the states: they rape, cause crime, violence. In Toronto, 8.1% of the city is black, and they cause over 79% of violent crime! Statistics don't lie, they're a menace, wherever they go. And they can't pull the poor former slave card here to justify their violence, because we've never had slavery here in Canada. A lot of them we took in as refuges from the States during your civil war. That was a mistake. :(((((
How sad that white people even think like that. It is what I encountered and felt by the people in Dawson Creek, British Columbia Canada. The New Church of Jerusalem of Dawson Creek, and The Myatt and Friesen Families.
All I have ever wanted to be is human but people have to do dumb stuff on a daily basis to remind me that I am Black. I remember the day I came to see Rachel and the White airport attendent wouldn't let me use the phone to call local to Rachel but a pretty White blond comes over and ask the same question and she lets her then looks over me as my mouth dropped in amazement and smiles. Myatts you could never know what that feels like. If I were such a horrible person then why did or have I never cared about the color of someones skin I fell in love with but yet for me its always a big deal. Reverend Heinrichs, you dont want someone to get publicly shamed or have the New Church outed when your own members and clergy told on themselves through blogs and emails of their segregation and seperation processes. If you really wanted to teach Pastor Glenn about true integration and racial harmony why send him to South Africa? That is still a safe and racist part of Africa for whites. If the new Church really wanted to prove their love of God why not go into the Muslim part of Africa or predominately black part? Because you are cowards. You say and preach one thing but you couldn't hold your own in a Lego Fight. At least I one man have the guts to stand up to you and let people know of your bullying and then your cry against Cyberbullying and Freedom of speech when someone is man enough to go against you. Yeah I got a chip on my shoulder and its called your Racist, Bigoted, and Two Faced Organization. Take That Bishop Keith!!!! Happy Swedenborg Half god Walks the Earth Day. More like Gog of Magog.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Peace For Easter : Classes on Freedom of Speech and Expression for the New Church. Rachel the story ends with you, its your Legacy!!!!
To Rachel Myatt and Brad Heindrich
Freedom of Expression. - Tell some guy you love him and want to be with him. Lie to him when he gives you an out. Then text message him 2000 miles away and break up with him because you are too much of a coward to face him in person when you had the chance or even pick up the phone. Then to further bring insult to injury put him down 3 weeks after his mother died and call him unstable, mentally ill, and say ill things against his mother because you are selfish, hateful, and cant tell the truth. I did nothing but love Rachel Myatt and her child and she is the one who started the war. I can't help it that she was to ashamed to keep loving me and couldn't take the pressure from her family and the ones around her. None of them knew what hell I had been through but yet I was judged constantly. Rachel also used her religion as a crutch to her bad dating life. You know what Mr. Heindrich or Reverend this is what I have to say to you. People like you who feel boxed in and want to keep a certain kind of company should only be around people like that. I try to love everyone and try to see the best in others. I don't see color, I am Christian but I have loved someone who was Atheist, Catholic, and Pagan. I made a person who didnt believe in God give Him a chance because of living by example. All Rachel Myatt did was argue how her religion was superior and her way was right. Everything she did lying, slandering me, and putting me down was all justified because of her Religious brainwashing. I am sorry but whether you want to believe it or not The Church of the New Jerusalem is a MAN MADE RELIGION that takes away from the glory of God. Dreams, Clairvoyance, and use of Mediums are ways of evil and your Main Bishop or head hauncho isnt even man enough to face me to dispute those claims. If someone called me out I would stand up for what I believe in. Rachel also made a lifetime enemy because of all her lies, her attitude, and broken promises. I'm sorry we all make mistakes but I can forgive but I will not forget the heinousness of her acts. The day I put that away is the day when she has the courage to reach out to me. I tried to tell