Dear Rachel, Myatt Family, & Faithful readers.
Today I turn 40. I just wanted you to know Rachel that you couldn't keep me down and no matter what you are doing or who you are with you will always remember the person you disrespected, hurt, and the one who put you in your place. I am far from done but you also need to know that I travel, I love, I hurt, I care, I understand, I am human. You were selfish, you lied, you abandoned me, you shamed yourself and made your religion look like a contradiction. I loved you flaws and all but you couldn't look deep into your heart and see how much I cared and wanted and needed you and Jonathan. One day when your heart is broken, and you are destroyed like you did me, you will realize what you are done. See that is the difference between my belief in God and whatever you try to worship. I worship God in all His Love, Grace, and Perfection. He is not mortal, He is and always be above me and though I am in His image nothing I can do will ever make up for all the does for me. Swedenborg excepts and basically lets people think evil and hurting people is acceptable and it is not. You should be an example in Christ and strive not to be evil at all and not let it flourish. Anyways I'll never back down and I just finished a nice run of preaching against the evils of the New Church. My picture is from California. Think I am not spreading the word. Think again Church of the New Jerusalem and Myatt family.
I don't really have to say anything today. Rachel pretty soon its all going to come crashing down. Nothing you can do can stop the tidal wave that could have easily been avoided had you been woman enough to face me and not lie. Nothing left to say.
Dear Readers,
The pattern of Rachel Myatt using men for her amusement then putting them down and trying to make herself seem like a victim ended with me. This video of a scene from "Veronica Mars" the series was my favorite in the whole show. In life we have a choice we can let people put us down, call us losers(which Rachel did once she tossed me aside like yesterdays news) and make us feel like we are beneath them. Or we can fight back, demand respect, and expose people for who they are. The internet is a great place for that as long as you make sure you have some truth to your claims. Rachel and the New Church clergy both gave me ample ammunition to fire back on them that was both legal and truthful. Don't write your beliefs down on a blog or a religious site or leave love letters or emails saying certain stuff and then try to lie about it. It is proof and that is what I used to get back at these cowards, liars, and bigots. I have dealt with this crap since I was a little boy and did Rachel and the Myatt family actually think I would stand by and let you defame me and my family and use your hateful cult religion to discredit me. Hell no. I am glad that you got exposed. Though I will always love Rachel I do not show any remorse for how your life has or will turn out because of what you did to me. I am far from done and when you least expect it since I am in the prime of my life. This story will become something that many people will look into because I intend on sharing it with the world on a larger scale because it is what is driving me to become something bigger and that is God's gift. Anger can be a gift. You don't have to use it to kill or physically hurt others. You can just use it as a sword to verbally maim and destroy your transgressors just as you tried to do to me and my family Rachel. So all you Pastors and Reverends in the New Church who don't want to touch on your religions lies, arrogance, bigotry, and non compliance to try to control and make those things better in your community. Here is your one warning because I am coming for you on a large scale. This is God's plan. I dare one of you to reach out to me, but you can't because you always side with the evil and think that Rachel was right and that Swedenborg's word takes precedence over God's Word the Bible the one and only Writings. Not some man made dream.
Now I get it even more about how racist a lot of Canadians are. I was looking up hate songs on Youtube and this one poster put this under a song by racist music artist Johnny Rebel.
I'm from Canada, and we only have 2.5 % of our country black. I feel
sorry for my white brothers and sisters in America, for what you have to
put up with, with them being there. 2.5% though, gosh that's a lot. Too
many. Same as in the states: they rape, cause crime, violence. In
Toronto, 8.1% of the city is black, and they cause over 79% of violent
crime! Statistics don't lie, they're a menace, wherever they go. And
they can't pull the poor former slave card here to justify their
violence, because we've never had slavery here in Canada. A lot of them
we took in as refuges from the States during your civil war. That was a
mistake. :(((((How sad that white people even think like that. It is what I encountered and felt by the people in Dawson Creek, British Columbia Canada. The New Church of Jerusalem of Dawson Creek, and The Myatt and Friesen Families.
