This is a challenge to Rachel Myatt to put all the bad that we did to each other away and make peace with me.
This is also a call and response to Pastor Glenn Coleman's Blog which can be found here.
I believe we all commit evil and I did leave a response that hinted not only at the way Rachel treated me evil in accordance to the New Church and its Theology I also hinted at why we should try to do good in all situations and not look at the least evil way to do something. There are times where people may have to tell an untruth and do something they may not like to here and there but in most cases you can always do what is right and what is good at the oppurtune time. Pastor Coleman either hasn't read my response yet or either doesn't want to answer it or is trying to find a way to answer it. Since I respect him as a man of God I hope it is the latter of the 3. If not I am sorry that you dont take me serious and dont see that I am truly about to start a revolution pertaining to the New Church Theology and I have only begun to fight.
In my response I gave him a hypothetical about what if one person did something that was evil to another and in this action the other person in retaliation did something that would affect 5 other people and the original person had the chance to stop the second person from doing such things by engaging them and talking to them and making things right and doing what is rational.
This was in guise my way of saying: If Rachel picked up the phone and talked to me then maybe there would be no discussion about the New Church in the way I have had to talk about them. Rachel started a snowball and she would rather ignore the problem and situation instead of talk to me not only does she hurt herself but she exposes her family to fallout of her actions, her church is under scrutiny by means of people reading my blog and others who disagree with New Church theology and she would rather her evil actions lead to more actions that cause hurt for not only her but others involved. I am wondering since he is a very intelligent man did Pastor Coleman get the gest of what I was getting at. If he honestly thinks I am coming to his blog to start trouble or just to talk about Rachel he is mistaken it is much bigger than that now and I have moved on to the point where my campaign is directed at not only Rachel but the entire New Church. My problem with Pastor Coleman and Pastor Cooper who are the main Canadian pastors I have dealt with is that they make excuses for things in the Church and as I have mentioned earlier for a group that is supposed to be a New Christianity they are falling into many of the traps that other Churches follow that eventually lead people away from God and away from the Church. Sometimes just doing what is in our heart is not what is doing what is right. If we are truly to do good we must seek the best means of doing good to benefit the most people. Not doing what selfishly will make us feel good about ourselves and our best interest.
I will let you know why I am so upset and disgruntled not only with Rachel but the New Church as a whole.
1. I accepted and wanted to learn about Rachel's faith I never put her down, said it was wrong nor did I make fun of her at anytime. I read, I studied, I even wanted to go to Church with her when I was in Canada. She on the other hand told me what I believed was stupid, wrong, wouldnt pray with me, and then had the audacity to tell me I didnt love God.
2. The New Church has recently been in debate about the calling of Women as ministers and also of a direct calling to do something. When God calls you to do something it is not a direct call with God speaking in your ear. It is something he puts in your heart and you either act on it or you dont. You can choose to make it a passion and work towards achieving that goal or you can not listen and go on about life. God wants us to live happy lives that are fulfilled and full of love and charity toward one another. When I was called to love Rachel I knew it. I had two other girls here in Texas who wanted me as their boyfriend. I had one in England who I loved and adored and there was Rachel. I love Rachel Myatt to this day with all my heart and what I will tell you is the call to Rachel was because of the love I thought Rachel had for God. It was the Holy Spirit giving me a love so deep and so true to this day I have nothing but a pure true love for Rachel. Dont get me wrong I have issues with Rachel on so many levels but I have with other people and eventually they realize the love I have for them and that my love is from God and they come back. People of the New Church if you dont believe in the calling God has in ones life then dont hold back others from believing in the calling that God has for them. God speaks to each of us at some point in our lives and some choose to listen and reap the rewards and others do not and they never see their true potential.
I am calling on the General New Church of Canada to look deep into your teachings and see that they are turning people away from your Church. While all Churches have beliefs, traditions, teachings, and customs that do so, in my dealings so far with the Canadian New Church Members it seems that you are bent on proving your point instead of accepting others, listening to their view points and having a discussion that is relevant to both sides understanding the other.
