Dear Pastor Coleman Glenn,
I want to welcome you to my blog tonight it is directed toward you and is solely about you and your Church, The Church of The New Jerusalem, Dawson Creek, British Columbia. For anyone who is interested here it is. I want to say one thing to begin with when a person of a Church is a Pastor they are a representative of the Church as a whole and it seems you don't care how your Church is represented and how people disrespect your Church by their actions. Rachel Myatt doesn't care about how your Church is portrayed because if she did she would have put an end to this along time ago. You condone evil though it seems and since I have proof of you preaching it then there is no arguement that you condone people doing evil and not just a little evil the worst of evils and slander as was in Rachel's case.
Here it is for all that believe in committing little white lies and doing little atrocities and sinning freely instead of seeking to find what is truly good and not seeking to do evil at all. Here is Pastor Glenn's sermon on "The Lesser Evil" Not the Lesser Good Ladies and Gentleman but the Lesser Evil. That sounds pretty self serving and hedonistic to me. A Christian would never try to do any kind of evil over any amount of good but that is what is it is to be part of the New Church of Dawson Creek.
Oh and its ok to treat other people with disrespect Pastor Glenn is it not? Its ok to sleep with people anytime you want them then to lie and abandon them the next day. That is what you teach people in the New Church Pastor Glenn? It is ok to talk ill of the dead and to slander those who love you and not only that who love you unconditionally? Is that what it is ok to do Pastor Glenn? Have your parents died Pastor Glenn? If so then you know what I feel! Have Rachel Myatts parents died? No they are still alive and she had no right in hell to speak the way to me she did and she ran like a coward and is still running like a coward form the mess she made. I have no tolerance for religious bigotry, I have no tolerance for self righteous people who call themselves Christian and then act high and mighty and enlightened then call you an idiot behind your back because you actually believe in a Virgin Birth and that Our Lord and Savior came to earth to die for us. Is it also ignorant that I believe in Creationism and that God created Adam and Eve and to me its not some fairy tale like it is to you? I am still an idiot right? This is Christian Fundamentalism at its best? Swedenborg had an influence on Mormonism right? Do you hate black people and think we are lesser people too Pastor Glenn? Until the 1970s we werent even considered equal people in that Church? Do you hold these values too? I sure felt that way after Rachel said she loved me and then said and did things that clued me into even more bigotry than just religious. I have had nothing but love for you and your Church but you think it is just a game and you don't take me serious so now I am just going to take you to task and make a big media event out of this. I have the truth on my side. I have friends and family. I have Rachel's lies out in the open and one last thing I would like to say to you and Rachel Myatt. Pastor Glenn! Everyday that Rachel lets others be part of this she proves me right about being selfish. If I did something that was affecting others I loved I would correct it and move on. If Rachel didn't want what I had to offer she should have never taken the offer. That didn't mean she had the right to treat me the way she did and it means that if she can be selfish and hateful why shouldnt I. Yeah but I haven't Pastor Glenn but now maybe its time to because all you care about yourself is hurting people. If you really cared about your Church you would stand up for it and also prove me wrong. You cant prove me wrong because you know a great deal of what I have to say is right. I am a Christian I adhere to a certain doctrine but God doesnt box me in a circle so that I treat other Christians like dirt. Anyone who is evolved and enlightened as you think you are would see both sides of the story but you only see Rachel's selfish side because it pertains to the New Church. Rachel only ever saw herself when she was with me it was New Church this, New Church That, as long as I step on other peoples toes its ok because my love for God is all that matters and your sucks basically. I want all the other Christians and atheiest and agnostics I can tell of how you Church treats people. How you turned me away and how Rachel turned me