Rachel and Jonathan

Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will

Friday, June 19, 2015

Racism ,Being Different ,& Gods Grace: To The Myatt Family & The Church of The New Jerusalem

First of all I am saddened that the evil in this world keeps getting greater and greater.  My heart bleeds and it hurts for the loss of life that occurred the other day. It pains me even more that we cannot just love each other as people.  I look at the Facebook pages of some of the Pastors in the New Church and see very few people of color but yet they claim to be a loving people.  The Myatts especially Jane and Rachel had no idea that I was telling them of they violence and evil I had to live around everyday was me telling the truth. I wasn't good enough to either of them because I was this crazy messed up person because I detailed to them the truth of  my surroundings or because was also grieving. To them neither one of them with a Doctorate in Anything I was mentally ill. See we start putting labels and judging things we don't understand and that is what is truly sad.  The Former Pastor of Dawson Creek is where now? South Africa a hot bed for racism and where there is still segregation.  If they were truly God's servants and had the guts why not go up into middle Africa where you aren't so shielded by your White Counterparts and truly bring help and Christ comfort. That is just it. You want to feel safe and comforted and Black People especially are considered dangerous and we are too Different as Rachel and Jane and members of the Church of the New Jerusalem indicated me in their thinking. I was born and bleed just as you do and what you did was wrong and I will not soon forget nor let it go.  There are lessons to be learned White People. Do not go around claiming to be loving and open minded yet cursing and treating people who are different than you like animals. Five years down the line this incident has affected me and it will for the rest of my life. Until Rachel has the courage to confront me I have everything to say about it and it is my life's intent to put this out there on such a big platform that it rings through her church, her family, and to people all over the world. It is not about Public Shaming. It is about love. It is the disrespect and utter stupidity that was shown toward me and my family. It is about evil people who kill innocent people of any color, creed, or religion because they do not like them.  If The People In the Church of the New Jerusalem were really open minded and loving they would reach out to me but all they make is excuses so everyday this blog and my newsletter reach even one person it is a reflection on them. That is the best part. I was never out to slander Rachel but show her you cant run from lies, promises, and the words and actions you take. In the end you always pay for them.  I have and always maintained this blog because I loved you and to show you the damage you left behind.  You don't care who it hurts or think it doesn't reflect on you but it does.  Think about it.  Think about all those people you have been cruel too, rude too, judged because they don't look, or worship like you. Then think about being killed because you loved God and were willing to help someone else and pray with someone you thought needed God's help only to have them end your life.   I reached out to you for help Rachel and you betrayed me.   God is love and He is the only thing that will heal the world.

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