Rachel and Jonathan

Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Day - The Mission of 2015


I've been told that the act of forgiveness frees the person doing the forgiving from harboring dark, and ultimately self- destructive, emotions. While there is no guarantee that the transgressor will be relieved of shame and guilt, the forgiver will always feel better. In other words, forgiveness is, first and foremost, self-serving. Now I am all about self-serving, so for the last few years I have been practicing a sort of forgiveness mantra. Upon awakening and before retiring, I visualize those who have harmed me and imagine myself flowing love and compassion toward them. Additionally, I wish for them to have everything they could possibly want. I'm happy to report that it's working. Slowly, over time, anger has become resentment has become indifference has become amusement has become affection. And now I'm free and my heart is full.
You believe me?
Do I believe me?

Dear Readers,

Above is a vanity card that appears at the end of one of the Season 7 episodes of popular comedy sitcom "The Big Bang Theory".  They are placed at the end of many of producer Chuck Lorre's shows so I am thanking him and giving him the credit.

The reason I felt I needed to use this one is simply this.  I forgive Rachel for lies,hatred, and deceit.  I thank her for her actions making me stronger and being kicked down and treated like that only made me more apt to believe in being able to do whatever I need to do in life to get where I am going.  My mission in 2015 is to expose the New Church and how they are prejudice, how they judge others, how they down play the importance of Satan, Lucifer, the Fallen Angel, Leviathan or whatever we in Christianity use to give name to the Devil to promote their own selfish agenda.  Swedenborg was a selfish man, if he really believed in loving others he would have realized that even though we have free will in the end God is in control.  There is no Human god that walks the earth and that is perfect in selfish desires.  There was a man some 2000 years ago that was the Son of God, who loved us all and died for our sins and He is back in Heaven now.  I would be ashamed if I lived by the New Church Theology of being judgmental, racist, selfish, and arrogant.  It was never what Christ intended any form of religion to be used for.  Yet I can go through all of Swedenborg's so called writings and point out where it is a self gratifying religion. There is no I in Christianity only Christ.  Having a religion named after one is selfish in itself.  It is about our Creator and Savior.  Rachel Myatt while you are sitting with your family and pretending to be this wholesome person just remember all the times you had to make peace with me and to set this right.  Then remember it was you who gave me the strength, the courage, and determination to point out how evil you and the New Church are.  If you look back at my blogs they were about healing, loving, and against all odds burying anger, hate, resentment, and evil but you never took the time to look.  A simple email could have ended this all.  On Christmas Day 2014 just remember this is your legacy.  This is how you want the world to see you and your family and your faith. I am the guy who wont stop till that realization is seen. That is a promise.

Merry Christmas

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Merry Christmas Rachel Myatt and Myatt Family: Thanks for the Hate. Thanks for Not Believing in Someone Who Believed in so Much More

Dear Readers,

Above is a speech given by Billie Piper as the character Rose Tyler in the first series of the revamped Doctor Who franchise.
I was thinking about what to add to this blog for Christmas to let Rachel know I am still here.  You are still being thought about and you are still being called out.  I was never some whimp or weakling who gave up. What you couldn't understand that even when you gave up on love and you let the others around you influence you I never gave up on you. You chose not to hear that and you chose to run.  I didn't make this blog to hurt you nor did I rally my campaign to bring you shame but to show you if someone truly did love you what they were willing to do and to show you and your family that lies, deceit, racism, and being judgmental get you nowhere in this light.  In the coming future you will have to endure what I tell the adoring public about you and your family.  If you truly wanted to end this all you would have to do is email or pick up the phone. I am letting you know right now you are in my targets and in my sights and I am not seeking revenge but I am seeking to expose you, your family, and the New Church for the Bigots you are and I will not stop till my dying breath.  I tried to make peace with you publicly but you ignored.  Now the public will see everything and I am ready to tell my story to a bigger audience than just on computer. I am ready for the camera and for the world. So watch out Myatts, Bakers, Friesens, and New Church. Here I come!!! Merry Christmas thanks for the Hate.  Human god would want it that way wouldn't he? He is selfish and nothing like the loving eternal son of God Jesus Christ nor Our Father in Heaven.  That is why you cant bring yourself to face me because you worship Swedenborg and his evil interpretation of a god.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Monument : Worshiping Ones Selfish Desires/Excluding the Prince of Darkness ode to Canada

Dear Faithful Readers,

It was Jane Child a young Canadian woman who made me truly fall in love with female musicians. Her 1989 album simply titled Jane Child was important to me for one reason other than the music.  It says Written, Produced, and Performed by Jane Child.  She did it all by herself.  At 19 and 20yrs old the fact that someone put in work like she did I was amazed.  The music was amazing and ahead of its time.

