Rachel and Jonathan

Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Real Men, Rebuking Rachel, The Dilema You Put Others In

Dear Rachel and Readers,

This pretty much sums up how much I love Rachel Myatt so in this short little blog I want to say a few things to my readers around the world.   After two years I still do love Rachel Myatt very much and maybe Rachel, nor the Myatt family will ever know how much I care about her because they were too busy seeking out things that were not there.  They looked at the outside that was broken and didnt see the inside that was full of love and had no choice but to move on with life and try to be happy.  Instead of ask me about my life they made assumptions from a few bits and pieces of things I said.  Yes Rachel and Jane I do not have a good relationship with my father.  It doesnt mean I dont care nor did it mean I would pass that on to my relationship with Jonathan.  I love children and most children love me and my friends and family always comment on how great a father I will be because I care so much for little ones.  Rachel I wanted to be a foster dad with you being a foster mother.  You had no idea how that would have changed my life and brought happiness to me.  You didnt see the blessing in a man who was broken, beat down, and trampled on by life just continuing to be kicked getting up and just loving people everyday.  It meant nothing to you that even though I had just lost my mom I still did everything I could to come out and be with you and Jonathan.  I will say these things now.

Rebuking Rachel
1. Rachel I rebuke you for ever playing with my love and my wanting to be your partner, your best friend, and to love you and Jonathan with all my heart.  It was very cruel, it was hurtful, and I have never loved anyone as much as I loved you to and it wasn't an idea that I had for just anyone to be with me it was you and Jonathan so you thought you could just abandon me and treat me like I would just find another and everything would be ok. It is not ok and it still is going on today.  I forgive you but I cannot forget.

2. Rachel I rebuke you for talking ill about me or about my dead mother.  My mother loved you and your family and she wanted to meet all of you.  She wanted Jonathan to be her Grandson and treat him like her own. She fell asleep in death along the way but she never did anything but bless Rachel and the Myatt family. To you and all the New Church people who support your evil and wickedness in saying evil things toward me and my family.  I forgive you.

3. Calling a grieving person mentally ill, making fun of them, and abandoning them when you promised and said you would be there for them was not only lying, decietful, and damaging but you knew in your heart it was wrong.  I rebuke you and I forgive you.

4. For using the New Church Theology to put me down and to say I didnt love God and you clearly saw how much I loved Him because I gave my all to be with you.  I rebuke you and I forgive you.

5. Rachel Myatt everything I have done I have done because you truly hurt me.  I was and still am in love with you.  The fact is you tried to make me look bad to others because you know I was a good man and I really did love you.  Maybe you treated me bad because you were ashamed of what others in your family thought of me or you were so used to other guys treating you bad.  You were all I ever wanted both you and Jonathan.  I never cheated on you,  I never wanted any woman but you.  I wanted to worship with you(but you never gave me a chance).  I fought the state department to get my passport, endured my mothers death,  I put up with Racist people in Edmonton airport and had a 16 hour trip that should have been only 9 at the most just to get to you and Jonathan and you want to make me out to look like I was someone who was bad and made fun of me because I was different.  You are very selfish, and judgmental and God is using me to show you and others in the New Church that the self serving attitude you use is dangerous and it is wrong.  I love you and no matter what hurtful thing I have said on the internet I did it because I wanted you to know and others to know that I am not afraid of anyone or anything God is my guide.  I will say this I love Rachel and her family and if they were truly the Christian people they say they are they would reach out to me.  I do not know what they think of me but someone must have made Rachel feel really uncomfortable about me because she never answered my questions when I asked if someone in your family said something or didnt like me.  If it was you Jane I am sorry I felt like you didnt like me because of the Punishment question and because of something I said about the Trinity.  Love is to me is based not on what Denomination I was brought up in but that two people could be there for each other. I loved your daughter and still do and I would do anything for her and your grandson.  That was the light of my life getting to be with both of them as the pain inside me from my mother dying had start to subside thinking I would have love and a family to love.  So Myatt family this Thanksgiving in Canada think about how Rachel always said that no man would love her because of her faith. I did, how she said men used her? I didnt she wasnt some sex object to me and she is the only person I wanted or desired because I was in love with her.  I loved her and she and Jonathan meant the world to me.  She was the first thing I thought of when I woke up and the last thing I thought about before I went to bed.

A Real Man
1. A real man named Byron fell in love with Rachel Myatt and believed in her.  He loved her and her son Jonathan and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her.  He wanted to have children with her, raise her son as his own even if his biological father was raising him too.  He thought the world of Rachel and Jonathan.  Instead of Rachel taking the time to actually see that she cursed Byron, put him down, made him feel small, and broke his heart into so many pieces he almost died.

2. A real man was tested and tempted by evil on how much he loved Rachel.  A friend of his made sexual advances on him in a hotel room one night and that real man told her that he was in love with Rachel Myatt and could never cheat on her.  The real man immediately text his girlfriend Rachel Myatt and told her what happened and how much he loved her and how he never desired or wanted anyone but her.

3. A real man made a blog called I Love Rachel Myatt and spread his message across the world. He never meant to hurt Rachel or her family he only wanted her to see that she and Jonathan mean the world to him still after two years and he still believes and dreams about her.  He puts his faith in God.  He apologizes for the ill things he said but he does not apologize for putting God first, being dilligent in his love for Rachel and Jonathan, nor does he apologize for standing up to hypocrisy, lies, or anything, that has been said to discredit this love by people who have no idea. 

A Real Man loves you still Rachel Myatt and wants peace with you and wants you to be his best friend again.  A real man still believes in you and always wanted to walk beside you not in front of you or behind you but have you as his partner and confidant in the Lord Jesus Christ.  I am willing to tell of my love for you worldwide time and time again because I am a real man.  A real man that loves you with all his heart through Christ Love.

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