Rachel and Jonathan

Rachel and Jonathan
I Love you and Always Will

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Power of Prayer and Forgiveness.

I ask you today dear Rachel to look into your heart and forgive me. Come back to me my friend, my sister, my love one. I have no hate, no animosity, and no negativity toward you. All that I am doing I do because I love you. If your family doesn't understand then I will offer my words to them to. I want them to know just how much I love you and that I would still walk the world telling people how much you mean to me. Forgive me as Christ forgives all of us everyday for our sins and transgressions.  I will leave you with two simple things today that may help you change your mind one is Scripture and the other is Prayer. I hope you will forgive me I miss you and Jonathan so much and most of all I miss you being in my life.

Colossians 3:12-14  12 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 13 Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14 And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.


The Lords Prayer

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.
[For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
now and for ever.] Amen.


Nothing we can do can change the past but we can always make things better by making amends and righting wrongs. I have never stopped loving you Rachel Myatt. If you cant see the true and pure love I have for you then I don't know what else to do to prove how much I love you. I wont give up on you though or discard you though. Just like my Father in Heaven my love is patient, kind, and long suffering. Even though you hurt me and kicked me when I was down I prayed for things to be right and I have for months now. I encourage you to show this to your family and I encourage you to take this into your heart. I have never loved anyone like I love you and I still desire to be with you and your son. What didnt't kill me made me many times stronger and Gods love and guidance was always here for me. Everything happens for a reason and I was pushed to the limit of my love and what I could bare. The whole time you were pushing me away and abandoned me and I wanted to die God carried me and He gave me a reason to live and He showed me without a doubt that I did love you and my love for you was not a mistake. Why do you think out of nowhere I would want to tell the world how much I love you. No other woman has made me feel this way. I have had no desire to love anyone like I love you. I ask for you to comtemplate and think about things for the next couple of days. My email is always open to you, you may text or call me anytime. If anyone from your family wants to talk to me they may contact me and make an appointment and if they are civil and want to talk like men or women I will oblige. What man loves a woman so much that he would write the Church about the woman he loves, What mans ex girlfriend would write you and tell you how beautiful a person I am and the love I had and still have for her and that my love is worth it. What man has friends that will write the woman he loves and tries to convince her that I truly do love her. A man that is loved by many Rachel and a man that loves you. Most of all God loves me so I am asking you today to please put all this behind us and come back into my heart and into my favor. I love you and I will never stop loving you. 

This is how much I love you and how painful it felt when you walked away from me

Monday, April 25, 2011

A Year Ago - Forgiveness, Peace, and True Friendship

Rachel and I were the closest of friends. I had told her for the first time how much I loved her.  I had shunned off every other woman who made advances on me and had to hurt a friend of mine to tell her that Rachel was the one for me because she was my dearest friend, a Christian woman, and I loved her and her son and all I wanted to do was be with her.  I wish that you would remember that Rachel. Remember how you felt when you got the scrapbook, the ring, and the promise I made to you.  It was one of the happiest days in my life when you said you would be my girlfriend. Rachel I miss hearing about your days. I miss hearing about Jonathan and his progress. I miss hearing about your family. Most of all I miss you. I miss our chats, I miss our talks on the phone. I miss our text. Where did all that love go? In one short couple of days it all went out the door. The person who I believed in just stopped believing in me and gave up on me. I would have never given up on you. I still believe in you. I still love you and if the only way for you to know this is for me to keep up this blog and my worldwide tour then I will. I want you to know you and Jonathan are loved more than words can say. I said a long prayer yesterday that you and I find peace with each other. I ask God everyday that you and I reconcile. We both said and did nasty things but through it all Christ love heals all wounds in time and I have seen my worst enemy become my best friend and I can see my dearest friend become my friend and care about me again.  I know you can Rachel. I believe in Christ and through Him all things are possible. I will never give up on you. Even if you or your family think I am crazy I am just doing what I always do. I am being the loving, fighting, and caring person that people have come to know. I would never turn my back on you or Jonathan my dear Rachel. You were and are still my family. I will not forget you, I forgive myself for all I did to hurt you and the Lord has forgiven me and washed that away. He has given me a tremendous love that I am now going to bestow on the Myatt, Friesens, and the New Church to show you that I love you. People from all over are reading this and I just want you to know that if someone truly loves you they will go through any legal means to show you they care. I am not a lunatic, a stalker, or a nut. I am just a guy who always goes the extra mile to show those he loves that they mean something to him even the people who hurt me. Are we not supposed to love our enemies as we love ourselves so how disheartening is it when our love ones act as our enemies? We continue to love them and pray for them and to never give up on them as I wont give up on loving you and Jonathan. Thank you for your time. For all those who believe in true love pass this blog on to other people and share it with someone who has lost their best friend, lover, or anyone that was close to them.
Rachel and Jonathan Myatt I love you with all my heart. I ask once again today that through Christ grace and mercy you forgive me and and we can live together in peace and true friendship.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday, Forgiveness, A New Beginning