When Rachel Myatt and her cult New Church got under my skin a couple of years ago I always wanted to know this.  They want people to embrace both the good and evil but they dont want to admit to there existing a Satan or a Fallen Angel.  They don't want to admit to Original Sin because they don't take Adam and Eve figuratively.  To them it is just a fairy tale and illustration. It is also the reason they will always be a cult.  Swedenborg was a self indulgent, wannabe intellectual, he may have been smart scientifically.  He left holes open in his interpretation of the Bible that a pound of Swiss Cheese couldnt fill.  It is amazing that these pseudo intellectuals who call themselves evolved are so Pagan and so backwards in their thinking. They worship Swedenborg and denounce the Father and the Son and remade Him into a selfish Human god to satisfy their need for evil, lawlessness, and wrong doing.  So to the New Church and selfish, lying, backstabbers like Rachel Myatt I dedicate the song Monument by Jane's Father the late great Ricky Hyslop of Canada to all you.  Enjoy

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Lonely Holidays: What Rachel Myatt Started(Nobody's Home)

Its Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. and I am completely alone.  My parents are both dead.  My brother has a steady relationship.  I have been lied to cheated on and abandoned to the point that holidays are the saddest time of year for me.  Last year the girl who I thought finally would love me just used me to get presents for herself and her kid then split two days before Christmas.  I learned that the world is a cruel place. In the last month I had my wallet, Ipad, and all my personal documents stolen.  Instead of become defeated it just made me work harder and made me more upset that good people keep getting kicked down.  I no longer trust anyone but God.  I leave it all in His hands.  I sit alone in this house today.  I remember Rachel Myatt and everyday it stings.  I loved you very much and not a day goes by when I dont think about you.  You destroyed what little faith I had left in women.  Before I die I promise you though the whole world will know of you.  I still have a story to tell and the time when I am willing to share that with the whole world is nearing. I've had songs for 4yrs and ones I've just written.  Ive taken guitar lessons, bass lessons, keyboard lessons to make sure what I share with the world is the deepest and truest music so you and your family The Myatts, The Friesens, and Bakers know what harm and hurt you put in my heart.  I loved you and believed in you.  Now my heart is empty and all it wants is revenge.  Not the kind where I go crazy and hurt people physically.  I am much to intelligent and smart to hurt others that way.  I want you the kind of revenge where you stop to think that maybe your New Church Doctrine is racist, extreme, and self centered.  I want the kind where you wake up and see that your lies, your cowardice, and your selective prejudice and racism hurt people.  I want you to know Rachel Myatt that I am coming for you.  I am coming for you through words, through song, and through pain.  You can hide where ever you want to or even change your name. People know the truth and you know the truth.  The next man you give yourself to I hope he knows what a liar, what a fake, and what an untruthful person you are.  I still hate you and I hope you choke on all your evils that you would rather embrace instead of someone who truly loved you.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Why Rachel Myatt, Her Family, and the New Church will always be Hypocrites