her and her family I am from a place where racism, fights, death, and drugs ran rampant. I am used to handling things in the street or like a man. If you have a beef with someone you go see them or you get your ass kicked. None of this text message ha I dont have to face you. The internet was the best thing ever because you can call people on their bull. I never came on here to slander or defame the person I loved but I did come to show her that you cant just do whatever you feel like and get away with it. She told me love was a game and she could do whatever she wanted and treat me however she wanted. My reaction was a direct response to her lies, disrespect, and just messed up attitude. How many women can say that a guy loved them so much that they would accept them for who they were, travel for them, be faithful to them, and believe in them and pray for them each night. Well there are some but I bet the majority on women on earth wish they had someone that loved them as much as I loved Rachel. 4 and a half years later I still have this on my shoulder and it is not letting up. You want to lay blame for someone printing things about the New Church. Rachel, her family, that arrogant Rev. James Cooper, The Contradictive Coleman Glenn, and a couple other judgmental Pastors or Reverends who obviously know nothing about communication and love. Until I spoke up against the New Churches judgmental nature it seem all these guys did was put down other religions especially Mormans and Jehovah's Witnesses. I think the New Church is a little jealous that other religions that are considered cults have millions of followers and they cant muster the same. Mormons talk about Aliens but still what they have to say makes more sense then the rehashing of Bible verse by a derelict who just wanted to make a god in his image so that he could justify the sin and evil he was partaking in. Jesus would be appalled by how the Word of God has been skewered by Swedenborg. Im not gonna write much more. Rachel wanted to go to war and be hateful and treat men like they are games and wonder why no one wanted to be with her romantically. Its because she used her religion as a crutch to treat people bad and the people in Dawson Creek are racist and I exposed them because I know that is one of the reasons she treated me the way she did. She was afraid of the backlash of people around her both family, Church, and clients of her business. That is a damn shame because all I ever did was love her and what I would have liked for Easter 4 years ago was peace as I even put an ad in Craigslist. I am not afraid to say what needs to be said, sue me, put me down, do whatever, I will die for what I believe in. What I believe in is the Exacting Love of Christ. Nothing More, Nothing Less.
Happy Easter Rachel Myatt and Church of the New Jerusalem.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
You Were Afraid To Love Rachel, Not Me!: I Hate Rachel Myatt North American Tour IV, Resurrection Time Again(Lazarus Vs Swedenborg)
Yeah True Believers I am still out there and I am still spreading the word. In a couple of weeks I will hit different places in the world about the evils of the New Church and the Rachel Myatt Story. If she had the Easter spirit she would seek peace with me but we all know she wont because everything is always about her. Anyways I loved her and she chose to spit on everything I thought was beautiful about her and because of her I can never trust another woman. She lied, tried to pretend I didnt exist, and boy did I let people know that I existed. Worldwide baby? You can't hide from your past but you can change what happens in the future. I am always willing to talk to you on the phone Rachel but you always thought you were right and you could never just agree to disagree. You put ultimatums on me, teased me, and played with the real love I had for you. You manipulated everyone around you about who I was when you didnt want to be with me and that is why you are getting what you deserve. You are a bully, selfish, and only care how things benefit you or those like you. With the selfish and close mindedness of the New Church you refused to see the bigger world around you. Your loss and forever I seek to carry out my life mission and that is to expose you and the New Church for your lies, bigotry, and hatred of God's word for Swedenborg's made up drug induced stupor. Yeah I Said It!!!
Friday, March 27, 2015
Easter Message for Rachel Myatt
There is always God's Grace and a chance to change things.
Happy Easter
There is always God's Grace and a chance to change things.