Rachel Myatt I want you to know that I still believe in you.  I hope soon we will talk and put this behind us. I know enough time has passed where you have had time to think about the events and transpired.  I never came to Canada to be with you because I believed you were a selfish and self centered person. I came because I believe in God and the love that He gave to me. If I didn't believe in that I would have just let go and not even cared about you but I do care and I do love you very much.  I stop back and think about it that when we in the car all day that one Saturday I said somethings your mother may not have agreed with maybe that was another reason you ran scared. I do believe in a judgement day I in which all of us will eventually be judged and when we were talking about people in the prison system I remember your mom saying God doesn't punish. Maybe not in the literal sense but we will all eventually have to answer for what we have done. I know God is a merciful God and a loving God and even during the Crucifixion He offered the kingdom of heaven to a sinner.  I also remember your mother asking me if I believed in the Trinity. I don't think she understood how I meant I believed in it and what I was talking about. I meant that I didn't believe in it the way Catholics do because she was talking about how did I feel about Catholisism.  I dated two Catholic women and the only other girl besides Rachel that I even considered marriage with was a girl named Christa.  She was going to Theology school to get her Masters Degree. I am most saddened though at the fact that Rachel had to bring Religion into this and it will be the downfall of this whole fiasco. You said I had issues, I told you everything about me before I came and even asked you again before I left were you ok with those things if you weren't I tried to talk to you about that. When a person loses a parent they have all sorts of thoughts they have to deal with. In my case I lost the parent I was closest too and who was always there for me. I had to watch in sorrow and dismay that all the things I wanted my dad to say to my mom in life that she needed to hear consciously he told her unconsciously on her deathbed. You don't know what hell I been through so why would you judge me like that. I loved you no matter where you have been and what has gone on in your life. I wanted to be a father to your son full time and help him even though he has a dad I wanted to help you and love and grow with you too and you played with that dream and ambition I had  of course I am hurt and reacted deeply because you didn't understand the implications of how much that meant to me especially because I only wanted it with you.. I told you and your mother things about how my dad mistreated me and you may have taken them as a symbol of weakness or low self esteem they are just the opposite. The more my father put me down the more I became who I was because of his putdowns and unsupportive attitude because if I had of let him get to me I would probably be in jail or dead. He used to make fun of me for loving people who weren't black and not let me play with my white friends from a early age, told me I was worthless, and didn't like that I was into books and music instead of sports. You know what I am better for that and I never gave up on what and who I love. I love you Rachel Myatt no color lines, religion, creed, or anything will stop that love it is true, pure, untainted unconditonal love from God I wish you believe in me like I believe in you still.  I had proven to her time and time again all I wanted to do was worship with her and be a family with her and Jonathan. If she was my friend outside of being my girlfriend at the time she will remember an email she sent me entitled "I Love You" where she said one of the reasons she loved me is that I accepted her faith and who she was. That has never changed Rachel Myatt. I never wanted to change you, make you into someone your not, I am not a follower I am a leader but I can also be humble and lead by Christ example.  Growing up in this part of the United States you do one of two things you make your own path and be your own person or you succumb to peer pressure and be one of the crowd. Especially for ethnic youths this leads to drugs, unwed mothers, gang affiliation, criminal activity, and lots of other obstacles. I was never cool and I never fit in but I became cool and people began to appreciate me because one I never gave up.  I am not going to give up on you Rachel Myatt just because you were cruel to me, you basically cursed me, you tried to avoid me like I never existed and were unkind to me I will not spare you my merciful and loving attitude. I will forgive you 100 times in my heart because Jesus forgave us and died so that we may live this life. He is merciful and kind and He wants us to display the same exemplary attitude.  I was looking back at the first text you sent me when you first hurt me and you kept saying "Don't do it Byron I love you" well if you really did love me and you were scared for my well being then when I was at the airport you should have talked to me or the morning before I left I would have understood but what you did was betray me as a friend, as your boyfriend, and as someone who loved you as a brother in Christ. I will always love you but being a man or woman means talking to the people we care about. You knew the state I was in and how much I cared for you.  