Dear Readers,

Above is a video from an episode of the original Degrassi High series entitled "Showtime".  I have this in my video collection at home because I grew up watching it I was a teenager when they were and it was very interesting to me.  They touched on subjects that other teen oriented shows wouldn't.  Sex, Pregnancy, HIV, Bullying, Abortion, Rape, and this episode is about Suicide.    If you have not read my reason for this blog existing then you need to go back to the beginning.  I felt like I should die because Rachel lied to me, said she loved me, led me on, and then turned her back on me when she said she would be there.  She slept with me, then tried to act like nothing happened, and worst of all she made promises she couldn't keep.  All of those things including my mothers death hurt more than you could imagine.  In the Degrassi story the character who kills himself, Claude has spent a year trying to make amends with Caitlin his ex, he also is looked on as an outsider at school, his parents had just divorced, and he feels totally alone. We all have been there but he never tried to talk to anyone about it and he selfishly tried to make others feel guilty about his actions in the end. 
While I know wanting to die was wrong I had every right to be in as much pain as I was.  Rachel and her family had promised to be there for me and I even had their words in plain proof that are on my blog.  Instead of open arms and understanding when I told them what was on my mind and what I was going through I got mean and disgusting people telling me I was crazy and mentally ill not knowing what I had been through. A person that loved Rachel enough that 3 weeks after my mom died I came to see her.  My mom wanted that too. She told me to live my life, love Rachel, and to be good to her. I was also told I didn't fit in and Rachel and her family are bigots of the selective type.  Because I am African American I wouldnt fit in with those good old Canadian Rednecks but I live in Texas with the Original Rednecks a term that originated with Southern people of American Origin.  I am sure I would have done just fine being a Native Texan all my life.  I have more than one Good Ol Boy or Gal for friends.  Its ok for her sister to adopt children of Black or African Origin but there was a problem with me. Wasn't I someone child, didnt I just lose my mother.  Because I am an adult Racism is supposed to hurt any less. No it hurts more because I understood it. Then on top of Everything Rachel and her family hid behind the most bigoted rigid Dogma of the Church of the New Jerusalem who are the biggest bunch of hypocrites ever.  They say don't do one thing but go ahead and do the same thing secretly behind your back.  The reason why I am writing this today is because I did truly love you Rachel Myatt.  I think you are a sad excuse for a friend, a girlfriend, and a mother.  You set such a bad example with men for your child and when he sees how you treat men he is going to take from that.  My mom didn't have the best example in my dad but it was because of my mom I learned not to treat women like my dad did.  I learned to respect them because of her respect for men whether it be my dad or others.  I am still angry at you and I am still campaigning against you and the New Church.  That will stop the day you reach across the line and make peace but until then this is a resurgence and a rebirth in my crusade against you and the Church of the New Jerusalem.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Songs About Rachel : 1st song of the real album - Lyrics

Holding Dark Scars on Your Heart

Do you really want to play the victim again?
Grab a match and set the world on fire instead
Stop blaming others for your failures
Accept what you cant change and become inspired my friend
Don’t let others hold you back from what you know could be great
Its never too late to fulfill your dreams and let go of the dead weight
The world is your oyster, its your playing field, it is yours for the taking
Stop sleeping, stuck in a moment, lying down in defeat you now are awakened.

You have a new beginning you could start
Stop Holding Dark Scars on Your Heart
Let the past be your guide to a future that can open you up inside
Become the one you were always supposed to be
All you have to do is believe
I know right now it seems real hard
Let go of pain and you will go far

So the one you thought was forever doesn’t love you
It wont be the first or the last
Don’t waste your time with it just let it pass
In time you’ll see that life is full of gifts
If you just have faith in it
When you thought you needed someone or something
Be firm and in the end you are all you need
Strong enough to bend and deep enough to bleed
Wounds may heal in time but you never have to be broken down and blind

You have a new beginning you could start
Stop Holding Dark Scars on Your Heart
Let the past be your guide to a future that can open you up inside
Become the one you were always supposed to be
All you have to do is believe
I know right now it seems real hard
Let go of pain and you will go far

Sometimes the finish line looks so far
We get tired worn out and want to give up
When reach out destination the reward is success
Don’t cheat yourself of self preservation, love, and happiness…………… Be Blessed

You’ve broken through chains
Walked through fire and got burned
In the end you are a soldier many lessons you have learned
Ready for a warfare no one is really ever prepared for.
Now you see the purpose of life
Light triumphs over Darkness and you shine forever bright.

You have a new beginning you could start
Stop Holding Dark Scars on Your Heart
Let the past be your guide to a future that can open you up inside
Become the one you were always supposed to be
All you have to do is believe
I know right now it seems real hard
Let go of pain and you will go far

You have the chance to make amends
Be the one that forgives and forgets
Let it fuel you but still go on
Your destiny is a candle

When you reach your journey’s end
You will learn to love and trust again
If you remember this little part
Stop Holding the Dark Scars on Your Heart…..

(c)2014 Belligerent Hate Music

Monday, October 27, 2014

Sorry Im Not Sorry

Rachel Myatt,

One day when I am standing on a stage accepting an award for the story and the music I am about to release to the world you will get it.  It was all because you were truly loved and you and your family were just too blind to see the pure love in my heart I had for you and Jonathan.  All you have to do is email or write a letter and I would take this blog down, I would stop my campaign, you insist on making yourself a public spectacle still and embarrassing the New Church.  You know what.  Sorry Im not sorry and I dont care what happens to you when I tell the truth.  At least I have honor and people can trust me.  You cant even choose a man who wouldnt lie to you about loving you.  Oh thats right you had a baby with a guy who knocked up two other girls at the same time.  That is why I am sort of glad you didnt give me the time of day now. I never claim to be better than you but you and your family did that to me. I dont turn my back on my word.  I dont backstroke on everything just because of some religious dogma that says I can.  Also I always meant it when I said I loved you and while millions of people know your name and you try to slip into obscurity.  Remember I reached out to you for 4 years and you never once answered.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Sleater Kinney : The Greatest Female Rock Band Reunite!!! Why Can't Rachel Step Up and Reunite with me?

