I'm going to take a page from the Rachel Myatt book and screw over anyone I feel like and do what New Church people do and use evil and spite to hurt each other. Pastor Glenn and his wife. Rachel and her family. They are all in for a rude awakening. All Rachel had to say was two words. She knows them but she is not humble nor woman enough to ever say them to me so I got to words for all you fake wanna be Christians. "Screw You" when you are exposed and your name is all out there since you are already butt hurt because you are being exposed as the Evil Spirit Worshipping Redneck Cult that you are. Keep drinking the Kool Aid that makes you think hurting others and doing whatever you want is ok. God helps those who help themselves and not the ones who piss on others. Rachel you are an ill person because if I knew I could change the hurt I brought to others by bring brave and talking things out with the person I hurt I would do it and I have done it before and will continue to do it. So keep hiding, keep hurting people, and keep lying because now your lies are being spread and are rolling like a stone and people will know of the self righteous arrogant person who teaches her son not to apologize, who would slander a grieving person who loved her and his mother, and would use God's name in vain for her own selfish agenda. Yeah Rachel Myatt screw you and your bigotted, two face family, and Pastor.
A Dedication To My Friend and Sister in Christ I Love and Cherish. "The Letters To Rachel Project" This site is not meant to demean nor defame my friend in anyway it is a heartfelt attempt at peace and reconciliation
Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Project Revenge : Aimed at Pastor Glenn and The Myatt Family of Dawson Creek New Church, British Columbia
I'm going to take a page from the Rachel Myatt book and screw over anyone I feel like and do what New Church people do and use evil and spite to hurt each other. Pastor Glenn and his wife. Rachel and her family. They are all in for a rude awakening. All Rachel had to say was two words. She knows them but she is not humble nor woman enough to ever say them to me so I got to words for all you fake wanna be Christians. "Screw You" when you are exposed and your name is all out there since you are already butt hurt because you are being exposed as the Evil Spirit Worshipping Redneck Cult that you are. Keep drinking the Kool Aid that makes you think hurting others and doing whatever you want is ok. God helps those who help themselves and not the ones who piss on others. Rachel you are an ill person because if I knew I could change the hurt I brought to others by bring brave and talking things out with the person I hurt I would do it and I have done it before and will continue to do it. So keep hiding, keep hurting people, and keep lying because now your lies are being spread and are rolling like a stone and people will know of the self righteous arrogant person who teaches her son not to apologize, who would slander a grieving person who loved her and his mother, and would use God's name in vain for her own selfish agenda. Yeah Rachel Myatt screw you and your bigotted, two face family, and Pastor.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Why The New Church Gets Called A Cult : A Direct Message To Pastor Coleman Glenn and the Church of the New Jerusalem
Dear Readers,
Today I am going to put up a simple call and effect blog. This is a direct Challenge to a blog about the New Church being called a Cult. Below is my answer to Coleman Glenn's Good and Truth Blog and I am not hiding. My name in full was put up on his Blog. Here is My Reply.
Jehovah's Witnesses Do not lead anyone away from Divinity. You talked bad about me, Used your religion to put me down Pastor Coleman Glenn but I will not stand by and let you lie on good people. I was raised with my mother being one and it is simply this. They use the Bible for guidance and for everyday life. God is the Father, Jesus Christ is the Son. They dont believe in the Trinity as say A Catholic or any other religion but they Accept the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. They Believe Jesus Will Return and there Will Be A New Heaven and A New Earth. They also believe that there are a set Number 144,000 that will serve at God's Side. They Only Partake in Passover celebration and will celebrate wedding Anniversaries but denounce any other holidays such as birthdays, Easter, or Christmas because of the Pagan nature that influenced those holidays. If a person is Disfellowshipped that means he or she has committed a sin, one that is in the Bible such as Adultery, Fornication, or something that has hurt both God and the Church. They are allowed to talk to their family and they are not thrown out of the Church. They are put on a probationary period where if they want to repent they can work their way back to God's Love and good graces. The accusation of Arianism is a big lie itself. I never attacked the New Church till the New Church attacked me and I had nothing but love for people and was willing to learn and you turned me away.The reason why the New Church is being attacked is because they are always the ones putting others down and trying to make both Swedenborg Divine and themselves look better than everyone else as a religion. If you think there is good in all religions then leave it at that and stop attacking others but now I have more reason than ever to put it all out there. You attack other peoples love of God, You attack Peoples Religions, and People in your Congregation especial Coleman attack other peoples family. If you are not man enough to put this up and stand up for your beliefs then I will defend myself and I will show others where you put others down but when they defend and tell the truth and strike back you get defensive and hurt. You get the energy and love you put into people and when you try to hurt and maim it will only backfire. If you cant post this and be fair then I will have it all over the internet by tomorrow.
