Above is the new single from Kayne West, "Black Skinhead" I cant say that I am a fan but I can appreciate his art and the message that it is trying to convey. I dedicate it to Rachel Myatt and any of the two faced people in her family. I want her to know I havent gone away. I have just been delving deeper into the depths of what must be done and how she has and will affect the New Church. Pastor Coleman and Bishop Kline. Neither one of you had the guts to touch me with your doctrine before fellow man approach. I am glad a weak leader like Pastor Kline is leaving because he never once had the balls to respond to me about his organization and I doubt Bishop Keith will step off his throne to either. I just want to say this also Rachel. You shape how people view you with each blog I write. You shape how Jonathan sees women when you lie, when you act like a cunt, when you decieve, and you tease men. You are not a nice woman and anyone who thought you were some good chaste Christian woman was sadly mistaken. I know I was. You are selfish and dont have a humble bone in your body and I think you are a bitch for that. I am sorry but in the coming weeks I am passing judgment world wide on you and using you as an example of why the New Church wont grow. Im sorry that the New Church is one of self and hedonism and not God's loving Mercy. Since Rachel had someone spam my blog and try to get it redirected I am just going to put it up somewhere else plus I have more to pass out about Rachel and her unloyal and two faced family. Rachel and Jane I hope you look into the mirror and see the evil people you truly are and repent all I ever wanted was your love and for you to accept me for me. What did you do? Bent Me Over, Kicked Me when I was down and Screwed me in the Ass. That is ok Good luck you fraking Phonies. I hate you forever
A Dedication To My Friend and Sister in Christ I Love and Cherish. "The Letters To Rachel Project" This site is not meant to demean nor defame my friend in anyway it is a heartfelt attempt at peace and reconciliation
Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Unconditional : You Cant Deal With the Things You Broke Rachel so Accept that You Cant Fix What You Screwed Up
Above is the new single from Kayne West, "Black Skinhead" I cant say that I am a fan but I can appreciate his art and the message that it is trying to convey. I dedicate it to Rachel Myatt and any of the two faced people in her family. I want her to know I havent gone away. I have just been delving deeper into the depths of what must be done and how she has and will affect the New Church. Pastor Coleman and Bishop Kline. Neither one of you had the guts to touch me with your doctrine before fellow man approach. I am glad a weak leader like Pastor Kline is leaving because he never once had the balls to respond to me about his organization and I doubt Bishop Keith will step off his throne to either. I just want to say this also Rachel. You shape how people view you with each blog I write. You shape how Jonathan sees women when you lie, when you act like a cunt, when you decieve, and you tease men. You are not a nice woman and anyone who thought you were some good chaste Christian woman was sadly mistaken. I know I was. You are selfish and dont have a humble bone in your body and I think you are a bitch for that. I am sorry but in the coming weeks I am passing judgment world wide on you and using you as an example of why the New Church wont grow. Im sorry that the New Church is one of self and hedonism and not God's loving Mercy. Since Rachel had someone spam my blog and try to get it redirected I am just going to put it up somewhere else plus I have more to pass out about Rachel and her unloyal and two faced family. Rachel and Jane I hope you look into the mirror and see the evil people you truly are and repent all I ever wanted was your love and for you to accept me for me. What did you do? Bent Me Over, Kicked Me when I was down and Screwed me in the Ass. That is ok Good luck you fraking Phonies. I hate you forever
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Becoming The Villian I Always Knew I Could Be
I will be straight to the point. I am out for blood now against Rachel, The Myatt Family, Coleman Glenn and The Church of The New Jerusalem. I will peacefully destroy them because of their evil toward myself and my family. Rachel will rue the day she ever acted so arrogant, selfish, and so ignorant towards me. Not a freakin threat its a promise. I dont need guns, bombs, or any other evil man made devices. Those are for wimps. I have the Bible and God's Words that will obliverate the evil that the Myatt Family infringed on me.
To let you know how ruthless I am going to be in final campaign I saw Star Trek: Into Darkness and (Spoiler Alert) They revisted the best and baddest Villain from the Original Show. If Coleman Glenn gets this video then he will understand the severity of not only his arrogance but Rachel's unwillingness to make peace and amends.
Without further Adieu I reveal one of my favorite Villains of all time and one I am going to mimic in my quest to get even with all of you.
I will now be relentlesss now in my quest for Revenge!!!