All I have ever wanted to be is human but people have to do dumb stuff on a daily basis to remind me that I am Black. I remember the day I came to see Rachel and the White airport attendent wouldn't let me use the phone to call local to Rachel but a pretty White blond comes over and ask the same question and she lets her then looks over me as my mouth dropped in amazement and smiles. Myatts you could never know what that feels like. If I were such a horrible person then why did or have I never cared about the color of someones skin I fell in love with but yet for me its always a big deal. Reverend Heinrichs, you dont want someone to get publicly shamed or have the New Church outed when your own members and clergy told on themselves through blogs and emails of their segregation and seperation processes. If you really wanted to teach Pastor Glenn about true integration and racial harmony why send him to South Africa? That is still a safe and racist part of Africa for whites. If the new Church really wanted to prove their love of God why not go into the Muslim part of Africa or predominately black part? Because you are cowards. You say and preach one thing but you couldn't hold your own in a Lego Fight. At least I one man have the guts to stand up to you and let people know of your bullying and then your cry against Cyberbullying and Freedom of speech when someone is man enough to go against you. Yeah I got a chip on my shoulder and its called your Racist, Bigoted, and Two Faced Organization. Take That Bishop Keith!!!! Happy Swedenborg Half god Walks the Earth Day. More like Gog of Magog.
To Rachel Myatt and Brad Heindrich
Freedom of Expression. - Tell some guy you love him and want to be with him. Lie to him when he gives you an out. Then text message him 2000 miles away and break up with him because you are too much of a coward to face him in person when you had the chance or even pick up the phone. Then to further bring insult to injury put him down 3 weeks after his mother died and call him unstable, mentally ill, and say ill things against his mother because you are selfish, hateful, and cant tell the truth. I did nothing but love Rachel Myatt and her child and she is the one who started the war. I can't help it that she was to ashamed to keep loving me and couldn't take the pressure from her family and the ones around her. None of them knew what hell I had been through but yet I was judged constantly. Rachel also used her religion as a crutch to her bad dating life. You know what Mr. Heindrich or Reverend this is what I have to say to you. People like you who feel boxed in and want to keep a certain kind of company should only be around people like that. I try to love everyone and try to see the best in others. I don't see color, I am Christian but I have loved someone who was Atheist, Catholic, and Pagan. I made a person who didnt believe in God give Him a chance because of living by example. All Rachel Myatt did was argue how her religion was superior and her way was right. Everything she did lying, slandering me, and putting me down was all justified because of her Religious brainwashing. I am sorry but whether you want to believe it or not The Church of the New Jerusalem is a MAN MADE RELIGION that takes away from the glory of God. Dreams, Clairvoyance, and use of Mediums are ways of evil and your Main Bishop or head hauncho isnt even man enough to face me to dispute those claims. If someone called me out I would stand up for what I believe in. Rachel also made a lifetime enemy because of all her lies, her attitude, and broken promises. I'm sorry we all make mistakes but I can forgive but I will not forget the heinousness of her acts. The day I put that away is the day when she has the courage to reach out to me. I tried to tell her and her family I am from a place where racism, fights, death, and drugs ran rampant. I am used to handling things in the street or like a man. If you have a beef with someone you go see them or you get your ass kicked. None of this text message ha I dont have to face you. The internet was the best thing ever because you can call people on their bull. I never came on here to slander or defame the person I loved but I did come to show her that you cant just do whatever you feel like and get away with it. She told me love was a game and she could do whatever she wanted and treat me however she wanted. My reaction was a direct response to her lies, disrespect, and just messed up attitude. How many women can say that a guy loved them so much that they would accept them for who they were, travel for them, be faithful to them, and believe in them and pray for them each night. Well there are some but I bet the majority on women on earth wish they had someone that loved them as much as I loved Rachel. 4 and a half years later I still have this on my shoulder and it is not letting up. You want to lay blame for someone printing things about the New Church. Rachel, her family, that arrogant Rev. James Cooper, The Contradictive Coleman Glenn, and a couple other judgmental Pastors or Reverends who obviously know nothing about communication and love. Until I spoke up against the New Churches judgmental nature it seem all these guys did was put down other religions especially Mormans and Jehovah's Witnesses. I think the New Church is a little jealous that other religions that are considered cults have millions of followers and they cant muster the same. Mormons talk about Aliens but still what they have to say makes more sense then the rehashing of Bible verse by a derelict who just wanted to make a god in his image so that he could justify the sin and evil he was partaking in. Jesus would be appalled by how the Word of God has been skewered by Swedenborg. Im not gonna write much more. Rachel wanted to go to war and be hateful and treat men like they are games and wonder why no one wanted to be with her romantically. Its because she used her religion as a crutch to treat people bad and the people in Dawson Creek are racist and I exposed them because I know that is one of the reasons she treated me the way she did. She was afraid of the backlash of people around her both family, Church, and clients of her business. That is a damn shame because all I ever did was love her and what I would have liked for Easter 4 years ago was peace as I even put an ad in Craigslist. I am not afraid to say what needs to be said, sue me, put me down, do whatever, I will die for what I believe in. What I believe in is the Exacting Love of Christ. Nothing More, Nothing Less.
Happy Easter Rachel Myatt and Church of the New Jerusalem.