I Hereby call on Pastor James Cooper of the Mount Olivet New Church in Toronto to listen to what others in the world to say. I ask the same of Pastor Coleman Glenn of The New Church of Dawson Creek. I also as the same of Rachel Myatt of Dawson Creek and the Dawson Creek New Church. I ask for forgiveness and reconcilation. I am about to publicly and worldwide take my campaign viral and if you have any objections or thoughts you would like to ad in retrospect before I do so I will be happy to listen and reply. My email is open to all of you. I am also open to anyone who reads this blog and I also ask that you read Pastor Colemans blog that is as follows I wish that as a Pastor that he could get Rachel and others in the New Church to take this advice. It is the reason I write this blog. I write this blog solely for the fact that I do love Rachel Myatt but she showed so much Bigotry toward me especially Religously and if she had of heeded the advice in this sermon maybe she would have thought twice about the cruel way she not only treated me or acted toward me when all I did was love her. I could have done so many evil things to get back at her and I have discussed this with Pastor Coleman but in the end I love Rachel and Jonathan to the point I have relegated my battle of love for them to this blog, letters, and a few other methods. Anyone that comes her to read has come so on their own accord out of interest. I havent made the viral videos available that I could have because I feel that may be a form of evil that would hurt Rachel and her family and put a burden on her congregation that they don't deserve. If you are reading this Pastor Coleman all I ever wanted was for Rachel to make peace with me. She will have to choose if she want this to go on and how long she wants things to escalate and her actions will determine how far I go with this. So far by the end of November I will launch videos and a website pertaining to my "Letters to Rachel" book all that could be healed by a phone call and a few kind words from Rachel but pride wont let her put down the guns and realize that there is someone that loves her more than this silly feud we have had. All this started because I refused to stop loving her. Plain and simple and I will end this blog today with that.
And For Rachel making excuses for loving me because I am different. We are all different and we cant let our differences stop us from loving each other. I appreciated everything about you that was not common to my life but you could not do the same. You did not appreciate the friendship and devotion I put into my love for you. I find inspiration that there are New Church Pastors such as this one who was loving in his replies to me when we emailed. More over he seems to understand that we do not live our lives for ourselves we live them for God and for others and when you say you are going to be there for someone and love them and turn your back on them like you do then yes I called you on it and you are paying the price for it now. All I have ever had was love for you but more over I am no longer afraid of telling my story and giving my all to God.
Song for the day that goes with what we are talking about.
The Evil That Men Do by Iron Maiden
Why Iron Maiden, Byron you might ask. That isnt very Christian of you. Please read the description of the album in which this song is from "Seventh Son of A Seventh Son" and see how it applies to speaking about callings. Please read the history section of this brief Wikipedia page also in reference you might want to look up clairvoyance, God's Spirit talking to people, and the power of a calling. I will never let anyone tell me that I wasn't called to love people that is my main reason for being on here to love others. If Rachel had of taken the time to see she mean so much to me that I was willing to put down everything and I took that calling to love her and Jonathan and I still do. No regrets, Nothing holding me back , just pure God given love.
God Bless All
This is also a call and response to Pastor Glenn Coleman's Blog which can be found here.
I believe we all commit evil and I did leave a response that hinted not only at the way Rachel treated me evil in accordance to the New Church and its Theology I also hinted at why we should try to do good in all situations and not look at the least evil way to do something. There are times where people may have to tell an untruth and do something they may not like to here and there but in most cases you can always do what is right and what is good at the oppurtune time. Pastor Coleman either hasn't read my response yet or either doesn't want to answer it or is trying to find a way to answer it. Since I respect him as a man of God I hope it is the latter of the 3. If not I am sorry that you dont take me serious and dont see that I am truly about to start a revolution pertaining to the New Church Theology and I have only begun to fight.
In my response I gave him a hypothetical about what if one person did something that was evil to another and in this action the other person in retaliation did something that would affect 5 other people and the original person had the chance to stop the second person from doing such things by engaging them and talking to them and making things right and doing what is rational.
This was in guise my way of saying: If Rachel picked up the phone and talked to me then maybe there would be no discussion about the New Church in the way I have had to talk about them. Rachel started a snowball and she would rather ignore the problem and situation instead of talk to me not only does she hurt herself but she exposes her family to fallout of her actions, her church is under scrutiny by means of people reading my blog and others who disagree with New Church theology and she would rather her evil actions lead to more actions that cause hurt for not only her but others involved. I am wondering since he is a very intelligent man did Pastor Coleman get the gest of what I was getting at. If he honestly thinks I am coming to his blog to start trouble or just to talk about Rachel he is mistaken it is much bigger than that now and I have moved on to the point where my campaign is directed at not only Rachel but the entire New Church. My problem with Pastor Coleman and Pastor Cooper who are the main Canadian pastors I have dealt with is that they make excuses for things in the Church and as I have mentioned earlier for a group that is supposed to be a New Christianity they are falling into many of the traps that other Churches follow that eventually lead people away from God and away from the Church. Sometimes just doing what is in our heart is not what is doing what is right. If we are truly to do good we must seek the best means of doing good to benefit the most people. Not doing what selfishly will make us feel good about ourselves and our best interest.
I will let you know why I am so upset and disgruntled not only with Rachel but the New Church as a whole.