The Original Blog and Corresponding Blog about this subject can be found here. http://www.patheos.com/blogs/goodandtruth/2013/04/is-the-new-church-a-cult/#comments
If Rachel and other members of the New Church want to get hurt about being called a cult, dont treat others that way. I was treated by her and her family like dirty laundry and most of it was about religion.
1. Rachel would not even pray with me, she assumed that I didn't know "The Lord's Prayer" which was instilled in me by age 3.
2. I was told I was stupid and that things I believed in the Bible to hold as truths were only stories , but yet you say you show love and want respect from others.
3. Coleman Glenn you are attacking Jehovah's Witnesses. They have more followers than The Church of the New Jerusalem ever will and you know why, they dont exclude people from God's love, they dont act like Bigots, they dont try to keep certian people out of the Church but instead encourage them to open their eyes and see God's love and join them. Rachel and the Myatt family never gave me that chance they just judged me.
I just want to say this. I just came back from the West Coast spreading my story of how the New Church treat other Christians now I have more reason than every to print my newsletter and let people know what a true cult is. A True Cult is what the New Church is, A Couple Thousand People who follow a man, not God's Word as Divine, claim to accept others and see God's love and good in All RELIGION but still will stab you and talk bad about you behind your back.
Lastly I just want to say to Rachel and the Myatt family. I loved you all. When my momma died and now my daddy, Rachel and Jonathan were my dreams and I cared deeply for them. Rachel destroyed that and her actions have shown that the New Church is a selfish, arrogant, believe that only they are right, and they truly dont believe in repentance, forgiveness, or the love of the True Living God. If Jesus were walking amongst us, He would be ashamed of the New Church. You people need to stop trying to push your doctrine on others and listen to what people have to say in their love regardless of their faith. I never treated Rachel bad because of her faith. Why did I deserve to have a relationship, a friendship, and a war start because of the New Church?
God BLess ALL
Today I am going to put up a simple call and effect blog. This is a direct Challenge to a blog about the New Church being called a Cult. Below is my answer to Coleman Glenn's Good and Truth Blog and I am not hiding. My name in full was put up on his Blog. Here is My Reply.