So here we are my friends.  Sleater Kinney. Besides my mom these are the woman who taught me to love, respect, and truly see the worth of a woman.  The greatest female rock band ever and one of the greatest rock bands of all time.  They reunited today to a hailstorm of press and good will. Even better is the lady behind the mask in the video is another one of my heroines.  Miranda July.  If you check this blog you will know she is the star and director of my favorite movie "You and Me and Everyone We Know" a great performance artist and someone for people to look up too.  Anyways my point here is that sometime in the next 6 months I will be releasing songs from "Songs about Rachel" with this news about Sleater Kinney they gave me even more strength to follow my dreams.  I want the whole world to know.  Also I want to be free of the hurt, the burden, and any pain Rachel inflicted on me and my family so I am just going to let it go.  

If you kept up with my blog at all know that I am passionate about the people who shaped my life and through great music and the feminist movement.  Corin Tucker, Carrie Brownstien, and Janet Weiss collectively known as Sleater Kinney had a profound effect on my life.  Rachel Myatt so did you.  I call you out today Rachel to make peace with me and to love me again like I love you.  You were my best friend and much like the music friends can make, love is the best music of all....... 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

To The Girl Who Was Too Blinded By Family, Societal Norms, and Religious Bigotry to Realize She Was Truly Loved

Rachel Myatt was loved and adored by me as was her son Jonathan.  She chose to let New Church Bigotry, Comments by her family, and just being a coward in general stop her from truly being loved.  She in turn was cruel, hateful, and evil after saying she loved me and wanted to be with me.  I take full responsibility for every thing I say and will say.  If she truly were a Christian she would reach out and bury the hatchet with me but she wont because if you look at a lot of the New Church peoples views on forgiveness they are selfish, half hearted attempts and they are just preaching to the choir but not living by the same standards.

This is the reason New Church People cant evolve this is the most ludicrous douchebag view of forgiveness I have ever seen I laughed and thought no wonder Rachel cant forgive. Shit like this is being shoved down her throat and being conditioned into the hearts of people like they are somewhat above forgiveness. http://www.newchurch.org/connection/issues/issues/exploring-jesus-as-god/new-perspectives-video.html  Hey she doesnt owe me anything though. Its like the subject in this video skirts around the fact of forgiveness, nor barely acknowledges it could come to fruition. Anyways just another way to expose the falsities and fake smiles in the Church of the New Jerusalem.  Rachel you were loved but you threw it all away for societal stereotypes and social norms.  You know what I say your loss and what ever rock you are hiding under you are about to have to come out. Here is one last video for you.

You will always let your family and your religion rule you instead of you letting God take a hold of your life and truly set you free.  You are a coward who hides behind them because you cant stand up and be yourself.  At least I say what is on my mind. At least I have to guts to fail even if miserably and then fight another day. You were only worried about parents not letting you babysit their kids because you had a black boyfriend, you were let your mom put shit in your head about mental conditions when she had no idea what I was going through morning my mother and dealing with my father. Most of all you lied to me when you said you would be there to me.  You broke your promise.  So that is what you will have to deal with the rest of your life and you will never be free. I live everyday free and just laugh at the fact that you missed out and when you finally think you are happy and you are destroyed you will remember me you piece of shit.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Even My Kitten Hates You For Not Forgiving Me

Kara Zor El the Kitty: Says Shame on Rachel Myatt and all the other people in the New Church who blindly preach about forgiveness and reconciliation but do not practice it.  Especially to someone who did nothing but love you and who doesn't owe you any kindness and could have torn you down way more than humiliate you through love.  You are ashamed, you are scared, you are humiliated because all the things I said were right and they happened.  You couldn't sue me for what was the truth and so you try to hide behind a rock.  Sad Sad Day!!!!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Utopia of a False God - The Power I Have Over the Myatts

