First of all I am saddened that the evil in this world keeps getting greater and greater. My heart bleeds and it hurts for the loss of life that occurred the other day. It pains me even more that we cannot just love each other as people. I look at the Facebook pages of some of the Pastors in the New Church and see very few people of color but yet they claim to be a loving people. The Myatts especially Jane and Rachel had no idea that I was telling them of they violence and evil I had to live around everyday was me telling the truth. I wasn't good enough to either of them because I was this crazy messed up person because I detailed to them the truth of my surroundings or because was also grieving. To them neither one of them with a Doctorate in Anything I was mentally ill. See we start putting labels and judging things we don't understand and that is what is truly sad. The Former Pastor of Dawson Creek is where now? South Africa a hot bed for racism and where there is still segregation. If they were truly God's servants and had the guts why not go up into middle Africa where you aren't so shielded by your White Counterparts and truly bring help and Christ comfort. That is just it. You want to feel safe and comforted and Black People especially are considered dangerous and we are too Different as Rachel and Jane and members of the Church of the New Jerusalem indicated me in their thinking. I was born and bleed just as you do and what you did was wrong and I will not soon forget nor let it go. There are lessons to be learned White People. Do not go around claiming to be loving and open minded yet cursing and treating people who are different than you like animals. Five years down the line this incident has affected me and it will for the rest of my life. Until Rachel has the courage to confront me I have everything to say about it and it is my life's intent to put this out there on such a big platform that it rings through her church, her family, and to people all over the world. It is not about Public Shaming. It is about love. It is the disrespect and utter stupidity that was shown toward me and my family. It is about evil people who kill innocent people of any color, creed, or religion because they do not like them. If The People In the Church of the New Jerusalem were really open minded and loving they would reach out to me but all they make is excuses so everyday this blog and my newsletter reach even one person it is a reflection on them. That is the best part. I was never out to slander Rachel but show her you cant run from lies, promises, and the words and actions you take. In the end you always pay for them. I have and always maintained this blog because I loved you and to show you the damage you left behind. You don't care who it hurts or think it doesn't reflect on you but it does. Think about it. Think about all those people you have been cruel too, rude too, judged because they don't look, or worship like you. Then think about being killed because you loved God and were willing to help someone else and pray with someone you thought needed God's help only to have them end your life. I reached out to you for help Rachel and you betrayed me. God is love and He is the only thing that will heal the world.
I Hate Rachel Myatt
A Dedication To My Friend and Sister in Christ I Love and Cherish. "The Letters To Rachel Project" This site is not meant to demean nor defame my friend in anyway it is a heartfelt attempt at peace and reconciliation
Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will
Friday, June 19, 2015
Racism ,Being Different ,& Gods Grace: To The Myatt Family & The Church of The New Jerusalem
First of all I am saddened that the evil in this world keeps getting greater and greater. My heart bleeds and it hurts for the loss of life that occurred the other day. It pains me even more that we cannot just love each other as people. I look at the Facebook pages of some of the Pastors in the New Church and see very few people of color but yet they claim to be a loving people. The Myatts especially Jane and Rachel had no idea that I was telling them of they violence and evil I had to live around everyday was me telling the truth. I wasn't good enough to either of them because I was this crazy messed up person because I detailed to them the truth of my surroundings or because was also grieving. To them neither one of them with a Doctorate in Anything I was mentally ill. See we start putting labels and judging things we don't understand and that is what is truly sad. The Former Pastor of Dawson Creek is where now? South Africa a hot bed for racism and where there is still segregation. If they were truly God's servants and had the guts why not go up into middle Africa where you aren't so shielded by your White Counterparts and truly bring help and Christ comfort. That is just it. You want to feel safe and comforted and Black People especially are considered dangerous and we are too Different as Rachel and Jane and members of the Church of the New Jerusalem indicated me in their thinking. I was born and bleed just as you do and what you did was wrong and I will not soon forget nor let it go. There are lessons to be learned White People. Do not go around claiming to be loving and open minded yet cursing and treating people who are different than you like animals. Five years down the line this incident has affected me and it will for the rest of my life. Until Rachel has the courage to confront me I have everything to say about it and it is my life's intent to put this out there on such a big platform that it rings through her church, her family, and to people all over the world. It is not about Public Shaming. It is about love. It is the disrespect and utter stupidity that was shown toward me and my family. It is about evil people who kill innocent people of any color, creed, or religion because they do not like them. If The People In the Church of the New Jerusalem were really open minded and loving they would reach out to me but all they make is excuses so everyday this blog and my newsletter reach even one person it is a reflection on them. That is the best part. I was never out to slander Rachel but show her you cant run from lies, promises, and the words and actions you take. In the end you always pay for them. I have and always maintained this blog because I loved you and to show you the damage you left behind. You don't care who it hurts or think it doesn't reflect on you but it does. Think about it. Think about all those people you have been cruel too, rude too, judged because they don't look, or worship like you. Then think about being killed because you loved God and were willing to help someone else and pray with someone you thought needed God's help only to have them end your life. I reached out to you for help Rachel and you betrayed me. God is love and He is the only thing that will heal the world.
