A Dedication To My Friend and Sister in Christ I Love and Cherish.
"The Letters To Rachel Project"
This site is not meant to demean nor defame my friend in anyway it is a heartfelt attempt at peace and reconciliation
No matter what you can' stop someone from loving you. You can have another boyfriend right now, be married, have had another child like Amanda did, you could do lots of things Rachel but you cant hide from love. God gives us that love and on Canada Day and beyond I am going to just make little love posters and fliers too. If you picked up the phone or emailed me you would see why I am still here but you wont.
I love you and Jonathan , Rachel Myatt, God Bless All I remember the beautiful day we met and all the love we shared. This song is from my favorite album yes I said album I listen to it on vinyl record, right now entitled "Th!!!er by dance rock band !!! or (Chk Chk Chk) and I cant hate the woman who I would give it all for.
Dear Readers, This is a new campaign called Love Letters to Rachel : The International Bombardment. Every One or Two Days I will write a little love letter and send it out to people about how much I love Rachel Myatt. Rachel , The Myatt, Friesen, and Baker Families and the New Church. will know about it and know that kindness and reconciliation is the only thing that can stop me. They cannot stop my freedom of speech of love.
Letter #1 Dear Canada, British Columbia, Dawson Creek... This letter goes to your Native Sister, Rachel Myatt. I love this woman with all my heart and for the past close to 3 years I have done everything to let her know I truly love her despite her cruelty, lies, and unkindness toward me after promising me true friendship, to be there by my side, and saying she would be there for me. True, Unconditional, Unwavering love is what I still have for Rachel. It is and never was about romantic love and if she had of looked into my eyes and truly seen my pain then she would have realized our friendship was strong enough for a lifetime. I am sorry you let others taint the beautiful person I am and that you spit on me when I was grieving but all I have ever truly done is love you and Jonathan. I would have and still would give my life for both of you. So for the next 12 months I will let people around the world in as many countries know how much I love you until you come back to me or contact me dear sister. It is the only way I know to get your attention. You can run and hide or you can face me head on and end this between us but I will not back down. I love you and Jonathan with all my heart and so I will share that love patiently with all in the world through pictures, message boards, fliers, written and spoken word and never give up on you.
Ephesians 4:2
2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
Dear Rachel when you treated me your worst I still loved you and saw the best in you. Isn't that truly a man who loves and cherishes you and Jonathan. Ask yourself that question.
My Heavenly Father please bless each and one of these letters and see that they inspire others to love and not hate those who have transgressed against them. I hope that it will be Your Love that brings Rachel and I back together and gets Rachel, her Family, and Her Church Community to see the true power of Christ love. The power of Love against all odds. I love Rachel and Jonathan with all my heart and now it is truly time to just give myself to you oh Father in this almost 3rd year of the I Love Rachel Myatt Campaign and put it all in your hands. May you guide me well and bless my progress and bless Rachel and her family.
The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread. ~Mother Teresa
Dear Readers, I had a dream last night where I was forced to go to Canada and face my demons. Rachel was forced to deal with me look me in the eye realized the pain and damage she caused. She wants to live her life care free like if I am out of sight out of mind nobody will ever know but as long as I tell the story she is out there on the radar. Rachel today I am asking you to please contact me and put an end to this. I love you and Jonathan with all my heart but you have killed my insides as a person. I was full of love and kindness until you abandoned me. It wasn't because I couldn't handle rejection it was because you said you did accept me and love me and threw me away like an old dishrag. I loved you and Jonathan and would have stood by you and still would till the end of time. Here is my proposition and my last warning to you. I am going to start another campaign because I want you to know how much you mean to me. At the end of my dream this morning, you and I ended up in a room together with your family and by the end of the dream you and Jonathan were all cuddling hugging and making up. There is no greater thing in the Lord than love. If you read the quote from Mother Teresa above you'll see I couldn't just stop loving you because you wanted to get rid of me. You couldn't turn me off like a light switch and you were conceited and very selfish to think you could. On top of that my mother had just died and some of the things you said were very inappropriate and uncalled for. You have a chance not only to redeem yourself both in and outside New Church circles. If you want to ignore me fine, but don't get mad when I have videos up testifying how much I love you and Jonathan and fliers out. You can end this I want to end this but it has to end with love. Love brought us together and it can once again. The choice is up to you. Rachel and the Myatt and Baker Families, what will it be a reconciliation of love or a declaration of love through paper and YOUTUBE. You Decide because if you ignore me then I promise you for the next 12 months I am going to try.