There never will be another woman I will love as much as I love you Rachel Myatt and I will let the whole world know via internet, letters, books, and music until the day you decide to just pick up the phone and talk to me. Look at the picture on my blog. It hurts me very much that all I want to do is hold you and Jonathan. I really wanted to be his stepfather and I really wanted to be your husband someday. I loved you like my dearest of friends and all you could do was find fault with me.  There were many things I didn't like about you but the many things I did like about you outweighed all of those and in time they would have seemed minuscule. If you had of given your time to actually know me then you would have felt the same about me. A lot of people don't like me at first or don't get me but when they find out how loyal, loving, and patient I am then they know they have someone special in life. I also want you to know I am sorry for the way you felt about the Geocaching and the Movie that we went to see. First of all , all I ever wanted was to be with you and Jonathan and it didnt matter what we did I just wanted you to take me places and not ask me.The movie we watched was Canadian and I thought you might enjoy the musical quality of it but I guess not I would have been happy if we had of taken Jonathan along to see Toy Story 3. All I ever wanted was to love you and him. I tried to tell you that. I am hurt that I met your family now because you didn't even love me. I felt when you introduced me to your family you really wanted to be with me it was a long time since I wanted to meet or be around anyone's family and I was happy to know and start loving yours. That is what I needed in my life since my mom had passed away.  She died and gave you her blessing Rachel Myatt and your hurt both me and her. I want you to know that. She was always so happy when I talked and showed her the pictures of you and Jonathan and you totally disrespected my mom when you said and did some of the things you did.  Here I am 8 months later though I still love you. You may think you are being harassed or that I am doing this to spite you. It is just the opposite. I am doing what the Lord wants me to do. You are not the first person to turn your back on me. Even my best friend Scott will tell you of a time when we stopped talking it lasted 3 months and one day we saw each other on the same path we smiled at each other and  we hugged and the problem between us was over. I am asking you Rachel to take that same approach I want peace with you. I love you more than words can say.  Maybe you cant be in love with me like you thought you could but you do love me and I know that. I love you and Jonathan, Amanda and the rest of your family because that was there in my heart the day I told you I loved you. I will never forget the kindness and every time I think of my mom passing away I think of the text I got from you and Amanda and the one from Amanda hurt the worst because she said things will be because I would have a good Christian woman to love me. Rachel I though I did have a good Christian woman to love me and you went from being my closest confidant to acting like my enemy. I never wanted anything from you but to be close to you, I had every opportunity in the book the time we were together to cheat and lie to you but I was always honest and I desired and still desire and love only you.  I wish your father knew how much I loved you and that I could tell him that you being manipulative and playing with my need to be a father and husband was what really hurt. I waited all my life to find someone like you and I loved you, I thought about being with you and Jonathan all the time. I wanted to hold your hands and watch him grow and be there for you and him every second of the way. Even if your parents didn't like me they should know that I loved you and I wanted to give up all that I had to be with you and love you forever.  So with this I will try to come to an end of this blog.  It is Easter Sunday and we celebrate that Christ died and rose again so that we may be free of sin. So that we could love our neighbor as ourselves and give of ourselves freely and altruistically.  I know that you love me because I know you think about me still. You want to hide but you also wonder how I am doing and you think about what transpired between us. If I could take the things back I did to hurt you I would but I was grieving and you were supposed to be the true friend who was there for me and you ridiculed me, left me behind, and turned your back on me. I  refuse to be the same way to you and give up on you.  I ask the Lord today that Rachel you will have the courage and strength to talk to me soon. You will pick up the phone and you and I will make peace.  I want to hear from you again. I want to learn about you again. I love you things may never be the same but with a love from Christ anything is possible. I ask for your forgiveness and love once again in Lord Christ Jesus name.  Please grant me that and your friendship again.  I love you Rachel Myatt. Unconditionally, Completely, and till the end of time.