Saturday, May 30, 2015
To The Myatt Family : There Goes The Neighboorhood(The Reason Why Rachel Couldnt Woman Up and Accept Me) White Fear
Dear Myatt, Friesens, Baker, and Stiles family. Rachel couldn't accept me because of this. You put this stigma on yourself and the rest of your lives Rachel and you will have to live with it. I am just a man someone who loved, lived, and had a heart. Screw you and your evil and your two faced attitude. I see no colors, I see no boundaries, and I only had love for all of you.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Thanks for Making A Monster Out of Me Rachel
Thank You Rachel Myatt for kicking me down when I was at my lowest. Someone that had everything handed to them and not know what hard work and true love was would never have recovered. I am high on life and I am gunning for you with the greatest weapon of all. Love. Sorry you cant show your face but I am about to Unleash something you could only dream of.
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
The Devil is A Real Entity and Rachel and Her Family Deny His Part in Their Lives
Dear Readers,
So now that I am rejuvenated and ready to take on the world I just have one thing to say. Church of the New Jerusalem, Rachel Myatt, Myatt, Friesens, Bakers, and Stiles. Satan is real and there is one big hell for all those who choose to go there. Bigots, Liars, Blasphemers. One of the biggest blasphemes is that you don't believe in the Devil or Satan or Lucifer. You believe that what an delirious man may or may not dreamed as to be the Divine word of God. Yet you deny God his due as a Divine Spirit Being. You say god to you is a human being walking the earth and that the second coming has already come? Is that so what is his name Mohammed or something? All I see is evil and you people love to immerse yourself in evil, act upon impulses and feelings never caring about what happens next. So here I go acting on making my dream come try by finally putting the nail in the coffin on this story I need to tell it will hit you like a freaking brick Rachel Myatt and all the sudden it will be all over the world. You can't hide. You will be crushed and don't forget I tried to make peace with you. Canada won't be able to hide you. Not the Yukon, the Territories, or even Nova Scotia. I am in full on not give up mode and I am about to crush it. So yes Satan is real and you are going straight to hell for all that you did.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Different Than You: No Less Important and Still God's Child(A Call To Rachel, Her Family, and Her Religion)
'Tis true my form is something odd,
But blaming me is blaming God;
Could I create myself anew
I would not fail in pleasing you.
If I could reach from pole to pole
Or grasp the ocean with a span,
I would be measured by the soul;
The mind's the standard of the man.
But blaming me is blaming God;
Could I create myself anew
I would not fail in pleasing you.
If I could reach from pole to pole
Or grasp the ocean with a span,
I would be measured by the soul;
The mind's the standard of the man.
Dear Readers,
Above is a clip from the movie "The Elephant Man" about Joseph(aka John) Merrick who had a debilitating disease to the point he was called the Elephant Man. Also is a quote he used at the end of most of his letters made famous by Issac Watts from the writings "False Greatness".
