A Dedication To My Friend and Sister in Christ I Love and Cherish. "The Letters To Rachel Project" This site is not meant to demean nor defame my friend in anyway it is a heartfelt attempt at peace and reconciliation
Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Unconditional Love
Many times in my life I have been faced with the dilemma of whether I should let sleeping dogs lie or certain people to fall by the way side. I thought long and hard about just walking away from you dear Rachel but I never did. Whether you believe it or not God has a reason for everything and He wanted me to live because He gave me the strength to press on and love you regardless of how you treat me, ignore me, and pretend you don't love or want me in your life anymore. Regardless what people do to each other in life. God gives us free will to choose. Do we push that person aside whether they be friend or family or do we never give up on them. Do we show them that we love them with all our heart and want to support them during the worst of times. Rachel that is what God wanted me to find out. Would I give up on you because you abandoned me, ridiculed me, made me feel weak, and unloved. I could have done things to hurt you and try to seek revenge. No I didn't succumb to that way of thinking. So while you are learning to play guitar from Marty or spying on my blog from your Iphone take this into consideration. I have the free will to walk away from you, to stop writing, to stop caring, to just give up on you. That would also be walking away from what God has had in store from me. I didn't walk away from you even in my darkest hour because I truly love you Rachel Myatt. God, Lord Jesus Christ gave me such a complete love for you and such a passion for you that it was that love that kept me from slipping into the arms of death and it will be that love that will spread all over the world soon through my pen and my word of mouth campaign. I was meant to love you. Maybe you should talk to your Reverend Coleman again and ask Him about when God called him to the Ministry. Well you know when you have a calling when God calls you and the same way he felt when he was called to be a servant of God is the same way I feel about loving you and Jonathan and I was called to be with you too. I also don't know who in your family made you feel like you couldn't date me and be there with me for the long run and why you went from being my closest friend to someone who treated me like an outcast. I could never love another woman like you. If your mother didn't see the way I looked at you and loved you and Jonathan then she didn't really see what was in my heart. She sent back both the letters that were addressed to her so she never got to hear what I had to say. You can send back all the letters you want because now I'm taking this love to a bigger platform. It is going to be the internet and printed word all over North America and then the world. In a couple of weeks I will start my annual trek around North America to many music festivals. Some of them will be up to 75,000 plus people. Just think if I give my Letters to Rachel cd or book to a couple hundred or thousand how the love and the story of you will catch on. You don't think I will do it Rachel but soon you will know how serious I am. I'm not going to stop loving you or Jonathan and I will keep this up until you pick up the phone and call me and that we are at least friends again. I will never love another woman like I love you but I also am not going to be walked on, disrespected, have my family disrespected like you did my dead mother. You didn't appreciate all the love, time, and effort I took to be with you and court you as a girlfriend. I was totally in love with you and you only thought of yourself in the end and kept trying to throw it back at me and say I was the one who was only thinking of myself. No Rachel I was willing to give up my home all that I worked for and everything for you because I loved you that much. You would still be living in Canada and you would have a best friend and partner in me that would never think of anyone but you and cherish the time I had with you and Jonathan. God gave you someone who had a love for you that knew no bounds and you once again would rather judge someone instead of love them and get to know them. I had and still have no problem with the Church of New Jerusalem. What I do have a problem with is when people use God's name to be selfish and to put down others and that is what you did to me. I was ready to worship with you and become one with you. So while you sneak and read this I hope you will think about everything I said and how no matter what you do you cant hide from the truth, the pictures, your emails, your messengers, your text. They only tell the truth of what you said and that is what I will use to tell the truth in my story nothing more nothing less than what is real. They are your words, your missteps, and your free will to hurt me, not be forgiving, and not love me unconditionally like I will always love you.
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