Happy Easter
Sunday, March 8, 2015
How Much I Loves Rachel Myatt and How She Will Never have The Comet Pass By Again
Dear Rachel Myatt,
This is how much I loved you. The words above are what I felt for you. I didnt care how pretty you were, about sex, about anything but being with you. I thought all that other stuff was a plus but I loved you for what was inside that I saw was good, or so I thought. You are selfish and self centered and one day both you and your son will suffer because of the way you treat other people. I was willing to put everything on hold for you even in my time of grief but to you it was all a game and a joke. What ever you have to endure now and in the future because of my confessions and revelations or even your own selfish nature is your own fault. I reached out to make peace with you and you didnt heed the call. One thing I know for sure I will never be hateful, judgmental or, selfish like you. I spend my days loving and your family and your Church are reflections of you. You will never be loved like I love you. I am like Haley's Comet, once in a lifetime and you missed it.
Thursday, March 5, 2015
The Man That Loved You
The Man that was truly in Love with you is the kind of man that loved like this. Calling Rachel Myatt ................ Revenge of the Heart is coming Summer 2015 WORLDWIDE BABY!!!
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
I know you are still looking Rachel, I Know you still care.
Not A Day Goes By When I Don't Think of You Rachel Myatt.
"Clarity Settles All Scores and Pays Back All Debts".
Friday, February 20, 2015
Calling Jane Myatt: Positive Mental Attitude You Overlooked
Dear Jane Myatt,
When I was in Canada I was trying to explain to you about how I had come across a book you were reading. "Think and Grow Rich" By Napoleon Hill. I mentioned the Bad Brains as being a fan of music at about 10yrs old I came across this book and "Positive Mental Attitude" because of them. It is sad that you are part of a religion that puts up a front that cares about people but constantly slanders, lies, and puts down others. It is also sad that you would say anything to your daughter and imply I didn't truly love her or that I wasn't right for her. I haven't forgot but your shame will be in me succeeding and being successful in life and in my quest to prove you wrong. What kind of sick person judges a person who is grieving. I had just lost my mother and was half there but I loved and need Rachel to love me and just accept where I was at the time. Sure I talked in circles and I am shy by nature until I get to know someone then I am the life of the party. I was in a foreign place with someone who I believed loved me and would just accept that I had been kicked down. Remember my mother had only been dead 3 weeks but she was the one that told me to go see Rachel even if she died. Its sad that people like you represent the New Church and I continue to speak out and print brochures against how the New Church are selfish and turn to the doctrines and lies of a Human Man and make a god in their image instead of worship the Everlasting and All Knowing God. We are not even close to on His level so why would we think we could be Him. Yes He walked among us but He is not one of us. I cant believe anyone would put in Rachel's head that I manipulated her in anyway. She let me come, she slept with me, she was never forced into anything she said or did. I thought she was arrogant, selfish, and hateful from the get go but I still loved and believed in her. I see no color, no religion, I have loved people of different religions, creeds, and ethnicities my whole life. I am sorry but reckoning is upon the Myatt family in the form of truth, words, and kindness. The evil you instilled in your daughter will come full circle. The most evil thing either of you did is insist I was mentally ill. That was fucked up, hateful, and just mean to a person who just lost his mother and I will never forget it. Your daughter was a coward, she couldnt let go of her baby daddy, and someone made her feel I wasn't good enough for her or too different to fit it. I don't love that way. I accept people, love them for who they are, and try to see the best in them. You and your spoiled brat of a daughter need to read the Bible instead of Swedenborg's lies and see what Jesus says. Anyways I am doing just fine. God has blessed me ten fold and when you see what is upon you... You will realized I truly loved your daughter and that you and her screwed up.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Happy Valentines Day : Oh the Betrayal
I truly used to believe in love till I met Rachel Myatt. Her level of deceit, backstabbing, and dishonor lessened my hope in womankind, exposed me to the true nature of false religions like the New Church who like the Israelites did in Moses make God in their image instead of accept Him for what He is. Their Creator and Savior. She tried to deny me and pretend I never existed and go on with her life and that is why she will never forget. People in the world who are not genuine or real usually end up where they belong in the end. I dont know how the story ends for her but I know how it keeps going for me and that is a determination to let her know how much she hurt me by putting my feelings out on a large scale. 4 years I have toiled on this album and book and thrown it out and started again but now at least the music is finished. It tells the story of someone who truly loved another and how one person pretended to be Christian, non judgmental, selfless and in the end was a backstabber, Satanic Self Worshipping Bigot. The other person had to come to terms with her betrayal and so he writes a musical for the world to hear. Yes I will say the name Rachel and yes if the media ask I will tell the story. Revenge is a dish best served cold and I will tell of all the icy details. So Happy Valentines Day Rachel Myatt. I hope if you do have a significant other he knows eventually you will judge him and stab him in the back and not even see that someone truly loves you. You will make up whatever bullshit you can to get out of the situation and then blame it all on the other person. I hope you rot in hell you hateful two faced pretender.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Hope: You Were Loved Rachel Myatt But Could Not See the Bigger Picture
Dear Rachel, Myatt, Baker, and my readers.