Rachel Myatt was loved more than she could ever know by me so this has been a long time coming and its only just the start. The point I am trying to make is why would she be so hateful and cruel to someone who loved her and who she claimed to love. Was it was because I believed in her? Because I wasn't willing to just let go and let her walk all over me? I wasn't going to let her lie about having me in her life? It saddened me that she nor her family had the courage to stand up to me. It also saddened me that she let others in her Church make excuses for her and would put them in the line of fire instead of be woman enough to admit what she did was horrible. It also seems contradictory because the people of The Church of the New Jerusalem are such fans of Helen Keller who was deaf, blind, and mute. God gives us all the chance to shine and Rachel had been blessed with true love even after she had hurt other men and I could have destroyed her with the evil that I am capable of. I can be vindictive, I could have done mean and terrible things, but what did I do? I told the world I loved her and that she destroyed me by going against what her religion preached and most of all what God Preached. I called people out because of them only seeing her side and not once ever seeing that I was the one who was suffering and through all that I still put everything on the line to love her. I didn't want to play the weak victim. I wanted her to realize that she tried to play the victim, make me look bad during my state of mourning, pass judgment on me and say I was mentally unstable and that led to me becoming very sick with sadness and being unstable for the lies, deceit, and disregard she had for me and my family.
I want to stop for a minute to use this quote that has be come popular in the last couple of months. "Clarity settles all scores. It pays back all debts". You can hide, change your name, get married, have another relationship Rachel Myatt but this is going to continue to follow you and your family around. You can stop what is coming to you but you prefer evil to good and by you showing your example of ignoring me and not acting on something that could stay pretty private you only put more people at risk of being caught up in this. It is sad that your sister Rebecca can post a picture of her hugging her your mom up on mothers day telling her how much she loves her but both Jane Myatt and Rachel Myatt hurt me and both the memory of my mother and don't think anything of it. Yes my eye is on you and don't think I have forgotten. When the time come it will crush a lot of people. I don't threaten violence, physical harm, or revenge. My form of retribution is through love and the story I still have yet to tell. Rachel if you were woman enough you would contact me and end this. I know you nor any of your family wont because you are not sorry, you are not forgiving, and you have always been a bully. Someone gave you a taste of your own medicine and you tried to play the victim. Remember, you were the one who allowed me in your heart, you were the one who let me into your home, to meet your family, your child, and into your bed. I gave you all of me because I believed you were of the Lord. So yes you hurt me and changed my life by your hatefulness and hurtfulness and you are being called upon and called out by God to either mend what was broken or accept the consequences of being evil. 5 years down the line you cannot hide what you did and I am determined to make things bigger and when you hurt someone like me who was full of love and scar our beautiful hearts. Well lets just say we grow bigger, and stronger, and more determined and since you kicked me so far down with your evil, lies, and abandonment then I cannot go down any further. I was at the point of dying from a broken heart, every bone in my body hurt from your betrayal, I thought about drugs, alcohol, and and even using other women to try to ease the pain but I refused all of those in favor of writing and letting the world know my thoughts on both you Rachel Myatt, your family, and the New Church. Its all in your corner now. You can watch the clip above and maybe it will change your heart. Better yet watch the whole movie. I saw it first when I was 8 yrs old and it taught me to love and accept others even if they were different than myself. Look at most of my pictures they are with white people who at one time I was taught to hate. My best friends are a White Atheist and a Pakistani man and a Half Asian/White young lady. I am diverse, I am full of love, and I would never treat someone like you treated me because I thought they wouldn't fit in. Fact is I would have loved it in Dawson Creek. You didn't understand that I was going through so much I came cause I loved you and I gave you all that I was at the time. It was all about you and Jonathan and for the first time in my life I truly loved someone. Even my father had my back and we were distant his whole life. Then I get back here you tore me down, found every flaw that you could with me, and then denied there was a reason for you to treat me the way you did. When you said the word different I knew what you meant BLACK. You weren't the first person to treat me that way and I can never know what Joseph Merrick went through with his deformity because thats apples and oranges in comparison but I spent my whole life being Different and having doors kicked in my face for the simple color of my skin. So to you Rachel Myatt, Myatt Family, Friesen, Baker, and Stiles I say this. I am sorry that you could not see that I loved Rachel and Jonathan with all my heart and deemed to judge me the way you did but I am not sorry for letting the truth out and if Rachel felt publicly shamed she deserved it because to me I was trying to show her at first that she was publicly loved and that I was willing to climb any mountain to let anyone know I loved her and Jonathan more than anything. In Conclusion. You do reap what you sow and the seeds of what were done are finally coming into fruition through clarity and a clear mind. We are all children of God and no matter how different we may be we all deserve respect and love. You showed none of that to me during my darkest hour when all I did was put aside the pain and darkness to love you.