away. How you didnt care about me losing my mother. I had nothing but love for you man and was even touched by your cancer blog. I thought what a great man he will understand where I am coming from with this love but you don't. You are hypocritic on the highest level. It was ok for Swedenborg to write down things and say things but its wrong for us to have any callings or be lead to a certain place in life unless they are part of the New Church then it is ok. If you are a woman you are not good enough to be a minister of God either? A man who is a Pastor was called to be a Pastor by God its not some feeling like you wake up one day and go oooooooooo! I think ill go lead a Church. God planted that seed in you and made it grow year after year so how dare you tell me that my love was wrong or that what was in my heart for Rachel was wrong. How dare Rachel say to me that my love for her was a mistake. She is a coward and the fact that someone actually loved her and was willing to truly love her is what she ran from. She has ran off every guy that did want her and what is really sad is that she spend half her time talking about sex with Jonathan's dad when you are with her? Talk about moving on! She can't move on to allow herself to be loved and she is so insecure so she slanders and puts down things she doesn't understand with no knowledge or reason at all. I never had anything but love for you and Rachel, Pastor Glenn but it seems you would rather be right than to love and my life is not about that so I am sorry that you would rather this be an ongoing thing and ignore me. You are right you believe in a forgiveness that is different than I do. You believe in hurting people and never trying to make things right? Would Jesus do that? You know the answer and its No! He would encourage love and reconciliation. I believe in making peace and amends with people even after the horrible hateful crap Rachel did to me I know my forgiveness is better than the petty forgiveness you believe in because its not about holding a grudge its about saying to that person I am sorry, I love you, lets put this dark stuff in our heart to the side and be there for each other. Pastor Coleman Glenn would rather have war, hate, hurt, and evil than to have peace and love. That is how you have made me feel so go ahead you and Rachel just keep ignoring me and being selfish. Your loss and my gain because I continue to love you even if you hate me.
Neither you or Rachel care who you hurt Pastor Glenn. Rachel used the old God loves you even if I dont crap with me. I know God loves me but that never gave you the right to use me, play with my heart and livelihood, and destroy what I thought was a moment of happiness because you weren't sure of what you want. I get so sick of Christians using that as an excuse to do evil and that is what Rachel Myatt did. So Pastor and Rachel you started something that is going to spread like wildfire and I am not backing down. All I asked Rachel for was love and respect and she pissed on that and used God as a scapegoat when He would never endorse lying or putting down someone who loves Him as much as I do or as much as I loved you Rachel Myatt.
P.S. to the person snooping on me with Proxify I know who you are.
I want to welcome you to my blog tonight it is directed toward you and is solely about you and your Church, The Church of The New Jerusalem, Dawson Creek, British Columbia. For anyone who is interested here it is. I want to say one thing to begin with when a person of a Church is a Pastor they are a representative of the Church as a whole and it seems you don't care how your Church is represented and how people disrespect your Church by their actions. Rachel Myatt doesn't care about how your Church is portrayed because if she did she would have put an end to this along time ago. You condone evil though it seems and since I have proof of you preaching it then there is no arguement that you condone people doing evil and not just a little evil the worst of evils and slander as was in Rachel's case.
Here it is for all that believe in committing little white lies and doing little atrocities and sinning freely instead of seeking to find what is truly good and not seeking to do evil at all. Here is Pastor Glenn's sermon on "The Lesser Evil" Not the Lesser Good Ladies and Gentleman but the Lesser Evil. That sounds pretty self serving and hedonistic to me. A Christian would never try to do any kind of evil over any amount of good but that is what is it is to be part of the New Church of Dawson Creek.