Love Always
Happy Easter

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Easter and God's Sacrifice.

Jesus Died so that our sins could be washed away and we could live our lives either for His love our we could be selfish and live for ourselves.  I love you and I never give up on those who mean something to me.  My birthday is Good Friday but more importantly it is Easter this week. If you are a Christian then you would forgive me like I forgave you. If I hated you Rachel I would not care. If you didn't mean anything to me I would never make a fuss over you even though you ignore me. Its not the first time it has happened but most of the time people understand my heart and how much I love them and they come back and we make amends. I ask for your forgiveness.  Jesus forgave even on the Cross and offered the Kingdom of Heaven to a criminal.  Why is it that you Rachel Myatt cannot do the same? Seek to walk in His path? I love you with all my heart and I have never stopped loving you.  You did something to me that was unbearable and really crappy but you know what I got over it and I am full of more love and strength than ever. You can continue to hide and I will continue to be strong bringing this out all over the world. I am building a grassroots following with my campaign and I will share my songs and my stories with everyone.  Then where will you be Rachel. I am not doing this to make you look bad. I am doing this because you are my dear friend and you are hurting me being away from me.  My love for you transcended being a boyfriend, I loved you like a sister, a best friend, and a partner in Christ. Maybe that was too intense for you but it was the truth.  If your mother had of died or anyone in your family had of died. I would have accepted your sadness and not walked away from you. I would have been there with opened arms and I would have asked for all the time in the world to help you and be there for you. I would sacrifice for the people I love like I always do. I hope you take the time to read this and think about it. I will leave you with this song by the group Atmosphere.  I hope that you will listen to the metaphors and the words to the store. The song is called "Became" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfMWju_ENqc  I love you Rachel Myatt.  Happy Easter!  I ask God that you find it in your heart to pick up the phone and make amends with me.  I will always care for you.

To all those who believe in true love and friendship never stop believing!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

God Bless Rachel Myatt

Dear Rachel,

I harbor no ill will against you.  I seek no revenge.  I only want you to know how much I loved you and still love you.  I wanted you to know the love and friendship I had for you was for real.  The promise in my ring was real.  The words that I spoke was for real.  The pain you caused me was real and it does hurt everyday that you abandoned me.  I ask for Lord Jesus Christ to give me the serenity and the love to keep loving you and to never give up on you.  Even if you turn a blind eye and choose not to see.  I know that I am doing what is right in the Lord's eyes.  We can choose to love and help others or we can choose to be selfish and live for ourselves.  All I ever wanted to do was live for you and Jonathan and you will probably never find another person that loves you as much as I do. I went through hell and back to get to you.  You sent me back to hell with your words and your attitude toward me.  I want you to know I loved you for all that you were, are and are going to be.  I wanted nothing more than to be there with you and Jonathan every step of the way and I wish you had of understood that I was only being the best I could be at the time.  I couldn't give you 100% of who I am because it wasn't there for you or anybody after my mother passing away so unexpectedly ,but I unselfishly came because I loved you and I wanted to keep my promise to you and I wanted to be comforted by your arms, your love, and you and Jonathan because I love you.  If you can't find it in your heart to forgive and talk to me again then that is sad.  It is what Jesus ask of us.  He washed away our sins so that we could be free and forgiveness is one of the greatest gifts we as people can give.  I forgave myself for the way I did act toward you though I know i had some merit.  I will keep asking for your forgiveness and that you accept mine and stop the hurt Rachel.  I love you and I pray in the Lords name that you will come back to me.  I never have and never will love anyone as much as I love you.  God Bless.