Friday, May 15, 2015
Calling You Out : Grace of God has allowed this to go on.
I am calling you out Rachel Myatt. If you are the good Christian woman you say you are then end this with me. Somewhere in my heart there is still love for you. I have nothing to prove. I have been through hell and back in the past 5 years and still I rise. You on the other hand when I ascend soon will have to explain to others about what happened because it will be the basis for my rise and the truth will set me free. Keep this where it belongs in the confines of what it is now or you can face it being something greater than it has become. The choice is up to you.
Matthew 18:15-20
Dealing With Sin in the Church15 “If your brother or sister[b] sins,[c] go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. 16 But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’[d] 17 If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.
18 “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be[e] bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be[f] loosed in heaven.
19 “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
I have called on you many times Rachel but you turn a deaf ear. You will be bound by this in heaven as you are now on earth. I am trying to make peace with you. You are an example for others but you chose to show your true colors.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Mothers Day : How Rachel Ruined the Memory of My Mother(Yeah I went there)
Dear Readers,
First of all my mother was one of the most selfless people I ever knew. On her deathbed all she thought about was other peoples happiness. She didn't want me to stay and watch her die. She gave me permission to go see Rachel in Canada but I told her until I knew she was alright I couldn't go anywhere. All she wanted me to do was love and live life. We didn't always see eye to eye on things like religion or the state of the world but I loved my mother and if it wasn't for her, I probably would have given up that fateful day when Rachel abandoned me. She loved you Rachel Myatt and she never even met you but she wanted you to be loved by me because she knew I was a special man and that I deserved the best. I hope she is looking down on you everyday because of the pain you have caused me and my family. You are the most selfish, introverted, spoiled woman I have ever met. All you do is think about yourself and how things will work to your benefit and not how others fit into the picture. Even if you have a boyfriend or husband now I don't know how he stands you and will probably use you and abandon you because of how evil and masochistic you are toward men. You are not a good example for Jonathan by your dealings with men. You shame your religion by using it as a crutch to hurt other people. When your mother dies I hope you know what pain I felt and that your insult and injury was uncalled for. As for your mother Jane Myatt I hope when your mother passes away you feel a sense of what you & and your daughter did by judging me in the state I was in. In the past 5 years I have lost both parents, I endured my fathers hatred and evil in his final months to help take care of him, and all I did was love and press on. I have had two selfish unworthy girlfriends who stole from me lied and all I did was love them. One of them fell in love with me after the fact but I told her it was too late and that I was happy without her but I was glad that she realized I had changed her life from doing drugs and living off of other people to becoming a person with direction and meaning in life. My mother did the greatest thing in the world for me. She taught me how to love and to not judge people for their flaws and differences but to see within their heart and love them for all that was good about them. Rachel you showed nothing but judgment, racism, bigotry, and selfishness and I do blame part of that on the New Church Theology after seeing how arrogant and headstrong some of the Clergy and people in the New Church are. The rest lies with your parents and your upbringing because only that kind of disrespect and ignorance can be taught. I am not sorry for anything I say anymore and I only come at you with truth from my heart. I never started this blog to hurt you it was to show you that someone was willing to go the extra mile to show you that you were worth being loved at any cost. It was my way of reaching out trying to say I still love you and I was truly in love with you and was willing to fight for you. You ignored me and let others fight your battle for you so now I do hate you. My mother wouldn't be proud that I hate you but she would at least respect the fact that I stood up to you and didn't let you win by walking over me. So to my readers and to Rachel Myatt, the Myatt, Friesen, and Baker families. I want you to know this is how I feel. Rachel ruined the good memories of my mother because in her last days all she did was give me strength and confirm and accept my love for Rachel and Jonathan and for that I will never forgive her and I hate her and only want the world to know of how my heart was torn apart. It will happen when it is supposed to happen and it will be big. Rachel still has time to turn the tide but she is not the Christian woman she said she is she is a fake, puts evil over love, and she doesn't care about anyone but herself so she will get what she deserves and I don't care how her story turns out because when I extended the olive branch she was nowhere to be found.
Happy Mothers Day
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