Kara Zor El the Kitty: Says Shame on Rachel Myatt and all the other people in the New Church who blindly preach about forgiveness and reconciliation but do not practice it. Especially to someone who did nothing but love you and who doesn't owe you any kindness and could have torn you down way more than humiliate you through love. You are ashamed, you are scared, you are humiliated because all the things I said were right and they happened. You couldn't sue me for what was the truth and so you try to hide behind a rock. Sad Sad Day!!!!
A Dedication To My Friend and Sister in Christ I Love and Cherish. "The Letters To Rachel Project" This site is not meant to demean nor defame my friend in anyway it is a heartfelt attempt at peace and reconciliation
Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will
Monday, September 29, 2014
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Utopia of a False God - The Power I Have Over the Myatts
First of All I am still here. I am still just as angry and put off with Rachel Myatt, the Myatt Family, and The New Church of both Dawson Creek, and of the General New Church of North America. The rest of you may you be blessed and hopefully somewhere in South Africa Pastor Coleman Glenn is learning to live among the so called Gentiles who are really just people who didn't descend from God's Chosen area of so called Mesopotamia at the time. First of all why call this blog Utopia of a False God? Well because in reading one of the New Church Perspectives pieces I realized how close minded and sad that people in the New Church are. They close themselves off, try to be no part of the world, shun outsiders, and pretend to love and help there fellow man but are doing little but spouting rhetoric. Meanwhile other Churches of other denominations take to the streets to clothe, feed, soothe, love, and care for their fellow man. The New Church is too cowardly to ever touch on the topic of Racism because they some how think they aren't not only are they Racist but Xenophobic. They feel they have some kind of W.A.S.P Close Circuited Feel Good Utopia in Bryn Athyn and they are just as chosen as the Jews and that they only want to go help the heathens and Gentiles in Africa. I mean read these articles from New Church Perspective and tell me you do not get the creepy feel of the Kool Aid being a little too thick and cloudy toward Caucasians.
http://www.newchurchperspective.com/essays/2014/9/5/the-new-church-money-and-a-world-full-of-endless-need-part-1.html and http://www.newchurchperspective.com/essays/2014/9/12/the-new-church-money-and-a-world-full-of-endless-need-part-2.htmlThe saddest thing about all this is that a lot of these white people in North America especially Canadians have never truly had to suffer. So when someone like me like what happened with the Myatts and the Dawson Creek people were exposed to what goes on constantly in an inner city environment they run scared, put it down, and try to shun and deem that person evil. I live in Dallas/Fort Worth Texas, Arlington to be exact and have for most of my life. Its nothing like Bryn Athyn, PA or Dawson Creek, BC, Canada. You people are neither diverse nor strong enough to walk a day in my shoes. It was funny the Myatts call themselves Rednecks but being from the South in Texas they are joke to what people do down here such as mudding, climbing, geocaching, and all sorts of stuff. Rachel wanted to act like where she lived was special but it is not. In fact everything besides the cold you had in Dawson Creek I have seen or had done something close too. The reason I came. I loved you. The Myatt family 4 years on and you disgust me. If you think I forgot and I am not waiting to expose you. I am. I am just waiting for the hour for Rachel to slip up or someone to do something so I can put you out in open like a fox. I have that power over Rachel because even if she has grown she knows she can never fully be the person she could be without looking over her shoulder. What happens my dear Myatts if my music and my story are successful and I tell the story of how you and your religion abandoned me after you claimed to be there for me. You are an embarrassment to the New Church itself and you always will be. So go ahead enjoy your Aryan Utopia and Keep BRYN ATYHN WHITE. Also keep referring to Black people and others of colored skin as Gentiles you sure as hell aren't God's chosen people either. Keep being worshipers of Science Before God and forgetting God Created Science and the reason for the Creation of the Bryn Athyn and New Church Utopia was to follow the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg who was teaching of a Human god who was a reflection of the sin and evil he wanted to commit in his heart so he turned it into religion and wrote and explanation on why it was ok to follow him. It was nothing do do with the Bible. He uses Christ as a front to be his own god. Not follow Christ but follow the gods of Science, Men, Greed, Lust, Sloth, and all the other sins of man. Yes at this moment I am exposing to the world the scourage of the New Church. Why? God came to me because the New Church wanted to push away certain people. They want to be unaccepting yet want to be accepted. They want you to believe their half truths but not look at the whole truths in the Bible. Yes the division on the so called writings and the conservative and liberal General New Church are about to implode and it is because of your selfishness, bigotry, and refusal to look inward and love your fellow man instead of love money, power, wealth, and exclusivity.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
You Were Loved Rachel Myatt. You Blew It and I Wont Soon Forget!!!
Dear Readers,
It has been a long time since I have written on this blog and it was because I did and do love Rachel Myatt. This was the day 4 years ago she destroyed my heart. I know she will probably check to see if I have written anything today and yes Rachel it does still matter, I am still angry at you, and even though I forgive you it is far from over. I have written a screenplay, and album, and about the dangers and cult nature of the New Church because of you. You brought this on yourself with your arrogance, hatefulness, and your family not even being brave enough to face me. If you are with someone I hope they know what kind of back stabbing two faced woman you are and how you lie, leave others, and use your religion as a crutch to constantly hurt others. I wish you no harm but you will be exposed when I release this material soon. It took me months but I focused on it and I will get it out there. You could have reached out to me and changed things. I will always love you and Jonathan and I was in love with you and wanted you both but you just like most of the girls couldn't just see I love you. You wanted to find all these things wrong with me without looking into the mirror with all that was screwed up with you. You wanted to let the other people around you in Dawson Creek shape you into fear of being around someone different and I thought Canada was less Racist and Judgmental than the U.S. but you and Dawson Creek British Columbia showed me more racism in a day then I have known my whole life. I knew bigotry when I saw it and your mother didn't know but I knew she didnt like me. If my parents didnt like you I would have still loved you because I am an and was an adult and they have no say so in who I love. I fought my dad over and over about that. Both my parents are gone now its just me against the world and so you know what? Its fine. I really wish we could have made amends. I got a call from Chiliwack BC and Vancouver in the last couple of months and days. Was it you trying to have the courage to talk to me. If it was fine. If you were a real woman you would do the Godly thing and end this with me and we both go in peace. Futureperfectone@lycos.com there is my email the one you should know the one we held all our lovely letters to each other. I am waiting to see if you have the fortitude to make peace if not its your loss. I loved you and Jonathan and you always remember for the rest of your life you did destroy someones love by playing with it and making fun of me after you did it when I was grieving my mother. I doubt you have changed. I wont forget ever and the revolution still marches on against you and the New Church.
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