First of All I am still here. I am still just as angry and put off with Rachel Myatt, the Myatt Family, and The New Church of both Dawson Creek, and of the General New Church of North America.  The rest of you may you be blessed and hopefully somewhere in South Africa Pastor Coleman Glenn is learning to live among the so called Gentiles who are really just people who didn't descend from God's Chosen area of so called Mesopotamia at the time.  First of all why call this blog Utopia of a False God? Well because in reading one of the New Church Perspectives pieces I realized how close minded and sad that people in the New Church are.  They close themselves off, try to be no part of the world, shun outsiders, and pretend to love and help there fellow man but are doing little but spouting rhetoric. Meanwhile other Churches of other denominations take to the streets to clothe, feed, soothe, love, and care for their fellow man.  The New Church is too cowardly to ever touch on the topic of Racism because they some how think they aren't not only are they Racist but Xenophobic.  They feel they have some kind of W.A.S.P Close Circuited Feel Good Utopia in Bryn Athyn and they are just as chosen as the Jews and that they only want to go help the heathens and Gentiles in Africa.  I mean read these articles from New Church Perspective and tell me you do not get the creepy feel of the Kool Aid being a little too thick and cloudy toward Caucasians.
http://www.newchurchperspective.com/essays/2014/9/5/the-new-church-money-and-a-world-full-of-endless-need-part-1.html  and http://www.newchurchperspective.com/essays/2014/9/12/the-new-church-money-and-a-world-full-of-endless-need-part-2.html
The saddest thing about all this is that a lot of these white people in North America especially Canadians have never truly had to suffer. So when someone like me like what happened with the Myatts and the Dawson Creek people were exposed to what goes on constantly in an inner city environment they run scared, put it down, and try to shun and deem that person evil.  I live in Dallas/Fort Worth Texas, Arlington to be exact and have for most of my life. Its nothing like Bryn Athyn, PA or Dawson Creek, BC, Canada.  You people are neither diverse nor strong enough to walk a day in my shoes.  It was funny the Myatts call themselves Rednecks but being from the South in Texas they are joke to what people do down here such as mudding, climbing, geocaching, and all sorts of stuff.  Rachel wanted to act like where she lived was special but it is not. In fact everything besides the cold you had in Dawson Creek I have seen or had done something close too.  The reason I came.  I loved you.  The Myatt family 4 years on and you disgust me. If you think I forgot and I am not waiting to expose you. I am. I am just waiting for the hour for Rachel to slip up or someone to do something so I can put you out in open like a fox.  I have that power over Rachel because even if she has grown she knows she can never fully be the person she could be without looking over her shoulder.  What happens my dear Myatts if my music and my story are successful and I tell the story of how you and your religion abandoned me after you claimed to be there for me.  You are an embarrassment to the New Church itself and you always will be.  So go ahead enjoy your Aryan Utopia  and Keep BRYN ATYHN WHITE.  Also keep referring to Black people and others of colored skin as Gentiles you sure as hell aren't God's chosen people either.  Keep being worshipers of Science Before God and forgetting God Created Science and the reason for the Creation of the Bryn Athyn and New Church Utopia was to follow the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg who was teaching of a Human god who was a reflection of the sin and evil he wanted to commit in his heart so he turned it into religion and wrote and explanation on why it was ok to follow him.  It was nothing do do with the Bible.  He uses Christ as a front to be his own god.  Not follow Christ but follow the gods of Science, Men, Greed, Lust, Sloth, and all the other sins of man.  Yes at this moment I am exposing to the world the scourage of the New Church.  Why? God came to me because the New Church wanted to push away certain people.  They want to be unaccepting yet want to be accepted. They want you to believe their half truths but not look at the whole truths in the Bible.  Yes the division on the so called writings and the conservative and liberal General New Church are about to implode and it is because of your selfishness, bigotry, and refusal to look inward and love your fellow man instead of love money, power, wealth, and exclusivity

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

You Were Loved Rachel Myatt. You Blew It and I Wont Soon Forget!!!

