I've been told that the act of forgiveness frees the person doing the forgiving from harboring dark, and ultimately self- destructive, emotions. While there is no guarantee that the transgressor will be relieved of shame and guilt, the forgiver will always feel better. In other words, forgiveness is, first and foremost, self-serving. Now I am all about self-serving, so for the last few years I have been practicing a sort of forgiveness mantra. Upon awakening and before retiring, I visualize those who have harmed me and imagine myself flowing love and compassion toward them. Additionally, I wish for them to have everything they could possibly want. I'm happy to report that it's working. Slowly, over time, anger has become resentment has become indifference has become amusement has become affection. And now I'm free and my heart is full.You believe me?
Do I believe me?
Dear Readers,
Above is a vanity card that appears at the end of one of the Season 7 episodes of popular comedy sitcom "The Big Bang Theory". They are placed at the end of many of producer Chuck Lorre's shows so I am thanking him and giving him the credit.
The reason I felt I needed to use this one is simply this. I forgive Rachel for lies,hatred, and deceit. I thank her for her actions making me stronger and being kicked down and treated like that only made me more apt to believe in being able to do whatever I need to do in life to get where I am going. My mission in 2015 is to expose the New Church and how they are prejudice, how they judge others, how they down play the importance of Satan, Lucifer, the Fallen Angel, Leviathan or whatever we in Christianity use to give name to the Devil to promote their own selfish agenda. Swedenborg was a selfish man, if he really believed in loving others he would have realized that even though we have free will in the end God is in control. There is no Human god that walks the earth and that is perfect in selfish desires. There was a man some 2000 years ago that was the Son of God, who loved us all and died for our sins and He is back in Heaven now. I would be ashamed if I lived by the New Church Theology of being judgmental, racist, selfish, and arrogant. It was never what Christ intended any form of religion to be used for. Yet I can go through all of Swedenborg's so called writings and point out where it is a self gratifying religion. There is no I in Christianity only Christ. Having a religion named after one is selfish in itself. It is about our Creator and Savior. Rachel Myatt while you are sitting with your family and pretending to be this wholesome person just remember all the times you had to make peace with me and to set this right. Then remember it was you who gave me the strength, the courage, and determination to point out how evil you and the New Church are. If you look back at my blogs they were about healing, loving, and against all odds burying anger, hate, resentment, and evil but you never took the time to look. A simple email could have ended this all. On Christmas Day 2014 just remember this is your legacy. This is how you want the world to see you and your family and your faith. I am the guy who wont stop till that realization is seen. That is a promise.
Merry Christmas