This is a direct message to Rachel Myatt, The Myatt Family, and To Pastor Glenn and the Church of the New Jerusalem.
If you have taken the time to listen to the song and read the lyrics then it is all about having faith in ourselves. Some of us are theist, some are agnostic, atheist, or we are of many different faiths, thought processes, and mindsets. We always have a choice in what we do. Rachel had a choice she chose to be cruel and while she thinks hiding and pretending what she did was right or that just ignoring hte situation will make it go away it is not going to happen. The damage was done and so now I share this story with people all over the world and instead of make things right with me and make peace she would rather bring shame on her family, her faith, and herself. A few simple words in a phone call and this would all be over. We always have free will. We have the will to love, to hurt, to lie, to be honest, and to tell the truth. I take full responsibility for everything I said and have done. I am not hiding. Anyone can come see what I have written. I keep my documents. I know the consequences of what I say and do. If it causes me legal trouble oh well I am aware of that. I dont blindly say things about Rachel or Pastor Glenn or the New Church without some kind of merit. I have printed many fliers and told my stories and I will target key cities soon where there are Church of the New Jerusalem congregations. I want to send a clear message to Rachel, To the Myatt Family, and to Pastor Glenn and the Church of the New Jerusalem. I have free will too. I chose to love Rachel and try to make things better even after she slandered me and talked ill of my dead mother. I did everything in my power to make things right so I fought the good fight. If Rachel or her family gets hurt by me telling the truth about what happened and discussing them it is on them. I reached out for a long time. It is up to them now I have always held out the olive branch but I see no one taking it. My responsibility to be loving is in sharing this information about the New Church and Rachel. It is my fate to make sure Rachel never treats a man like she treated me or the guys before her. That she never lies or uses her faith a a crutch for people to love her or to say that no one accepted her faith because I did and that would be a lie. I have emails to prove it. If I have to post them in the next couple of days I will. If Rachel wants me to go away then be a woman pick up the phone and I will go away forever. I promised her last year all it would take would be a phone call and I would never write about her, say anything mean about her, and I would take down this blog but what did she do? Totally ignore it. So if you want to live your life and continue hurting people Rachel Myatt that is cool. If your family wants to coddle you in your fickle decisions and you let them make you feel like you dont deserve certain things that is fine. I had people in my family like that but I told them I was my own man and though I valued there opinions my life is my life to live. So Rachel just remember you are free to live your life and so am mine. You left me with hurt, despair, mistrust of women, the religious bigotry you expoused to me and most of all you ruined a friendship and love so pure that it almost killed me. So yes I have continued telling my story and it is on you and Pastor Glenn now. If either one of you wants to end this and talk to me like a man I am here. Rachel this is your burden though. Think about all the pain and stress that would go away if you were woman enough to admit to being wrong. You dragged so many other people into this and before I am done its going to get bigger and starting in the next couple of weeks I am going at this with full force. I am sorry you choose hurt, evil, and unrepentance over love, good, and true friendship. You are truly lost to me and there is nothing left to do but make it known how you used me, played with my love for you and Jonathan, and messed with my dream. I love you Rachel Myatt but you dont care. Why will it matter if everyone knows about you now?
Rachel Myatt you never appreciated the devotion, the honesty, and the dedication I had for you and Jonathan. You never appreciated my love of God. You never appreciated the fact that I wanted to be your partner and I loved you for all you were. You spit on my mothers memory with your cruelty and if your family was part of that then they spit on the blessing she left you all. I am sorry you were ashamed of me. I am sorry you couldnt use human decency and respect me during a time of grieving instead of make outlandish and false claims. I hope one day when your parents die that you will remember what a douche you were to me and how you treated me and you will understand how evil, cruel, and messed up a person you are. You deserve for everyone to know who you are and whatever happens I tried to care. I tried to keep loving you and do my best not to hurt you but your unresponsiveness lets me know its ok to tell everyone my story and you dont care how it affects you or Jonathan or anyone. So I am sorry that I ever cared enough to love you and put my faith in the Lord to love someone so selfish and hateful as you. You always had a choice Rachel and you have chosen to continue to hurt everyone.
God Bless All