This is from the New Church from the Byrn Athyn Cathedral.  It was a service 4/3/11  http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/13751432  I tried to make things right with you and that is why I keep trying Rachel because I love you and this is why we need to talk and end this. You are not and have never been my enemy but my best friend. Please look into your heart and see this.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Today I will simply say I love you

Dear Rachel,
Did you ever stop to think why we took our little sketch picture together. It was your idea. Do you think in the back of your mind that there was a reason for it.  Two people that are not going to be together or never going to talk again would never have done such a thing.  It is God's little way of telling you that everything happens for a reason. For me it was the best thing.  I have all the proof of being there.  I have your words, your pictures that I took, the ones you gave me.  Everything I needed to start my book and all that I needed to make my cd of music and spoken word dedicated to you.  You may think I am doing this to get revenge on you but I don't believe in that crap anymore.  It is petty, it is childish, and stupid.  All I want is for you to know that I truly love you and that you looked at me in such a bad light you never took the chance to see it.  You didn't appreciate the struggle I had to go through to be with you, the conflict of interest sometimes, the nights wondering if you were the right girl.  I have no doubts and I still love you with all my heart. Ill keep writing and declaring my love worldwide till you pick up the phone.  I will probably be in Ireland later this year promoting my love for you and maybe in Canada this summer. I wont give up on you. God wont let me. If you or one person in your family would stop and think about the love and determination I have shown you and the unconditional love at that then maybe you would change your mind.  I always hoped that you would be like my ex Amber in Winnipeg who even though I should have hated her, God directed me to just keep loving her and be her friend and eventually she saw through the pain she had caused me.  You are not the only girl i have fought to keep in my life but you are the most important.  I remember when I lost my best friend Scott for awhile we got into an arguement over a girl.  3 months we wouldn't talk to each other.  I simply left him an email one day and told him he would always be loved like a brother by me but we needed to go our separate ways.  We would see each other at shows and stand on opposite sides both glancing over.  Finally in October of 2005 the day of the Nine Inch Nails concert that I finally got to meet Trent Reznor I also got my friend back.  I was with my friend Allison he walked by me and instead of us walking away from each other we immediately walked up to each other and hugged each other and that was the end of it.  Life is too short to waste time on nonsense.  I don't feel that I am wasting my time on you and maybe you think why is this guy putting so much energy into me when there are other girls out there.  I love you Rachel Myatt and it has always been you and my heart will never let me feel otherwise.  I go on dates and I have more girlfriends now than I ever have before but I love you Rachel Myatt, my sister, my best friend, the girl who was my lover, the beautiful person that believed in me.  I know she is in there and I know you are so much more than the person you tried to be to me in the end. I love you and I hope you will pick up the phone soon and talk to me. If you cant do that at least write.  My birthday is exactly two weeks from today and I would love nothing more than to end this with you.  I don't need money, cake, material possessions.  The only thing I want is peace with the woman I love.  Will you let your pride aside and bury the hatchet with me or will it eat at you and consume you and you resent me for the love Im spreading about you. Your Choice

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Maybe You Didn't Think.....