Why I am doing what I am doing? Rachel Myatt's and the Church of the New Jerusalem's stance on evil, non forgiveness, and arrogance that they are some superior race of intelligent beings who have seen a rapture that never happened. I will strike without warning and the sting will be severe.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Pictures of You
As You look at old Blogs Rachel and Pictures of yourself on your IPAD just remember how much I loved you. Remember how your lies destroyed my love for you.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
So You Thought I Was Kidding Rachel
Dear Readers,
Rachel may think I am bluffing but in a couple of hours I will release something that will tell of how having her in my life devastated me and how the Church of the New Jerusalem treats people who are grieving especially a certain Pastor Coleman Glenn. It will have nothing to do with this blog and it will be about the effect it has had on Mothers Day for me. The selfishness and arrogance of Ms. Myatt turned me into a different man. I am glad for the experience though it made me stronger and it gave me more fight. Above is the song "Love Will". Rachel was loved by me and my family so much but she never gave it a chance. She just gave up like she does on everyone. She is content looking at her Iphone here and there to see what I am writing thinking I am not actually out telling about the New Church and their hypocrisy but its far from the truth I am out doing just that. Rachel if you truly cared about Jonathan, your family, your Church, and if you ever loved me you would pick up the phone, write a letter, or email me and put an end to this. Instead you would rather others be pulled into your personal battle because you are too much of a coward to face me even online. You would be a part of Jesus call to Reconciliation. Swedenborg has filled your head with so many lies and untruths though that you will never understand the true meaning of Christ love because you are too busy following a man and not our God and King. I am not sorry for anything I have to say as Rachel wasnt sorry for speaking ill of me or my mother when I needed her and she promised to be there. I hope it will be a wake up call to all in the Church of the New Jerusalem. God Bless All, Happy Mothers Day
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Rachel Didn't Have the Courage But I Do
Dear Readers,
Tomorrow is Mother's Day and I will have some things to say about Rachel, Shelly Jane Myatt her mother, Her Family, Pastor Glenn, His Mother, and others in the New Church publically. Rachel didnt have the courage to contact me and put an end to this she would rather I get on the internet and say things that will cost her respect of others and let others know about how the Church of the New Jerusalem operates especially in Dawson Creek. She has proved that people in the New Church would rather just do evil, walk away from the damage they cause, and never look back thinking that a lie could be covered up and go away. Unfortunately for Rachel its not going to so tomorrow is the day I speak out. You made fun of me and put me down at a time when I had lost my mother and you said you would be their for me. You kicked me, spit on me, and broke me and I promised when I arose from the ashes I would burn a fire so bright you couldnt ignore it. Well tomorrow that flame is going to be lit up under your ass Rachel Myatt. Its your loss and your fault you keep hurting people. No one elses.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Rachel, Do You Have The Courage to End This So That No One Else Gets Hurt or Embarrassed
Rachel Myatt have the courage before mothers day to comfront me either on email, letter or by this website. I still love you and Jonathan with all my heart whether you believe it or not and hurt your brought me has never subsided. I am the man who truly loved you. I loved you for all you were, all that you were going to be, and most of all I loved you just for you. This is me reaching my hand out today sister with a white dove of peace. Ive lost so much in the past two years, my parents, the woman I love and her son. I almost lost me. Last night I went to go see the band in the presentation above IAMX and when this song "Unified Field" played I realized I could not give up on you. Listen to the Words and think of the person who never gave up on you even when you were cruel to me. Even though I am still angry and hurt I do love you very much. I am asking you to put whatever holds you back from loving me down and go against all odds and reach out to me like I am doing to you. God has not let me give up on you but I fear if you ignore this call to love all will be lost and on Mothers Day the message I have to convey will not only hurt you and me but countless others. Love can change everything Rachel. Be a woman and choose love and return to a friend who loved you with all his heart. I leave you with this scripture and I hope you see it in your heart to do the right thing by opening your heart to love and reconcilation. This is not an ultimatum like you gave me but a promise and a warning.
Rachel Myatt, You have and always will be my Sister in Christ. I love you and Jonathan like my own flesh. Through Christ blood you and I are one. Everyday you ignore the love I have for you.
2 Corinthians 5:17-19
New International Version (NIV)
17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 18 All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: 19 that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.
The last words I said to you before I stepped on the plane that day is "Remember I Love You" and I have never stopped.
The last words I said to you before I stepped on the plane that day is "Remember I Love You" and I have never stopped.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Real Divine Providence : God Has A Plan for Me and it is to Make Others Aware of the New Church
This Blog is Dedicated to one of the greatest guitarist of all time Jeff Hanneman. I don't know if he believed in God as some members of Slayer do and others are Atheist but I hope you are in Heaven. As A Christian I was taught to hate and despise bands like Slayer but by the time I was in my early 20's I understood Slayer's place in music and in free speech. I was working in a music store on 9/11 in America and I remember this was one of the albums we had to pull off the shelves for a couple of weeks. It came out on 9/11 2001, I had already advance ordered my copy so I got to keep it. It was eye opening guitarist Kerry King's visions and interpretations of things that were in the Bible but that is what makes me as a Christian stronger, having the intellect, the wisdom, and decisiveness to interpret things without being judgmental and offensive like many religious people especially the Church of the New Jerusalem. I will not make this into anything but a tribute of how Jeff was a wonderful human being and how much Slayer meant and still means to me. God Bless you and your family Jeff.