The Second Coming : The New Church You know what I see when I look at the New Church. I see Hedonism, Selfishness, and Sin. You can even watch one of the services at Bryn Attyn and see the kind of god they worship and its not the God of Abraham. It is the god of oneself. It is the evil and the human god. The proof is in their own sermons. http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/34443463 Look at the Book they worship and how they worship Swedenborg over Christ or anything in God's word. The only Writings I believe in are the one in the Original Bible Cannon not ones that were made up to worship themselves and desires.
So the god and master the New Church people worship. The human god of self. Swedenborg, Satan, and Self..... Here are the 7 flames of the seven candles upon their altar. You know what we celebrate here in Texas on June 19th Juneteenth a celebration of slaves who were kept in bondage a whole year later even though they were free. The second coming the New Church believes in is evil because they celebrate evil. Instead of God's 10 Commandments they celebrate the 7 Deadly Sins.
Oh and the real Second Coming came this year in April when the Stone Roses Graced Coachella here in the U.S. you purveyors of evil.
God Bless all those who truly love your fellow man and who have a sense of humor. To all the evil, liars, and sex teases like Rachel Myatt in the New Church can go to hell!!!!!!!
I know Rachel it hurts you more to know that I still love you and care and that you have become poster girl for New Church Theology because of your arrogance, ignorance, and your selfishness.
I dedicate "Who Do You Think You Are" by Saint Etienne to you today. Like the Batsignal I have realized the more I put it out there, the more you will hide and cower and if you were a true woman of God. You would face me. You created this and the only way to stop a lie is to stop lying to yourself. You want to hide in whatever corner or hole thinking one day I will stop. I wont stop till you face me. Till you come head on with the reality that one I aint playing no stupid victim. I am letting the world know you were truly loved and you let bigotry, Swedenborgism, and lies get in the way of that love. Most of all you betrayed, mocked, and spit all over our friendship. I loved you both and its sad that you are so full of pride that you got your sweet angel and child into not only my life but to say shitty things like I manipulated you to love me.
Dear Readers, This is a painful short blog to write because this is the first Fathers Day I have without my father. I found him passed away this year on February 2nd so it has been a couple of months since he has been out of my life. My father was never very loving, he abused me alot, and said horrible things to me but we try not to just love and respect our parents no matter what. I was saddened most and have nightmares about him dying alone without anyone around him. I being the one to find him has caused me great sadness and discomfort in my life.
This blog is to Rachel Myatt and her family especially her mother and father Jane and Howard Myatt today. You daughter did the cruelest thing ever to me she played with my want and need to be not only a husband but a father. It doesnt matter if Rachel and I had of had any other kids I loved her and Jonathan and I would have loved Jonathan and did love Jonathan with all my heart. That is why I never gave up on them even when she said horrible things. I saw a true potential and real love in Rachel if she had of been patient and kind as I was with her. She was too quick too judge, she let others cloud her mind, and most of all she is just plain selfish. Being a father is one of the greatest gifts in the world and because of Rachel I was turned off of ever wanting children again. Last night as I was working I told many of the men Happy Fathers Day and a lot of them said the same to me. I told them I was childless and tears almost streamed down my face each time when they would ask me why or that you would be such a good father. This I have known since I was a child. I was all I ever wanted to be and it was what I was born to be. I also told one family that I wanted to be married and for it to be in the Lord and I refused anything less. What Rachel and her family didnt understand is that I would have waited for Rachel and been paitent with Rachel for years. I enjoyed courting her and having her for a best friend but she didnt apprecaite that one bit. Very few men put the Lord before their lust and needs now. I had kept chaste for Rachel, I had twarted off temptation of the highest kind and I had truly loved Rachel and Jonathan for all that they were. Despite the name of this blog I still love them. Rachel, her family, and her church set an example each and everyday for not only the evil but excuse they make for evil in their life. Do not they know that only God's love and Goodness will conquer all. Its not some utopian dream or thoughts that Swedenborg had its what Christ and the Bible have to say. If you look at the New Church Perspective page now you see they basically are trying to defend the evil of adultery and common law verses true marraige. http://www.newchurchperspective.com/essays/2013/6/14/is-common-law-marriage-un-conjugial.html Rachel and some of her sisters have kids out of wedlock but did I judge them? No I opened my heart not only to love Rachel and her son but wanted her family to be my family. My family was so happy and so full of love for the Myatts. Rachel and the Myatts not only set a bad example for their Church but a bad moral example about judging people. I dont know who made Rachel feel like she should be with me but they were wrong. I loved Rachel and Jonathan like they were my own flesh. I want to end this blog today just saying in my heart their isnt hate for Rachel but love. She is showing the New Church and others worldwide a side of selfishness, self love, and evil by 1. Not making peace with me, 2. Being a hypocrite to all that they supposedly believe in. 3. I have