Maybe you didn't think I would stick around and love you after the hurt Rachel.  Maybe you thought you could treat me like the other men and just use me and take what you want then curse me and push me aside.  I've dealt with women worst than you think you are.  You try to act all tough and be so independent and mean but you know what.  I have been there done that.  In the last couple of months I have befriended the worst of my exes.  The one I thought I would never talk to again. We made peace with each other. The man she left me for, the one who abused her, the one who she thought she couldn't live without well he continued doing more of the same and made it hard for her to progress and be the beautiful woman that she is. She also has a child with him now.  Rachel since I know you are reading this from time to time I want you to know this. The things I am about to do are to let the world know how much I love you. They are to let you know that you missed out on a true friend, a man who loves you and Jonathan like you were my flesh and blood.  It is also to tell about how you are so hung up on Jonathan's dad that you will never let anyone else in. So yes I have to expose your ejaculation story that you told me about him because for months I have tried to get you to make peace with me but it seems writing this book and passing it out to random people is the only thing that will get you or your family to know how much I love you.  I never gave up on you and you said you would stick up for me to your family but instead you acted like you were ashamed of me.  You were my sister, my best friend, and the woman that I loved more than anyone else besides my mother.  I believed in you and I thought you believed in me.  Now your lies will catch up with you. See the truth has winding its way back to you.  When you point the finger at someone 3 fingers will poke back at you.  I had the free will to let the Devil overtake my soul but I chose life and God so I was blessed with strength, friends, and family who believe in me and my love for you even after all that has happened.  I have nothing but support Rachel.  So if any of the Myatts or Friesens have anything to say to me about what I have been doing if you think you are being stalked, or unfairly treated, and you just want to be left alone.  I will just tell them it was Rachel's free will to treat me as such she did and her free will can either free her from it by making peace with me or it can continue to be an obstacle in your life.  You are the one who has no internet presence.  I don't have to hide my youtube videos or pictures  from anyone because I am at peace with others, you gave me all but the sledding and the family trip videos so they are all downloaded on my computer so if I wanted to be mean and use them against you I could.  I digress because I love you and Jonathan too much to use them in such away to bring you harm.  I do however have no problem passing out portions of my story with pictures of you and him on there.  Yes I will go there! You want to know why? Because an unselfish mother would do anything in her right mind to not involve there child in something like this.  You don't care what pictures or stuff I put out there. I am so sad Rachel because I thought I would have gotten to share Jonathan's birthday with you this year.  My birthday is on April 22nd and all I hoped for is that you and I would make peace.  That you would pick up the phone and talk to me we would make amends and regardless of whether we had a romantic relationship we were friends again and we had each others respect.  The great Rachel Myatt will never let that happen.  She is too full of pride, too wrapped up in her own self agenda.  So who cares if I will be in California passing out a story about what happened to me with pictures of her and others dear to her. Rachel sure doesn't.  One of the chapters of my book is called simply "The Church of Oneself" It is a contrast and comparison of Swedenborg's teachings and the New Church, the Bible and how you were so contradictory of all that Rachel Myatt.  You want to know why people cant accept your religion.  Because your religion is yourself. Yes I said it.  I have and will have nothing but respect and admiration for the New Church as a whole and even as the entity of The Dawson Creek New Church.  God wont let me hate others or put others down like you did me for my beliefs.  Even when you pissed me off I still loved you and gave you a chance and so truth be told Rachel all this that is about to transpire, the book, the blog, the CD is because of how you treated me.  I went through hell and high water to be with you.  I lost my mom, I had various other weights going down but I still loved you enough and Jonathan enough to come and give you all that I could. So this is for you for denying being my lover, this is for you for not loving me enough to at least talk to me on the phone but instead being a coward and breaking up with me by text.  This is for not letting me send Jonathan and Riley Christmas presents because they asked me for Legos and I wanted to give them that but I knew you would send them back.  This is for sending my flowers back, this is for all the lies and hurt you have brought to me.  I will never hate you,  I will always love you.  You have to look into the mirror now and face yourself.  You are 25 years old.  Are you ready to fight a war of words and proficiency with someone who had nothing but love and respect for you.  Are you ready to see me do "The Letters to Rachel Book Tour" are you ready for me to make your name a household name and other men know how you treat them.  Are you ready for the world to know the shame you felt when Jonathan's dad used you and left his seed all over you.  Are you willing to put all your pride aside and pick up the phone and just say I love you and I am sorry things happened they way they did.  I apologized to you and everyday I think of how I could have handled things better but I also know I had every right to feel the way I did because I had just lost my mother and God gave you a chance to be there for me like you said you would.  I still have your email where you said you wanted to be there for me.  You had your chance and you threw it away.  I have incorporated it and also the part of the email entitled "I love you" where you proclaimed you loved me because I accepted your Religion and Faith.  I did and I still do but you were so ashamed of me, you were so worried about what others think if you took the time to actually love me.  You were worried about me not liking Geocaching and doing other stuff with you. Rachel all I wanted to do was be with you and do anything and everything you wanted.  I was in mourning and why couldnt you just accept that.  So I am going to end this blog like this if you have read it. A week from now the first leg of the "Letters to Rachel Tour " it will be on the west coast of the United States.  I have friends who will help me in Winnipeg, Toronto, Nova Scotia, New York, North Carolina, Philadelphia.  Are you ready to see that someone loves you that much and because you hurt them so bad they are taking something negative that you made and making it a positive through music, spoken word, art, and love.  You wanted to know why Nine Inch Nails was my favorite band. It was this and this fact alone.  Trent Reznor wrote his first album "Pretty Hate Machine" about a girl that screwed him over.  You are going to get the same treatment.  I would put all this behind me, stop writing, stop giving you the time of day, and putting all of this attention on you if you would just pick up the phone and end this.  I hope you have read this and decided to take the first step in healing what was the best friendship of my life.  I love you Rachel Myatt and I will not give up ..............

 Matthew 27:37-39
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’