Dear Readers,

It has been a long time since I have written on this blog and it was because I did and do love Rachel Myatt.  This was the day 4 years ago she destroyed my heart.  I know she will probably check to see if I have written anything today and yes Rachel it does still matter, I am still angry at you, and even though I forgive you it is far from over.  I have written a screenplay, and album, and about the dangers and cult nature of the New Church because of you.  You brought this on yourself with your arrogance, hatefulness, and your family not even being brave enough to face me.  If you are with someone I hope they know what kind of back stabbing two faced woman you are and how you lie, leave others, and use your religion as a crutch to constantly hurt others.  I wish you no harm but you will be exposed when I release this material soon.  It took me months but I focused on it and I will get it out there.   You could have reached out to me and changed things. I will always love you and Jonathan and I was in love with you and wanted you both but you just like most of the girls couldn't just see I love you. You wanted to find all these things wrong with me without looking into the mirror with all that was screwed up with you.  You wanted to let the other people around you in Dawson Creek shape you into fear of being around someone different and I thought Canada was less Racist and Judgmental than the U.S. but you and Dawson Creek British Columbia showed me more racism in a day then I have known my whole life.  I knew bigotry when I saw it and your mother didn't know but I knew she didnt like me.  If my parents didnt like you I would have still loved you because I am an and was an adult and they have no say so in who I love. I fought my dad over and over about that.  Both my parents are gone now its just me against the world and so you know what? Its fine.  I really wish we could have made amends.  I got a call from Chiliwack BC and Vancouver in the last couple of months and days.  Was it you trying to have the courage to talk to me.  If it was fine.  If you were a real woman you would do the Godly thing and end this with me and we both go in peace.  Futureperfectone@lycos.com there is my email the one you should know the one we held all our lovely letters to each other.  I am waiting to see if you have the fortitude to make peace if not its your loss.  I loved you and Jonathan and you always remember for the rest of your life you did destroy someones love by playing with it and making fun of me after you did it when I was grieving my mother.  I doubt you have changed.  I wont forget ever and the revolution still marches on against you and the New Church.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

False gOds Die SPring Tour: The Church of The New Jerusalem Hates You Pt 3

Dear Readers,
Its been a long time.  If you think I have abandoned this blog or what it stands for you are wrong.  I let Rachel Myatt, her family, and Pastor Glenn and anyone else who wanted to step up and promote fake gods and idols a false sense of security.  You know what they say about Karma and payback don't you.  So its time for that slow burn and simmer to go all full out.  I will be in the InterContinental U.S. and maybe middle Canada spreading the word against the evil of Rachel and the New Church for the next 6 months.  Its what she deserves because she never had the guts to admit she was wrong nor say she was sorry.  I don't have to apologize for outing what a bitch and liars her and her family are.  I don't apologize for the fake sincerity in the people who call themselves Reverends and Pastors on the New Church.  If its so new then why is it just as bad as any other form of Christendom.  In fact it is more of the same and worst because Swedenborg is put on a pedestal like a god and that is just as much as Idolatry as anything in Catholicism.   Keep on being hypocrites.  Rachel you and your family are cursed for generations to come and may much pain and suffering come to you and yours as you caused my family you hateful, racist, bigot. 

There is no love of God in the New Church just a bunch of self worshipping sheep who follow a man instead of the truth and wisdom of Jesus Christ.  Put down the volumes of Heresy and dreamscape and get back to the book of reality and true worship.  "The Holy Bible". 
Proof again that the New Church worships heresy and follows man's beliefs not Christ.
"I went to God just to see,  That I was looking at me, Saw Heaven and Hell were lies(yes Swedenborg's book is lies)  When I am God everyone dies" ... Marilyn Manson from the song "The Reflecting God".  
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CaCwYR89X0 The New Church is a miserable bunch of self proclaimed pseudo intellectuals that stroke their own cocks and vaginas thinking they know God when in actually they shun Him and know nothing.  If  they truly knew God then they would know their eyes have only been opened to evil and that is why they shun Genesis, Adam and Eve as literal and the concept of Satan because they are his Children.   They are Satan's Secret Society and will aid in persecuting real Christians when God is bringing on the true second coming.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Rachel is still a bitch, Pastor Coleman Glenn is still a prick, I still dislike and think the New Church is a bunch of cowards, bigots, and redneck haters

OH Yeah on January 31st it was 3 years since this blog started.  Did you think I was just going to go away because I didn't post for almost 2 months.  Hell no.  Rachel still needs to hide like the fucking cowardly racist ostrich she is.  Pastor Glenn can go hide in sunny Racist South Africa where he doesn't face any real challenge with people think just like him about black people along with other New Church cohorts like Derrick Lumsden and others.  I still think the New Church is a bunch of uninformed bigots who just want to impose their racist and irrational and unintelligent views on people and get mad when people don't drink enough Kool Aid to understand.  Oh and Bishop Keith where you at buddy you and that faggot Bishop Demigod Cooper up in Toronto will never be able to face me because you are scared. You are too big for your panties to come down to earth and face one man. That's why you are about to get slapped with more goodness in the month of March.  A campaign of kindness for you crazies.