loved and always will love Rachel and Jonathan Myatt and everyday she shuns that she shuns God's true ministry of reconciliation and if that is what she want to do and be coward then I am happy to continue writing this blog. I will note if the people who keep trying to redirect this blog so that it can be seen do not stop I will put its entire contents up on facebook and some undisclosed things so if you have spammed this site or know how then it needs to stop. I am sorry Rachel and her family were so ashamed of the color of my skin, my Protestant upbringing , the fact that I really had been abused alot and just wanted to be love. Most of all I am sad they couldnt see that I was grieving and hurting. I loved each and every one of you Especially you Rachel, Jonathan, Jane, and Amanda. So just remember when you are celebrating Fathers Day today with Howard Myatt , remember the pain and trauma you caused and could help heal with a couple of words. I dedicate the song "One More Day" by Chicago when I was a child I dreamed of parents and a better world for all the hurting children. I was 11yrs old when this song came out and it still has so much meaning to me today.Happy Fathers Day !!! God Bless
Dear Readers, Try and try as they will the New Church will try to get you to think they are a legitimate form of Christianity. Due to their desperate recent attacks on Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses its no wonder they are trying to promote themselves in a good life. They speak of parables and metaphors but they make excuses , Swedenborg in his own works denounces such things as spirit mediums but contradicts himself by being just that. Evil is evil. These people believe Adam and Eve was a parable and that the story of Creationism was just a story. They want to denounce the Trinity but say others are less divine. They accused Jehovah's Witnesses of believing in the Trinity and leading people away from Divinity when it seems none of them have actually even done their homework. They are fiercely against the Trinity. Lies people like Pastor Coleman Glenn and others in the New Church will continue to tell you and I will continue to fair and unbiasly contradict it with cold hard facts, Bible truths, and reality. These New Age wankers have their heads so far up their rears they really believe anyone will take them seriously. They are agents of the true Dark Lord, Prince of Darkness, and evil Satan. If you notice in their works you never hear about Satan and rarely hear about Jesus. You hear Swedenborg this and New Church that. Instead of use Swedenborgs work as the go to and cornerstone of their faith and anyone who is Christian should know the Holy Bible is the foundation for Christian life. I will continue to fight against false religion, hypocrisy, Rachel Myatt, Pastor Coleman Glenn, The New Church and the evil that it represents.
Above is the audio from the forth coming Nine Inch Nails album "Hesitation Marks" the single is called "Came Back Haunted". Nine Inch Nails aka Trent Reznor and company have been my favorite band since 1989. The 14yr old little boy is now 38 and he still feels the same way about his favorite band. After meeting them I was giddy and awestruck and so this is what I want Rachel and others to know today. The people you torture, put down, and make fun of in the in they persist and conquer. Trent Reznor is one of those people and I will follow in his footsteps. In the end he won because not only did he find love but true love. He is married to a beautiful lady named Mariqueen and they have two children and they are also in a band together called "How To Destroy Angels". That is what real love is being able to work with the person you love and to spend quality time with them. Below is a video of HDA which I got the chance to see back in April. I was at the second weekend performance of this.
Whether Rachel, The Myatts, or Pastor Glenn or the New Church think I have already won. They were the ones who talked down on me. I didnt use my religion to put down others, I retalitaed with words and embarrased Rachel because she thought she could lie to me, sleep with me, and then sweep me under the rug like like dirt. Rachel involved her child, her family, her church, her so called professional life in jeopardy. All for what? Pride, not taking the time to truly know me, selfishness, and most of all self love. For Rachel to put herself above her child and to involve him in this was the one of the most selfish acts I have ever known. If that is what Swedenborg instills in people, then my work is far from over. I just want the New Church, its Pastors and Bishops and other authority figures to know I am serious and I am coming back full force. Im about to kick a hole in your sky and to denounce your evil ways ....
First of all this is to you exiting Bishop Kline in the New Church. He never pulled up his Panties and confronted me so we know why New Church women try to act all tough and strong they have men who cant wear the pants in the family. Maybe Bishop Keith will show some gravitas and some gonads and confront me but until then they are just a bunch of Fundamendalist Pansies that sit around and masturbate ideas and bounce them off of each other. They can't even confront one person. I just want all of you New Church haters to know I am still around. I want the Myatt family to know Rachel and your story is still being told worldwide and because you took it upon yourself to screw with my blog that now a paper version is much more readily in circulation complete with pictures and words. The two songs above let you know I aint backing down and I am not scared and no matter what you do to me, Rachel Myatt made an enemy because she was selfish, a liar, and self centered and it was all because of Swedenborg's lies and heresy. Things That Can Be Summed Up In A Couple of Words
2 Words Rachel Will Never Say to Me - I'm Sorry
3 Words I Said to Rachel and her Family that obviously meant nothing - I Love You
4 Words I Mean and Do Not Forsake - I Hate Rachel Myatt.