Jehovah's Witnesses Do not lead anyone away from Divinity. You talked bad about me, Used your religion to put me down Pastor Coleman Glenn but I will not stand by and let you lie on good people. I was raised with my mother being one and it is simply this. They use the Bible for guidance and for everyday life. God is the Father, Jesus Christ is the Son. They dont believe in the Trinity as say A Catholic or any other religion but they Accept the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. They Believe Jesus Will Return and there Will Be A New Heaven and A New Earth. They also believe that there are a set Number 144,000 that will serve at God's Side. They Only Partake in Passover celebration and will celebrate wedding Anniversaries but denounce any other holidays such as birthdays, Easter, or Christmas because of the Pagan nature that influenced those holidays. If a person is Disfellowshipped that means he or she has committed a sin, one that is in the Bible such as Adultery, Fornication, or something that has hurt both God and the Church. They are allowed to talk to their family and they are not thrown out of the Church. They are put on a probationary period where if they want to repent they can work their way back to God's Love and good graces. The accusation of Arianism is a big lie itself. I never attacked the New Church till the New Church attacked me and I had nothing but love for people and was willing to learn and you turned me away.The reason why the New Church is being attacked is because they are always the ones putting others down and trying to make both Swedenborg Divine and themselves look better than everyone else as a religion. If you think there is good in all religions then leave it at that and stop attacking others but now I have more reason than ever to put it all out there. You attack other peoples love of God, You attack Peoples Religions, and People in your Congregation especial Coleman attack other peoples family. If you are not man enough to put this up and stand up for your beliefs then I will defend myself and I will show others where you put others down but when they defend and tell the truth and strike back you get defensive and hurt. You get the energy and love you put into people and when you try to hurt and maim it will only backfire. If you cant post this and be fair then I will have it all over the internet by tomorrow.
The Original Blog and Corresponding Blog about this subject can be found here. http://www.patheos.com/blogs/goodandtruth/2013/04/is-the-new-church-a-cult/#comments
If Rachel and other members of the New Church want to get hurt about being called a cult, dont treat others that way. I was treated by her and her family like dirty laundry and most of it was about religion.
1. Rachel would not even pray with me, she assumed that I didn't know "The Lord's Prayer" which was instilled in me by age 3.
2. I was told I was stupid and that things I believed in the Bible to hold as truths were only stories , but yet you say you show love and want respect from others.
3. Coleman Glenn you are attacking Jehovah's Witnesses. They have more followers than The Church of the New Jerusalem ever will and you know why, they dont exclude people from God's love, they dont act like Bigots, they dont try to keep certian people out of the Church but instead encourage them to open their eyes and see God's love and join them. Rachel and the Myatt family never gave me that chance they just judged me.
I just want to say this. I just came back from the West Coast spreading my story of how the New Church treat other Christians now I have more reason than every to print my newsletter and let people know what a true cult is. A True Cult is what the New Church is, A Couple Thousand People who follow a man, not God's Word as Divine, claim to accept others and see God's love and good in All RELIGION but still will stab you and talk bad about you behind your back.
Lastly I just want to say to Rachel and the Myatt family. I loved you all. When my momma died and now my daddy, Rachel and Jonathan were my dreams and I cared deeply for them. Rachel destroyed that and her actions have shown that the New Church is a selfish, arrogant, believe that only they are right, and they truly dont believe in repentance, forgiveness, or the love of the True Living God. If Jesus were walking amongst us, He would be ashamed of the New Church. You people need to stop trying to push your doctrine on others and listen to what people have to say in their love regardless of their faith. I never treated Rachel bad because of her faith. Why did I deserve to have a relationship, a friendship, and a war start because of the New Church?