Today, May 5 2013 I was in a horrible accident. I lived to tell about it and I want Pastor Coleman Glenn, Rachel Myatt, and the Myatt, Friesen, and Baker families to know why I am telling this story and why in the coming weeks God has allowed me to live to speak out against you. About Noon Central Time today I was driving on Texas Highway 114 and an 18 wheeler was in front of me. The giant truck slowly swerved and I didnt know why until a big metal object came flying from under it toward me. I turned so the object would miss my windshield it was grounded and I ran over it. It destroyed the undercarriage of my car blew out my front and back passenger rims and rendered my car undriveable. My car slowly slid across the highway until I was able to coast it to a safe place out of harms way but it wouldnt start anymore. I got out and looked at the damage and then I sat there in shock. I called my brother then got insurance and tow service en route. I wondered in all my tragedy after loosing so much I was still here. Last week at work I was blessed with so much money and so much good will, I made so many friends in the past couple of weeks especially on my I Love Rachel West Coast Tour. People asked me all last week to come to their Church almost everyday a new person. God has found favor with me and that is what Rachel, Pastor Coleman, and the New Church do not understand. I am blessed. I don't spend my time putting others down for what we dont have in common but finding what is different about them and loving them for who they are. I am sure Rachel cannot show her face in certain circles because of what she did and said to me but that was her fault. She doubted me, she choose to be evil. Pastor Coleman Glenn chose to disrespect me and my family with his love and defendence of Rachel's evil and doctrine over loving one's neighbor and just to show what a hypocrite and why I was not kidding here is his latest blog about how he had cancer and how tragedy can help people find strength and not feel guilty. http://www.patheos.com/blogs/goodandtruth/2013/05/god-means-it-for-good/ I am always going to love Rachel Myatt and I tried to show that even after all that I have been through tragedy after tragedy losing both parents in the past two years, having Rachel lie, devastate, and play with my love, the scars and problems in my throat. I have still loved with all my heart. I have never backed down from what I have had to do, nor will I. Today confirmed that. So this is a clear message to the Myatt Family and Pastor Coleman Glenn. I am coming with a message and I will not back down so if Rachel doesnt want it out there then Rachel or some other person of courage in the Myatt or Glenn Family can confront me because once things are put into play this coming weekend there is no turning back and it will lead to a series of events that will be rolling like a ball all over the world and the New Church community. I wont apologize nor will I back off. Rachel is the only one who can make that happen by being brave. You can kick me down as low as you want to but you already did that Rachel and God picked me up and carried me. Instead of let me die today, He once again confirmed that He has a plan for me and that is to expose the people of the New Church, the false doctrines, the hatred, bigotry, and the twisted nature of how they put Swedenborg before the doctrine of Christ. Coleman Glenn you can say people twist things around and attack the New Church all you want but it is you who have to attack others because you feel unadequate in role as a Pastor and also as a Religion as a whole. You can attack Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons and call them cults but they have more members than you and people can actually relate to the message because their is more truth in their message than will ever be in your completely Man Made Religion that deals with desire of the flesh, hedonism, and self love. I am sorry but that is the message both you, the Myatt Family, and Rachel displayed to me and I am out to share that with people all over the world. I want to end this with Blessings and love to all of Gods Children and to show you I am not a hypocrite and that I am not using Mr Hanneman's death in vain or disrespecting him or his family in anyway I want you to direct your eyes to my Slatanic Wehrmacht Membership - The Official Fan Club of Slayer. I was a true fan Jeff and you will be sorely missed and I hope you are in heaven now. Slllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyeeeeerrrr! It's On Rachel Myatt, Myatt, Friesen, Baker, and Glenn Families!!!
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
A Forcible Blow and Reprecussion
Dear Readers,
In a couple of days I will drop a massive bomb across the world concerning the New Church. Due to a couple of Pastors insistence on putting down other faiths i.e. Catholic, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses yes this means you Pastor Coleman Glenn of the Dawson Creek New Church in British Columbia I have something to say about the New Church and their hypocritical practices. I also will finally say what I need to say about Rachel Myatt, the Myatt and Friesen Families of Dawson Creek and the Surrounding Areas in British Columbia. It is not going to be pretty and it is going to shock alot of people and I am also am not going to keep it just on the web it will be printed out for distribution. If any real member of the New Church or Rachel's family has the balls to confront me then do so now otherwise screw her she deserves to get punked as she doesnt care if she hurts you or the Church either. Pastor Glenn should just step down because what I have to say is going to shed light on the true nature of New Church thought and they way they want to misconstue their lies to make them their truths. All I can say for sure is that Hilary Glenn you should be ashamed of how your son treats a grieving person with disrespect for a doctrine that is not even in the Bible. He doesnt even follow the Ten Commandents but yet says he does. Anyway I have said my peace this is not some idle threat this is warhead of truth that is going to hit with no warning and leave a path of destruction that could have been prevented if people hadnt been so full of pride.
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