A Dedication To My Friend and Sister in Christ I Love and Cherish. "The Letters To Rachel Project" This site is not meant to demean nor defame my friend in anyway it is a heartfelt attempt at peace and reconciliation
Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will
Friday, June 17, 2011
Why Just Writing Is Not Effective Anymore.
Yesterday I started sharing my story about me and Rachel via the net with the story below. Another thing happened. Two Reverends involved in Rachel's Church contacted me one in the U.S. and one in Canada. The one in Canada is the same one who contacted me in October and he has actually talked to Rachel so I know she told him a bunch of lies and mistruths to make herself look good. He tries to be sincere but from his tone of writing he is on her side. I think the Canadians are just going to keep pushing it under the rug but the gentleman in the U.S. seems truly concerned and is closer to the headquarters. Look you can't make people love you and I think somewhere in her heart Rachel does love me she just ran scared and then she felt she had to be mean because I refused to stop loving her but there is a line you cross when you are dealing with someone who has just lost a loved one and a line she crossed about religious tolerance especially if you are part of a religion that teaches there is salvation for all even non Christians upon death. I wish Rachel no ill will but I am going to have to put more effort than into just writing. The videos will have to go up. The music will have to come out. I will tell my story on youtube or whatever I have to do to let both the Church know I am serious and Rachel know I am serious. I think most of all she is upset that I called her out months ago about going to the Church. Anyone that loves someone and loves God will go to the Church with their concerns. I went to spiritual leaders of mine and of hers. The people I know know that I have a heart of gold and I don't give up on people. In the last week I have had to love someone who wanted to kill themselves and I had a friend who had started doing drugs who I have persuaded not to do so. I never give up on people. Rachel gave up on me and yes that is her right but it is also my right to show my feelings and to prevent others from having to go through the same mess with her. I have the chance to make her look at how she treats people and change. It hasn't been easy for me but I survived. Rachel I am just gonna come at you with more love and greater things. You can choose to ignore and be hateful or you can open your arms and come back.
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