God BLess ALL
My Birthday My Wish
Today was my 38th Birthday. The only wish and prayer I wanted from anyone is to make Peace with Rachel. I didnt need any material things. I just came back from the West Coast on my I Love Rachel Myatt West Coast Tour. My plane just touched down a couple of hours ago. I shared the message about Dawson Creek, The New Church and the Myatts with literally 1000s. I bought about $500 dollars worth of gifts for other people and very little for myself. Rachel if you are reading I love you and it is time to end this. Im Reaching Out to you one last time. God Bless.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
From True Friendship, To Lies, Betrayal, and Religious Bigotry
Rachel never could humble herself to repent and make peace with me. If you do evil it follows you so I have no remorse in spreading the truth once again starting next week my campaign for the summer will begin rising up against the Church of the New Jerusalem, the Myatt Family, Pastor Coleman Glenn and anyone else that doubted me. 1000's will be exposed until someone has the courage to reach out and make peace with me. You heard the old adage "One Lie Leads to Another Lie" Rachel Myatt because you lied your lies will keep snowballing and you will keep trying to hide but you cannot. Remember in the Bible when David had relations with Bath Sheeba and he wanted to cover his tracks when Uriah his faithful servant and friend and her husband was at war. In the end David disobeyed God and had his dear friend killed because he was selfish and thought he could hide everything from God. Rachel you may think you are hiding and that there is no consequences for what you did but there is and everyday you dont look them in the eye it affects others. The choice is up to you. Truth and righteousness is on my side and I will continue spreading the false religious views of the COTNJ and how Rachel and the Myatts make my cause right by not reaching out to make things right with me. You say you want to follow Christ but you deny one of His greatest acts that He ask of his followers. Forgiveness.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Dear Canadians, A Message To the Bigots at the Dawson Creek Church of the New Jerusalem and the Myatt Family
To Shelly Jane Myatt,
This song is by "The Dears" called "Whites Only Party" they are Canadian and the singer happens to be black and have a child with one of his band members all who are Caucasian. I loved your daughter for who she was and you never stopped to see that so for that you and your family will see my writings on my time with your daughter and my commentary on your church everywhere. If you had a problem with me you could have discussed it in person but you were too stubborn and full of pride to do that. Now I let the whole world know about the teachings of the little Church in Dawson Creek who is full of racial prejudice.
God Bless All
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Perseverance : A Sign What We Are Doing is Right
Romans 5:1-4
Peace and Hope
5 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. 3 Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope.
Dear Readers,
While the Church of The New Jerusalem, Rachel Myatt, The Myatt, Friesen, and Baker and Glenn families thought I have given up I have only begun. Next week I start one of my most ambitions campaigns ever. You see God came to me and what I see and what was revealed to me cannot be revealed to you or any other. The New Church Pastors and Reverends want to believe its not true but yet preach about the same thing. Things have to be experienced and it is God's Will for me to expose the New Church or it would not be happening. You want proof of what I am saying about this being revealed to me and not to others you only have to look as close as one of the New Church clergy themselves.
ex. an excerpt from
Swedenborg and Swedenborgians - An Exploration of Influence and Response Part 2
Dear Readers,
While the Church of The New Jerusalem, Rachel Myatt, The Myatt, Friesen, and Baker and Glenn families thought I have given up I have only begun. Next week I start one of my most ambitions campaigns ever. You see God came to me and what I see and what was revealed to me cannot be revealed to you or any other. The New Church Pastors and Reverends want to believe its not true but yet preach about the same thing. Things have to be experienced and it is God's Will for me to expose the New Church or it would not be happening. You want proof of what I am saying about this being revealed to me and not to others you only have to look as close as one of the New Church clergy themselves.
ex. an excerpt from
Swedenborg and Swedenborgians - An Exploration of Influence and Response Part 2
Swedenborg and Theology: main idea – God
I am reading Lars Bergquist’s biography of Swedenborg and am struck by a claim he makes:
"Knowledge of God can, according to Swedenborg, be given to a person only through a personal, existential experience" (page 369 Swedenborg’s Secret).I went, hang on a minute here! I thought that the Swedenborgian way to God was through truth, through understanding, through heavy exercise of the intellect, through reading thick books. So I dove into Swedenborg’s writings and searched around. This is what I found.
God is love. Love is at the core of each human life (Divine Love and Wisdom 1-4).
We are a likeness of God because we experience things from God in ourselves as if they were our own. (True Christian Religion48)
The state of a person when he is being regenerated...does not become readily clear to anyone except from experience, and indeed through reflecting on experience. (Arcana Coelestia 933)
I have been informed, both by conversation with angels, and by living experience. (Arcana Coelestia 1378)This is just a small selection. There is much more.
So what Lars Bergquist is highlighting, in his reading of Swedenborg, is that truth or God must be existentially experienced. Only then does anything happen internally in a person, a new birth, a new life.