Oh and its ok to treat other people with disrespect Pastor Glenn is it not? Its ok to sleep with people anytime you want them then to lie and abandon them the next day. That is what you teach people in the New Church Pastor Glenn? It is ok to talk ill of the dead and to slander those who love you and not only that who love you unconditionally? Is that what it is ok to do Pastor Glenn? Have your parents died Pastor Glenn? If so then you know what I feel! Have Rachel Myatts parents died? No they are still alive and she had no right in hell to speak the way to me she did and she ran like a coward and is still running like a coward form the mess she made. I have no tolerance for religious bigotry, I have no tolerance for self righteous people who call themselves Christian and then act high and mighty and enlightened then call you an idiot behind your back because you actually believe in a Virgin Birth and that Our Lord and Savior came to earth to die for us. Is it also ignorant that I believe in Creationism and that God created Adam and Eve and to me its not some fairy tale like it is to you? I am still an idiot right? This is Christian Fundamentalism at its best? Swedenborg had an influence on Mormonism right? Do you hate black people and think we are lesser people too Pastor Glenn? Until the 1970s we werent even considered equal people in that Church? Do you hold these values too? I sure felt that way after Rachel said she loved me and then said and did things that clued me into even more bigotry than just religious. I have had nothing but love for you and your Church but you think it is just a game and you don't take me serious so now I am just going to take you to task and make a big media event out of this. I have the truth on my side. I have friends and family. I have Rachel's lies out in the open and one last thing I would like to say to you and Rachel Myatt. Pastor Glenn! Everyday that Rachel lets others be part of this she proves me right about being selfish. If I did something that was affecting others I loved I would correct it and move on. If Rachel didn't want what I had to offer she should have never taken the offer. That didn't mean she had the right to treat me the way she did and it means that if she can be selfish and hateful why shouldnt I. Yeah but I haven't Pastor Glenn but now maybe its time to because all you care about yourself is hurting people. If you really cared about your Church you would stand up for it and also prove me wrong. You cant prove me wrong because you know a great deal of what I have to say is right. I am a Christian I adhere to a certain doctrine but God doesnt box me in a circle so that I treat other Christians like dirt. Anyone who is evolved and enlightened as you think you are would see both sides of the story but you only see Rachel's selfish side because it pertains to the New Church. Rachel only ever saw herself when she was with me it was New Church this, New Church That, as long as I step on other peoples toes its ok because my love for God is all that matters and your sucks basically. I want all the other Christians and atheiest and agnostics I can tell of how you Church treats people. How you turned me away and how Rachel turned me away. How you didnt care about me losing my mother. I had nothing but love for you man and was even touched by your cancer blog. I thought what a great man he will understand where I am coming from with this love but you don't. You are hypocritic on the highest level. It was ok for Swedenborg to write down things and say things but its wrong for us to have any callings or be lead to a certain place in life unless they are part of the New Church then it is ok. If you are a woman you are not good enough to be a minister of God either? A man who is a Pastor was called to be a Pastor by God its not some feeling like you wake up one day and go oooooooooo! I think ill go lead a Church. God planted that seed in you and made it grow year after year so how dare you tell me that my love was wrong or that what was in my heart for Rachel was wrong. How dare Rachel say to me that my love for her was a mistake. She is a coward and the fact that someone actually loved her and was willing to truly love her is what she ran from. She has ran off every guy that did want her and what is really sad is that she spend half her time talking about sex with Jonathan's dad when you are with her? Talk about moving on! She can't move on to allow herself to be loved and she is so insecure so she slanders and puts down things she doesn't understand with no knowledge or reason at all. I never had anything but love for you and Rachel, Pastor Glenn but it seems you would rather be right than to love and my life is not about that so I am sorry that you would rather this be an ongoing thing and ignore me. You are right you believe in a forgiveness that is different than I do. You believe in hurting people and never trying to make things right? Would Jesus do that? You know the answer and its No! He would encourage love and reconciliation. I believe in making peace and amends with people even after the horrible hateful crap Rachel did to me I know my forgiveness is better than the petty forgiveness you believe in because its not about holding a grudge its about saying to that person I am sorry, I love you, lets put this dark stuff in our heart to the side and be there for each other. Pastor Coleman Glenn would rather have war, hate, hurt, and evil than to have peace and love. That is how you have made me feel so go ahead you and Rachel just keep ignoring me and being selfish. Your loss and my gain because I continue to love you even if you hate me.
Neither you or Rachel care who you hurt Pastor Glenn. Rachel used the old God loves you even if I dont crap with me. I know God loves me but that never gave you the right to use me, play with my heart and livelihood, and destroy what I thought was a moment of happiness because you weren't sure of what you want. I get so sick of Christians using that as an excuse to do evil and that is what Rachel Myatt did. So Pastor and Rachel you started something that is going to spread like wildfire and I am not backing down. All I asked Rachel for was love and respect and she pissed on that and used God as a scapegoat when He would never endorse lying or putting down someone who loves Him as much as I do or as much as I loved you Rachel Myatt.
P.S. to the person snooping on me with Proxify I know who you are.