I took the time to reflect on this blog and I am proud I did it. I stood up to someone who is a bully in real life and when she doesn't get her way she abandons them. She slanders them, and she belittles them. I understand that she got a lot of this from her religion and family but the rest was just plain Rachel. If you listen to this speech from the Amazing Spider-Man 2 by Gwen Stacy portrayed by Emma Stone you will know what my life is about. I lost my mom, Rachel who said she was my best friend turned her back on me and tried to play me off as some mental patient because I was grieving and told the truth about how my life was going. I lost my dad not to long after. My brother got sick. I tried to date again and the young lady stole, lied, cheated and used drugs and when I got her to look in the mirror at herself and she changed she fell in love with me but it was too late because I had already put up with her crap. The upside is that she found herself and loved herself because I wasn't afraid to accept her for who she was and who she became in the end. Last year I had people at my job turn their back on me and after 15 yrs ended that. The month I looked for another job I had no money, I had to sell things important to me, I had no food, and I did starve at times but I still had a roof and a house over my head. Instead of play the victim I took odd jobs, I pawned things, had a garage sale did whatever I could legally to pay the bills. Right as I got a job and things started to look better someone broke into my car and stole my legal documents, broke into my bank account stole money, checks, and my IPad with all my songs on it. As I sat there at work instead of crying I picked myself up, went home that night shook it off and I just continued to work and rebuild everything. By the end of March things should be back to normal and most of the things I lost or got behind on paying will be caught up. You see Rachel and Myatt family and New Church. I put my faith in God. Even with Rachel in the end when I finally give the world my songs and story about how she abandoned me and how the New Church made excuses for evil and that its ok to treat people as she did I still loved her and still do. I won't sit back and play the victim nor feel sorry how it affects her life or those around her. Lord knows she didn't care about how her selfishness affected me or my family. The saddest thing of all is my father who I did not get along with was happy that I found Rachel and for the first time he supported me and was proud of the fact I was in love. Rachel not only embarrassed me but made a mockery and when she called the police and fire department it was the first time I saw my dad cry about anything I did because I really did want to die. I choose to live that night. I could have been selfish and ran off the road or just hid and ended it all. I drove right past the cops and fire department looking for me and they were none the wiser. I came back because I loved Rachel and I didn't want to have my death hanging over her head. I wanted to show her that her selfishness would come back in a large way and it did. When I campaigned and put her picture up that I took and told my story all over the world to the New Church and the blog she could not hide. She told me she would lie about us ever being together and a whole lot of other things but when you leave a paper trail best be prepared about being out in the open. So I leave you with this Rachel Myatt if you or any of your family read this have the courage to reach out to me. There is still time to end this. I never have to go any further. If you are truly of God's love and the New Church is truly of charity, love of neighbor, and reconciliation then you will have no problem after 4 and a half years putting things right. If not then you are giving me permission to go out tell my story in song and media and take proof and truth with me this happened. I reached out to you.... God Bless