1. I accepted and wanted to learn about Rachel's faith I never put her down, said it was wrong nor did I make fun of her at anytime. I read, I studied, I even wanted to go to Church with her when I was in Canada. She on the other hand told me what I believed was stupid, wrong, wouldnt pray with me, and then had the audacity to tell me I didnt love God.
2. The New Church has recently been in debate about the calling of Women as ministers and also of a direct calling to do something. When God calls you to do something it is not a direct call with God speaking in your ear. It is something he puts in your heart and you either act on it or you dont. You can choose to make it a passion and work towards achieving that goal or you can not listen and go on about life. God wants us to live happy lives that are fulfilled and full of love and charity toward one another. When I was called to love Rachel I knew it. I had two other girls here in Texas who wanted me as their boyfriend. I had one in England who I loved and adored and there was Rachel. I love Rachel Myatt to this day with all my heart and what I will tell you is the call to Rachel was because of the love I thought Rachel had for God. It was the Holy Spirit giving me a love so deep and so true to this day I have nothing but a pure true love for Rachel. Dont get me wrong I have issues with Rachel on so many levels but I have with other people and eventually they realize the love I have for them and that my love is from God and they come back. People of the New Church if you dont believe in the calling God has in ones life then dont hold back others from believing in the calling that God has for them. God speaks to each of us at some point in our lives and some choose to listen and reap the rewards and others do not and they never see their true potential.
I am calling on the General New Church of Canada to look deep into your teachings and see that they are turning people away from your Church. While all Churches have beliefs, traditions, teachings, and customs that do so, in my dealings so far with the Canadian New Church Members it seems that you are bent on proving your point instead of accepting others, listening to their view points and having a discussion that is relevant to both sides understanding the other.
I Hereby call on Pastor James Cooper of the Mount Olivet New Church in Toronto to listen to what others in the world to say. I ask the same of Pastor Coleman Glenn of The New Church of Dawson Creek. I also as the same of Rachel Myatt of Dawson Creek and the Dawson Creek New Church. I ask for forgiveness and reconcilation. I am about to publicly and worldwide take my campaign viral and if you have any objections or thoughts you would like to ad in retrospect before I do so I will be happy to listen and reply. My email is open to all of you. I am also open to anyone who reads this blog and I also ask that you read Pastor Colemans blog that is as follows I wish that as a Pastor that he could get Rachel and others in the New Church to take this advice. It is the reason I write this blog. I write this blog solely for the fact that I do love Rachel Myatt but she showed so much Bigotry toward me especially Religously and if she had of heeded the advice in this sermon maybe she would have thought twice about the cruel way she not only treated me or acted toward me when all I did was love her. I could have done so many evil things to get back at her and I have discussed this with Pastor Coleman but in the end I love Rachel and Jonathan to the point I have relegated my battle of love for them to this blog, letters, and a few other methods. Anyone that comes her to read has come so on their own accord out of interest. I havent made the viral videos available that I could have because I feel that may be a form of evil that would hurt Rachel and her family and put a burden on her congregation that they don't deserve. If you are reading this Pastor Coleman all I ever wanted was for Rachel to make peace with me. She will have to choose if she want this to go on and how long she wants things to escalate and her actions will determine how far I go with this. So far by the end of November I will launch videos and a website pertaining to my "Letters to Rachel" book all that could be healed by a phone call and a few kind words from Rachel but pride wont let her put down the guns and realize that there is someone that loves her more than this silly feud we have had. All this started because I refused to stop loving her. Plain and simple and I will end this blog today with that.
And For Rachel making excuses for loving me because I am different. We are all different and we cant let our differences stop us from loving each other. I appreciated everything about you that was not common to my life but you could not do the same. You did not appreciate the friendship and devotion I put into my love for you. I find inspiration that there are New Church Pastors such as this one who was loving in his replies to me when we emailed. More over he seems to understand that we do not live our lives for ourselves we live them for God and for others and when you say you are going to be there for someone and love them and turn your back on them like you do then yes I called you on it and you are paying the price for it now. All I have ever had was love for you but more over I am no longer afraid of telling my story and giving my all to God.
Song for the day that goes with what we are talking about.
The Evil That Men Do by Iron Maiden
Why Iron Maiden, Byron you might ask. That isnt very Christian of you. Please read the description of the album in which this song is from "Seventh Son of A Seventh Son" and see how it applies to speaking about callings. Please read the history section of this brief Wikipedia page also in reference you might want to look up clairvoyance, God's Spirit talking to people, and the power of a calling. I will never let anyone tell me that I wasn't called to love people that is my main reason for being on here to love others. If Rachel had of taken the time to see she mean so much to me that I was willing to put down everything and I took that calling to love her and Jonathan and I still do. No regrets, Nothing holding me back , just pure God given love.
God Bless All