There are thousands of references in the theological books of Swedenborg that point out that all that is written here was experienced by the author. In between the abstract chapters are stories of experiences that Swedenborg had in the spiritual world. These stories have been deliberately put into the books, right from the first Arcana volume down to the last published work (True Christian Religion). In fact, people criticized him for including the personal experience stories...
I [Rudolph Tafel] know that Swedenborg has related his memorabilia in good faith. I asked him once, why he wrote and published those memorable relations, which seemed to throw so much ridicule on his doctrine, otherwise so rational; and whether it would not be best for him to keep them to himself, and not to publish them to the world? But he answered, that he had orders from the Lord to publish them; and that those who might ridicule him on that account would do him injustice; for, said he, why should I, who am a man in years, render myself ridiculous for fantasies and falsehoods. (Documents Concerning Swedenborg Volume 2 p.417)Conclusion:
So, one thing that makes Swedenborg’s teaching different from main stream Christianity is this: experience. Personal experience.
Swedenborg could have chosen to study the Bible as a scientist, as a philosopher. He could have gone the way of his contemporaries, Kant, Wolff, Leibniz. At first, he tried to be a scientist of the soul. But then God, Jesus Christ himself, came into the picture and said, “No, you can’t be an intellectual and write about me. Let me show you heaven and hell. Let me make sure you experience the things that other people only speculate about.”
And that is what happened, and that is what is recorded in the writings of Swedenborg.
So According to Pastor Glenn and others in the New Church I Byron, because I am not of the New Church cannot experience things from God but they can because they are some how special. See that is why I am doing what I am doing what I am. God has called me to call out the hypocrisy, the arrogance, and the misinformation that the New Church uses to twist the Bible and use Swedenborgs, Racist, Pan Sexual, and Spiritist teachings of self love, selfishness, and evil to the masses. I am not a prophet, I am a child of God who loves all other Children of God. I never had a problem with Rachel nor her religion. What I have a problem with is people claiming to be righteous and of God while being arrogant, judgmental, and hypocritical at the same time. So all you Pastors that scoffed at me, your name is out there, Myatt, Friesen, Glenn family, your name is out there, Pastor Cooper and Lumsden you are out there. I have nothing to hide, I am out in the open and Rachel Myatt you are the one who will have to hide the rest of your life Im right here in plain sight for you to take shots at me. You abused my love, put down my love for the Lord, and disrespected my family and still I loved you and Jonathan. I Forgave and Asked your forgiveness even though I owed you none. Who believes in the True Love of God, You tell Me?
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Letters To Rachel West Coast Tour : New Church Outreach Reaching for Evil Campaign
When the General New Church Pastors and Reverends Assemble for their Outreach convention next week I will have already launched and infiltrated parts of the central U.S. and the West Coast with My "Letters To Rachel III Campaign : Outreach Swedenborg Is Evil! I want people in different Churches to know how New Church members even dont really believe all the things they think they believe in. I think it is funny reading all of their perspectives and websites how many are leaving the New Church or going rogue or using Swedenborg as a guide while they are still some form of acceptable true Christianity. I sit back and watch them emplode with glee. Rachel how do you like things now? You are a disgrace to your family, you put this on your Church, and you just dont care what damage you do to anyone so its all deserved. I dont feel sorry for you. I laugh and would spit in your face because you are so evil. All I ever did was love you and all you ever did was make excuses so to you and your family I say "Ha you get what you deserve". This is not a joke either and I know about you haters trying to put a virus on my site so people cant see the truth about your fake ass religion. If it doesnt stop then Rachel will pay even more with more stuff I have to release and that is not a threat that is a promise. I wanted love, friendship, and peace. Rachel wanted selfishness, arrogance, and to be ashamed of me. Fuck her and the horse she rode in on. It was Swedenborg's drunken, sex crazed, demon worshipping horse. Maybe that is why I wouldnt ride that one. Anyways good luck on the damage you have caused I am real and this is not a joke but true events that are happening.
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