I took the time to reflect on this blog and I am proud I did it. I stood up to someone who is a bully in real life and when she doesn't get her way she abandons them. She slanders them, and she belittles them. I understand that she got a lot of this from her religion and family but the rest was just plain Rachel. If you listen to this speech from the Amazing Spider-Man 2 by Gwen Stacy portrayed by Emma Stone you will know what my life is about. I lost my mom, Rachel who said she was my best friend turned her back on me and tried to play me off as some mental patient because I was grieving and told the truth about how my life was going. I lost my dad not to long after. My brother got sick. I tried to date again and the young lady stole, lied, cheated and used drugs and when I got her to look in the mirror at herself and she changed she fell in love with me but it was too late because I had already put up with her crap. The upside is that she found herself and loved herself because I wasn't afraid to accept her for who she was and who she became in the end. Last year I had people at my job turn their back on me and after 15 yrs ended that. The month I looked for another job I had no money, I had to sell things important to me, I had no food, and I did starve at times but I still had a roof and a house over my head. Instead of play the victim I took odd jobs, I pawned things, had a garage sale did whatever I could legally to pay the bills. Right as I got a job and things started to look better someone broke into my car and stole my legal documents, broke into my bank account stole money, checks, and my IPad with all my songs on it. As I sat there at work instead of crying I picked myself up, went home that night shook it off and I just continued to work and rebuild everything. By the end of March things should be back to normal and most of the things I lost or got behind on paying will be caught up. You see Rachel and Myatt family and New Church. I put my faith in God. Even with Rachel in the end when I finally give the world my songs and story about how she abandoned me and how the New Church made excuses for evil and that its ok to treat people as she did I still loved her and still do. I won't sit back and play the victim nor feel sorry how it affects her life or those around her. Lord knows she didn't care about how her selfishness affected me or my family. The saddest thing of all is my father who I did not get along with was happy that I found Rachel and for the first time he supported me and was proud of the fact I was in love. Rachel not only embarrassed me but made a mockery and when she called the police and fire department it was the first time I saw my dad cry about anything I did because I really did want to die. I choose to live that night. I could have been selfish and ran off the road or just hid and ended it all. I drove right past the cops and fire department looking for me and they were none the wiser. I came back because I loved Rachel and I didn't want to have my death hanging over her head. I wanted to show her that her selfishness would come back in a large way and it did. When I campaigned and put her picture up that I took and told my story all over the world to the New Church and the blog she could not hide. She told me she would lie about us ever being together and a whole lot of other things but when you leave a paper trail best be prepared about being out in the open. So I leave you with this Rachel Myatt if you or any of your family read this have the courage to reach out to me. There is still time to end this. I never have to go any further. If you are truly of God's love and the New Church is truly of charity, love of neighbor, and reconciliation then you will have no problem after 4 and a half years putting things right. If not then you are giving me permission to go out tell my story in song and media and take proof and truth with me this happened. I reached out to you.... God Bless
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Happy Birthday Rachel Myatt!/ Taking Up Rent In My Mind
Dear Rachel,
Happy Birthday,
Since I don't have time to worry about it later I wanted you to know. I don't hate you but I don't ever have to like you. I can't believe someone who had a chance not to bring shame, reproach, and hurt on others would never step in and be a real woman. You like your religion are a coward. You talk a big game but you could never back it up. I on the other hand have fortitude, determination, and I will let you know you are taking up space in my mind and I have not forget. Taurus are slow to anger but when it finally comes it will come. You see I don't want revenge on you. I want you to see what you did was wrong and by not squashing this privately with me how it will in the long run effect your life, your family, and the way you worship. You think I am off the radar but I am not and when I finally do strike it will be publicly and do a lot more damage if you had of just emailed or called me to end this. Its your life. Thanks for being evil, for disrespecting me and my family, and most of all being a bold face liar and contradiction of the Christian life you said you led. Screw you now, later, and forever Rachel Myatt.
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